
7 Reviews
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Tank (1984)
Worth seeing once. Definitely NOT a comedy!
11 June 2020
The premise of the story may be farcical and perhaps even silly. And the soundtrack does a good job of trying to keep it light, but this is a harsh movie portraying extreme local government corruption, violent child abuse, racial violence, abuse of power, vigilantism, unlawful imprisonment, threats of imposed sodomy while incarcerated, prostitution...need I go on? This movie should have been rated R but managed to squeeze into a PG rating just before the PG-13 rating was created. It's worth seeing, but not if you're looking for a comedy.
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The X-Files: The Lost Art of Forehead Sweat (2018)
Season 11, Episode 4
Finally! A mainstream network show sheds light on this.
25 January 2018
The Mandela Effect is real. Whether you consider it a government conspiracy, alien manipulation, mass psychosis, or shared delusion, it doesn't matter. It's a real phenomenon, and because of the disturbing number of people in the tens of thousands who have experienced it, the cause is less important than the effect itself. It is assumed that many many more people have been affected but don't know it yet because they've simply not heard fo the Mandela Effect yet. Search YouTube for Mandela Effect. Check out the list of over 200 very specific memories at Once you're convinced, go to to spread the word by whichever means you're comfortable with. Talk about this! It might just be a quirk of human memory, but why are the memories so specific? And why do so many people from around the world share them?
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Tin Man (2007)
Man, is this painful to watch!
2 December 2007
Van Helsing meets Krull meets Stargate SG-1 meets Serious Sam meets Return of the Jedi meets...ah never mind. I'm an hour into this mini and it's killing me! Zooey Deschanel and Alan Cumming are always favorites, but this show is just a bunch of crap jumbled together to force some psychedelic version of a story long since beat up. The original Wizard of Oz was awesome of course, but this is just crap. I was almost willing to hang in there a little longer until they reach a certain town. In a word...Damn! I've seen better production values in early 90's video games. And certainly better plots. The granite mile marker that wiggled like a...well, like a fiberglass prop granite mile marker on the road to town was the final blow. Well, that and the camera crew reflected in the evil woman's armor more than once. Never mind! This is worse than Megasnake!
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La Dolce Vita (1960)
Pathetic crap!
21 May 2005
I tried to enjoy this movie. I really did. Of course it wasn't too difficult at first with Anita Ekberg's gorgeous breasts bouncing all over the place. But after two Tylenol and a nap to combat the headache I had acquired reading the poorly translated English subtitles by the second hour, I realized that this is yet another one of those so-called "classic" films that is actually nothing more than crap disguised as an insightful look into the pointless lives of rich people. Please! This is the same kind of garbage I had to endure while watching "Breakfast at Tiffany's". If you're the kind of person that thinks you're part of the special elite crowd that 'understands' this kind of 'art', I'm here to tell you that you're full of crap. If you need to see a movie that portrays rich people living pointless lives in order to feel better about your own life as common as it may be, I pity you. This movie, just like 'Tiffany's', is nothing more than a working class affirmation of the old saying, "Money does not buy happiness." What a load of crap. True, money does not buy happiness, but the people in these films were defective before money became an issue in their lives. And by the way, money buys solutions to problems that make it easier to be happy. The happy part is up to you; regardless of the money. And for those who are warming up their lips, preparing an arrogant speech to inform me that I 'apparently don't get it', please. What's to get? This movie is completely bereft of a plot, has no cinematographic value such as you would find in a movie like Citizen Kane, and it's message can be distilled down from it's nearly three horridly long hours to a simple statement; "Rich people are shallow too." I gave this movie a 3 out of 10. I rarely give a movie a 1 unless I simply cannot get through it, even for morbid curiosity. So, where did I find the extra two points? One point for each of Ekberg's breasts. Oh please! If this movie was about ANYTHING else, she wouldn't be so prominently pasted on the cover. She's a minor character, but her chest gets top billing. Yeah, I get it all right. Okay, I have to give some credit for the origin of the word "Paparazzi". And I will even admit that there seems to be something important that I missed with the big fish and the young girl at the end...or am I just desperately reaching for a point to this miserable movie. If you want to see a movie with a plot and point that will touch your mind and heart in a meaningful way, see "American Beauty". And if foreign films of the same caliber take your fancy, try "Amelie". Oh, and skip Citizen Kane too. That is unless you're really interested in all the amazing cinematographic trouble Orson Wells went to to film a pointless movie about yet another defective rich person.
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Hangar 18 (1980)
Righteous but lame effort.
20 July 2004
Let me start out by saying I like this movie. That being said, it would probably be best for me to mention the good points of this movie first because all two of them don't make up for the rest of the things that are wrong with it. Someone went to a lot of effort to design (or borrow?) the language and symbols of the aliens. The ship is covered with them inside. And there's a nice segue into actual ancient, mysterious landmarks on Earth.

It gets you thinking a little, which earns it an extra 1/2 point in my book. There are a couple of decent stunts, but sadly, the rest of the movie is lame. The soundtrack is that awful 70's transition stuff from television and the premise of the story is beyond far-fetched. The cinematography is lack-luster and nothing will effect your senses or emotions. They don't even attempt to comment on the details of how to move a large alien object without being seen. But at least they didn't parade it through town on the back of a truck under a tarp like in Flight of the Navigator. Security and contamination protocols were poorly researched if at all. Not one military security guard held a flashlight properly (like a club folks!) And the UFO was deemed safe before they even determined why it crashed or landed. Government agents in "covert" surveillance were painfully obvious and they wee somehow amazed that a couple of astronauts would know where the nearest appropriate facility would be located to store an alien ship! I give it a 2 1/2 out of 5. A Righteous but lame effort.
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Not great. Just weird.
10 June 2000
I'll watch damn near anything. Bought this one on DVD based on the title and description on the box. Weird. Thought provoking. Could have done without the same gender proxy pregnancy. Would have prefered something more cerebral like the movie started out to be with Cusack asking questions like "where is the board I had with me? Stuck in his head?"
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Run Lola Run (1998)
Oh my God! I watched this movie four times in a row!
10 March 2000
Oh my God! I watched this movie four times in a row! Here's why...

I buy a lot of DVD's with the idea that the cost of one DVD is equivalent to two theatre tickets and snacks, so I will commonly buy DVD's based solely on the info on the box assuming I can't lose one way or the other. I have a very nice home theatre system and prefer to avoid the rude theatre crowds anyway.

So I said all that to say this...I saw the box and noticed three things that caught my attention; there was a strangely attractive young woman on the front, this movie won the Sundance Film Festival audience award, and the description indicated that the movie was "Set to a throbbing techno score..." I enjoy looking at strangely attractive women. I happen to respect the purposes of the Sundance Film Festival. And I really enjoy techno music.

These reasons would not be enough for my friends, or even my wife, to spend US$29.95, but hey, it was enough for me! And trust me, it was worth every penny!

This is one of the most intelligent, well-thought-out movies I've seen in a very long time. There are several overlapping character interactions (listen to the Director's commentary, I won't give anything away here.) The action, music and story are literally inspiring!

I watched this movie the first time in English, then again in the original German (I highly recommend that), then again for the Director's commentary with Tom Tykwer and the lead actress Franka Potente, then a forth time in English again (the next morning)! Awesome!

This movie reminds me of La Femme Nakita with red (orange) hair from The Fifth Element and music from The Matrix with a little bit of Hackers thrown in for good measure.

Buy it, watch it, watch it, watch it, and watch it again!
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