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Big Love (2006–2011)
Couldn't get past the second episode
22 October 2023
Although I am not a member of the LDS church, I have friends who are and have attended many LDS functions and been in many homes. The way the one wife dresses is absurd. No regular LDS woman would dress like that. These are supposed to be fundamentalist who are much stricter. In the first two episodes, I think I saw them having sex 7 times, that's in 50 minutes. I don't know if this is meant to titillate teen boys to watch or old men who can't get any but it's an absurd representation of FLDS. There is so much they could have done with these really great actors and a fascinating sub culture. But instead it's all about their sex lives. When you are raising 10-15 children, running multiple businesses, have a crazy family who live on a compound, just showing sex scenes every 7 minutes. The wife showing cleavage to her husband's friend. Mind you this is all in the first episode and a the first half of the second episode. For me, it wasn't about the sex, it was about how extremely far the show was in any way of representing members of the LDS church.
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Better Than Us (2018–2019)
Interesting android sci-fi
19 June 2023
What a refreshing show to find on Netflix. It's just the story, no added social programming. I would have thought a Russian TV show would have some sort of added pro Russia themes but it's just a story. It's not unique it is similar to other books and tv shows/movies about robots. But it is told with a fresh perspective. It reminds you of Humans without all the rape and other forms of gratuitous violence. If you like science fiction, especially robot stories from a different perspective you will like this show. The acting is good, the sets are amazing and the tension keeps you coming back for more. The English dubbing is actually better than most shows. I watched an episode in Russian because I find the dubbing ruins the show but it's just as good with the dubbing.
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Mayfair Witches (2023– )
The worst part is the first couple of episodes seem okay
16 May 2023
I loved the Mayfair witch books, I knew it was an adaptation. I was disappointed with actor they chose for Lasher. It didn't feel like Lasher at all, sometimes, like Tom Cruise in Interview with a Vampire, you can have someone who doesn't fit the character but does a great job. The Lasher character just seemed sleazy and creepy. At first Rowan was smart, strong and reminded me of the character in the book but she quickly becomes a weak, easily convinced of the supernatural and self absorbed. Rowan had an icy quality the tv series doesn't not convey any of Rowan from the books qualities. The books are rich with characters and plot, there was no reason to use the Mayfair Witches name and produce something completely different. Michael is completely gone from the story or sorta a combination of characters. Once again unnecessary and loses the whole flavor of the story. The worst part was the incel witch hunting internet trolls who burn witches because they took their jobs and got paid more, it was absurd and had nothing to do with even the overarching ideas of the books. I was so disappointed that I didn't watch the last 20 minutes of the final episode.
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What is this drivel? not anything like the books, games or the other Netflix series
1 January 2023
I couldn't believe how bad this was with how relatively good The Witcher was, I watched the Polish TV show and have played the games. This show has nothing to do with any of the lore, the acting is horrendous. But it doesn't matter if you have never seen The Witcher, read the books or played the game, this is just bad all around. I don't know who they thought they were marketing to, but there is no audience for this crap. How disappointing.

Unsurprisingly this review wasn't long enough, it requires 600 characters. I don't know what else to say about it. As mentioned, watch the first 20 minutes of it and you will agree that this is some of the worst television you have seen in years. It's not even so bad it's good. The story has hardly anything to do with the Witcher series. They just stole the name and they were hoping to steal the audience.
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Castle Rock (2018–2019)
Season 1 is a 9 (besides the last 5 minutes) Season 2 is a 2
2 July 2022
It's a shame they don't divide reviews by season. Season 2 is a completely different show. None of the same grade A actors from season 1. The actors in season 2 are all pretty awful. The story of season 2 has nothing to do with any Stephen King novel location.

The first season had a horrible ending. But the story and acting were incredible.

The second season is a typical Stephen King made for TV movie. The acting is one dimensional and wooden. I couldn't even make it through the second season.
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Under the Dome (2013–2015)
Typical Stephen King characters, one dimensional, but interesting the way his novels are..
24 June 2022
I enjoyed this show, I have read most of Stephen King. If you like Stephen King it's probably for the over arching mysterious plot. His character's are mostly one dimensional.

I didn't think everyone was a bad actor, although some of the acting is cringe.

By season 3 the story becomes ridiculous the way King's books generally do.

The first season is great, second not as good, then the 3rd goes down fast.

If you want to watch something that has an interesting story and is entertaining without having to put much thought into it, you may like this show.
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Evil (2019–2024)
First season an 8 second season 3
17 June 2022
The first season was excellent, it was something different. The acting is excellent. The stories were a bit scary and funny at the same time.

I don't know what happened in the second season. They barely show the villain, who really makes the show, the stories are ridiculous, these highly intelligent people are all saying and doing the most ridiculous things. There was only one or two episodes that are anywhere close to the first season.

I hope they go back to the first seasons format for season 3.
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Moon Knight (2022)
Excellent! My hope is they make more..
14 June 2022
I was pleasantly surprised with this mini series. Great acting, interesting story, emotionally charged, amazing CGI and cinematography.

I didn't want it to end. I am hopeful they make a second season or continue with the Moon Knight character.
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Blue Bloods (2010–2024)
Hopeful cop show, unrealistic but a good watch
28 May 2022
I am not really a cop drama watching person. I have enjoyed the first couple of seasons. I sometimes want to watch people who do the right thing almost all the time.

It's not realistic, in the first season almost all the characters are shot or kidnapped or shot someone. In reality a cop will probably go his whole career without using his firearm.

I like the family dynamics, you want this family to be your police. They almost always do the right thing.

The stories are generally interesting, you don't always know who the bad guy is in the episode.

If you like cop dramas and a feel good show, you will like Bluebloods.
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Outer Range (2022– )
Excellent story, acting, beautiful cinematography
9 May 2022
I really enjoyed this show, there are some plot holes but the acting, cinematography and essence of the story is so good you don't care. I am crossing my fingers that there will be a season 2.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Torture, Rape, incest, war, pedophilia, ridiculously over the top, one dimensional characters mixed with great acting, costumes, sets and world building.. Game of Thrones
14 March 2022
I finally watched Game of Thrones. It wasn't bad, but it certainly doesn't warrant a 9.6.

I wonder about humanity when this is societies favorite show.

Rape, gratuitous violence, incest, pedophilia, and all the worst personality traits of humans are glorified in this show.

That aside, it wasn't that they made it not a 9.6, it's the one dimensional characters. The King is such an exaggerated psychopath that it isn't terrifying, it's ridiculous. You are immediately reminded you are watching a TV show. The only characters with any depth, they kill off pretty quickly.

The over all story, the world building, the magic and dragons, decent acting and attractive actors make It "fun" and visually stunning.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Generic Fantasy the books weren't great but this is bad
20 November 2021
The same fantasy cliches that have been done a million times. All of the interesting parts of the book are changed to fit the social agenda of today. Nothing new or interesting, the characters are wooden and predictable.
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Intersect (I) (2020)
Better than most rated 7 scifi films
13 November 2021
It has plot holes, but what sci-fi doesn't have plot holes. It's different, I haven't seen this exact movie 100 times. There isn't a lot of explosions, no naked women, so it won't appeal to the many viewers.

The top review is written by someone who must think they are writing on 4Chan and trying to be edgy.

I liked it, it isn't the best sci-fi I have ever seen but if you enjoy seeing something new, something cerebral, you may like it.
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Assassin's Creed version of King Arthur
9 November 2021
This is a "fun" movie to watch. I play Assassin's Creed all I could think about while watching is it was like watching the cutscenes but with less story. If you like special effects, no historical accuracy, very little connection to any King Arthur legends and ridiculous dialogue, you may enjoy it.

An example is Arthur calling it England, black men at the round table or an Asian martial art specialist somehow training other Asians in the middle of the city.

There is nothing about this movie that is remotely historically correct or true to the original Arthurian legends.

If you have very low expectations you might enjoy it.
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Dune (2021)
True to the books, beautiful cinematography, excellent acting
1 November 2021
I loved this movie. I am a fan of the Dune series and was worried how it would be portrayed. I think they did an excellent job with casting and giving the feel of Dune. I didn't like the actor they used for Duncan. I have nothing against the actor, he just didn't seem like a good choice. But besides that, I have no complaints.
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One Dollar (2018)
Excellent mystery
1 November 2021
I really loved the stories and the way they were connected back to each other. I think anyone who has lived in a small town with economy repression could relate to the characters. The acting is excellent. I hope to see more shows like this.
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Doctor Who (2005–2022)
I was excited for a female doctor, excitement became extreme disappointment
7 October 2021
I was excited to have a female doctor, someone I could relate to .. But this is not only horrible writing, it's not remotely Doctor Who. Please bring back Dr Who. I don't care if the Doctor is male, female, black, white or an alien just bring back what we all know as Doctor Who.

The seasons before 11&12 are pretty good although they get progressively worse and further from Doctor Who has the 2005 series gpes on.
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Foundation (2021– )
Nothing like one of the best sci-fi series ever written
26 September 2021
It is visually beautiful but the story is nothing like the books. I don't even care about the wrong gender, race but to add ridiculous math that makes no sense and base 12 and 27 math ??? I am disappointed to see Apple has stomped all over a story that would have held on it's own.
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Starhunter (2000–2004)
Fun SciFi good story poor acting and special effects
26 September 2021
I enjoyed laughing hysterically watching this scifi.
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Starhunter Redux (2017– )
Super fun SciFi with poor acting and special effects but great story
26 September 2021
This is so ridiculous that it is hilarious fun if you like scifi. The story is interesting and unique especially for 2000. The acting is pretty bad but enjoyable. The special effects are 1980's style mixed with 1990's style. I personally can look beyond bad special effects. There are some great actors with horrible lines. If you like campy scifi with a good story, you will like this show.
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The Courier (2020)
Excellent true spy story, unless you have the attention span of a 2 year old
23 September 2021
I haven't seen a good spy movie in a long time. The acting was superb. The story wasn't embellished or sensationalized.

I have seen some reviews that said it was dull or they had seen this all before. Well I haven't seen a movie done about this spy. I guess some people need sex and gratitutious violence to not be bored. If that's the case you probably won't like this.

If you are looking for a good telling of an average man turned spy, this is an excellent movie.
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Bosch (2014–2021)
Exceptional series, and I don't generally like police procedurals
22 November 2020
I am only 7 episodes in, I hope the quality continues. I am not one to watch police procedurals but my father recommended it, and we generally like the same media.

I am impressed. It's smart, witty, and suspenseful. It's remincent of film noir, in cinematography, music and mood. The acting is good, the characters well flushed out and complex.

The only reason I didn't give it a 10, is some of the things just wouldn't happen and the characters are excessively interesting, with fascinating jobs and backgrounds. .It's a bit much but when you are watching, you don't care. You are just waiting for the next interesting thing to happen. Or the next surprise back story.

It has twists and turns that you don't see coming. I highly recommend it even to people who don't like police procedurals.

Much of the subject matter is disturbing and there is violence, but it's not gratatious.
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46 Yok Olan (2016)
Oddly interesting TV series
5 January 2020
This is one of the strangest series I have ever watched. The first 20 minutes was laughable but I kept watching. It just got stranger and stranger but I couldn't look away. I really did enjoy watching this but I am not sure why. The mystery, the over acting, the crazy plot... If you like unusual TV give it a try.
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Dark Matter (2015–2017)
Watch past episode 5, it's worth it
26 December 2019
I tried to watch this once but felt the characters were wooden. The plot seemed a bit slow. I came back to it after I couldn't find any new sci-fi to watch. After episode 5 I fell in love with the show. The plot thickens, the characters become developed, and it becomes more "sci-fi".
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The Protector (2018–2020)
American non Turkish viewer
22 December 2019
I watched this series after stumbling upon it on Netflix. It was a little cheesy but we really enjoyed it. One tip, don't turn on the English voice overs, it's horrible. The subtitles are much better. I love super hero, comic book movies and this was an interesting take on the idea. It wasn't the best acting I have ever seen, but it gets better in the second season. The story is engaging. I enjoyed the peek into Istanbul, loved all the shots from the Hagia Sophia. I hope they continue the series with more money for special effects so they can explore the super hero abilities more.

If you are like me and don't mind subtitles and like super hero movies/TV with an interesting plot, give this series a try.
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