
4 Reviews
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Shameless (2011–2021)
Whats shameless
8 May 2012
I watch this show over and over and love it, but have to wonder about some of the lines given to the youngsters. Years ago, children in shows were protected by their parents or guardians from having to do or say anything that was inappropriate for a minor. I guess like everything else today nobody cares and parents and guardians think nothing of it as long as money is to be made. In a scene with Carl playing a video game "Debbie yells "Eat my ass"; I found that disturbing, because of her age. Anyone else saying it would have been meaningless and not even noticed. I will not be surprised to see this type of show on regular TV in a few years, and the F--K word as a norm in any childs daily language. I remember my brother being suspended from school for using the word damn. Yes, that was a long time ago.
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Booky's Crush (2009 TV Movie)
I loved it
11 September 2010
I remember when "The Waltons" first appeared on TV; it gave me a warm everything will be alright with the world feeling; people are decent, hardworking, and they come to the aid of their neighbor in times of trouble. It took place during the depression as does Bookys Crush. I can't say why but I love movies about that era. I was born shortly after it ended, but my parents lived through it and somehow always felt it would come back. One of the best reasons I loved this movie was that Megan Follows is a lead character. I have been madly in love with her since I saw "Anne of Green Gables" and "Anne of Avonlea"; Wow she was great. This film is about adolescent love and a family of four just barely making it. It made me relaxed and warm all over and I'm not surprised that the rating is only 50% by others. I'm just a sucker for these movies. I'm a 67 year old man and this movie is for the 12 to 15 year old range. I've got to get a copy for my daughters and see what they think of it.
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Lucky (I) (2010)
It's unlucky to win big-you can never be the same
4 August 2010
I enjoy watching these types of shows. I am always amazed at how people can change from realistic everyday human beings with hopes and dreams into people with really nothing to look forward to.I read once that 85% of all suicides were wealthy; I really don't believe that though.Lucky shows a small smattering of winners, and doesn't really show the tragedies that have occurred as a result of winning; The families that hired hit men to kill the person who won, the people driven crazy by demands from strangers for money and threats to murder you if you don't help. Hiring guards for your children to protect them from kidnappers. All of this was shown or mentioned in Lucky in a small way. When people win they all say I'm happy in my job and happy where I live and have no intention of changing. Then your friends and coworkers have nothing else to talk about but your winning. The lady who won the biggest prize in Lucky said it all. "After awhile you find that you no longer have anything in common with your friends and neighbors. Her husband had someone say to him that they got sick every time they saw him and felt that they should have won the money. The only joy is helping someone in need, or a good charitable cause. I would have liked to have seen the woman in Florida who won a pretty big prize,(I think 53 million) who set up a charitable foundation that paid her a salary of 350 thousand a year. She said that was more than she needed. The poor woman on fixed income who spent a good portion of it on lottery tickets, is I think representative of a majority of players. She prayed to God even though she said He doesn't like as she correctly referred to it as "gambling". Near the end of the show a statistic was given that said people were now spending 68 billion dollars a year on this, but called it as Vegas does "Entertainment" not gambling. I told my wife years ago that someday I would win the Lottery and she asked what we would do with the money; I responded "WE" After I win there's no more we. Thats another pretty common result of couples winning. The saddest is the people who mishandle it and wind up owing money, like the guy who won the 16 million and wound up having to sell the 12,000 pairs of the same pants he bought. If you watch it again take a look at how unhappy the couple who won the biggest prize looks. Quang a Vietnamese immigrant was the only redeeming quality of this film. Watch it just to see this very humble man help his family here and his big extended family in Vietnam.
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My most watched ever movie
28 December 2004
I loved this movie and have watched it over 50 times in a 2 year period; I believe it should have won an academy award, but its my guess that the "bull queer" scenes removed any chance of that. The dialog between Andy and Red was spellbinding at times and the interplay between them and the other guys in their clique made it seem like being in prison could be enjoyable. My wife hated the movie because of the scenes containing violence and I have to admit that some of them could have been left out, the movie really didn't need them to be successful or appear real. I originally thought I would hate this movie and didn't see it till it was on HBO TV. The other movies that come close to being most watched are Titanic and a comedy called Midnight run.
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