
8 Reviews
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D.C. Sniper (2010 Video)
24 April 2012
Possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. Terrible acting marred by long and tedious voice overs, cheap and shoddy camera-work and distracting and melodramatic sounds effects. Even the opening credits looked cheap and nasty. Its amazing how such a bad movie can be made about what is such a potentially interesting story. The only consolation was reading the very humorous reviews by other disappointed users on this site.

The movie could be a case study for aspiring actors and directors on how not to make a movie. It is so bad in every conceivable way that its a masterpiece of badness.
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The Road Home (1999)
Zhang Yimou does it again.
31 January 2002
With this movie Zhang Yimou proves again that he is the worlds greatest living director. The movie is flawless. Every breathtaking scene, every melodious note, the expressions and emotion that seep out of the celluloid. Perfect. Just perfect.
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Bliss (1985)
A underrated masterpiece. One of the top 100 films of all time.
16 December 2001
The film "American Beauty" has so many similarities to Bliss that the resemblence is surely more than coincidental. Both are great films but Bliss is more cerebral and overall a superior film.

Enjoy it. A must see.
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Kafka (1991)
All style, no substance.
17 April 2001
This film is a waste of potential. Great actors. Great city. Great cinematography. Artistic and creative. A shame that the dialogue, characters and plot were so pathetic. All style, no substance. Don't waste your time on this one.
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I'm disappointed.
17 March 2001
Despite some excellent combat scenes the movie disappoints with cliches and a lifeless script. There is a contrived romance and a plot with more holes than any of Vasillys victims. eg Vasilly is cornered by the enemy sniper but brave girlfreind saves him by blinding the enemy sniper with a piece of broken glass. Absurd.

I am very disappointed. To see how good the film could have been see the German language film of 1993, "Stalingrad". This film is more realistic and powerful. The cold, the starvation and the terror of Stalingrad tear you apart. The civilians in 1993 Stalingrad are starving hungry, desperate people, just as they would have been in 1942, not the well groomed, well fed, posh English accented toffs in 'Enemy at the Gates'.
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Not One Less (1999)
Simple, delightful and inspirational. Cinema at its best.
2 November 2000
This film feels so real you can almost smell the dust. The characters are so natural, as one would expect since they are playing themselves in the recreation of a true story.

The film might be too slow for the brain-dead Hollywood types. It might not have the melodrama or complexity to keep the intellectuals happy.

I don't care. I loved this film.
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Ulysses' Gaze (1995)
Rated (B) for boredom
21 July 2000
This film is irredeemably tedious. The characters are unengaging. The acting is dreadful. I would criticize the plot if the film had such a thing. 3 hours of Harvey K trudging up cobblestone streets with disjointed historical flashbacks is pathetic self indulgence by the director.
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Great movie but not original. Clone of the movie "Bliss (85)"
21 May 2000
American Beauty is an intelligent, provocative movie but not as original as some believe. The similarities between American Beauty and Bliss (1985) must surely be more than a coincidence:

1. Both movies are centered around a cynical middle aged employee in the advertising industry suffering a mid life crisis

2. Both movies begin and end with ghostly third party voiceovers and a 'floating spirit' viewpoint.

3. Both movies begin with a pronouncement on the protagonists imminent mortality. The ghostly voiceover announces our hero will soon be dead.

4. In both movies the protagonists undergoes catharsis after quitting their jobs and indulging in joints and forbidden younger lovers.

5. In both movies there is a young, warped, drug dealing son with few ethics. In both movies this character displays a Nazi Swastika.

6. In both movies there is a dysfunctional family with a remote daughter and neurotic mother.

I urge other viewers to see Bliss (1985) and add their comments. Bliss is the unacknowledged idea behind American Beauty and arguably a better movie as well.
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