
44 Reviews
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The Gentlemen (2024)
Awesome fun but misses powerful scenes
11 March 2024
Binge watched it in two days and really enjoyed the show!! The start was great and the end was good. Felt a little repetitive in the middle.. like here's a new episode and another favour needed so you need to deal with another new character.. this goes on for a few times. Also felt that really powerful scenes are far and few less! Like in the movie, the whole episode with Little finger and the wife or Raymond and the kids or the pound of flesh scene, they really were soo powerful.. but I felt this series could do with a few more of such scenes .. but nonetheless, the series was very entertaining, characters were as colourful as they can get in a Guy Ritchie's film and I really am looking forward for season 2 .. oh ., also Kaya was super cool and her character felt like it was mature version of her own Effy character from Skins!!
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Extinction (2018)
This was the Detroit: Become Human Movie I was waiting for!!
22 February 2024
Seriously, Detroit: Become Human was one of the best games that I've ever played. And from the time I completed the game, I seriously hoped for a movie based on that theme! Recently, I thought Wife Like was going to be that, but it was really bad. And then out of nowhere I found this. Still being skeptical, especially after reading the reviews on here, I gave this movie a shot and was pleasantly surprised at how good it was! I only wished, this movie had more budget and featured bigger stars with a more detailed script, it would have been simply perfect! But still, considering the budget, this film really packed the punch and was the closest when it comes to the themes that made the Detroit game such a masterpiece. I would be happy to see the second part, if at all they are going to make one!

And about the children, yes, they are annoying, but annoying in terms of children behaving like children.. not being over smart for their own age! Like the kid from The Day the Earth Stood Still! God!! That kid really is the most annoying on-screen kid of all time for me! Compared to him, the kids in this one are angels!
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Scream VI (2023)
Why am I still watching this!!!
11 August 2023
Really .. the movie is not done yet and I feel this raging urge to write this review so others can stay away from this movie and finally it will stop. I have to admit that the 2 starts I have is for the bunch of cute babes in this film including Ms. Adams.. but that's the only good thing about it. Everything else is soo dumb that I don't even know where to begin! The ghost face really is like from Crypton, because he really is Superman. He can be everywhere, take any amount of beating and gun shots and still keep coming and coming that first you feel frustrated seeing that and then angry at why you are even still watching this garbage!! Then every decision the lead cast makes is incredibly stupid, even a 2 year old probably will make better choices!! God!! Can't image how someone can give this garbage 6.5 rating! Do yourselves a favour, stay away from the garbage!!
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Ghosted (I) (2023)
A totally fun ride
22 April 2023
Ok, is it original .. ? No .. Does it feel like watching Knight and Day but gender reversed ...? Partly yes! But it is soo much fun. Ana is absolutely drop dead gorgeous and everyone who wanted to see a slightly serious version of Paloma from No Time to Die, gets their wish granted through this film. Let's hope this keeps going and we see her in more kick ass roles. About Chris Evans, it feels bit weird to see Captain America playing the underdog here, but he is funny and the entire character arc is very well done. And serious kudos to his sister's character, she was funny as hell ... even in the scenes before the end credits. So, yes, a solid six for this film. It's light hearted, fun and feature gorgeous actors to make it all worth your time!
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This is how to make a Suicide Squad Movie!!
21 March 2023
James Gunn proved with Guardians movies in MCU and he brings all that fun and charisma here as well and this movie is simply a joy to watch!! I have already watched it twice now and wouldn't mind rewatching again as it is soo fun!!

The characters are amazing and the already incredible Harley shines even more in this one! Seriously guys, I couldn't sit thro the first Suicide Squad movie as it was boring and unoriginal even though Harley was amazing!! But this one is simply brilliant!

Every character stood out including the weasel and the shark even though they look totally ridiculous! And the Peacemaker .. he was incredibly funny!

Alas!! There is hope for the new DCU reboot under Gunn's helm!
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Amazing movie .. but I hate the mom!!
27 January 2023
Can't even begin to tell you how much I hate the mom!! Even without thinking for a moment .. she just uses her child as a lab rat, slicing pieces of her no matter what the cost!! And she still, not even for a single second shows remorse on what she's been doing due to the blinded love for her dying child. I can't even begin to comprehend how she can ask soo much of her younger child .. so much!! If anyone deserves not to make it in the end, it is the mom!!!I hate the audacity which she has when she agrees to fight at court, despite the fact she knows what she's been doing to that poor child right from the time she was born!! For me, a more fitting conclusion would be to arrest the mom for what she's been doing her entire life to that poor child!!!
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God!! Wish they stop making these movies!!!!
20 February 2022
Absolutely horrible .. it was soo awful watching this film ... I almost saw the entire thing on skip 10 second mode and still couldn't sit thro the film!! I never saw such dumb bunch of people who just stand, stare and get chainsawed!! That's it!! Whole movie is full of it!! There really are better things to watch on Netflix .., not this garbage.. better take a nap instead of you have nothing to do.. that would be soo much better than sitting thro this garbage!
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The trailer was 1000 times better than the entire film!!
26 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, WW is my only fave films from the DC universe and I simply loved the first one. And watching the trailers, I thought this would be at least as good as the first if not better. But boy, was I seriously disappointed with this. The movie is very slow and nothing happens and once things start to pick up, the absolutely ridiculous story line makes you wonder why the director choose such kind of a subject. The villains main power is to turn himself into a wishing stone and grant everyone wishes whilst taking things back from them. It really sounds ridiculous to hear about it and this transferred into film looks even more ridiculous!! Reminds me of Bruce Almighty but that film did it soo much better. Here, it is just atrocious! I was totally uninterested by the plot and it was a serous let down. Few good things about the film are Gal Godot obviously, she's a delight in every scene, with and without her WW costume, Kristen Wiig gave her very best and her transition from a quite, insecure introvert to a killer apex predator was awesome. Chris Pine is amazing as Steve Trevor and the whole invisible aeroplane thing was well handled without being cheesy. And that is why I gave this film 5 stars. But that is where the good things end. The plot, the main villain and his power which drives the entire movie is simply useless and makes you feel why you are even bothered to watch this film in first place. Patty Jenkins did make an amazing first movie showing some hope to the doomed DC universe .. but with this film, she did the same which others did with this universe. She really needs to look at how Marvel makes films and learn a lot from them. For me the worst Marvel movies are still 1000 times better than this one.
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Couldn't tolerate for 5 minutes, this is absolute garbage!!
2 September 2019
OMG!! This film collected 700 million USD!! People must be really insane or maybe they just went to the cinema after being heavily drunk! I came across this film when I was reading about the box office reports of Alita: Battle Angel and found out that this movie outdid Alita in every way. I was intrigued by the premise and story-line which had heavy dose of Science fiction that too based on a book. I was excited to learn that Netflix bought this film. So as soon as it was available on Netflix, I clicked play, totally excited and hyped!

Just 10 mins in, I couldn't tolerate this movie even for a second more. Still I thought it might get better watched the first 30 minutes or so and then gave up. I couldn't just complete this film, I didn't have it in me to bear this absolute garbage!

Messy plot, everything seems to run on fast forward mode without much explanation or stability in visuals so we can understand what's going on and added to that, the over-over-over acting of all characters was unbearable. The over-acting wasn't even old Chinese films level, it was beyond that. If you recollect seeing any Asian trash movies, you know the ones which went straight to video in China itself, then the over-acting is worse than that!

I really can't believe that people in China made this garbage into a blockbuster. You know what, I am going to pack my bags and head to China right away. I have a utter ridiculous sci-fi script, I am going to make a movie there and become a millionaire! See you all soon! :))))
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8 Stars!!! Seriously guys???
29 August 2019
The very first John Wick is a good film, even though it looses its grip towards the end, still a fearsome assassin returning from retirement because he's been wronged is a great premise for an action film. The second one was absolute trash, in my review I said it was like watching the director play call of duty .. you know where if you are hit with bullets/knives, you can hide behind a barrel and re-emerge scratch-less or find a cheat code which gives you unlimited ammo and medi-packs. That film was exactly a video game, not an adaption or a based-on type .. but just a video game with live actors. In fact, if you will play the future Cyberpunk game, which also stars Reeves in it, you will find it exactly like JW2 .. And now, coming to the third one .. again it is the same mind-less, sense-less super-hero action video game with cheat codes for unlimited ammo, body armour and medi-packs! I mean come on, everyone from the street beggar to highly trained assassins galore wants to kill John Wick and he outdoes them for the entire duration of the film. I mean come on, how easy would it be for a sniper to take down the Wick when he is wrestling in open street?? What..all of a sudden the elite trained assassins syndicate do not have snipers or machine guns??

And I rightfully call this a superhero flick as only, probably Superman would survive when you have hoards of assassins lunging at you with guns, chains, swords and what not whist JW defends himself with a pencil!! Yes, this movie is as ridiculous as the words which I just used to describe it. Yet, all folks here decided to give it an 8 star rating!! I struggled to understand how this can be and then it hit me, drinking is the most favourite thing in the world, statistically! If it were ok and free, we probably would consume more alcohol than water!! And with such stats, this film would look like a perfect 10 when you are totally, over-the-head intoxicated. There mystery solved!!

I need to talk about the few good bits as well. I cannot put down the man Reeves. If you look at his training videos for this film, he really puts everything he's got into it! Plus he is the one super-nice celeb when that genre doesn't exist in our world! He really should be every guys role-model. And that perfect training shows in few action sequences which are simply brilliant! Wish someone puts some sense into the script and makes the 4th instalment at least to be on par with the first one!
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Really a good watch!!
29 August 2019
Wow.. so many negative reviews, all of a sudden all the reviewers became expert divers and people looking for perfect logic in films!! I mean John Wick Chapter 2 has more ratings than this film and you are all saying that JW2 is better than this one?? JW2 was just a video game which they director played and we had to sit and watch .. you know same like in a game where if you get shot at, you can take cover behind a box for 2 mins and emerge fully fit and fine .. where there are cheat codes so you can have unlimited medi-packs!! And now, those same people are looking for perfect logic in this film??

I really was soo put off by all the reviews and youtubers trashing this film until I couldn't find anything interesting on Netflix and thought I would give this film a go. I was thoroughly entertained, there wasn't a dull moment in this film. The suspense and the build up was perfect. Every horror survival film has those dumb decision moments and this film has them too, but they are not too jarring or irritating. Stuck deep in a ocean, running out of oxygen, shocked and hallucinating, I'm pretty sure we all will do something dumb in sheer panic mode itself and that is what happens here as well. The lead actors did a very good job despite having their faces behind oxygen masks for the entire duration and the twist at the end was unexpected, I would have been happier even without that.

Finally, I strongly suggest you ignore the expert divers and perfect-critics views on this film and go watch it. If you are looking for something entertaining and fun, then this film is for you!
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Detroit: Become Human (2018 Video Game)
Sheer Brilliance!!
14 June 2019
Sheer Brilliance!!

Where do I start from, because I was utterly blown away by the sheer genius of this game and was totally in awe by the end of it! This is not just a game, it could easily have been the epic Robocalypse film which Spielberg was supposed to make.. or something bigger which even the "The Second Renaissance" chapters from Animatrix could not achieve! I am not finding enough words to justify this amazing masterpiece. It really took me almost a year to discover this game, but boy am I glad that I found this and had the most amazing experience playing it!!

If you ask me for my fave video games of all times, then my answer would be somewhere in between Uncharted or Last of Us or Sands Of Time or the Tomb Raider games. I love games with a story line. Uncharted was the perfect combination of fun, very well written characters and cinematic action sequences, whereas Last of Us had a soul to it, but all of that falls short in comparison with what Detroit: Become Human offers!

You play as 3 different characters, Connor, an Android detective trying to solve cases related to the unexpected behaviour of other Androids along with his reluctant, alcoholic partner Anderson. You get to solve some interesting cases using Connors super cool ability to detect evidences and reconstruct various scenarios. And when you solve a case successfully, it is immensely satisfying!

Next is Android Markus and probably the main lead as the decisions which he takes alter the course of everything in the game. As Markus, you get to defy and raise against injustice towards Androids and change the course of history. Along the way he gets some awesome Androids as his aid including the gorgeous female Android North, voiced by the beautiful Minka Kelly.

Finally there is Android Kara who is the caretaker of a little girl called Alice and this is the most emotional journey which will reduce even the strong-willed into tears! A video game successfully emoting such reactions from the player means this is a true winner and path-defying!

From the game-play point of view, there is soo much variety here. No two chapters feel the same, which makes every second of the game super engaging. The setup is beautiful and realistic and the controls are fluid making all of it a treat for the players.

From the story point of view, what can I say, I am a huge fan of sci-fi genre and love films which deal with Androids like I Robot, Ex Machinam, Matrix or the TV series Humans which has similar story line, but Detroit - Become Human surpasses all of them and achieves near perfection with the story and the multiple consequences based on the decisions you make throughout the game-play.

I need to talk about the musical score. The makers actually got 3 different composers to compose for each of the lead characters so there is a lot of variety and it beautifully differentiates the 3 story lines. Especially the sound track for Kara and Alice's characters is soul-stirring!

Any negatives, well there aren't any, this game is near perfect but if I have a small complain to make then it is related to the decision engine. The entire game revolves on the decisions you choose from a set of options provided to you at various crucial points. This alters the course of the game so much that there isn't just one conclusion. You get anything ranging from good to the bad and down-right heart-breaking endings based on your choices. Plus every time you make a choice, you can't help but wonder whether you have chosen the right path and think about "what if" I choose a different path. I had this feeling when watching the recent Bandersnatch from Black Mirror TV series as well. Maybe it is a personal preference but it would have been awesome if they make a story-mode which just had the perfect ending and then the messy mode with decisions and consequences. But that is just my preference, as the first time I played, the ending which I got was heart-breaking! I had to replay carefully so I could satisfy my emotions!

So finally, if there has been ever a game which totally justifies a gaming console, then it is this one! And for the player, I don't know if it can get any better. This game is a thrilling, cinematic and an emotional roller-coaster ride right from the get go and DO NOT MISS this one at any cost! This game alone is reason enough to buy a PlayStation console!
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The Orville: Lasting Impressions (2019)
Season 2, Episode 11
What an amazing episode
2 April 2019
There have been a few ok episodes this seasons compared to the first one .. but I'm glad that episodes like these arw in the mix. It was emotional, heartwarming and astonishing science fiction wise.. making you wonder what impact would creating such amazing simulations have if were real!!

Leighton Meester Was insanely cute as Laura and this episode is reason why I'm such a huge fan of The Orville!!
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Sanju (2018)
Film made by your crazy cheerleader fan!!
28 March 2019
If you are looking for an honest and true version of the controversial star's life then look elsewhere coz this is the story told by someone who is just your super-crazy fan! I am talking of that kind of a fan who would go and do pooja to the cut-out not just before the first-day first-show, but crazy enough to do it at the audio launch!!

I mean I am not saying that this is a no good film, if this had been a "inspired by" rather than a true-life scene-to-scene set up, then it would have made much sense. Coz from what I read and saw, the actor's life wasn't as glossy as the film portrays and his mistakes weren't due to personal life set-backs, at least not all of them. For instance, his descent into drugs and women is not circumstantial but that's what rich kids do, when they have too much money, fame and fandom at a very young age.

All the mistakes and the recovery from them were portrayed in a cute and sympathetic manner, trying to up-sell that goody goody non-existent image of the star.

Acting wise, Ranbhir Kapoor nails his part as Sanju, there is no denying the fact. From the supporting cast, its Vicky Kaushal who truly stands out as that one strong friend who's always been there, also a totally fictitious character in bio-pic (???). Then Paresh Rawal also nails his part at the legendary Sunil Dutt. From the rest of the cast, Dia Mirza has very little screen time and so does Manisha. And what can I say about Sonam Kapoor ... well, she's plastic and her life is fantastic!!

The songs of the film are barely ok and the ones that stands out are A.R.Rahman's two songs which truly bring the 80s era to life, especially "Ruby Ruby". But sadly, the "Chand" song is played for few seconds and "Ruby Ruby" is totally butchered when the film-maker decided to ruin it by adding his own lyrics. Wonder why they even approached ARR when their plan was not to justify such amazing compositions!!

And then there are ample doses of all the heart warming scenes which we come to expect from Rajkumar Hirani's films. Every emotional scene is well directed and the feel-good scene give you goose-bumps at times, something which is like a walk-in-the-park for this director.

Finally, if I were an ardent fan of someone, totally blind and intoxicated by his very presence, this is how I would make a movie about him!
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What is wrong with you people???
19 March 2019
I was super excited about this one .. especially the first solo female action hero film from Marvel, I even loved the casting as Brie Larson looked super cool in the red outfit! Then the trailers weren't particularly engaging and it all felt bit like Green Lantern... still I thought this is an important one as it is the one that's gonna tie the two part infinity war saga together. And then the movie got released and I read bad things everywhere about it!! Especially on IMDB where the ratings were about 5 in the first week. A film will not have such bad ratings, especially in the first week.. even the super atrociously bad Downsizing has 6 stars in the first week! I was under the serious impression that Marvel messed it up this time... and then I saw reviews from a few youtubers and found out how fans wanted to boycott this film for some weird reason!!! What is really wrong with you people .. this is really a very good movie and it deserves the credit it's due for! Brie Larson makes an amazing Captain Marvel and there was not a single boring moment in this film. Infact for me, this film is better than Strange or even the billion dollar Wakanda saga!!

Guys ignore all the haters views on this one .. this is really a very good movie .. perfect for the series and also has got the strengths to stand on its own! Simply go and watch it and also take your teenage daughter to see it... there are some goosebump-inducing female empowerment scenes in it and yes, it does not come strongly as feminist.. It really feels like the story of a person who has taken the fall quite a few times in life but always gets back up on her feet and fights some more.

Well done team Marvel .. I am now super excited about the Endgame.. bring on April!!!

And to all you haters ... this film made more than 700 Million despite your shenanigans!! So the joke's on you!!!

PS: I whistled when The Lee appeared on screen .. couldn't hold it in, had to pay him my heartfelt respect!! RIP Stan.
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Hushaaru (2018)
The best friendship movie of recent times ... period!
6 March 2019
Life is soo amazing with friendship. Good friends change the otherwise mundane routines of life and make everything memorable and exciting! We all had our share of these amazing moments with our friends, which are imprinted on our minds for eternity and probably wouldn't trade them for anything! That is what Hushaaru is all about and that is what it convincingly portrays. And then it is about that yearning to break away from the mundane, routine IT life, a lot of us can really relate to that.

Hushaaru is the story of 4 friends, who treasure their friendship soo much over anything else that they stand by each other through thick and thin. The constant nagging of parents, pressures of society and other set-backs are no match for this amazing bond which they share. (Wish real-life was like this!! Especially when friends drift away and their perspective changes soo much over time when life starts intervening!) Hushaaru shows this friendship with utmost conviction and sincerity and is the biggest strengths of this movie.

Then the multiple love stories of the lead characters, the debutant director manages to present something which is very natural and relatable. Shows the talent of the director when such strong emotions are conveyed effortlessly.

Then the comedy track, again this is done perfectly. All comedy is very genuine and natural. None of these characters try too hard to make you laugh. And in my opinion is the best kind of comedy.

Coming to the songs, now-a-days films follow the same pattern when it comes to songs, its almost like there is a rule-book - first there is a solo hero-into song, then a song about how hero professes his love to the heroine, then a song when the heroine accepts his love, then a sad song and then a song which happens when their wedding is fixed!! Hushaaru sets this rule-book on fire and thank god, it does this without an iota of hesitation!

Coming to the songs themselves, in recent times, I do not recollect a straight Telugu film album consisting of so many amazing tracks. The opening version of the 'Title' song strongly conveys the friendship of the lead characters. 'NaNaNa' is really fun to watch on-screen as it perfectly progresses the story-line further. 'Nuuve Nuvve' rendered by the amazing Arijit Singh is very well placed and shot. Then the chartbuster 'Undhipooradhey' song has some amazing visuals which you generally find in Mani Ratnam films, the 'Pichak' song blends humour and story-line perfectly and then the 'Friendship' song at the end melodiously brings the movie to conclusion. Hushaaru is the best example of a soundtrack perfectly blended into the narration at the same time sounding amazing. If you haven't already done it, go hit that buy button on iTunes, you will not regret it!

How can I forget to mention beer brewing sequence. For someone living abroad, I know the passion which people share when it comes to beer! I know several people who brew their own beer at home so it can match their demanding taste! This film gets this right to a tee and the rap song about selling their beer is super fun and sounds cool.

Finally, the heart-warming scenes. They really make you root for these characters and by the time the titles begin to roll, you will walk out of the cinema with pleasant smile on your face knowing that you had a good time. That is what films are meant for right? I really applaud the debutant director for balancing soo many things correctly even though it is his first film. I also saw his interview where he mentioned on how they got to film only 5 days a month due to constraints. It is simply brilliant to maintain perfect continuity despite such jarring limitations. The director is really someone to keep under your radar especially during these times where so many veterans are failing to produce good content!

In conclusion, go watch Hushaaru at your nearest cinema or streaming site, you will definitely have a great time! And it will get more merrier if you have real good friends to accompany you!
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Alita: Battle Angel and 4DX Rreview
8 February 2019
Ok, you have watched the many trailers, read reviews of all the critics, checked the ratings and still deciding whether to spend your money and time on this film ... well let me see if I can help you make that decision. I am an avid movie lover and will watch anything which is rated 5 and above on IMDB, not necessarily all of them on the big screen (thanks to Netflix and Amazon Prime), but movies is my deep rooted passion.

Going to big screen cinemas has become less and less off-late, thanks again to the many streaming sites and those giant 65 inch OLed televisions .. why do something by going out, braving the weather, queues, parking charges and annoying fellow viewers when you can do it at the comfort of your own home right .. well not all films but sometimes, big projects like this make sense to view in the gigantic screens with sound and smell effects (more on this later) and immerse yourself into this magic. I tend to do this for all the big ones, the last one was Infinity War and then next one might be Capt. Marvel.

So, I booked myself a ticket on the second day of film's release and it wasn't a normal ticket. It was one for the 4DX screening in the UK. I have never tried 4DX for a full length film before, so thought why not and what better film to try this on than Alita: Battle Angel

Lets talk about the movie first. This was a script which the great filmmaker James Cameron was trying to develop for the good part of a decade but seems like he fell in love with Avatar soo much that he doesn't want to make any other movie apart from sequels and prequels and spin-offs to the Avatar world. Hmm, that's really sad as you don't want one the very few sure-shot directors to get stuck on just one film right? Anyways, more Avatars is what we are gonna get. So he passes on the script to the able hands of Robert Rodriguez. Strange choice, I mean, I simply love the Sin City films but no others from his list tick the boxes for me (esp. Machete films!!). And then a mammoth budget of 200 million allocated, this was going to be something to watch out for.

Then comes the first trailer and we see those huge eyes. It looked wrong to see it come to life, I mean on the pages of maga comics, they look fine but realistic gigantic eyes look weird and alienish. Then slowly, we got trailer after trailer and action sequence after action sequence. Things started to look cool and those eyes, they didn't bother that much. So, I was all set to watch this exciting spectacle on the big screen and to be honest, I really enjoyed it. (apart from the 4DX).

What we see is a world as beautiful as Avatar's Pandora, even though it is rusty and dusty at places, the detail is simply amazing. Reminded me a lot of Ready Player One. The story sets off right away and Alita comes to life, thanks her mentor, father-figure, Doctor Ido. Right from the get go, you cannot help but fall in love with Alita. She is adorable, naive and represents everything good in a very bad and crumbling world. They way she looks and learns about things is simply adorable. I was counting the moments until she gets into gear and my god, when she does switch on, she really kicks some serious ass. The action sequences are really the second best thing after Alita's characterisation. There is a bit of exposition, like others mentioned, but I did not mind it too much and it never broke the pace of the movie. I genuinely wanted to learn about this world and rules. The love story felt decent as well and was very much needed for that emotional connection with the characters. Through the course we learn Alita's roots and her true purpose along with some interesting characters which culminates in setting up the base for sequels.

Lets list the positives, Alita's characterisation, those amazing action sequences and the near perfect CGI. All this really provide what us film-lovers are looking for. And at end, it really does satisfy our senses.

Lets dwell into the negatives now, the story feels bit inconsistent at times. Feels like it could have done with a better screenplay. Then there is that Deja-Vu feeling that you have seen it before. I mean, the manga comic which the film was based on was first published in 1990. It truly was path-breaking at that time and inspired several film-makers to already adopt its concepts, like Matrix movies, Astro Boy, Ghost in the Shell, Ready Player One and even Neill Blomkamp's Elysium. Had they made this movie in the 90s, it would have been the first but now, it comes too late to the party and makes you feel that you have watched similar moves and setup. And then finally the trailers!! Seriously, what is with it now-a-days??? Every action sequence has already been shown in the trailers. Oh, not just the trailers, but they released extended scenes of these action sequences just before the film's launch. This is really so stupid. Why show the film completely and expect audience to still go to cinemas and watch it?? The worst case recently was The Tomb Raider film. There was not a thing left which was not already shown in the trailers. I know it is getting harder to bring audience to the cinemas but still, you don't have to show everything. Thankfully, watching the action sequences as whole in Alita were much more satisfying that the cuts shown in trailers.

Lets review 4DX now. It sounded cool when cinema halls were trying to provide audience with that extra bits to improve the experience and make them go to cinemas more often. Some made the halls bigger, some added reclining comfy seats as standard and Cineworld (UK) added 4D experience to full length movies. Its the same 4D concept which you would have experienced if you have visited any theme park. Its that theatre where they run a short film for 20 minutes where the film is in 3D and the seats move and rubble along with bubbles, water and scent sprayed at you in context with the film. Felt cool right, for those 20 minutes. The same thing is going to be done to you for most of the 2 hour plus duration of the film! Seriously, this 4DX belongs in that theme park and should not have been brought into mainstream cinema. Even before watching I had my doubts. Initially, I was a bit excited, but after the first seat spin, rubble, smell, strobe lights and water spay, I felt that was enough! Every time an action sequence was about to start, I wished if I could turn these effects off as it was jarring and distracting. Really, that 20 minute animated short is perfect for these 4d effects. For mainstream cinema, this is really, really distracting.

So finally, Alita is amazing film with few narrative and timing issues but you will still have a great time, lost in the extravagant visuals, amazing action scenes and those big blue manga eyes!
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The Orville: Home (2019)
Season 2, Episode 3
19 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What an amazing episode but it's goodbye to Alara???? Nooooo.. I simply love her character!!! Please bring her back!!!
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The Orville: Ja'loja (2018)
Season 2, Episode 1
A sweet start
12 January 2019
I was counting days for The Orville to return and what an amazing start it was. Not totally up there with the best episodes of this show but still was very charming. Can hardly wait for the next one. Well done Seth & team!
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The Walking Dead: The Bridge (2018)
Season 9, Episode 2
Is this for real.. could there be hope afterall
16 October 2018
Walking dead was my fave tv show, this was until they made a huge pile of mess of out it with Negan!!! The last 2 seasons were beyond tolerable! I could even watch Disaster Movie 100 times instead of sitting through one episode of the Negan fiasco!! It got that bad!! Then I heard that the producers got fired and it probably wasn't enough to redeem this show. 2 episodes in I don't want to get my hopes high but these 2 felt like what this great show had all along until Negan. So crossing my fingers and praying that they are doing the right thing this time! And just 2 episodes aren't enough for this show to redeem itself. It needs a lot lot more!!
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Film made just for the sake of it!!
8 October 2018
Not sure why someone would take a good franchise and make a movie just so that they can cash in! The first two Transylvania movies were good, especially the second one, with decent story-line and heart-warming scenes. This one was really boring. Once the film starts, I was seriously waiting for the same charm which the first two films had and until the last few moments, this film had nothing to offer. The jokes weren't that good and the film felt tedious. The only saving grace was the DJ battle at the end, which was funny.

They really should have put more thought and soul into the film especially when it had such charismatic characters. Sadly, this time, they just made it to cash in on the name!
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Downsizing (2017)
You go down stupid hole??
7 October 2018
Oh my god!! What a sheer waste of such a good idea. When I saw the trailer I was soo excited about the concept and thought what amazing fun a director can have with such a thing. I kind of imagined several ways about the direction which the film could take .. it could have been a comedy with a nice heartfelt message or it could have been a romance or it could even have been a survival flick showing how these downsized guys would live with the normal population .. the concept has soo many possibilities yet the ditector takes the one which you would never have imagined in your wildest dreams! Even something like a normal sized rat breaking into one of these downsized settlements would have been a better choice despite sounding insane!! But no, after what we saw in trailers, this film goes down the gutter faster than speed of light! No wonder they did not show anything about it in the trailers as probably the distributors even felt that no one would show up at the cinemas if they did show what was going to happen! Guys trust all the 1 star reviews here and seriously skip this movie altogether. The trailer shows all good parts and even some more which are not in the actual film.

As soon as the main character gets downsized this film turns into some bizarre charity show with a cult thrown in. The downsizing concept becomes totally irrelevant at this point. It's like the director wrote the first few mins of downsizing and couldn't continue it, so he got one of his old crappy script, joined them together and made a film out of it!! It's really such a huge waste of an amazing idea.. wish someone else uses this idea and make a good film in future!!
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Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018 Video Game)
Awesome Game let down by Shadow Hunting!
17 September 2018
Lara Croft and the Tomb Raider games hold a special place in my heart. It was the first ever game which I played that involved 3D-Style graphics. It was the first game I played moving away from the 2D Nintendo days, on my Windows PC running Millennium, and I still remember the awe and adventure the game had to offer along with a decent story-line and an amazing lead, Lara Croft. That's why I was hugely disappointed with the Lara Croft games of the PS2 era. The controls and the game-play were really bad and it was frustrating to play them. This was until the 2013 reboot and things were looking good for Lara, especially after post-Uncharted, developers knew what needs to be done and kept pushing the boundaries. We had some really amazing games after that like God of War, The Last of Us and the 2 Tomb Raider games (Tomb Raider & The Rise Of Tomb Raider). Now, after a long wait, we have the third instalment, Shadow Of The Tomb Raider. I couldn't have been more excited so I pre-ordered the game and was one amongst the first to get my hands on it.

So around 20+ hours of game-play later, I was left with mixed-feelings. Once again, the issue being game-play and the dynamics on which the platform is designed. We are living in the era of games like Uncharted and The Last Of Us, so anything less brilliant is not acceptable. Sadly, the new Tomb Raider game is not as fluid as the ones from Naughty Dog and the game-play, especially the shadow-hunting feels underwhelming.

So lets me get the bad out of the way. The major action sequences in the Shadow Of The Tomb Raider rely on stealth attacks. There is no option for you to go guns blazing as the enemy will gut you in seconds if you do so. So you have to stick to the shadows, muddy walls and dense bushes to make your silent move. About 90% of the action is based on this technique and it really feels very inconsistent. You can sometimes take out guards who are very close-by to others as the system cues that he is out of sight and at other times you get spotted even when you take out a guard who is isolated from everyone. There was this once where I hid against a muddy wall and took out a pack of 10 soldiers from the same spot as they kept coming seeing the first body on the ground but filed to spot Lara. This felt very funny and almost like a bug in programming.

Then the cover-aim-to-shoot, this is almost non-existent. This is a technique which Uncharted series mastered and in this game, it is almost non-existent. You kind of get in back in maybe 2 action sequences in the end and this makes you feel what this game was missing right from the beginning.

Then the visibility of the shadows, the game is very dark so make sure you play in a dark room or crank up the brightness as most of the areas are very poorly lit.

When you are not hunting from the shadows, you are taking obstructions and animals head-on. Here the combat style reverts back to the 90s. You leap, run, jump and run just like the old games. There is nothing clever or innovative here.

Finally, the platforming, even this is very inconsistent. When Lara is reaching out for the ledges between the gaps, it always feels like she is aiming in the wrong direction. The navigation is not smooth or fluid and at times it feels a bit frustrating. Like this one jump, where she had to jump and throw the rappel and jump again. I must have played this over 50 times to get it right. It is not the first time in the game doing that or even a tricky jump, it was a simple one but for some reason, just that one jump needs to be done in the right angle, at the right time with the right camera view. It almost felt like a bug. Not sure if I was the only one who had this issue! Added to that, the loading time, I thought the technology has advanced to that level where the loading times are mostly non-existent but in this game, it really feels substantial. It almost takes about 50 seconds to a minute to load the game if you die in game-play. That is really bad. Big games like God of War or Uncharted 4 didn't have such loading times!

Ok, that's quite a few negative points but what can I do. The recent similar adventure-style game which I played was Uncharted: Lost Legacy and that game was amazing in comparison. It was not even the main one, it was a spin-off based on Uncharted series and everything in that game was simply brilliant.

Now, let me talk about the positives. Playing as Lara is always a delight and this time, it was no less. You cannot stop loving her character and making sure that she succeeds in everything. The childhood Lara level was brilliant and right up Uncharted alley. But sad that there is only one of such level leaving you wanting for more. The puzzles are well designed and take a bit of time but completing them is satisfactory. The environment and sound design is top notch. You can feel the lush jungles of Peru, the crystal clear waters and abundant wildlife roaming around. The main story-line was decent and the tribes you encounter in the caves were truly terrifying. There is a nod to old-time Lara where you can change you character to the one from Angel of Darkness or older games, but the novelty quickly wears off making you wonder about the advancements we have in the graphics department! Another thing brought back from the old games is Lara's encounter with wild-life. You hunt down Panthers, wrestle with Eels and evade deadly Piranhas.

Camilla Luddington does an amazing job as Lara, especially playing her for the third-time and it was a delight to watch Lara emerge as this bad-ass from flaming waters. The cinematic action sequences are awesome and keeps you on the edge of your seats.

So, its really a shame that the game-play lets you down otherwise this game would have been a straight 10. After the first 2, I was hoping that the 3rd one would be even better but sadly, this is not the case. The shadow hunting is really inconsistent and had this been just one or two levels, it would have been fine but you have to put up with this for over 90% of the game's action.

Still, I would recommend this game as how many times do you get to take an amazing, exciting journey with the gorgeous Lara Croft, which makes you feel that you are not just watching a Hollywood blockbuster but also playing it?? So, if you put up with the little inconsistencies you will have an amazing time!
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Rayman Legends (2013 Video Game)
Best and the Worst Game at the same time!
10 September 2018
The game is really a huge contradiction for me. I haven't seen soo much variety in a game before. Every level is unique and refreshingly different. The worlds are bright, complex, colourful and the music only elevates the game to a different level altogether. All this really can give Mario a run for its money but the game is so frustratingly difficult that even a minuscule mistake such as not curving the left joystick of PS4 remote enough will cause you to play the same level over and over and over!

You life power is almost non-existent. As soon as as your character dies, you have to repeat the level from the beginning or if you are lucky enough, then from the seemingly scarce last-checkpoint. In Mario, at-least you have 3 goes before he hits the dust. In Rayman, you are lucky to have the heart which gives you just one extra hit before your character dies.

The levels, even though they are brilliant and different, if you hit the jump button a minute fraction quicker, this will cost your dearly. Added to this, you cannot long-jump and shoot at the same time making the already difficult game-play ever harder. And the timed-levels, unless you are a wiz, you will end up playing them about 100 times to successfully rescue all the 3 creatures stuck to ticking rockets.

Wish there was an easy mode so we can really enjoy the video game without getting mad at the game and the PS4 remote. Unfortunately, there isn't such an option so you will have to brave through your own tolerance levels if you decide to give this game a go. I mean, I played the final dragon level a 100 times before I could complete it. I don't think I have ever done this in any game before, no matter how difficult the boss battles are.

So, end verdict, even though this game has brilliance level designs and uniqueness, I would recommend everyone to give this a miss, that is unless you want to sit through hours of frustration and sore thumbs and wrists.
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Ok, what just happened????
5 September 2018
This movie started off amazing! A father lost in the cause of bringing the murderers of his family to justice, waiting patently for 10 years to make his move on them. And then makes such an awesome move. I was cheering at what happens on the screen when he extracts justice on the one that got away. It was so amazing and even after that on how he plans to point out the loop-holes in the system which prevents from criminals getting what they deserve. I was soo hyped up to see what his big biblical plan will be and then came the scene where his lunch gets delayed by 8 minutes .. and that's it, the awesome movie turn into utter garbage! I couldn't really believe what I was watching. As this awesome movie, where a father fights for justice turns into a psycho-killer mayhem!!

What a shame. This movie was soo promising, I was soo hyped up after stumbling across it on Netflix and checking the 7+ ratings on IMDB. But this is a real let down. Its almost as if the producers fired the initial awesome director after filming the first part of the film and got someone else who unnecessarily re-wrote this into a slasher flick coz he just saw Hostel! Shame.. such shame!! A total waste of an amazing opportunity!
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