
4 Reviews
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Surprisingly good, and worth the effort.
12 January 2007
In general, I am not a fan of super-hero films. I couldn't stand the first three Batman films of long ago, mainly because they were too campy and felt more like showcases for melodramatic acting and wacky costumes than anything else. I suspect that those who have seen and enjoyed hero(?) films, such as The Fantastic Four, or the last X-men film, would find Superman Returns to be boring due it's lack of resemblance to a video game or music video. Sorry, no sex. Sorry, no grotesque caricatures. And, surprisingly, not much swearing either. Go elsewhere for that. This is a well-written story, continuing the thread of the first Superman films of the 80s (at least the first one and bits of the second and third), and it dares to give people with an attention span beyond that needed for a Superbowl half-time commercial a sense of well-spent time. The special effects were incredible, not just because they were well done, but because they were NOT overdone. This is not a "special-effects" film with a veneer of story over it, but a satisfying and interesting story well complimented by special effects. The romantic threads that run through the film aren't stretched to the point of unbelief or pathos. The action sequences aren't in-your-face brutal. The acting, for the most part, is excellent (though I had a hard time with some of Bosworth's moments as Lois Lane). If you want to spend some time with a well-written story, smartly accompanied by well-wrought special effects and well-timed laughs, don't miss Superman Returns. This movie is not for the impatient but it pays off if you care to take it on its own many merits.
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Hoodwinked! (2005)
And we knew better, too...
12 January 2007
I remember when my husband and I saw the preview for this film in the theater we made a very sure decision not to see it. The animation looked cheesy, much worse than most video game graphics these days, and the characters were obviously, yet poorly, designed to rip off others from more successful and better crafted works. Unfortunately, my husband forgot about the preview last week and rented Hoodwinked for our daughter to watch (also forgetting that she had actually seen it with a friend, and she is only 7 and so not very discerning shall we say). So, we sat with her and agonized through this horrid, ill-conceived and weak attempt at cashing in on the popularity of animated films. The plot would have been okay, but the characters were so odious and clichéd, so unbelievably bland in their delivery in fact, that we couldn't have cared less what happened to any one of them. Except the goat. He was funny. The music was another obvious attempt at creating a "hit soundtrack" but the songs were simple, quick-shots that only dragged the film out longer than was already bearable. One thing I hate more than many others about bad films is the inevitable "misunderstanding" scene that people throw in when they can't figure out how else to create tension or ill ease among the "good guys." This film's misunderstanding scene made me want to choke someone, it was so unbelievable. Yeah, I know: "It's a cartoon! Why would you expect believability in a cartoon??" All you have to do is look at Shreck to understand that one has to at least believe in the conventions of the created world to enjoy the story set therein. Shrek works because it's set in a world with well-defined rules and a magic all its own. Hoodwinked was at once too self-conscious and too unconscious to let us believe in anything other than that we were fools to pay money to rent, and then watch! this film. If you haven't yet seen it, don't bother. Try something by Miyazaki.
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The non-zombie-movie-lover's zombie movie
23 September 2006
While my husband is a huge fan of the zombie genre, I can't handle anything more intense than -- hmm, what's that one where they're inside the mall?... Anyway, "Shaun of the Dead" was fantastic, in many ways. First of all, I liked the characters (miraculous for me) and appreciated their realism (however annoying some of their traits are). Second, the humor (sometimes so subtle as to give one that self-satisfying feeling of slight genius) was intelligent for the most part and did not dwell in the basement of tired poo-poo jokes and non-stop slapstick that 96 percent of Hollywood films try to pass off as cleverness. Also, it was refreshing not to feel like I was being sold a soundtrack. I hate that! Fantastic acting. Great mix of humor and pathos. Gore that was, or so to speak. I loved it, so we bought it.
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Orlando (1992)
Instinct says, Oh Yes!
27 May 2006
I have been watching films for well over thirty years, but this one in particular has remained my favorite since its release for the simple reason that it consistently makes me weep with joy. Joy being so hard to come by, and a commodity rarely associated with any sort of entertainment medium, I don't need any other reason to love "Orlando." It's clever, charming, thought-provoking, at times achingly ironic, and lavishly beautiful. I have to say also that I love seeing and hearing dear Jimmy Sommerville whom we miss so much. While I tend to be hyper-critical of all films, with "Orlando" I just listen to my gut and it says, "this is perfection."
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