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Inherit the Wind (1999 TV Movie)
Return Of The Wind:Lemon & Scott give their best Tv Performance
15 June 2002
Tv remakes of classic films usually don't work out very well these days.But in the case of the l999 MGM/Showtime presentation of Lawrence & Lee's courtroom drama:"InHeirit The Wind".This film is the best peformance ever brought to the small screen.It's not the first time that "Inheirit The Wind"has been remade for tv.In the l980's.Kirk Douglass and Jason Robards took their turns as "Brady"and "Drummond" in a CBS TV Adaptation.But both men were unable to capture the emotional and creative sparks that Jack Lemon and in his last performance George C.Scott gave to their fans in this faithful tv version of Lawrence & Lee's dark satire on controlling one's ideals.Lemon gives a quiet but powerful performance as the openminded lawyer:"Henry Drummond".Whose unconventional lawyer tactics are attacked by the ultra conservitive and biasly controlling "Mat Brady"(Scott).Who is praised and cheered as a great believer in God ,a defender of those less fortunate and a wonderful man.But "Brady"is little more than a dangeriously controlling religious fanatic.Whose misuse of the lord's word and his pollitical ambitions ,encourage him to try and destroy a decent man"Prof.Cates".Simply because Mr.Scott's "Mr.Brady"refuses to accept the true history of man's evolvement.There are also some fine acting efforts from Lane Smith as the equally demented "Rev.Jerimah Brown",From the young lady who plays "Rev.Brown's" Daughter "Rachel" and from John Cullium as"Judge Merrell Coffee".The film sticks to the script from The late Stan Kramer's l960 screen adaptation and plays it beautifully.The only damper in terms of this the casting of Beau Bridges as Newspaper reporter:"E.K.Hornbeck".Mr.Bridges plays "Mr.Hornbeck"as a snotty,arrogant and boring caracture.Who tries to play his role in the same vein as his big screen predicessor:The Late Gene Kelly.But after seeing his performance in this second tv remake of the show.Mr.Bridges is not "E.K.Hornbeck"nor is he Gene Kelly.Despite Mr.Bridges' forgetable attemps to be Gene Kelly.The l999 Showtime TV version of "Inheirit The Wind!"is a fine film filled with fine performances from all assembled.It's also a wonderful tribute to The Late Mr.George C.Scott.Bravo George!
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Chuck McCann enchants us all in This Cartoon Fantasy!
19 May 2002
"The World Of Hans Christian Anderson"is the third film remake of the life story of Denmark's most famous storyteller and philosohper.And it's the most enchanting of the three.Here the film looks back at young Hans' efforts to try and earn enough monies to attened the Opera.By trying to have his father create and enter his new line of shoes at the Odense shoe festival.But The corrupt mayor of Odense is only interested in another cobbler's entry.Hence.Poor Mr.Anderson's(The voice of Mr.Anderson is performed by Gil Mack)entry is ignored.Hand tries to work at various jobs to get the monies for the opera.But his efforts fail.So the poor lad and his cat:"Casper"are forced to listen to the opera out side the operahouse.But Hans sad life is aided by a kindly father godfather:"Uncle Oley"(performed with charm,wit and whimsey by Chuck McCann).Who shows the boy that he doesn't need to see the opera to create his own fund.When the opera is disrupted by the pair of red shoes.That Mr.Anderson is forced to give to the spoiled and abusive daughter of the mayor forces the hideious girl to dancing nonstop into the streets and everyone follows the girl.Everyone except an unhappy little boy.Who is missing the opera.Hans cheers little fellow up with one of his stories:"The Poor Little Match Girl".By the time that he finishes the story for the unhappy little kid.Hans is hailed by the Mayor of Odense(The voice of the mayor is performed by Lionel Wilson)and the King's Royal ambassedore.The Royal Ambassedore sends a message to his majesty.Telling about Hans' talents as a storyteller and the king bestows unto the boy a scholarship to the Danish Royal Academy to study reading,writting and drama.Hence The boy is on his way to a long and successful career as the world's most famous author.The film doesn't have alot of great songs.But it does have some charming characters and the story is warm,funny and imaginative.The most memorable characters in this animated tale are McCann's"Uncle Oley"and WIlson's Corrupt but loveable rouge of a pollitician.This animated musical fantasy may not be in the same league as Sam Goldwyn's l952 live action musical semi/fantasy with Danny Kaye and Rankin/Bass'"The Daydreamer!"? But on it's own merrits.It's a wonderful little musical fantasy that captures the charm,fancy and the wit of Anderson and McCann.Bravo Chuck!
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This Hurwitz Film should Never Have Left The Trail!
16 May 2002
In this second and last feature film comedy for Harry Hurwitz.Chuck McCann again tries to satirize the movie making industry.But Unlike his previous endeavour with Hurwitz:"The Projectionist"."Comeback Trail"Is a forgettable look at movie pornography.As Hurwitz fills the script with unnecessary violence,Tasteless gags,foul language and unreal settings that do little to endear this stupid parody of low budget filmaking to audiences and film students.The plot(Or what little plot there is)has "Enrico Kodiak"(McCann)(A bad screen version of Chuck's popular kidult tv villian:"The Great Bombo Dump")and his bumbling partner:"E.Eddie Eastman"(Bob Stats)trying to find a way of saving their little film business by trying to get enough monies to pay off their creditors.They come up with a scheme to bring an ex movie cowboy actor:"Bute Montanna"(Buster Crabbe)out of retirement to appear in a contemporary western and.Since the two fiends believe that this old guy is in no shape to do the strenouious stunts on camera.He'll drop dead,as the only beneficaries of his life insurance policy.They collect a fortune and pay off the bill collectors.But "Montanna"prepares himself for the film and succeeds in not only making the film a hit.He also takes over "Kodiak's & Eastman's"studio and their fourtunes.Crabbe gives his most capable performance in this film.But with little or no plot and with alot of offensive material being done.There is only so much that he can do in this film.Even Ina Ballin and Jara Kohout(Chuck's co stars from The Projectionist)do very little to help make this film a hit."The Comeback Trail"is Buster Crabbe's Last Movie.It's sad that this film provides very little in the way of thrills and excitement for Buster Crabbe fans or gives us any real comedy or nostalgia remincising for old movies fans or for fans of movie comedy and fans of Chuck McCann in general.Kevin S.Butler
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Art Carney Proves that Old is Great in "Harry & Tonto"
16 May 2002
Art Carney gives us all a top caliber performance is this highly acclaimed movie drama.Here he plays a put upon retired school teacher.Who is forced to move from his West Side Apartment with his pet cat:"Tonto"and move in with his patronizing and complaining son and daughter in law.Unable to tolerate their difficult attitudes."Harry Coombes"(Carney)takes a trek accross country.Where he meets up with a teenage runaway:"Ginger"(Melenie Mayron),A Connving Vitamin Salesman(Athur Hunnicut),A Native American Medicine Man:"Sam Two Feathers"(Chief Dan George),A prositute(Rhonda Flemming)and his former girlfriend:"Jessie"(Geraldine Fitzgerald).He also spends some time with his oppionated daughter:"Shirley"(Ellen Burstyn)and His irresponsible son:"Eddie"(Larry Hagman).The film is filled with pogient moments and with some laughs.As well as some tradgety:"Harry's"old Friend:"Jacob"(Played here with some acerbic insight by the late Herbert Burghoff).Who dies and Poor "Harry"(Carney)has to indentify his friend's body at the morgue and the death of "Tonto".Art Carney won an Oscar for his portrayal of "Harry Coombes" in this picture.But most of all.He has won our admiration for his talents as an actor.Thanks Art!
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Chuck McCann shows us all the Old Movies and Succeeds!
16 May 2002
In this lovingly wonderful tribute to old movies and the unsung hero of the movie theaters:"The Projectionst!".Chuck McCann creates a unique character and fantasy world all his own.Here.McCann plays a dilligent,hard working movie theater projectionist.Who has to put up with his obnoxious and crazed go by the book boss:Theater Manager:"Rinaldi"(Played by Rodney Dangerfield in his movie debut)."Rinaldi"forces his staff to try and turn a dilapidated little movie house.(Which has probably seen better days in the l930's)into a glowing movie palace and he expects everyone to shape up.Chuck Tolerates Dangerfield's abuse and manages to do his job.The rest of the film has McCann having a relationship with a beautiful girl(Ina Ballin)and dealing with his dislike for his Boss and the changes in late l960's NYC Via his fantasies of being a old movie serial Superhero"Captain Flash".Who defeats a power mad supervillian"The Bat"(also played by Dangerfield) and his "The Bat"and his gang try to steal an Old Scientist/iventor's(Jara Krohout .Who also plays a candy butcher in Dangerfield's movie theater)"Death Ray Machine"and kidnaps his daughter(Also played by Ms.Ballin).The battle between McCann's"Capt.Flash"and Dangerfield's"Bat"is done in pantomime and is a brilliant piece of comic acting,psyhicial comedy and farce.Truly worthy of Keaton,Semon and Chuck's two idols and mine:Laurel & Hardy(McCann does a brief L&H impression in the film)Harry Hurwitz(The film's guiding genius plays a small cameo in this film as a put upon theater usher).Filled with great film clips of classic old movies,brilliant pantomime , comic acting and insightful wit.This film is more funny and heartwarming than Mr.Allen's"Purple Rose Of Cario"and more faithful to old movies.Forget Woody Allen.Stick To Harry Hurwitz's "The Projectionist".This is a real tribute to old movies.
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Izzy & Moe (1985 TV Movie)
Gleason & Carney together again in TV Movie Drama!
13 May 2002
For years since they last appeared in a l978 ABC TV "Honeymooners"comedy special.Audiences clamored for Jackie Gleason and Art Carney to return to tv for one more performance.In l985,the duo returned to the small screen.But this time.The pair performed in a period drama that showcased their other talent for dramatic acting.As Izzy Einstein and Moe Smith.Jackie & Art play two ex-small time vaudvillians.Who try to find gainful employment in l920's NYC.Times were hard due to the Prohibition laws that prevented adults from getting liquid refreshments and for Poor Moe Smith(Carney)the constant raids by The U.S.Prohib agents didn't help his bar business.Izzy's (Gleason's)money making scheames didn't help Moe's fiancial woes either.But Izzy comes thru for the pair.When he gets them jobs as undercover prohibition agents for corrupt,dour federal officer:"Lt.Murphy".Who wants to end the violent and contempable reign of mobster:"John Vanderhoff" Alias:"The Dutchman"(A dark satire of Dutch Schultz)."Dutch"is taking over all of the crooked booze business in the Northeast and he doesn't give a damn about what methiods that he uses to get the hooch.Izzy & Moe stop "Dutch"and his illegal attacks with their disguises and help from a distrustful,no nonsense federal agent:"Dave McCoy",a young novice agent:"Harris"and a fun loving,flirting saloonkeeper:"Dallas Carter"(A satire on real life NYC saloonkeeper:Texas Gurnin the lady who get Barbera Stanwyck's career started as a showgirl)the boys stop "Dutch"and become heroes to everyone and for once in his life? Jackie Gleason's comedic(or in this case semi/serious character)finally controls his abusive and smart aleck mother in law.When she sees that he is a success at last! She is forced to light his cigar in The store window of Macy's.The film is full of action and some laughs.As our heroes foil the crooked speakeasy owners with their disgusies and their showing up their incompetant superior and one of his tough talking but not too bright agents:"McCoy".But the only flaw with this film is Moe's(Mr.Carney's)love affair with "Dallas Carter".Why anyone would want to fall in love with such a creature.Who only cares about maintaining her unothodox bar business and not care about anyone else is beyond me.The lover's subplot is unnessicary.Despite this ridicules detour."Izzy & Moe"is a wondeful drama and the best of Gleason and Carney's tv performances.It's their last performance on the small screen.But it's their best!
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Lots Of Paul Winchell,Some"Officer Joe"But No "3 Stooges"!
30 December 2001
When this film was first publicized by Columbia Pictures and The film's producer:Harry Rome in l960.They promised that "The Three Stooges"(Who at that time were:Moe Howard,Larry Fine & Curly Joe DeRita)would appear in the film with Ventrilloquist/Entertainer:Paul Winchell and with NYC based kids tv host/performer:"Officer Joe"Bolton.But when audiences did see:"Stop Look & Laugh!"? "The Three Stooges"(Moe,Larry and Curly Howard.Who died during the winter of l952)only appear in stock footage from the l930's and 40's.Hence! "The Three Stooges"never really appeared in this film.Thus depriving the audiences of seeing their favorite comedy trio in action.The film does feaure some witty banter and slapstick from Mr.Winchell and his puppet pals:"Jerry Mahoney"and"Knucklehead Smiff"and a wonderful cameo from"Officer Joe"Bolton.(At that time Mr.Bolton was still hosting reruns of "The Three Stooges"Films from the l930's and 40's on WPIX TV Ch.ll NYC's:"Three Stooges Funhouse!")but the Stock footage with the boys is brief and forgetable.When shown with horrible music and graiting sound effects.And "The Marquis Chimps"parody of the Fairy Tale "Cinderella"(Which also using the charming voice over talents of Ms.June Foray.Best remembered as the voices of "Rocky Squerill and Natasha Fatale')is nothing more than cheap timefiller for the more memorable comedy squences featuring Mr.Winchell and his puppets.Hence! This film should not tell you to"Stop Look & Laugh!".But to"Stay away from this Three Stooges RippOFFF!".
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The Outlaws Is Coming is The Three Stooges Last film & Their Funniest!
23 December 2001
In Their last feature film.The Three Stooges:Moe,Larry & Curly Joe De Rita are sent to Casper ,Wy. to stop The American Buffalo from being killed off and also to halt a Native American Uprising.Aided by A pre "Batman:Adam West and Nancy Kovacs.The boys,Mr.West and Ms.Kovacs stumble into a barrage

of sight gags,topical references,pies,and brawling.As they try to foil the evil scheame of western gandleader:"Rance Rodin"(Don Lamond)and his henchmen:"Trigger Mortis"(Played by former Perry Mason Show Cop:Mort Mills)and "The Sunstroke Kid"(Rex Holman)from killing off the Buffalo and aiding the indians in a war that could destroy the White American and Native American Races.The film also features some wonderful performances from former "Stooge Foils"Harold(Tiny)Brauer as a wisecracking bartender,Murray Alper as a gruff old Indian Chief and Emil Sitka.Who totally surpasses' himself by playing three Roles"Mr.Abernathy"The boys and Mr.West's not too understanding Boss,A Indian Medicine Man and a pompus US Calvery Officer.There is also a brief but memorable cameo from Henry Gibson(Yes! That zany poet.Who three years later would go onto tv fame as the hip bard on NBC TV's:Rowan & Martin's Laugh In!)as a hip Young Brave.And Nine of The USA's Most popular Kids tv hosts/performers Sally Starr,Paul Shannon,Wayne Mack,Hal Fryer,Bruce Seadley,Ed T.McDonnell,Johnny Ginger,Bill Camfield,and "Officer Joe"Bolton play The film's Nine Outlaws.Putting all of these element together.This is The Three Stooges Best Feature Film.
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