12 Reviews
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Nothing funny here except the positive reviews.
9 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was horrible.

Horribly written, horrible performed.

Low class, trashy, obnoxious female lead.

More gutter ridden brain rot for the drooling masses to slurp up.

The 'jokes' were tasteless and lacked actual humor.

The characters are absurd, in every way imaginable.

What middle school child convinced Netflix to purchase this script?

The only thing remotely funny is how low the bar is now for movies to be made.

Even lower is society's standards.

If you haven't watched this already, don't bother.

Save your precious time and brain cells.

Find something else or go outside and watch grass grow.
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The Tearsmith (2024)
Brought me to tears with how horrible it was.
9 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What was the point in this?

What has happened to making movies that have substance, depth, character development, or just an actual storyline / plot to follow?

I have no idea who the characters were below some surface level flirting and a few crumbs of a backstory.

Why did he love her and she him?

What all incurred prior to them being adopted that made, other than an old lady saying they must have respect, obedience, blah blah blah.

The second male character was not believable in his interest for the female, but he did what he was intended so the main male can beat him up.

Same old tired, "forbidden bad boy" cliché filled movie.

Except we get no back story to the bad boy or why their love was so forbidden.

Then the couple that adopted them had a son that passed .. that was a kernel they could've developed more instead of glossing it over.

This was just another shoddy Netflix movie.

Seems that's all they're capable of putting out.
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One Day (2024)
10 February 2024
Why are we continually subjected to subpar shows when a decent movie or show of the same story already exists?

The leads were miserable, not attractive, and had NO chemistry.

This was dull, boring, music was horrendous.

It was a struggle to get through episode one, but I pushed on hoping it would get better.

It did not.

Instead of mediocre rehashes with dull casting, try something new.

Create something new and memorable.

Since my review has to contain 600 words to be published I will leave you with this question from the 1st episode of this hot mess.

"Have you done something you've regretted?"

Yes, watch this show.
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Hot Rubbish
27 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a mess.

It had a sliver of weak potential somewhere .. not sure where, but I just know it had to be there.

The main female had the personality of a dust mite.

The boys were thirsty and desperate.

Alex fell for her the second he saw her, followed her like a lost mutt, then played the "poor pitiful me" role when it came to the older brother.

He was weak, spineless, and had as much physical appeal as a jello mold.

Then Cole was such a stereotypical 'bad boy' right down to his entrance on screen.

The loose girls at school, under age drinking, skipping school to party .. YAWN .. I mean really.

Can they try even harder to be lame?

The whole house was chaotic, none of the kids made sense.

And oh my God the agendas they pushed.. pretty sure every box that could've been checked was .. even the desperate gay kid throwing himself at a minority (puke).

And then the whole "Thanks taking" spiel ... waaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Hot rubbish is what this amounted too.
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The Manny (2023– )
27 December 2023
Poorly written and a horrible portrayal of working women .. whoever worked on this is very far removed from reality.

The first episode was saturated in stupidity.

Extremely insulting to business professional women who actually know how to manage their children and home life.

If she had been employed for anyone other than her father, she would've been out of a job.

The amount of times she bailed on her responsibilities because of "no nanny" was ludicrous and a weak excuse at best.

Her children were old enough to know how to act, yet were spoiled brats allowed to run amuck.

I felt no sympathy for them and didn't like any of their characters.

The youngest needed to learn manners and was in dire need of basic home training.

AND (shocker!) she was divorced - the father was never around to help out with kids but could take vacations with his much younger mistress.


The eye candy of the "manny" is the only reason for the 3 stars and even that was being overly generous.

I don't know why I continue to renew my Netflix subscription because all they can manage to churn out is flops.
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The Signing (2023– )
Tone deaf and Talent less
18 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was horrible.

This was all the 'talent' that applied for the show?

If it was a drinking game - take a shot every time a 'musician' mentions smoking a blunt or a female's rear end in one of their 'original songs'.

This was like a bad car accident .. you want to look away, bit for some grotesque reason you keep watching.

One of the worst, for ALL performing, was when they had a world renowned producer produce their tracks.

Every single one was horrible and was not representing the producer in a very good light.

And then the judges.

Man oh man .. I don't even want to waste anymore of my time.
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XO, Kitty (2023– )
Stop .. just stop
18 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Stop with this series and any additional storylines Netflix feels they need to create.

The very first movie was halfway decent and mainly because the male lead carried it with his charisma.

The second and third were huge flops.

This 'spinoff' looks even more absurd.

And what is up with poor Kitty's teeth?

Could they not help the actress fix them prior?

Then she doesn't speak or understand any Korean, yet gets accepted into a Korean school.

The 'dad' is still a horrible actor .. his lines are delivered with such emptiness - as if he is reading right off of a script.

There was no believable chemistry between any of the main characters.

So just stop Netflix.

Stop with the churning out of flops.
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I wanna dance with someone else ..
24 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was such a flop.

It might have been okay, but they dropped the ball.

Again and again.

Big time.

They could have spent far less time on the lesbian side of things and focused more on the actual musical journey.

The actress was mediocre.

Her wigs were not that great, the clothing was okay.

Whitney Houston's legacy deserved far better than this.

Such a let down, which just falls in line with pretty much every other movie churned out recently.

I tried to push through until the end, but tapped out.

I might get around to completing it one day.

I doubt it though, because it was such a disappointment.

A half glossed over account of a remarkable singer.
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Another Netflix Flop
11 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't quite sure what I expected, but it had to be more than what I got.

There was NO chemistry between any of the cast mates.

The kisses between Reese and Ashton were almost painful to watch.

Ashton looked very gaunt and unattractive.

Reese needed a new stylist (holy denim!).

The story was bland and the supporting characters did very little to help move it along.

Many seemed like they were just ticking off a box of must haves for modern productions.

From the typical lesbian to overly rich, promiscuous female who had ties to everything (and wanted to become BFF from the minute she meets Reese).

The kid was an overly coddled allergic mess.

He was just a lame character.

Another odd character was the weird neighbor who hangs out in her garden all day and later admits he does it hoping to get laid.

Ew. I mean really.

Couldn't he have just been a happy, hippie guy?

While in NY, she takes one guy back to the apartment for sex and Ashton sees it on camera.

That whole dynamic made it even more odd and just not very believable.

Then the whole publishing book aspect (again, not believable).

The end was just as bad as the beginning and middle.

This was one I looked forward to seeing b.c the cast was a bit nostalgic for me.

But ... much like most everything else being put out recently, this was a lack luster flop.
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Tell Me Lies (2022– )
Tell me ... nothing more.
7 September 2022
Books are usually better, but I'm always willing to give movies/shows a chance.

I was excited to see this one and now ... nada.

Just a big let down.

There is no chemistry between the characters, especially the leads.

The actor playing Stephen was poorly cast.

The whole thing seems off and slimy in a way.

I'm not sure how else to describe it ... was not even a fraction of what I was expecting (or hoping) it would be.

I wanted to bail halfway through the first episode but, I gave it a chance and I stayed for more than just one episode.

I will continue on my search for a good show.

Most being made lately are falling below the mediocre line.
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The Fallout (2021)
What were we supposed to feel?
17 March 2022
This was not very well written, directed, or acted.

This was to be someone's "break out" role?

The bar drops lower and lower.

It was a mess and kind of all over the place.

Many scenes and situations could've been omitted, they were useless.

I doubt anyone who made this has ever experienced PTSD.

If they had, it may have been a better story.

Or at least more believable.

Those giving high marks must just be starting out on their film viewing journey.

Save your time (and sanity), find something else to watch.
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Wine Country (2019)
"What's your DUI song?"
15 May 2019
I could see my friends and I having a trip like this. The soundtrack was awesome (reminiscent of days gone by). Looking through some of these comments I can only think "they must be young" LOL
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