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12 May 2024
This movie is brilliant. It creates an immersive isolation that feels real. The CGI is STUNNING and the pace and aggressive action make this the definitive Godzilla movie. On a par with JAWS and JURASSIC PARK it creates entertaining suspense and realism not seen in many monster or creature films. I would recommend any fan to see this movie before watching our American films. Though I love Gareth Edwards and Monarch looks super cool I look foward to TOHO bringing more of this type of Godzilla to the theater. The redesign looks fantastic and hope to see deeper stories and other monsters designed and brought to the big screen by this production company and genius director. BRAVO BROTHER.... keep em coming.
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I want more VILLAINS like the cartoons These villains are still not compelling enough
12 May 2024
This franchise needs to take more chances with the material from the cartoons. Villains like SAM HEIN, WHAT, KILLERWATT, and the SANDMAN are all amazing story characters you could make a few amazing movies from. KILLERWATT was a class 9 phantasm that could control large pieces of MATTER so imagine the kind of villain you could make from this ;) SAM HEIN was a badass , SCARY villain that would make a great Halloween movie. Jason is bringing some good writing and technology LORE to the franchise and this villain was still cool. Im just ready to see them follow more of what made the cartoon an iconic platform of storytelling. Well done nonetheless guys! :)
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Classic old school badass horror film with character and soul
29 October 2023
FNAF delivers on all fronts. Superior special effects animations, cinematography, production, and directing. It breaks all the rules of trying to follow formulas or jump scares simply for shock value. This movie reminded me of the genius of Jeepers Creepers 1 and 2 and how those movies were genuinely creepy, atmospheric, and scary through natural situations and not cinematic setups to try and sell you on SHOCK VALUE. FNAF brilliantly executes an atmospheric storytelling form and the violence has real reason behind it and isn't your typical mindless acts of gore and ridiculous bloodbaths you see in standard horror movies that rely on those cheap kinds of tricks and methods to sell you on its violent horror value. My daughter and I loved this movie and it is a fan pleaser. A fantastic adaptation with some surprisingly emotional and moving moments.

Critics continue to hilariously embarrass themselves by trying to fit in with the BROKEN SYSTEM of narcissism and cynism that has become the..... movie critic

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Jaws 2 (1978)
A remarkable classic and sequel and masterpiece like the first
4 July 2023
This movie is what Hollywood used to know how to allow good producers and directors to do.....make great movies. Franchises used to be made in respect to source material and characters. Reboots and new talent only work when you have strong writing but especially VISION. Good producers HAVE to have that or a movie will not be made correctly and fall apart. Jeanot obviously understood the way the first movie was made here and he GETS THE VISION AND FORMULA why it worked in the first place. I LOVE this movie and it hold an iconic place in movie history as a blockbuster sequel that just takes you to explosive levels of action and suspense. A brilliant film with an even more electrifying ending than the explosive ending of the first film. A TRIUMPH and still holds its storytelling power to this day. Two thumbs way up with cheers for Jaws 2!
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Brilliant horror movie...way ahead of its time NO CGI All optical effects that look perfect
22 June 2023
Visual effects have certain styles. The original ghostbusters will always be my favorite LIGHT SHOW because real elements were used in creating the proton beams and what they look like. The sound design on the movie should have won an award along with the visual effects. This movie holds on its own without any help from the standard Hollywood hype and blockbuster. Tony Fields plays the villain perfectly in this film and the skin crawling atmosphere this movie oozes just reminds us what truly scares us is the mystery of the unknown. NOT SEEING THE VILLAIN most of the time makes it 10 times more unnerving and at times frightening. This is one of my top ten most favorite BOOGEYMAN type films Ive ever seen along with Drag Me to Hell and of course The Boogeyman and other *released demon* style horror films. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay underrated.... BY LEAPS AND BOUNDS A SUPERIOR HORROR FILM PERFECTLY EXECUTED ++IN EVERY FRAME++ 10 stars here It's almost too well made :D.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
17 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Loved this movie. It was fantastic. The bad CGI babies and certain slow motion scenes need a rework but were AMAZING. I blame studios for going CHEAP and pulling the plug before visual effects are COMPLETED which obviously these ARE NOT. I have a solution.... REFUSE TO BUY THIS OR RENT IT UNTIL THEY REMASTER THE VISUAL EFFECTS! I see a lot of people complaining about this in movies but you STILL....++FEED THE CASH COW++ Blame YOURSELF because Studios continue to do this because they know they can get away with it so stop letting them! I would go see this movie again BUT I also want a director's cut if there's a version that exists where Supergirl doesn't die in it! I thought this was an unnecessary Death that could not be reversed when he tries to go back in time to save her and I thought it was a really stupid decision that makes no sense to introduce us to a new character only to kill her at the end of the movie! Kind of reminds me of let's see Mark Hamill coming back as Luke skywalker only to have him abandon everyone at the end of the movie!? I loved Supergirl in this movie She had me crying and was a very well developed character! Well done Andy for making a great movie! It was an amazing film there's this things that as a high price ticket paying customer I would demand need to be fixed before I would ever buy this on DVD or rent it because it's not fair that they didn't complete the CGI or some of it needs to be fixed the problem is Studios don't care because they know we're going to go see the movie anyway and until people get sick of it they're going to keep ruining movies by allowing shortcuts on CGI to get the movie out.
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You watch movies like this to get revenge on critics ruining your movie experience / Brilliant
28 April 2023
A masterpiece and timeless film where Kenneth Branagh embodies his possibly greatest character role since the dark arts teacher in Harry Potter. Branagh leads a dream cast of actors and actresses through a production of the highest quality of magnitude and characters to make your murder mystery dreams come true. A popcorn entertainment watch late at night tour de force of intrigue and tension where you have no idea who the murderer is until the most dangerous moment. At that moment the film becomes an insane action film and brilliantly executed hero movie where thank God the greatest detective in the world is there to save everyone that is left. FLAWLESS.....
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CRITICS ARE MORONS God this movie is beautiful
18 January 2023
This movie has so much soul and one of Tom Hanks best films I've seen in years. The thing about realistic dramas is feeling like you are there and a part of what is happening. Thomas Newman delivers his normal epic moving score style like he did in Phenomenon and Finding Nemo, etc This movie has real performances you can feel and Tom Hanks son is also superb in this as well. Critics really have seen too many movies and become too cynical to FEEL film anymore. This iis one of my top 10 new favorites this year. Well done Tommy. Keep these kinds coming. This movie was a treat for the emotions and soul. 10/10 for me.
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Nope (2022)
Peele and Shymalan should team up / PERFECT ALIEN FILM
14 August 2022
This film is remarkably suspenseful and immersively terrifying. It's like taking The Shining and Fire in the Sky and adding fuel to the firestorm of chills and thrills. An absolute unforgettable film experience that takes you where JAWS did. Complete isolation with nothing to do but FIGHT and SURVIVE. Peeles best horror film after GET OUT.
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Beautifully done! Stop comparing to the original... This stands alone!
22 June 2022
This movie is very well done and is more about the dinosaurs at times than the humans. This film really makes you think how much suffering we bring to life in general with GREED. I loved this movie and I would see it again! Really good story and connection to the original movie.
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An absolute PERFECT movie and sets a standard that Hollywood needs to LISTEN
6 June 2022
This movie is beyond incredible. A total sequel masterpiece that goes beyond the greatness of the original. This movie has set the bar so high I'm sure most studios that only see $$$ signs will overlook how you make movies like this.

This movie should set financial records at least this year. If anything can save movie theaters and Hollywood creativity... KEEP THEM COMING LIKE THIS GUYS.

700 stars added to the limit of 10 to my review. I could watch this movie once a month and it would not get old. Just SPECTACULAR AND TIMELESS. An absolute masterpiece that deserves some Oscar's as well.
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Excellent story and sincere to the original!
24 May 2022
This movie is absolutely brilliant and gives gozer more back story and character exploration. Truly masterfully thought out to bring back the terrifying demigod that has always been one of the best villains of the Ghostbusters legacy.
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An EXCELLENT film. Absolutely nails everything and ties to the original
1 August 2021
This movie is a masterpiece. It feels like a classic and respects the source material of the original. A brilliant movie with a superb script and character development. Purely exceptional 👏
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Crazy good An astonishing prequel
29 May 2021
Eva Greene is a captivating villainess. Watch this before you watch 300. It sets the classic up BEAUTIFULLY.
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Untamed Heart (1993)
Critics Untamed IDIOTS Even back then
6 May 2021
One of the most beautiful romantic movies from the 90s. An unforgettable journey into the soul of true love. Marisa Tomei is PERFECT. A dream like masterpiece of film making. Slater and Tomei are flawless. A beautiful, smart, wonderful movie. Critics be damned. A classic love story.
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Holy Man (1998)
Underrated masterpiece with an unforgettable music score
2 May 2021
Not much comedies have that dramatic balance of emotion and human conflict. This movie is utter BRILLIANCE and every critic that says otherwise is WRONG and should choose another career. An immersive heartfelt film about hope and learning to laugh through some of life's problems.
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WandaVision (2021)
Absolutely amazing. The last 4 episodes deliver
19 April 2021
The last 4 episodes deliver an incredible climax to this compelling build. A surprise villain that is absolute GENIUS. A moving, powerful show that delivers every single set up it pursues to fill. Just an incredible show worth your subscription to Disney plus. Now....let's get Gina Carrano back or else!
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Heroic on all levels of badassdom. Brilliant!
11 April 2021
This movie has one of the greatest movie monster villains of all time in the past DECADE. A brilliant film. Powerful CGI with sound effects and music that penetrate into your emotions and soul. GVK is a monster movie fans dream and is a stand up, cheer, and clash beers action film. Just fantastic delivery the last 45 minutes. UNFORGETTABLE....
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Star Trek: Voyager (1995–2001)
Brilliant When Start Trek had a SOUL and wasn't woke forced cultural conditioning
27 March 2021
I could watch this show all day every day along with STNG, DSP, and ENTERPRISE Fortunately so many years of GREAT WRITING AND PRODUCTION went for over a DECADE. It may take another decade for theme to UNDERSTAND why Trek used to be EPIC. MEAN SOMETHING. HAVE SUBSTANCE. A COHESIVE STORYLINE AND CHARACTERS. WONDERFUL PRODUCTION VALUE WITH WHAT THE FUTURE WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE.... MORALS.
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Batman (1989)
A timeless comic book masterpiece
25 March 2021
This movie has it all. Mystery, intrigue, character development, action, romance, and an EPIC MOVIE SCORE. Batman is the definitive popcorn superhero movie. This and the Nolan trilogy are definitely some of the greatest produced. Batfleck rocks in BVS and JL but if you want some old school ART watch this movie. Brilliant and UNDERRATED.
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Meryl Streep is MAGNIFICENT. Just amazing
22 March 2021
What an incredible performance by an actress. I normally don't care for Streep in today's new stuff. The WOKE movement seems to have made most people in Hollywood a little crazy now. This is a dynamite movie. Total masterpiece that cuts into your heart with emotional resonance and realism. This is how you make dramas that mean something. A job very well done 👏
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3000 times better than the studio BUTCHERPIECE
20 March 2021
NOW... here's the question.... will studios LISTEN and get the crew back for Part II of this MASTERPIECE? Major cliffhanger at the end so if it doesn't happen they just prove how DUMB they are. They could make a FORTUNE with this franchise by actually FINISHING it and continue with character spinoffs. GET IT TOGETHER GUYS! This is a REMARKABLE START. BRAVO/ENCORE
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Critics wrong as usual. Eddie Murphy delivers
16 March 2021
What a remarkable and strangely fantastic vampire film. A brilliant story by Eddie Murphy and top notch acting and character development. Murphy steals the show and as usual critics loose touch with what entertainment is about. Well done.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Compelling but it's time for this to DIE
26 February 2021
The zombie genre has been dragged into an endless time loop of reboots, reimagined visions, and bland DRIVEL. Like fortnite....zombies have become more of a TOOL than actual intriguing storytelling anymore. Come up with something original pick another LORE to explore. Zombie entertainment has become much like woke and cancel culture..... OLD AND BORING. Grow up and get a life and try to enjoy entertainment that is deeper than being DEAD.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Entertaining and smart just needs...
21 February 2021
They need to stop these quick cut money grabs. You need at least 3 hours to build characters and another hour to get into the action. Just rushed like most of these films. Use the AVENGERS model. Make separate films to develop these characters or make a trilogy out of the same plot line. Stop rushing and slow down the storytelling.
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