
9 Reviews
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Underrated Love Story
10 April 2022
This is a good movie. The only rationale that makes sense for the low rating is that viewers were expecting something different. This is a type of a coming of age love story, not a ghost/horror/spooky movie. The In Between is a feeler not screamer, and well worth a watch.
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Archive 81 (2022)
Spectacularly Spooky
9 February 2022
A classic Lovecraftian horror with a perfect mix of mythology, mystery, and jump scares. For those into music, (which I am clueless about) the use of sound is quite unique and really draws you in. The sets and characters are interesting, the acting is good, and the layered plot keeps your attention until the very end. My only gripe is that it's over because I binged it too quickly. I'd love a season 2.
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12 Monkeys (2015–2018)
Don't Let Time Keep You From Watching This Gem
28 September 2021
I recently found this series on Amazon Prime and I'm baffled as to why it wasn't much more popular when it aired. I'm writing this review for anyone out there looking for a great sci-fi series to watch (more like binge because this story hooks you from the beginning.

12 Monkeys is proof that time travel stories can be done well. Plus it gets bonus points for assuming the audience can figure out what's going on without being spoon fed. The best comparison show I can think of is Dark, although the two are definitely their own thing. 12 Monkeys is an interesting and well-planned story, with compelling characters, and a plausible use of scientific theory. I would have loved to theorize about this show when it was live, but since I missed that ride I'm doing the next best thing: recommending it to others. You're welcome.
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Clickbait (2021)
Couldn't Stop Watching - And I liked Pia
2 September 2021
This is one of those shows that's going to make you tired at work the next day because you couldn't stop watching. Lots of twists and turns but I'd say it takes until the end of episode 2 or 3 to really get hooked.

There are plenty of positive Clickbait reviews I agree with, but what I find surprising are the number of negative comments about the female character Pia who is the focus of episode one. Each episode focuses on a different character, although the other characters continue to appear in non-centric episodes. I found Pia to be headstrong and continued to go after what she wanted, which was refreshing to see in a female character. For me she falls into that category of strong female characters who, for some unknown reason, get the brunt of viewer criticism.
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Borat 2 Is Pure Genius
1 November 2020
I did not understand what people loved about the first movie because that type of humour is not my thing. The 2nd movie is pure genius. I laughed out loud throughout, but the laughs are not what makes this movie great. Borat 2 is a satirical look down the rabbit of current day America. We need more movies that point out the absurdity of current events.
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Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
Not a Bad Show - dystopian intrigue that leaves you thinking
9 June 2020
Don't be misled by the reviews. This show is interesting and leaves you wanting to know more about the setting. Is it an award winner - no. Is it entertaining and suspenseful - yes. Does the intrigue make you want to keep watching - absolutely. I read the user reviews before watching but decided to give it a shot regardless of the low ratings because I was I intrigued by the concept. I haven't watched the movie nor have I read the source material. I've now watched 4 episodes and I'm hooked. To enjoy this show you first need to accept that the premise is unrealistic. What it does accomplish is a very interesting analogy of classism. Many people seem to dislike the police procedural plot. I enjoyed it and I think it succeeds as being a plot device to give the audience a tour of the train from the perspective of someone in the lowest class, while showing the massive injustices between the haves and the have nots. Give Snowpiercer a chance if you enjoy dystopian genres and you aren't too picky about technical realism but want something that will make you think about the ugliness of wealth privilege.
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Good Boys (2019)
Hilarious Movie For Adults
23 August 2019
I can't remember the last time I laughed so much during a movie. If you like dirty jokes, do yourself a favour and go see this movie. Guaranteed good times. And do not bring your children. This movie is NOT FOR KIDS.
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The Magicians (2015–2020)
You've grown up with Harry Potter, now that you're an adult watch The Magicians
5 April 2019
This is Harry Potter for adults. Yes, it's a genre that's been done. But it hasn't been done like this. I read the first book in the series and my dislike for the characters kept me from reading the rest of the series. The good news: the show characters are more likeable... but not entirely. The Magicians embraces cliches. It's very aware of what it is. Harry Potter, meets Narnia, meets The Hangover. Yes, F-bombs are dropped like popcorn. It's laugh out loud funny(seriously, the one liners will make you cry) with a fantastical plot that draws you in and keeps you hooked. Bonus if you're into mythology.
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The OA (2016–2019)
5 April 2019
I heard about The OA by word of mouth and decided to give it a try. I can't believe I hadn't heard about it years ago. Binged both seasons in a couple of days and I can't stop thinking about this show. It is INCREDIBLE, AMAZING and simply BRILLIANT. I found the second season was better than the first because it seemed to have more action and the visuals were stunning. Absolutely one of the best series I've watched. I always check IMDB before starting a series and read comments that were somewhat negative. After watching the series, I decided to created an account to write a review. It's that good.
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