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The Ranch: Baby I'm Burning (2018)
Season 3, Episode 4
I love Beau. But:
23 May 2024
Being a republican and having a rant about health care being expensive - that's rich. "They do it to us because they can!" No, bro. They're doing it to you because you vote for them.

Otherwise a solid and entertaining episode.

Minimum character limit not met...

Being a republican and having a rant about health care being expensive - that's rich. "They do it to us because they can!" No, bro. They're doing it to you because you vote for them.

Otherwise a solid and entertaining episode.

Minimum character limit not met...

Being a republican and having a rant about health care being expensive - that's rich. "They do it to us because they can!" No, bro. They're doing it to you because you vote for them.

Otherwise a solid and entertaining episode.
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The Ranch: My Best Friend (2017)
Season 2, Episode 5
In hindsight, I'm not happy about this one.
7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
(major spoiler for this and a minor spoiler for later episodes, both regarding a guest character)

The send-off of Umberto was, in my opinion, pretty indecent. They talk about being good friends - brothers, even -, and then, the Bennetts never talk about him again, try anything to get him back or support him. I don't know if it's meant to be some kind of social comment - if you're not legal, you can be gone in a second -, but it still feels rather cold by the protagonists.

Other than that, as solid and funny an episode as you can expect.

Imdb still wants their required characters. So... what is red and bad for your teeth?

...a brick.
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The Haunting of Bly Manor: The Jolly Corner (2020)
Season 1, Episode 6
Not his best work.
1 May 2024
I put the whole show in between my favorite work of Mike Flanagan, which is, of course, that show about that other house, and my least favorite show of Mr. Flanagan, which is that show on that island.

This episode is quite on the island show side.

His best qualities are the weaponization of subtlety, creating constant tension and/or mystery. Did I really see that? What just happened? Many of the best scenes he created not only don't need many words, they work that well because of the lack of words.

His worst side is his faible for monologues, which can go on for ten minutes or more. Sometimes philosophical speeches, sometimes huge exposition dumps - most times something in between.

That's why I got bored on that island, way more than once. After this episode, especially after that scene in the woods, I felt the very same.
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Pam & Tommy: Drilling and Pounding (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Almost lost me
17 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In an era where you can only watch so much tv (while still trying to have a life), it's common to abandon a show just after half an episode. There are too many good shows out there.

This one almost lost me halfway through the first episode. It wasn't the best decision, I'd say, to focus on the carpenter - without us knowing why. The show's title is Pam and Tommy, and there we are, watching a guy working for Tommy, most of the time. At the end, we know why, but as stated: that was almost too late.

The main characters aren't shown in their best light, to put it mildly. The carpenter is vengeful, and has no problems with breaking and entering. (one could argue that he has his rights to act like he's acting, but still) Tommy is, well, I can't write the word I'm thinking of - he's an self-entitled has-been with too much money. Not a nice guy, too say it very kindly. And Pam, who IS shown as a nice woman, is also shown as a pretty dim woman.

Other than that, only regarding the appearances and attitudes of the two title characters, as far as we know them from back then and from afar: they've nailed it.

I'll give the show another chance. The reason I'm writing this: the carpenter thing, without us knowing who he is - bad decision.
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Bupkis: Magic Moment (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
Too raunchy for 40+? Hm...
23 February 2024
"Raunchy humor will probably get bad reviews from people over 40 on here."

...that user comment sentence got under my skin. :) I'm 47, and I grew up with movies like Clerks, There's Something About Mary, South Park - The Movie, American Pie, as well as the fricking 80s - i.e. Porky's and its 6699 clones.

When comparing that sum of experiences to Bupkis, well, it lands somewhere in the middle. The show's funny, it has heart (which is way more important than being raunchy), I like Pete, and Joe Pesci alone is worth the watch - but it's not anything new under the sun. Maybe "people under 40" don't get to see any of that anymore, so they think it IS something original or "extra offensive".

By the way, I really enjoyed Wilfred, with that Hobbit guy. Go and see that show, too.

Back I digress. Aside from that comment about my age group (dunno if I would have a review without it), the show really has it's merits. Go, Pete.
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Reacher: Fly Boy (2024)
Season 2, Episode 8
Not even the same show as season one...
8 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
(5 is my rating for this episode and this season)

Season one was almost perfect. Sure, it was over the top, but just the right amount of.

This one is basically a gritty version of The A-Team. The bad guys are shooting 1000 rounds per minute, in about three shoot-outs per episode, and the good guys take them out, mostly with their Glocks.

What really ticked me off, was this "if he's with the bad guys, everthing goes" attitude. The "good guys" torture and kill guys left and right. Not only during fight scenes, mind you - they do it to a guy in a hospital bed, and to a helicopter pilot and an engineer, both of which had surrendered and were on their knees.

Worst of all: they really seem to enjoy it.

Ever since the pipe bomb rolled into a house where they only SUSPECTED to be baddies at, this season went down hard.

Maybe I'll rewatch season one, but: No season three for me.
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Midsommar (2019)
What a beautiful, inspiring tale. And there is SO much of it.
19 December 2023
When the credits were rolling, my heart was lifted.

This is a movie we don't get often. A movie about community, about empathy. A movie about the importance of traditions, and even religion. Most of all, it's about sacrifice.

Be warned, though: this film takes its time. If you want something more action-paced, I recommend the very similar-themed, but less lenghty The Wicker Man. The one from the 70s.

This is not about thrills. The ending is clear, long before you get there. As I said: This movie REALLY dares to take its time. Don't expect too much tension, because although it might feel tense, sometimes, it also lasts long enough - and then some - to ease out any of these feelings.

God, this is such a good movie about values.
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Ally McBeal: They Eat Horses, Don't They? (1998)
Season 2, Episode 2
Aged... like horse meat.
12 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's almost 2024. I'm rewatching the show for the first time since its original run. I liked and like the show, because of its quirkiness, its heart and feel-good-vibes. Ally, as silly as her character is - same parts great lawyer and near-mental child -, she is, maybe BECAUSE of that parts, extremely lovable.

That being said: the cases, which are quite obviously written to talk about our greatest moral disputes, are very... pre-2000.

This episode has TWO of which I completely disagree with. Not with the questions themselves, but with the way the handled them.

The first is about a radio host who is makes a living out of his sexism. He gets sued for it. During the trial, in and out of public, he constantly objectifies all the women around him (most of them LAWYERS), in the worst possible way.

The kicker: After all is said and done, Ally kind of apologizes for what they(!) did to him.

Here's the thing: we are sexual beings, and objectification is not always wrong. BUT: if you're a female lawyer, every objectification devalues your status and your reputation as a professional, therefore endangers your livelyhood. As Ally, I would have sued him for EVERY time he objectified me/her or her colleagues as mere sex dolls, or, worse, paid sex workers.

The second case started out with a moral question that's as current today as it was then: what's the difference between animals we DO it and animals we DON'T eat?

That could have been great and groundbreaking stuff. Instead, they took the lowest road possible. Essentially, John argued: We know that meat is the product of a cruel business. But IF you chose to differentiate between cows and horses - giving the latter any kinds of rights NOT to be eaten -, "your" burger will be next. And then "your" chicken wings.

You don't want that, right? Because... meat is yummy. Don't do what's right, do what's convenient.

And the jury did.

If this text is still online in 2048, another 25 years down the road, I would love to hear how people talk and think about these topics then.

The first one came a long way, since then.

The second one, not that much.
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The problems with this great concept...
7 December 2023's a slasher movie, for about 90 minutes. And it's a pretty boring one. We didn't care for any of them.

In fact, they get so annoying, that when there's this fight over petty things, right in the middle of the night (people already died, mind you), my friend, at one point, just sighed and sayed: Please, kill them, already... There's no tension, if you start rooting for the killer.

The acting is very decent. Sometimes great.

...the ending is VERY original.

Too bad you have to sit through all the mediocre stuff. We almost stopped, halfway.

As a satire, it works pretty well. I'm just not a fan of the combination with a slasher movie, where you should at least root for a few of them... and you just can't.
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The most unbiased opinion you can get.
2 December 2023
So... funny thing. This movie got mentioned in some Youtube clip, "10 most unknown gems of 2023", or so. I watched a few seconds, got my interest up, made a decision to watch it and skipped the rest of the clip.

I knew almost nothing, other than what happens in the first five minutes, when I started watching the movie two hours ago.

Up until the end of the movie, I didn't even know WHO made it.

And I just learned a few minutes ago, when seeing the top review here, that there is a book. I, obviously, haven't read it, so I can't compare.

All that being said: I think that movie is heavily underrated, and I think it's one of the better works of M. Night Shyamalan. It is, in my opinion, the best work he did since Unbreakable.

In a way, it's a "small" movie. Which is kind of ironic, given the global part of it. But I liked that. It could have been the debut movie of an up and coming, young director.

The tension during it's runtime is just... stable, for practically the whole movie. I cared for the family, and I cared for the invaders, too - not knowing if they are right or insane.

There are a few flaws, like the footage from the beach (how did they retrieve it?). But beside that, I really enjoyed the movie from start to finish.

I don't know if it's unique, but I can say that I haven't watched anything quite similar, so it was definitely a unique experience for me. And I'm almost 50.

(having seen The Sixth Sense at the movies) Unique movies are getting rare, once you've seen 1000s of them.

Obviously, given the ratings, others are not so excited. Maybe they expected something else.

I expected nothing, and I got a really good movie.

I can only say: Try to give it an unbiased try.
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Sex Education: Episode 1 (2023)
Season 4, Episode 1
Everybody is special... (oh, the irony)
14 October 2023
I love the show. My sole complaint always has been that it was hard, at times, to keep up with the suspension of disbelief. There's this group of teenagers, and almost everybody turns out to be the poster boy/girl/being of being sexually special.

Also, it takes away a huge part of the reality of being special - having to deal with the fact that most others are NOT.

But hey, it's fiction, I loved the characters and the stories. No problem...

And then THIS episode happened.

Everything I described above, amped up to 20.000.

The scene with the "specials" - as the dominant group(!) - excluding the "normal" girl... feels, aside from the blatant irony, like a revenge fantasy. And it seems like they only have "positive energy" for those who "are like them".

That's not inclusive, that's just reversing the power balance.

Oh, and I didn't really like how Otis handled the competition. What's worse: he made himself look very bad, and not mature enough for the job - being awkward about (verbal) sexual misunderstandings...

Lastly: Being a counselor is not about giving "good" advice. It's about asking the right questions. Which was exactly what his "enemy" did.

I liked her way more than I liked him, in that episode.
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"Hurry!" - "Wait!"
12 September 2023
I like the show. I started watching it AFTER I watched the first season of the live-action show, which I loved.

I like the Anime too, but... it is SO slow. Many defend it by saying that it has to be slow, to have time for character development. But that's not what makes it slow. It's the 10 seconds of reaction shots, after every 5 seconds of action... and, well, the characters ARE slow. They talk so much, even when time is pressing. Bystanders do so much exposition and superfluous explanation, ALL THE time.

This episode is the perfect example. Luffy is drowning (which is not a spoiler, that was the cliffhanger at the beginning), and everybody knows that he has only a few minutes. They even say "we have to defeat our enemies in seconds, then we can save him" - but then they pause all the time, to talk and/or to listen... Then, someone else decides to rescue Luffy - but first, he has to explain that to the others. At long last, someone says "please, hurry!". But right after that, of course, someone says "stop!" - just to explain, in detail, why she should go with him...

Again, I like the show. But particularly the fight episodes are ridiculously slow. Five minutes last 20 minutes.

Some criticized the live-action show for driving the story forward to quickly, but I don't know. If they would have expanded the fights like they do in the Anime, I would have stopped watching mid-way through.
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The Bear: Forks (2023)
Season 2, Episode 7
I like the show.
28 August 2023
This is the first episode I truly loved.

It's the first one that is truly about inspiration. About doing what makes you happy, and, maybe more importantly, doing what you do in a way that makes you happy.

In this case: not just giving people food. Make them happy. Give them an unforgettable experience.

It's cheesy but true. Finding your purpose and making others happy with it, makes YOU happy.

The transformation Richie goes through in just a few days, it is heartwarming and, to use the word again, inspiring.

I will definitely watch this one again, and I'm about to craft a poster for my work desk.

Every second counts.
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A Million Little Things: United Front (2021)
Season 3, Episode 14
I love the show, but the need for suspension of disbelieve keeps piling up.
5 August 2023
I can forgive the writers for giving everybody the same style of humor - because it's, more often than not, a good one. I can forgive them for that "I blame myself, why didn't I do something to prevent it" theme every other episode, no matter how far fetched that thought is.

But in the AMLT universe, it's getting more and more obvious just how many bad things happen. It reminds me of the Hannibal series, where they hunted a historically bad serial killer EVER SINGLE WEEK (not even globally - in their area...). Just without the crime... there is nobody without trauma, without having lost someone. That's either the unluckiest group of people ever, or it's a different universe.

Still loving the show. That says something. At many other shows, I'm not willing to oversee such a list of flaws.
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A Million Little Things: Mixed Signals (2019)
Season 2, Episode 3
Defending Maggie
3 August 2023
There is a review stating that Maggie is a terrible therapist, because it is shown how "crazy" she behaves in her personal live. And while this is true, she is reacting VERY extreme, let me say this.

I myself am an counselor. I know a LOT of therapists, and they are all great counselors.

We ALL have family and/or relationship problems. That's because parents and/or partners and/or children install plenty of powerful triggers, which are hard to overcome.

And THAT's why counselors exist. They have distance to the problems and triggers of their clients, and can point them out.

And THAT's why good counselors have their own counselors.

So, the argument that Maggie is a bad counselor, just because she acts extreme in her personal life, is not valid. In fact, she has proven to give great advise.

But... I was a more taken aback be Regina's very strong reaction over the Andrew situation, in combination with her saying she's a survivor. The problem is not so much her strong emotions (although she says herself that she may appear a little crazy), it's that we only have her perspective. We never met her uncle, and although Andrew is a, let's say, man of strong opinions, we haven't seen any abuse of power. Quite the opposite: he draws back ever time he feels Regina doesn't agree. He told her very clearly that it is HER restaurant, but that it is his experienced opinion that she might fail if she doesn't adapt a few things.

As of now, she IS overreacting.

Which can be seen as result of her wounds and scars, but that would be a very broad generalization - does she really have a problem with ANY man who is criticizing her, trying to "force" his opinion on her?

Maybe Andrew will reveal himself as "villain", but again: at this point, I'm with him. Which is sad, because I LOVE Regina.

On the other hand, if she realizes that she needs therapy because of her past - that would be kind of a twist I would like. Just because it's very rare that something like that happens on tv.

(it happens all the time in real life. E.g., clients realize that it's their behaviour patterns that trigger acts of MOBBING in others... that doesn't shift the blame, to be clear - but after this realization they can change theirs patterns)
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The Great: Once Upon a Time (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
Review for this Ep and for this season.
17 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(The rating is for that episode. The season would get a seven)

Well, after episode 6, e7-9 were not much more than a build-up for this one. Dramatically speaking, this episode has the almost perfect payoff. Very satisfying. But we had to endure a lot of "Catherine is sad" time.

Because of that, and because of the absence of Peter/Hoult, the comedy went from 11 to maybe 3... the humor didn't go bad, it just... went on vacation, for most of the time. A lot of my laugh-out-loud moments from earlier seasons had something to do with Peter.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that the show WAS Peter/Hoult, that would be an insult to the all-around amazing cast. But in terms of over-the-top hilarity, he was the leader of the pack. The character himself, AND the amazing depiction by Hoult.

Maybe they bring him back. If not for real, then at least as a ghost who talks to them, like Peter the Great does/did. But would that be the same? He can't shoot anyone in the back, anymore, that way.

...very sad, indeed.
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The Great: Ice (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
Huh. Maybe not a good decision...
17 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
*spoilers for this episode only*

The episode isn't a bad one, per se. The bad ratings come from the decision to kill off Peter. I'm not the guy who starts an s-storm just because the writers do something I don't want them to, but this one is more than just that. It removes the most interesting and entertaining character of the show.

(perfectly, and I mean PERFECTLY played by an amazing Hoult)

And while it's still a great show, it now lost its main attraction. In the long run, it's hard for me to believe that they can keep the quality of this unique over-the-top-black-humor-comedy up.

Then, again, maybe, they somehow bring him back.
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Ted Lasso: International Break (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
They really pulled it off.
17 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was expecting it, because, well, it's Ted Lasso. But the quality of the execution wasn't expected at all.

They gave Nathan's Dad a redemption moment, and even RUPERT. I liked it.

(so, there's only Akufo left, as a "villain", I guess)

Then, Rebecca had a growth spurt (or, maybe better said: they finally showed her growth), and "Royley" got their "Love, Actually" scene.

Nathan, of course, is the biggest con job they managed, by far. After hating him at the end of season 2, and rightfully so, we're rooting for him again. Well, maybe not rightfully. Ted knew it better, all the way.

My only grievance: The show is called "Ted Lasso". But there was even LESS Ted in this one, than in the already mostly tedless, previous episodes of season 3.

At least, he literally got the last laugh.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 22: Guns for Hire (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
It's kinda funny...
25 April 2023
I have to bite my tongue (more accurately: clench my fingers into fists), to prevent myself saying something TOO arrogant...

Told you so. Told you so. Told you so!

Dang it. Me and my lose tongue...

I reviewed that early episode: S01E01: Sanctuary... and I wrote, I quote: "It's a dumb filler, just like E2. On an dumb entertaining level, I like E4 better, because of the AT-ST. If you care about plot and progress and character development, both are bad."

And what did I read about this episode, a few minutes ago?

"This is starting to become annoying... [...] It basicly translates to pointless side quest to advance the plot!"

I just scratched my head... to me, most of the eposides, since season one, were more or less pointless side quests. A lot of them didn't further the main plot, other than maybe introducing characters that had some important parts later on. And the character development always felt like an after thought.

As for the "side-quest" argument: It is fine, that the episodes are that way, I guess. Heck, The A-Team thrived without development, for years... I just don't get why a lot start to complain about that formula NOW...

This episode is not a highlight of S03. But it's okay.

I also wrote, in that same review for S01E04: "[...] it's, as said, entertaining. But stop treating this series as the savior of the Star Wars universe. Sadly, it seems like it isn't."

Nothing has changed, since then.
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Poker Face: Escape from Shit Mountain (2023)
Season 1, Episode 9
Oh. Now I get it...
20 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It took me a while. I was bickering about all the unbelievable stuff, before. Like when old, disabled women act like world class climbers, while a ten feet fall is a sure-fire (two-time) death trap... but with this episode it is absolutely clear: This is not our world. This is a parallel universe.

With it's own rules. Anything goes.

Or at least for some. Charlie, for example, is able to not only survive getting bumped by an at least 50mph fast car, head on - she is more or less fine.

(the car, of course, too)

I guess the lie-detector thingy was an obvious hint. She has a range of powers.

...Captain Marvel, maybe?

A cursed superhero, of course. She is followed by the angel of death. If you meet her... RUN. There will be blood.

(but okay, that is a typical 70s and 80s trope)

The story, by the way, is really strange.

E.g., and it's a recurring theme of this show: people are trusting other people way too much, AFTER these people found out that these other people are very, very dangerous.

Or the guy who doesn't even flinch when another guy, in front of him, raises a gun and shoots him in the face.

Oh, and don't get me started on that guy early on, whose "move" is to take off his shirt... cheesiest scene I've seen in a long time.

On a positive note: very able guest stars. And the finale... was cool, at first.

Then I remembered: she's not human. She's superhuman.

She would be fine.
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Poker Face: The Future of the Sport (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
Actually a pretty good one!
19 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this one, for the following reasons:

  • nice twist midway through. They had done it before - the thing with the second perspective, which changes the narrative -, but it took me by surprise, nonetheless.

  • the villain knows, right from the start, about Charlie's lie detector gift, and uses it against her. Almost to perfection, which is very interesting to watch.

I have a knack for intelligent villains.

(he was, until he made a mistake, of course)

  • at the end, he gets away with it - kind of. Which is another nice shake-up to the formula.

  • oh, and: the villains' plans are not as overcomplicated as those of quite a few earlier episodes, which stressed my suspension of disbelief a lot. Still the episode has a pretty cool story.
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The Invisible Man (I) (2020)
What could have been...
16 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Invisible Man starts very strong, with sort of a cold opening. You don't know what is happening, then you don't know WHY it is happening, and because of that it works perfectly.

Then it goes on almost perfect, for 45 minutes or so - as long as there was this possibility, that she, in fact, has been insane all along, imagining everything. And we, the viewers, just want to believe that she is not, because she is the protagonist.

And that is my main complaint: Instead of presenting this almost omnipotential sci-fi enemy, this movie would have been SO MUCH better if Cecilia would have been clinically paranoid and schizophrenic.

Just think of the horror of this twist.
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It's official.
7 April 2023
Shameless has become a cheap sitcom, just without the laugh track. So many scenes going for shallow jokes and quick payoffs. The ironic thing here: it was way funnier the earlier seasons.

Examples: The Liam dress-up-montage (where did he even get the money for all that stuff?), the whole solitary debate, the "I hate myself"-clerk...

The raunchy and dark tones have gone almost completely.

That all being said: it's still above average tv. But seasons 1 to 7 are in my top-10-list of greatest shows ever, so... "above average" is kind of sad. I usually don't watch "above average" shows anymore...
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Hereditary (2018)
Oh my god! Elderly naked people!
14 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The imaginery is well done. Quite a few great ideas. It's just that... I didn't really care. No. Let me rephrase that. I didn't care at all. Why should I bother? These guys are sleepwalking through the movie, they are as interesting as a severed bird head.

The most hilarious scene is when Peter sees his mother floating above him, stabbing herself in the neck like a sewing machine... which is kind of disturbing, I'd say. Even more so, if it is your own mother. Or at least it should be. He doesn't really flinch. But then he sees three naked older dudes in the corner, and starts screaming, and proceeds to jump out of a (closed) window.

I get it. Naked old dudes are scary.

Hail, Paimon!

Best comedy of 2018.
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The White Lotus: Arrivederci (2022)
Season 2, Episode 7
12 December 2022
(spoilers only for season one) This was the perfect ending to an almost perfect season. Last season, I wasn't happy with just one scene, which almost ruined it for me (in short: her, going back to him, who was one of the most dislikable characters I've ever seen on screen).

Not this season. It's a perfect mix of happy and not so happy endings, and I was on the edge of my seat, right until the end. I can honestly say, I didn't see that coming. Even more, up until the resolution, I couldn't even tell if the insinuated threat was real or not.

The pace was way better than that of season one, too. And Tanya, who I found so annoying in S1 that I started skipping her scenes, was toned down. Well, at least after the scenes with her husband early in the season, which were kind of hard to watch. At the end, I really started liking and rooting for her.

I truly enjoyed the jealousy theme, and the different approaches of the characters.

If Mr. White keeps improving the show like that, I can't wait for season 3.

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