
36 Reviews
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The Rocketeer (1991)
Good, but I wasn't a real fan.
12 March 2001
I saw this movie in Aerospace class almost 10 years ago,(memories....) and I remember not being too impressed w/ it, but it was OK all the same, even though it was hard to tell us gutter children why the lead character is such pansy and why he don't just give his womyn good lovin'. I provided the answer,(Satan himself)Disney!!!!(Personally, she should've gone w/ Timothy Dalton, provided she didn't know he was a Nazi) I still it found it to be interesting, you've got more than one plot going on w/ an interesting array of characters(which overshadowed the cheesy stereotype-casting, like I said, I'm not a fan.) I also learned that they used real Nazi footage for the scenes that were projected and that we really did almost figure out how to get rocket-packs that could actually harness it's user from certain death (that is, if you can keep it from bursting vs. the power to be actually airborne vs. the ability of the user to fly acrobatically w/out breaking their neck, etc.) I'll give it a 7, hey does anybody notice that these movies don't point out why Nazi's are bad, assuming you didn't know (they didn't back in the 40's), irony and non-fandom are something you should take to this movie.
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Alright for mindless action
12 March 2001
Not much to say, except that this movie has more corny dialogue than anything Arnold Schwarzeneger has ever done, and that Billy Drago should've actually tried (he looks like the coke business goes very well w/ his personal life.) Also, look at what he did, you'd think Chuck Norris would press his advantage to torture him to death, but I guess we all can't be as violent as I. John P.Ryan looked like he had fun. Average action fodder, 5.5.
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The Crow (1994)
This is the movie that defined the neo-Goth era!!!!
5 February 2001
Yeah,Yeah, I was a part of the Goth style around Seattle, but only after I saw this movie!!! Atmosphere, visualization etc.,etc., I can't say enough!! This is one of those movie's that almost made me cry (the best any movie can do) which to me, despite Lee's death, is an achievement, believe me, I saw it quite a few times and my reaction is the same (I must be a freak!!) Anyhow, I forgot how I was going to pick everything apart on this movie, so I'll leave this alone... a 10!
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Oh man.........
5 February 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not going to start on Christopher Cain, even though his movies tend to bite the dust..... At least this one had some decent acting, but characterization is what made the book by S.E.Hinton so powerful, And, yes, against better judgement, I will compare this to the book, with SPOILERS.... Mark in the book is popular likeable and dare-devilish, in the movie he's seems to be nothing but a punk w/ dare-devilish inclinations!! Mark would be my nephew to a T,a booty hound and a clever little mischief-maker whom anyone upon meeting can forgive since his untouchability and good-nature are very apparent,not like some swinging-you-know-what (I HATE censorship!!!!!) that bases his life on all the rampant going on's in the hood'. Yet, Emilio Estevez does manage to save his character somewhat, it's Bryan that was under-scored heavily, they should've represented more of that downtown background he has in the book, but alas, they made him nothing but a reformed punk akin to the Mark in the movie (which, alone I will say is good, but this is based on the book, I guess that spoiled it for me.) So, later on and throughout the movie Craig Sheffer seems like a wooden jerk to Mark, rather than representing the inner-turmoil that Bryan feels when he wants to change. If anything, Bryan still felt what I would say "carnalismo" in him after getting beat-up by the Sheperd brothers as well as feel responsible for stopping the violence, rather than looking like a whipped pup!! But I can forgive these things, what made me vote 6 on this was the ending, happy 80's music and a "lighten-up dude" ending. Yes, the book's the same way, but a lot more bitter..... when Bryan spoke with Mark in prison, Bryan left afraid of Mark, since Mark had the same mischieviousness about him, but also a darker-side which Bryan felt Mark could kill him if he wanted to!!!!! In all, if your gonna make the movie fluff, at least leave the ending to strike you! Yes, and I didn't even mention CHARACTERIZATION the supporting cast, only Morgan Freeman and Jill Schoelen (Angie Shepard) were true to form.
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Just had to see it!!!
6 January 2001
Warning: Spoilers
And I'm glad I did!! I went into this movie like so many other people (probably because the thought of Nazis is enough to get me me to go get a gun and be rid of these people), and, of course, I came out better for the wear. The film and the way it portrayed (kind of cut-and-paste editing) is very effective for something this real and brutal. SPOILERS, it's not going to be pretty...... It states that Derek tries to prevent his brother from becoming a skinhead soldier like he was, if anything, he's preventing him from being affiliated w/ the neo-Nazis since he doesn't want him to be marked like he was (which we see power by affiliation and it's causes), also, I'm sure Danny watching his brother curb-check a Crip (who,if you ask me, probably wouldn't have kissed the curb anyway)and then look at his expression of anger and pride when he's arrested, it tends to keep one from ever wanting to become anything that barbaric. I couldn't swallow the fact that someone like Derek would reform their beliefs after prison, but being raped by your own kind and realizing that you should look to better your life rather than your pride (also finding out that your leader is a squealer helps), would make someone wake up and change things anew (good thing I realized this in my life as well, this validates this film portraying how hatred turn one's ability to love into destruction.) My qualm w/ this film, and this does tend to happen in real life, is the fact that Sweeney asks Derek to talk skinheads out of being skinheads, especially since Sweeney understands that Derek needs breathing room for being back into the outside world, that was just plain wrong, but it also makes the ending more hard-hitting than it would've been. I say no matter who you are, check this out, but if your looking for a political agenda, I have to say I deeply symphatize w/ your ignorance. A 10!!!
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I can say I sat through this!
30 December 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, I think Rachel Leigh Cook is a hotty, but that might be why I actually saw it, for free I might add. This goes to remind me that slip-shod teeny-bopper trash such as this might as well be used to record over, SPOILERS, but it won't take much... Matthew Lilliard is probably the only highlight in this film (except for the step-ins by Lil'Kim and Anna Paquin, who must've simply got paid for having their faces in here) with his dance routine (hopefully ad-libbed) to "Give It To Me" by Rick James (which wasn't credited!!!!). Rather goofy and proud of it, he probably has the only natural energy in this flick!!! I'm sure communists would love to make high school this way, but it simply isn't so. Freddie Prinze Jr.trying to look intimidating is too silly, if he tried that little stunt in the cafeteria for real, he'd become ugly and would've never been a poster boy. It would stand to reason that teeny-bopper movies should've stayed in stagnation after the 80's died (nothing much has changed since), this movie is a grossly sugar-coated version of any decent 80's teen-flick, how it got a PG-13 is beyond me. At least an up-to-date carbon copy of "The Principal" or "Lean On Me" would be decent. A 3, it's got gas for a car that takes water.
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Star Maps (1997)
Yup, another true-to-life movie
12 December 2000
Warning: Spoilers
They need more flicks like this rather than the happy little people in their happy little worlds. I knew a few kids whose fathers were like this, but how can this thing(it would be in be insult to men to call him one, pretty low huh?) do this to his son. OK, he's going down the generations, but he malevolently tries to destroy his son's aspirations. SPOILERS, don't let em' see you!! I was hoping that he would've decapitated his father w/ that spade shovel at the end. Of course, the main problem w/ this movie is it's ending, it's so open to possibilities when it stops at a bad place to stop, you really can't get any feeling of what's to come w/ Carlos walking down the street at the end. Oh well, an 8.5!!
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Freeway (1996)
It good, but I sort of don't like it.
12 December 2000
Warning: Spoilers
I always think Reese Witherspoon is so miscast in this movie, but the truth is she does an decent acting job w/ her role. SPOILERS, I hope it doesn't shoot out your nose... Maybe there are a few things that irk me.. that Mexican girl that Reese beats up, I don't think it would been that easy, I also don't think that she would've won that fight, but my guess is Vanessa is supposed something more like Natasha Lyvonne in the sequel (which is supposed to be worse, but I still have to finish it.) Another scene was finding all those girlie mags in Bob Wolverton's study is too much a moral knock on porn, like that's gonna make someone think he's a serial rapist-killer, I need more twisted violent imagery!! He's a psycho, not a pervert (well, he's a mixture of the two.) Also the fact she's trying to read for someone when she can really read makes me think she prefers mugging horny men rather then seeking what less dangerous professions there are out there. But it is true, that movie has a great supporting cast, plus it's more gritty than most movies tend to be, but I'm still wondering what Vanessa's character is supposed to be about? You know she can't be going on to great things, and that end really is too far-fetched, I figured someone would realize Grandma's dead. It's a 6.5, entertaining but it still shines it's bad points with me.
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Double Dragon (1994)
It has something decent..........
12 December 2000
But it's still a 4/10 piece of tripe that could've been great had it been well choreographed, well written and not aimed at kids (most of the people that were fans of this series would be young adults anyhow!) It's got a PG-13, but there's no real violence, nudity or cussing!!! The only thing I thought was cool was the settings, they'll stand out in my mind, as well as Alyssa Milano and Robert Patrick. Even Mark Dacascos is OK, but he would've been a help w/ the novice fighting choreography. Not to mention the bad guy who KILLS they're mother (close enough) got arrested to be let out on bail anyhow rather than being mutilated is beyond gooey and nice to me. Get me a real martial arts movie w/ broken necks and intestines being ripped out!!
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Geronimo (1993 TV Movie)
The history of the One Who Yawns!!
9 December 2000
I can say I admire this movie for the vision of the myth of "Geronimo" (as a relation ((not a relative!!!)) I can't really see myself calling him Geronimo) that it delivers, which is a lot better than say it's Hollywood counterpart "Geronimo:An American Legend". It delivers more of the brutality the Apache had to put up w/ from the Mexicans and the White Eyes.As w/ all these movies, no history and lots of action and gut-wrenching. There's not much more I can say except check it out! Oh yeah, August Schellenberg is one of the coolest Indin's on film, not to mention he looks like a long-haired version of my dad! An 8.5!
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Hey, at least it was better than the first one.
7 December 2000
As w/ the first one, I kept an open mind despite whatever. Also, as w/ the first one, I could recognize the same inept writing and editing!! The only kudos this movie gets is that it pokes fun at a lot of things (although it doesn't do this well either.) Oh, but I do have a weakness for nudity being in a film of the Gen-X type(male or female, which the watchful viewer will see both)since I'm bent against destroying the puritanical commercialism of other teen flicks. Which is all this movie intended to be (actually, it wanted to be psychologically engaging, which is decent, but this shows off flaws in all of it's glory!) If you could imagine yourself having a tough time in the first flick, try this one on! This movie tries not to associate itself w/ the first one (yeah, then what's the premise?), and doing a better job of actual grunt work is shown. Acting, yeah, this movie has three decent actors, Erica Leershen was just there to show off her wonderful body, That Steve guy was just there to be big boy. Oh well, gotta go, it's a 6
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One of the most successful blunders of modern cinema!
7 December 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Coming out of the theater when I saw this, I can honestly say I was sorely disappointed, I could visualize everybody who partook of this project hysterically prancing to the bank! Why do people like this so much? Yes,it's original,Yes, it's somewhat chilling (I imagine those who thought this was absolutely scary apparently are not familiar w/ the woods),but is it executed well? F--- no!! The acting was decent, I'll give it that, but it's very brain-dead as well as poorly written and edited, (don't even make me use spoilers!!) You know what, I will use SPOILERS since I'm at a loss for words right now:

Am I supposed to believe that they will keep filming when it's obvious they lost all hope, even when they won't film any sex or any other obviously hilarious material that they can cut out for their presentation? It's like the cameras became welded to their heads towards the end, or as Dave Barry put it, mounted on the top of a hyper-active seal!!

They did so great w/ the chase scene, they shouldn't have drug it so much past that (the only good scene, except for Heather's last apology, which was good by itself, horrid when tied in w/ this movie)

The jerky camera was an awesome idea, but did there have to be so much of it? Sometimes less is more.

And yes, if your going to camp out, have survival gear! And why can't they figure out that following a river works? But then again, they can't have intelligent conversation or keep their heads!

Enough, it got a 5 for effort.
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Why did Baz call this "William Shakespeare's Romeo+Juliet"?
23 November 2000
Using this title in it's own right thumbs it's nose at the Bard!! Not that I'm a true member or anything, but pretension is going to have reaction's, most of which are going to be negative!!!! I haven't seen this flick for a while, but I do remember that everybody I associated with at the time absolutely despised it. I can see why, Shakespeare was a poet before a playwrite to my knowledge (don't hold me to it, I prefer his works to his life story!) so any well crafted dialogue of his is butchered for physical and visual effect in this movie, it's just wrong! Not to mention I find the acting to be thrown out for speed,and you can't just do what you please w/ the physical aspects of the original play, so many scenes that made the play a fatalistical tragedy are overwrought!! I have to give this movie it's due, though, it shows a great use of visual ability that should be used w/ these types of stories (even though it seems that Baz is trying to do everything that everybody else didn't with this movie) which does justice to the themes of this play. I'm not familiar with any of Baz Luhrmann's other work's, but after graduating to his sappy "Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)", I'll be concise enough to say this is his best work (which definitely ain't saying a lot!) and that I'm afraid to meet him for fear of laughing at him or puking on him! A 5.5
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Emma (1996)
Can't say I enjoy this....
23 November 2000
But getting to make fun of everything this movie does is entertaining! I'm not too sensitive to Austen's novels or romantic time piece comedies (yes, it's a set-up, I guarantee it) but this movie in all of it's trodding-on pace has the kind of thing that people like myself will poke fun at for it's running length. Yes, fan people, "Enema"(as we name it for a Hollywood good time) was made for lesser-read drunken audiences, but hey I still give it a 5.5. Maybe one day I'll read the book and enjoy it better.
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It's a good one, but I still say......
23 November 2000
it's just not my thang! But it deserves a lot of the praise it garnered a while ago, acting from the leads is superb, the atmosphere that's in this is true to the subject matter (although it could've been more visceral to the viewer, but I'll be damned if I could figure out how that could've been worked!) My problem was that the background actors in this movie tend to be more of a background than the implied oppression of desires and need for formality which these type of people in this story use to hold themselves bereft of everything (including themselves it seems!) Maybe I slept through it, I don't know, it's been a while! Truth be known, I would see myself dead before I become like any of these characters! But eye and brain candy indeed this is! An 8!
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Flashdance (1983)
A representative of the 80's to be sure.
23 November 2000
But it's the good 80's, and I'd like to point out that this is more of an artistic movie than anything else, especially with the lighting and the main character's quirks(even though it doesn't seem like that was the producer's intention!) Also the story of how this was cast makes me wonder (I would've voted for Demi Moore, but oh well)if the producers knew how this movie would've fared. It's started the 80's new wave look I'm told, and it actually enpowered women in it's own shallow way, so we can safely say it was a breakthrough, kinda like The Matrix restarted the whole industrial-cyberpunk goth trend. Still, why does she want to be a ballerina? It's doesn't make sense, she'd be better off in a chorus line where the people are likeable as she was!!! As a dancer back in the 80's (and yes, it was hard to admit to being a male dancer back then!!) this movie was cool to watch and the soundtrack was pretty awesome!! Oh well, this movie is weird, a high-energy sleeper that actually was OK. A 6.5
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Can't say if I like it, can't say I don't
22 November 2000
I try to think a film over, and in this case it's confusing so I threw out a 7, but I have too many qualms w/ this film! A lot of the problem is editing, the DVD on this flick shows scenes that were cut which I say definitely should not have been cut!!!! Who cares about running length anyway, this film has the atmosphere built well to the point that you could easily run it 2 hours!! Yup, editing and screenplay are killed again! Oh well, it's documented why this movie is inedible tripe and why it does well, I can't think of anything else!
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Scary Movie (2000)
Either like it or stay away!!!!!
22 November 2000
I have to give this movie credit for having the balls (pun very much intended!!) to do the things that they did w/ this movie and still pull out w/ an R rating! I admit that I really dislike the new wave of conservatism that is popping up in teen flicks today.Yet, this is definitely one of the worst Wayans pictures I've seen, if they only went the extra mile for this movie, as it is all the crude humor is over-the-top and not executed as artistically well as the previous Wayans films. Yup, it's easily the worst Wayans film in existence! It still get's a 7 from me, point of argument though!! Why is it that people have to have a stiff upper lip about these kind of flicks! Whats wrong with this movie doesn't necessarily get pointed out as much as the fact that it's crude!! All Wayans flicks are crude(even though their previous films are a lot better written and edited!!!!) you would have to expect that they're gonna try to push it!!! Oh well, we live in a pampered society and it shows...but check out "I'm Gonna Git You Sucka!" or even "Don't Be A Menace While Drinking Your Juice N' Tha Hood" (sp? it's a long title!)
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Well crafted and popular.
22 November 2000
Oooooooooooh a twist! OK, this one's kind of obvious and I figured it out at the scene M.Night Shyamalan wanted to cut, but I didn't want to believe it and the movie is too contrived for you to wanna believe it either,(the perception of Bruce Willis' character can only carry on so much before it's obvious the ending is what made the movie!) I feel sorry for the people who didn't figure it out or went into this movie with expectations (which no one should ever do.) A lot of cutting went into this one,a lot of it good, some of it malicious! But the movie deserves the praise given it. It's obvious that it's a one trick pony, but it's good one!!!! (Oh yeah, my best friend's gonna kick me in the head!)It should be throughly enjoyed since there's so much good stuff (the writing, the music, the acting, the direction and whatever else.) Today, it's seems I'm bashing editors! If you watch the DVD, look at the alternative ending and think "Who in their right mind would trade this ending for the one given!!!!!!!!!!!" A 8.5!
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Chicken Run (2000)
Hey, I enjoyed it!
22 November 2000
I can't add much here, but everytime I think of this movie, I have to sing "The Wanderer", Mel Gibson singing a drunken duet w/ Dion(the radio)on this song is tooooooooo cool! (although there is no actual drinking involved.) Hey, it might not be your bag, but the longer reviews should give you all the curiousity to get this film in front of your eyes. A 10!!
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Killing Zoe (1993)
It seems people are repulsed right away.
15 November 2000
Which I have to think is the movie's intention, so that the themes presented here are really covered up by the desensitization that the movie embellishes in, you have little things in this movie that points to themes of extremist humanity. I haven't seen this movie in a LONG time, but I can remember it revolving around Eric Stoltz's Zed is a person balanced between purity and desolation, whereas Julie Delphy as Zoe represents his purer side and Jean-Hugues Anglade as Eric represents desolation. And you can see that in the hostages vs. the druggie robbers. All the hostages getting killed as well as Eric doing what a screwed up person would do to get rid of Zoe would explain the title, if anybody really didn't get it. I gave it a 8 however, there is little substance, although it's obviously there, but it's still entertaining in it's own right!
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I can't say this movie was udder stool
14 November 2000
Warning: Spoilers
But it titters close to it, I don't quite remember what made the movie mildly entertaining, but it wouldn't matter since mildly entertaining doesn't cut it man!!! Yes, all logic is abandoned for cheap thrills, but I gave it a 3 since the SPOILERS are speaking to me!!! I agree w/ Joe Bob Briggs (everyone's favorite trash-movie host) that the "I wanna sleep with a $20,000-a-night hooker" line is classic (if somewhat shallow and stupid) along w/the originality (yeah,right) of "probably will fry your frontal lobe." But listen to the naysayers from all fronts, they're right about this sad sack of a movie.
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The Shining (1980)
I did the wrong thing, I read the book before I saw the movie
14 November 2000
Warning: Spoilers
Which may be why I gave this movie a 7, the idea of making a horror-noir movie like Kubrick did is a big gamble, but he pulls off some great work nonetheless.SPOILERS people! The shower scene is perfect creepiness, so are those twins just standing there (the lighting, directing and make-up for that still should be commended!) I can't really see how Delbert Grady is creepy in this movie, he's better in the book! Which is something that I must point out... this is STANLEY KUBRICK'S The Shining, not Stephen King's. The book I liked better and has more suspense, but this movie is practically nothing like the book, so comparing the movie would be unfair. Of course I have to watch the DVD on this one, it seems the editing makes this movie a little convoluted w/ continuity errors (why did Wendy start carrying that bat around? I know...) Jack Nicholson's ad-libbing in this movie does develop his character so well, I wanna be like him!! (Acting-wise that is!) Shelly Duvall was starting out her career it seems, I don't know how her character was supposed to be, also with Danny, you just don't quite know what's up w/ him! If you want a plethora of madness, read the book, if you want a creepy film w/ thrills to an extent, watch this flick.
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Man, I can't add anything that hasn't been said before!
13 November 2000
I went to school w/ fanboy friends of the Evil Dead series, I'm waiting for a sequel and the video games as well (hopefully I can bumble, fight and talk my way out of situations like Ash can!) Bruce Campbell epitomizes every B-movie teenagers qualities must they be faced w/ the situations poor Ash gets himself into. Yeah, I watched the lengthly version of this flick and got a little bored, that's why this movie gets an 8, but ya gotta love Ash, cuz' everybody likes a piece of Ash!
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The Lost Boys (1987)
Well, had to give it a 9, I tend to watch this movie at least once a year!
13 November 2000
Warning: Spoilers
It definitely has staying power for me, but I enjoyed the 80's since I didn't buy into the whole brat-packer-yuppie teeny-bopper pop culture that people seem to associate w/ the 80's (which, ironically enough, can be said for the late 90's and seems to be holding on) this movie tends to validate what was good about the 80's if you were truly there. On to the movie... I like this movie, it does have some quirks that SPOILERS can show (the scene with the motorcycle lights outside of the house being one of them) but the soundtrack is great (save for Elton John's out of place contribution), the movie has a surreal campy atmosphere (Joel Schumacher didn't want this feeling in this movie, but too much editing for this effect would've hacked this movie!) that I particularly like, the night shots seem to score the movie's intention. And you gotta be down w/ the costume designs and the background characters for this movie!
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