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The Lion King (2019)
If your just in it for the visual, not a bad watch. Otherwise stick to 94 version.
1 August 2019
Honestly there isn't really much I can say about this one. Really if you've seen the '94 version, you're not missing anything with this one. Yes on a technical level, the movie is impressive, the CGI looks wonderfully realistic and a great improvement of the software. Looking forward to when they use it for more original properties in the future. But while a marvel, being more realistic means you get all the realisim of the animals on screen, namely no way to really show emotion to them. Yes their voice actors do a find enough job (Surprised that the new VAs of Timon and Pumba manage to be on par with the originals really and nice hearing James again as Mufasa though it's obvious he's aged since the original) and body movement tries it's best to showcase what the characters are feeling. But, won't lie, it just loses that magic to help convey the story. Were essentially just watching real wildlife act out "The Lion King", that's pretty much it. Likewise not a fan of some the shortening on some scenes such as the "Be Prepared" song (Seriously, you take the risk in 94 but are suddenly scared to do it in the new '10s because Nazi similarity? Wha?) . It just all feels watered down.

Not saying those who want a new take or haven't seen the '94 version yet won't enjoy it. If you do, more power to ya, I honestly hope you do. Different strokes for different folks and all. But if this is indeed the case for the latter, please watch '94 version later to see what I mean and make the decision yourself which is better. Overall though, for me, this film is just a painfully average curiosity at best.
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A fine little known gem of a vampire movie!
10 May 2010
If its one thing I know its vampires. And this film hits all the mark for me, it just a shame it not as well know in the world of horror cinema out there but hey it happens. Still famous or no, It been my pleasure to happen upon Count Yorga and even moreso to see it in its entirety after purchasing it from a Best Buy along with its sequel "Return of Count Yorga".

Premise: The film opens with a coffin being transported to Los Angeles with a sinister atmosphere around it. We then go to a séance where a group of people are trying to contact a recently deceased mother of one of their own, Donna, hosted by Yorga himself. He seem normal enough, charming and polite to a fault. However we quickly find out otherwise when he attacks two of the party guests when their car "conveniently" break down outside his manor. From there it only proceed to get worse for the humans as the girl of the couple, Erica, show strange symptoms and bite marks on her neck and the males of the group start to suspect their something not right about Yorga. But can they figure it out before Yorga strikes again? Plot-wise, it very simple and to the point. Like a modern day Dracula, only the characters, good or bad, are much more genre savvy about what going on and what to do. Though that said, when you see the "heroes" of the story you can pretty much predict the outcome for them. Is that a bad thing? Heck no. Its a horror flick after all and that half the fun. This is Yorga's movie anyway and Robert Quary give a great performance as the title vampire. Sly, slick and menacing all at once. This is a guy you just love to root for even if he is the bad guy.

And of course every vampire needs victims and the vamps (i.e. woman) here are just as excellent. They have sort of a zombie vibe to them sans the decaying flesh part, yet that makes them more attractive (if your into that sorta thing). What adds a extra point for me is that they wisely give the female vamp just as much screen time as Yorga, so you get to see them in all their undead glory.

There is a bit of fanservice (breasts showing, partial nudity) as this was mean as a soft core porno flick. But nothing overly gratuitous (one scene that might rise eyebrows is when Yorga has two vamps um...cuddle). Same goes for gore, there a little of it but it very cheap looking. So nothing those easily offended or too squeamish should raise a fuss over.

Overall, the horror is pretty dated and you can tell it was used as a drive-in flick (the trailer even looks as such). But if your a fan of vampire films, this is one you don't want to pass up for your collection. Rest in Peace Robert Quarry (who died in 2009), thanks for entertaining us.
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Leroy & Stitch (2006 Video)
An excellent swan song to the TV series.
27 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When the L&S movie came out way back in 2002, I didn't really think much of it other then the fact that is was different from the usual Disney fare (Fairy tales, etc) not to mention wholly original. However ironically I wouldn't get on the fan wagon until the TV series to which I then watched the movie. Granted they were two completely different monsters with the series focusing more on adventure but still I dug it for what it was and enjoyed the expansions of all the characters within (save for Cobra Bubbles whose VA couldn't be bothered).

But alas it's the end of the line now as the L&S series takes it final bow with its fourth (Yes FOURTH) and final movie in the series that wraps everything up…and actually does it quite nicely.

Premise: The 626 experiments from the TV series have all been caught, reformed and been given their one true place on Earth. As such Lilo, Snitch, Pleakly and Jumba are regarded as heroes but what more surprising the latter three have now been given a chance to leave Earth and find their own true places as well, but of course this mean they'll have to leave Lilo and Nani behind. If that wasn't bad enough, Hamsterviel (the main thorn in our heroes side since Stitch the Movie) has once again escaped from prison with yet another fiendish plan of his own that involving making a duplicate of our favorite blue koala looking alien only of course evil and then trying to conquer the universe. Can Stitch, Lilo and their ohana stop him?

To say the least the movie wraps things very well with a few shade of the themes from the first film (though not as heavy handed) and actually falls back on continuity of the series for fans of it though you don't have to watch it to truly understand all of it. Plus we get some rather cool battles as well, nothing mind blowing but still enough to whet your appetite. Whats even better we get to see all the experiments (even some that wasn't featured in the series) take a quick spotlight role especially near the end when everything hits the fan. So fans of the series(myself included) shouldn't be disappointed here.

The only downsides I can think of is some issues not getting resolved ranging from minor (Do Nani and David ever really get together?) to major (Lilo and Myrtle's platonic friendship which was barely touched upon in this film. In fact I thought the latter's involvement in the film was kinda tacked on. And why aren't there more scenes of Victoria or the "Yeah" girls, there're just a part of this as Myrtle is?) But other then those issue, there not much to complain about.

Overall is a nice send off to a very great franchise and fans of the series shouldn't be disappointed. I'll admit am gonna miss this series but then again, going off by the ending of the movie, we may not have heard the last of the quirky little Hawaiian girl and her "mutant" dog ;).
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One Piece (1999– )
One of the most excellent adventure series to date. But the U.S. dub almost ruins it.
4 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I believe I don't need to tell you that anime has hit like a brick in the U.S.'s pop culture and quite frankly I couldn't be happier. Mainly cause it nice to see animation that aren't afraid of leaving the kiddy realm and that they can be taken seriously (a fact most of the older generation down here just won't accept). Of course its also nice to see a story that caters to both sides and is always worth coming back to, case in point say hello to One Piece. May look childish but it is the most complex story I've ever had the joy of least in graphic novel form when it retains their original shape. Sadly once again political correctness reared it ugly head down here when it came time to see the animated version. You know what that means anime lovers, KID...FRIENDLY...DUB!

Premise: The story follows the massive adventure of Monkey D. Luffy (Luffy for short) as he seeks the titled treasure to become the king of pirates, even though he cursed from eating a Devil Fruit that gives him rubber powers but prohibits him from swimming forever. Soon gaining a crew with their own unique quirks and goals and sailing the dangerous yet wondrous Grand Line in their quest.

So far the U.S is still in it starting chapters of this series (as of this writing) but One Piece has shown an very interesting take at storytelling, what may seem obvious to the viewer and the characters could actually have another deeper meaning to really stun you when it revealed and its these little twists that keep you coming back for more of the story. Of course the main characters are a charming lot too with their faults and strengths. And as overused as it is in cartoons, a bond of a very tight friendship that help them threw their battles.

Speaking of which, talk about a bunch of creative rumbles. Be it against other devil fruit users, major weapons, martial arts, sword play or against the elements themselves. Luffy and his crew take on all comers and the viewers are definitely in for a show once everything hits the fans.

Animation wise, its not bad. Some of the attacks lose a bit of their impacts from the comic but it still very cool to see everything unfolding with movement and color. The downside to this is the dreaded DBZ syndrome where a couple of episodes are dedicated to the back and forth struggle of the fights. Still if you're a fan of the series, you might stay for the long run.

Alas a company called 4Kids has picked this up on the United States behalf and if the name is any indication, its going to be edited the crap out of. Now, unlike most anime viewers, I have nothing against dubs. Yes they may not match the quality of the originals but they do try their best. But with 4Kids its another story. I know they can't show blood, obscene gestures, and the like and thats fine with me. But seriously do they have to, HAVE TO, edit silly little tibits like guns the way they do (they turn them into water guns and hammer gizmos for crying out loud, surly they can do better then that. Calling them blasters or boomsticks would've at least been a little better.)

Much worse however is the changes to the story lines, what so bad about the word death and any reference to it. Kids learn about it eventually, heck DBZ didn't even try to ignore it. So what the point of covering it up by having characters "in a coma" or "been taken away"? I mean they don't have to show the death, but don't act like it didn't happen, thats insulting the series material. And for quality sake, I wish they stop adding ad-libs to scenes that don't need them.

Voice wise, its somewhat decent. Let get the good out of the way and say that Zoro (or Zolo though I don't care which name hes called), Nami, and at least most of the villains sound their roles. But Luffy, ugh way too young for a TEENAGER and screechy. Ussop, well it kinda fits him but it needs to be a little more solidified to suit the character. And Sanji? If it didn't sound like a pillow was stuck down his throat it would've been all right.

Music is also not bad though I am curious what the original track sounds like and I will commend 4Kids for the intro (yes I…LIKED…IT). Very catchy after a couple of viewings though of course it doesn't hold a candle to the original material. Kinda wish they used the 2nd opening with English lyrics but good job on the intro nonetheless.

Still though 4Kids does stay a bit faithful to the manga and retain some of the scenes and dialogue which am happy about, but if they really wanna please the fans their gonna have to step it up on the content level and stop with what they think the animation needs besides lack of the offensive (blood, gore, and cursing).

Overall I love the story, characters, situations and the grand scale of the adventure of the series in general. But am going to have to hang my head down on the dub which barely does the series justice. Still if you don't care much for how good a dub is done or have never heard of the series then the One Piece dub may be worth viewing (though for the latter, I recommend reading the manga for a better experience.). Everyone else, wait for the uncut DVD version which 4Kids have graciously decided to release or check out a fansub (the original Japanese version with subtitles). It might be better then what us yanks tried to make of the show.
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Sin City (2005)
Congrats Frank Miller, Hollywood didn't wreak this one!
2 April 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I'll admit right now, I've never read the graphic novel of which this film is based and ,being a fan of mystery and noir, am surprised I didn't hear of this series sooner up until the trailers. But a little digging got me caught up and interested in what this movie had to offer (that and the fact that Texas own, Robert Rodriguez, was directing the film :)).

Premise: Based of three tales of the series (That Yellow Bastard, Hard Goodbye, and Big Fat Kill) Sin City follows the "heroes" of their stories as they deal with their situations in the famed city of hard (VERY hard) knocks.

The first act, Hard Goodbye, is my personal favorite of the three. The main character is just so likable and the surprises (saving that you've never read the comics) really come fast. It has a bittersweet ending but around this point, you'll be glad to know that this poor sap went out happy.

Second act, Big Fat Kill, will probably be the most enjoyed of the audience. There's a lot more energy and action here plus the deadpan narration of this story's hero really is worth a chuckle.

Lastly is the final act, That Yellow Bastard, which really is more of a traditional noir tale then the first two and bit of a hard act to follow. However the grip of this hero situation pulls you in and, like Hard Goodbye, it has a very bittersweet end. Still a very well done story.

I'll admit that some of the effects, quick cuts and acting can be a little silly (most of it was done in green screen after all) but the style and beauty of the work more then make up for it, never mind the fact that its done in b&w (if anything it enhances the mood of the stories plus those white on black silhouettes KICK ASS!) Not to mention the A-list actors here and no, for all you haters out there, it more then just attracting an audience. They all really seemed to really get into their roles and bring out the characters. Seriously, for once I was thinking about the characters rather then the actors who WERE the characters. This is a bunch who took the movie's source seriously. Nice and my hats off to them for their hard work.

Definitely one of the best movies of 2005. I wouldn't know if its as good as its source and quite frankly I don't care, it came out good to me anyway. Still if your a fan of the series, check it out. If not, give it a watch anyway though be warned this is a EXTREMELY graphic movie. So if you don't have a stomach for it, I wouldn't bother. And haters if you can look beyond the blood, gore, action, etc...You might just enjoy it.

Overall, a excellent way to kill two hours and enjoy yourself. Check it out!
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Invader ZIM (2001–2006)
Utter insanity...I LOVE IT!
6 January 2005
Like most, I was shocked and extremely disappointed with Nick when they pulled the plug on this show. Not that I have anything against them, they're an alright company (though I loathe Rugrats, they seriously overplay that toon). But you think that a network that wants as many good shows as it can get would hang on to something this unique. Alas they wanted save face and keep their kiddie image. So when they went to the creator to tone down its...aggressive nature. He refused on most accounts and well, you know the rest. Still in its aftermath, the show has gained a tons of fans, merchandise and a huge effort to get it back on the air (though i doubt its possible due to the creator's statement about never working in animation again...quitter :P).

I've been with the show ever since its premiere and its taken awhile to grow on me but thats mainly due to extreme craziness this show belts out. Common sense is just thrown out the window in IZ though you can still make out the stories between the screaming and mayhem. And what a bunch of stories, I've never seen such creativeness crammed into thirty minutes. The writers take such simple concepts and really go nuts with them. Your always expecting one thing then something just jump out of nowhere to really make you head spin. And with characters as wired as Zim or as annoying as Dib, why wouldn't it. And the humor, oh it just got to be seen to believed. A perfect blend of sci-fi and dark humor. All I can tell you is by the time the credits roll, you be grasping for air due to all the laughing (considering you have a taste in this type of stuff). I can kinda see why Nick was a little uneasy with most of the content. Its not vulgar but it is a little disturbing now and then.

Artwise, its an very unique style. Cute yet creepy with a nice blend of colors and shading. The CGI parts aren't bad neither especially with its use of camera on action scenes. The only flaw I noticed about it is that the lips can't keep up with the words half the time. But that a usual problem most cartoons have, so it can be overlooked.

Music, well done with dramatic beats that really enhance the craziness of the situations. Ditto on the voice acting as they match up to the characters really well. Even the background characters are worth listening too.

Overall, it was a fine series while it lasted and was unfairly canned due to the network not having it way (and mean seriously Nick, "buget problems". If you can't admit you had personal problems with the show. Then your not the network I watched as a kid). I doubt we'll ever get a show like this again but at least fans can enjoy it on the rightly deserved DVDs. VICTORY! VICTORY FOR THE ZIM FANS!
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Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi (2004–2006)
5 January 2005
I was rather surprised when I found out the two women who sung for Teen Titains were getting their own cartoon show as well. Granted like most folks in the U.S, I've never heard of this band since its from out of country (the closest I've ever heard of J-Pop would be the Dance Dance Revolution machines). So I found it interesting as the show premiere came close (Checking it out at my Lowes movie theater helped as well).

Premise: Basiclly just a bunch of misadventures of the band's three member trio: the title characters Ami and Yumi (which from what I read in interviews, are based off the real life duo's more shining characteristics) and their tightwad money hungry manger, Caz, as they travel the road on their concert tour.

Its a cute show really with simple premises, situations and solutions all with a dose of the girl's music thrown in. However since the format for this show is short, most of the episodes end pretty corny and doesn't really give the stories a chance to flesh out more. Not to mention that you can see most of the resolutions coming a mile away. Still the character's personalities shine through and make the show worth watching as they stumble in and out of problems.

Art wise, very nice style. The creators or Puffy must of been fans of the game Parapper or Um Jammer Lammy cause the show reminds me of those video games and the art is very reminiscent. For those that haven't played those game, the style is simple line art, very abstract and colorful. Especially for a flash cartoon (2-D animation done mostly on computer). So good job here from the folks of Renegade.

As well as the sound section. As mentioned, the tunes are of course Puffy Ami Yumi songs with some usual cartoon play back. And the voice actors (which you may recognize as the main voices from Grim Adventures and Teenage Robot) do a nice job voicing the girls while mixing in some Japanese language (mainly when the two characters express surprise, get shocked or angry) and I love the dude who does Caz voice, the only one who seems to have an accent here.

And lets not forget the opening and closing segments with the real life Ami and Yumi. Though I think this is mostly from their show in Tokyo then down here. Still its cute and they don't take to long to lead in the cartoons.

Overall, a simple cartoon kids and teens might love, the older crowd might give a glance at. Would've been better if they can flesh out the problems more and use it as an opportunity for more humor. But they do well with the time they have. I don't know if the band will hit it off down, but anything possible and I wish all the luck for Puffy AmiYumi. Keep rocking girls!
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Van Helsing (2004)
It may have been corny, it may have have overused its CGI. But, hell, I loved it anyway!
5 January 2005
Yeah, I know this isn't a masterpiece of cinema and I can already tell half this nation's populace hates it despite a good run at the box office last summer. But still I went into this movie just looking for a good time (that and am a huge fan of old school monster films) and thats what I got. For the uptight and so called expert critics, let me spell it out for you: ITS A POPCORN MOVIE! OF COURSE EVERYTHING GOING TO BLOWN UP TO THE MAX AND GO OVER THE TOP! IF YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND THIS, THEN DON'T CLAIM YOU DO AND BASH A FILM BECAUSE OF IT! *Ahem* alright on to my review.

Plot: Helsing and his assistant, a frair named Carl, are sent to Translvaynia to protect the last of a gypsy family from being stuck in purgatory due to a curse Dracula put on them. In the process however Helsing must also stop Drac's plan of engulfing the world in darkness all the while battling his minions. Throw in a plot device involving Frankenstein's monster and you have a pretty cool adventure brewing.

I'll admit for a movie that suppose to be about Helsing. They kinda dropped the ball on the story. There's way too much emphasis on the gypsy girl rather him and they don't flesh out his back story about his lost memory and his supposed history with Dracula. Also the movie has a few nonsense parts (the talk with the creepy undertaker) which kinda slows down the film a bit. But still the movie stays on a linear path and the set-ups up to confrontations are well done. Not to mention the confrontation themselves even if some are a little silly (ballroom scene (though a good homage to the Fearless Vampire Killers), the fight with the last bride, Igor and Dracula himself). Yes their CGI laden but I don't care, its a supernatural movie after all. So what better way to do them.

The actors seem very comfortable with their roles and looks to be having a great time. Extra props go out to the dude who played Frankenstien's monster, I was really feeling for him. Easily one of the best characters in the movie.

Add to that some excellent backdrops and clothes to which the film really draws you into its 19th century world. Yes the movie is full of flaws but it only for fun and only wants to entertain to which it success in spades. If you don't like it, well fine. But for all who love a good popcorn flick or a fan of old school monsters, you can look no further. Van Helsing is just the ticket for a simple good time.
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Arrested Development (2003–2019)
Am I watching the same show you guys are watching?
28 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
OK, seriously, after reading the recent past reviews of the show am starting to ask myself if you people are even giving the show at least five minutes of your time before rushing online to bash it. You guys are saying that season 2 is going downhill yet your not even explaining why the this season is so inferior to the first. I've seen the second season and I have to say it right on par with the first with more funny twist and situations that Michael and the Bluths have to deal with. Yes they changed some of the story lines now (George Sr. on the run, Gob taking over the company, Buster threating to join the army, and so forth) but THATS HOW SEASONS GO. If they kept the same storyline from the first the show would've haven't gotten repetitive before the first two episodes. And beside the show still retains it wit and subtle humor from the first show while continuing storyline from previous episodes. So really whats the problem with the second season? Cause all am hearing is whining and undeserved bashings from folks with short attention spans.
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Monster Force (1994)
Where'd it go?
15 July 2004
I too also saw this little cartoon from Universal during its run and I have to say I really wish it was shown in syndication more. Heck even a little cheap DVD would be nice (they did it for Mummies Alive!). Seriously where this forgotten gem of a cartoon go?

Premise: A group of high tech teenagers fight off against classic Universal monsters and spiritual things that threaten humanity. Some of the crew with personal vendetta s(one has the curse of the Wolfman thats been handed down through generations. Another a family member was taken away from her by Dracula, etc).

The animation of course was a little slow and probably hasn't aged well now but the stories and action more then made up for it. Its a shame it didn't last long (as mention only thirteen episodes) but even worse that it hasn't resurfaced. If Universal is reading this PLEASE just give out a little DVD for it. It would mean much to me and any old school monster/animation lover just to see it again.
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Defiently nowhere close to the orignal, but not bad for what it is.
15 June 2004
I'll admit, I saw this movie before I saw the original and even after seeing the first BB movie. I still love BB200O just the same even though the the curse of the Satuday Live movies caught up to this one. Eh.

Plot: After getting out of jail and finding out that his brother died (glad to see Aykrod didn't ignore this fact) Elwood Blues once again finds himself in the world with no direction. Visiting the ophanage he and Jake saved in the last film, he is given a kid Buster (J. Evan Bonifant), to watch over for the day to keep him out of trouble. Of course if you saw the original that doesn't last long. Pretty soon he gains new partners: Big Mack (John Goodman, in my opinion, making a great replacement to Jake.) and later Cab (Joe Morton) a police chief who was chasing him until "the calling of the blood" took over, and once again getting the band back together on yet another mission from God. Along with the Chicgo Police Department on his tale for a misunderstood kidnapping, as well as the mob and "white power" terroists.

The problem with this film is that the music overshadows the story causing it to take a back seat and never really being given a chance to developed whereas the first movie blended both seemlessly. Granted BB2000 never takes itself seriously as the first one did (even moreso with puppetry and special effects) and the music is really jamming here with musical talent new and old (gotta love the concert scene). But in the end the story just doesn't stack up to the original ending on something of a cliffhanger (guess there was a third on planned). Still, its it own movie. As the the title implies, a Blues Brothers for a new generation. If you don't compare it to its predecessor you MIGHT just enjoy it. Like I said I saw this before the first one and had no problems with it.

Overall, a not so great story but still a pretty cool film. Worth a watch if you have nothing better to do.
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A nice blend of comedy and music...and it's from Saturday Night Live too!
15 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Colored me shocked when I found out that this excellent musical comedy came from a former player of Saturday Night Live. As we all know anything that comes from their sketches and make it to the big screen are less then stellar (of course its for the fans of the show.)

Plot: Elwood Blues and Joliet Jake are two former musicians trying to lead a straight life after numerous illegal incidents in the past when they were traveling with their band. After Jake makes parole (Elwood is already out), the two head to their former orphanage for a visit only to find out its in danger of being shut down with only eleven days to get the money. Not wanting to lose the only home they've known and after getting a inspiration from visiting a local church. The two set out to reunite their old band and raise the money. But a simple red light running gets the cops right back on their tail. Pretty soon modern day Nazi, an angry country band, the mod and the whole police force of Chicago is gunning for them. Oh, did I mention a former fiancée is trying to kill Jake for running out on her at their wedding.

Like I said, the movie is just a full out musical trip with such a hilarious story to boot. Nothing is taken seriously here from the inspiration at the church to coming together of the band. The road trip to the concert and the concert itself to the final climax that is one of the best car chases in film history. All thanks to the various talent that made the movie such a joy to watch (some of which are no longer with us, R.I.P).

Their were a few flaws, the running gag where of Jake's fiancée countless attempts to kill him and his brother go a little thin and you have to a have a suspension of belief to watch it, especially during the final moments. Still there's more good then bad here.

Overall, if your a fan of musical, comedy or road trip films in general. Do a favor to yourself and check out one of the most underrated musicals out there.
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Megas XLR (2004–2005)
Do you dig giant robots? If yes, then welcome to your mecha show.
12 June 2004
I'll admit am not a person whose into mecha cartoons. Sure watching giant robots pummel each other may appeal to some, but am partial on the genre itself. Mainly because the ones I watch are always too serious or have a deeper meaning to tell. Well finally comes mecha cartoon thats purely about saving the the most unorthodox methods possible.

Megas XLR (called Lowbrow when it premiered) is a about Coop, a lazy video game, food munching slacker that finds the robot Megas one day while hanging around at his local scrapyard. Unknowest to him that its a tool in saving the future that accidentally got blown to his timeline. After a bit of a paint job and some modifications (inculding ripping out the part that allows time travel) Coop fixes the bot and renames it XLR. No sooner then his first test drive with his long time bud Jamie. The real owner, a rough yet cute female warrior of the future named Kiva, comes to claim it with a evil alien force known as the Gloof right behind her. Since Coop remodified the robot's controls, he the only who knows how to pilot it . Thus he, along with Jamie and Kiva as support, becomes the Earth only hope in defeating the Gloof as well as other intergalactic baddies that come around. Heaven help us.

The series is very unique, its a breath of fresh air that the hero is is a person who goes by his own methods, even if they tend to to backfire (and they often do). Jamie is a good comic relief, the usual woman chasing coward yet so quick to point out the flaws in Coop's plan. Kiva brings a good balance to the two slackers always complaining yet has to agree that whatever works works. Thankfully they didn't over blow her seriousness. Of course the real star is Megas, the souped up machine that will save the future with its truckload of firepower. It never ceases to surprise me what kind of weapons it'll pull out next. Which what make the show so fun. And lest not forget references to countless movies, video games, anime and general pop culture.

The animation is colorful, fluid and of course anime inspired (though thankfully not all out anime i.e: The route Teen Titans took). Love the models for the villains Megas encounters too.

Soundwise, a nice display of music cues. Usually cutting off when the characters comment on something weird or an attack fails giving the jokes extra flavor. The music itself okay, usual guitar licks and over the top dramatic pieces but it fits the action well.

Overall, Cartoon Network has really got a winner on their hands with this original piece. So if any one wants a starting point in watching mecha cartoons or just don't want a serious mecha toon in general. Look no further, Megas XLR has your ignition.
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Detective Conan (1996– )
Makes the Scooby Doo Gang look like the meddling kids they are.
12 June 2004
Broadcasting in he U.S. as Case Closed, Detective Conan is an interesting mystery/comedy/thriller that looks like a kiddie show but definitely ia much more to the series. Plot: a teenage detective protoge is turned into a kid by a weird poison and must help solve cases for his girlfriend's bumbling father under a alias until he can find the people who did this to him and recover an antidote. The premise, like I said, sounds kiddie but as the series rolls on things start to get messy and at times, a bit disturbing, but the cases are so ingenously planned out and executed you can't help but watch just to see how Jimmy/Conan will get the jobs done with such a small guise working against him. The animation is pretty good, bright and colorful though dated (eight years old now) but has its own style of anime. The dub isn't bad either, once again Funimation ,the folks doing the recording down here, have hired some excellent voice talent that matches each characters personalty very well though some tend to overact (the junior agency for example). Overall a great series that blends comedy and mystery very well. The only gripe being its very long (over 100 episodes) but still fun to watch. Give it a watch if you need a break from all the action animes or just a fan of Japanese cartoons in general. As Jimmy/Conan always say: "With a keen eye for detail, one truth prevails."
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Setting the record straight...
15 March 2004
Okay first things first... This is NOT a rip-off of Scary Movie. It was in production way before Scary Movie started filming and was slated to be released in theaters. However it got delayed and Scary Movie beat em to the punch. Knowing that people (especially now as I can see from the previous posts) were going to think it a rip-off if released right behind SM, the producers opted for a tv movie instead. This is the truth as it was mention on Entertaiment Tonight. So please, STOP CALLING IT A RIP OFF!

Now to the review This is actully a pretty cool parody. Unlike Scary Movie (which I also liked btw) not all the jokes are riddled with sex gags and toliet humor, so of it harken back to the days of Airplane. I love the bit where the characters are at the party and discussing what to do in a horror situations. That was just hilarous especially with the cameo by the dude who played J.J on Good Times and the Pop Up video chase.

I'll admit some of it doesn't work but that how parody goes, its hit or miss and Scary Movie had the same type of problems. Overall I say its on par with SM. Both have unique sense of humor, it just a shame that SIYKWIDLFtT will only be seen by a few and sadly be wrongly branded as a rip-off just because of circumstance and bad timining. It really is a good movie if you give it the chance.
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Monster Rancher (1999–2001)
Lord of the rings...only with cd disks
7 September 2003
Was this show ever the black sheep. The third to what I like to call the "Monster Wars" Monster Rancher was a very underappreciated anime that either went unlooked as it was syndicated at the time or Fox Kids just wouldn't give it the time of day due to its Digimon hype.

Th story is pretty simple. Taking the basis from Captain N (another video game inspired/marketng show) Hyperactive Genki recevies a beta game he won from a video game tournament. But upon trying it out, he is literly sucked into it and finds there a real world inside. And its in danger thanks to a evil monster name (wait for it) Moo. The only hope being a young girl (Holly) and her childhood monster Suazo as they quest to find the Phiniox, the only monster who can stop him. Genki joins them ,of course, and along the way they run into other monsters they come across that join their cause.

The animation is pretty standard anime and nothing to write home about. But the storyline more then makes up for it. The one thing I loved about this show was it energy (which ironicly enough was what Genki's name stood for) and the fact that everything was straight forward and more over character driven rather then rely on too much on a gimmick. The battles this motly grew of rebels get into are very fun to watch and you really can't help but root for their uphill fight to overthrow Moo and his evil army.

I'll admit it stumbles in it second season (plus the ending was kinda lame) but it had a good run none the less. It just a shame we didn't get to see it's third season due to lack of intrest and it being taking off the U.S airwaves for good. But in my eyes, this is one of he best anime I've had the pleasure of viewing. Those who been on their Pokemon and Digimon high horses while this was in run and didn't know of its presence. Check it out on one of the few video or dvd out there and see what you've been missing. As the song goes "Monsters Rule!"
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Fun vampire flick
7 September 2003
Of all the vampire flicks I've seen, BOD will always stand as my all time favorite. Granted the scare factor is pretty low these days with all this blood and gore. But with a good spooky atmosphere, very nicely paced plot (heroine unwittingly free vampire and seeks to spread is vampireism to a girl's charm school) and some fine actors who bring energy to thier characters (Crushing and Peel especially). It's a great old school horror film. Try to find it on video or ,if you can't find it, try to catch it on AMC. Hopefully you won't be disappointed.
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Fighting Foodons (2001–2003)
A poor man's pokemon
5 September 2003
Being a avid animation fan, I admire anime not only for there great and unique art style but original storyline as well. I thought there was no poor show out there for this genre, all of them coming in at least decent.

Man have my eyes been opened.

Fighting Foodons is just another franchise to cash in on the pokemon craze and it shows. I don't mind the storyline in which a group of rebels go up against a evil king and his army, heck that the reason I fell in love with Monster Rancher. But the characters are as bland as they come with little to no personiltes (though I'll admit Kayla and Clawda was kinda cute). The monster they use to fight even more so. Do they seriously expect for me to cheer for a fighter with plate of rice curry for a head? The animation is very sup-par with clips in the frames every mintue or so. And all the joke are horrible horrible puns on food.

Overall, the lowest of anime show out there. If the characters were given bette personiltes and the writing more so. I would've put it in the decent catogory. But sadly it the occupit in my "it sucks" box for anime cartoons. Find something better and ignore this.
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Boy Meets World (1993–2000)
Modern Day Wonder Years
5 September 2003
This was a nice harmless show basicly about the trials of growing up. Cory was your everyday teen, a guy you could really relate too during that age (of course I was only 10 by the time Ben Savage hit pre-teen), Shawn was the kid with the troubled life style and had to be pointed in the right direction. Topaiga was the love interest and female POV of lifes trials. Eric (my fav character by the way) was sorta the look ahead after the teenage years. And lastly Feeny was the guider along with the parents. I love the humor along with some of the situations the cast got into and the dialouge of the life lesson was well thought out. I'll admit the show stagger a little adding in the extra charcter near the end of its run (i.e: Jack, Shawn's black girlfriend, and That redhead girl) but was able to end on a high note as the characters proceeded into the adult world. Truly a remarkable show while it lasted.
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