
9 Reviews
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Censor (2021)
The best horror movie of early 2021
20 June 2021
The scrip is impeccable! The main discussion about the influence of movies in people's mind extends itself to the main character and improves the dialogue with de public. Photography is one of its strongest cores and combines itself with the evolution of the character and the plot. Watching this movie made me get hope about the future of good horror movies.
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Ant-Man (2015)
An average movie for a an average superhero
13 April 2020
Ant-man doesn't bring any new for a superhero story. It is a cliche of character construction. There only a relevant thing: the capacity of trying to using a well-based scientific knowledge to construct the "superpower", what makes it less bizarre, even when using special effects. Besides that, there is need to develop a bad critic: the construction of all latinos characters is based on stereotypes of dumb, reckless, crime affected and funny. As a latino viewer, I felt offended about the incapacity of exploring in a less different and aggressive way all of this culture. However, the acting, directing and cinematography are impeccable and all the characters construction, including the villain (what it is no expected of Marvel), are solid.
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Great critiques, one weak spot
7 April 2020
The second movie of the Avengers presents action with a lot of social/political critique. New heroes are shown and some open spots are left. All of this to create a well-constructed cinematography based on the great acting, special effects, direction and screenplay writing. Different from the major of Marvel's movies, Avengers: Age of Ultron are constantly forcing the viewer to think about social/political questions centered on technology and union of people. This is a great advanced made by the production, because it compensates the all-action in the first Avengers and starts a new era for Marvel. You will realize a lot of open spots on the plot, they are not screenplay's failure, they are proposital leaks to new advances in the Marvel's universe that will be resumed in posterior movies. The only weak point on the work is the new hero. He is used as a key-point to the development and conclusion of the story, but he hasn't a great construction as character and break the rhythm of the plot, besides his adding to the reflections about society and humanity during the movie. Therefore, if he was substituted to explore more one of the heroes and the new piece of Marvel's universe, the movie will be 10/10.
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7 April 2020
The first of the sequence Guardians of Galaxy delivered a different construction of characters than Marvel is used to. Also, creates an atmosphere the complements Marvel's universe and discusses some social/political aspects. Technically, there is no flaws in the screenplay, acting, direction or especial effects, contributing for a whole well-executed cinematography. The highest point of the movie is the construction of the personas. All the characters are constructed following the line of a group. The development of its real personalities are centered on their role as group. This is different than what Marvel does with Avengers, for example: every heroes is someone and they together are the Avengers. This great way of construct characters, made Guardians of Galaxy follow and discuss the sentimentalism of them and the sense of the group (this last one can be one of the social critiques). The social/political discuss can be generalized in some questions: what is evolution, as we think?, what comes with power?, what conservationism, masked by tradition, can bring?, etc. Every scene of the movie is a little discrete social/political/cultural critique , shown in a light and clear way (as Marvel loves to do). Therefore, Guardians of Galaxy is a well-constructed movie, with no flaws in its development, bringing action, discussion and good heroes to Marvel's universe.
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5 April 2020
The sequence of Thor don't have a plot/screenplay, character's development and universe construction. Not even a good director would save. I prefer to believe that Yorst hindered the work of Markus and McFeely, because they have a well known comic story to adapt and write the screenplay, but they delivered a story without context, development and sense of logic. The acting was good, but the construction of the characters over the movie didn't make it possible to understand what was the meaning of that acting. With reservation for the performance of Tom Hiddleston, Rene Russo and Anthony Hopkins that could get up a little bit of political critique, Marvel-standard and strength to the movie. Alan Taylor is capable of conduct a plot and make some good material of it (as we could see in GoT over the years). So, we can not point fingers if the movie is a failed of screenplay or direction, but the cinematographic environment couldn't be created by the constant breaking of sequences and missing/weak spots. The especial effects are great, and the actions scenes delivery, but you're so confuse when you're watching, that you can't enjoy and be involved with these characteristics.
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Action, social-political critique and Marvel Comics' screenplay: the consolidation
5 April 2020
The sequence of Captain America delivers a great mix of entertainment, social-political critique and action. It is enriched with a elaborated plot, great characters construction and development, and an impeccable cinematography. The high point of the movies it i its plot. I guess the adaptation of the Marvel Comics of Simon and Kirby gave Markus and McFeely an logical, consistent, coherent and visionary base for the screenplay. Furthermore, the could develop a solid critique about national security, confidence, loyalty and ideology. All of this with a frenetic action rhythm that evolves with the main plot, a spicy taste of entertainment in the movie. The characters are well constructed based on the screenplay and also thanks to the awesome acting. None of the actors stood out, because they all made a amazing set. The Russo Brother got a perfect action and well-adapted screenplay and used all of their experience to create a cinematographic environment that could consolidated the Marvel Universe, action, entertainment and critique, without loosing rhythm and missing spots.
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Gueros (2014)
A lot of plots, as life
1 March 2020
Gueros presents a lot of side plots besides the main one, what makes it relatable with life: everything is going on AND the main thing too. Also the sonoplasty and the shooting translate the excentric mexican way of movies, contrasting with the black-and-white scenes.
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A different perspective of Cinema by Peru
26 January 2020
A film that makes the spectator afflicted all the time about the suffering of a girl given birth in a rape during a dictatorship. The sonoplasty, all sung by the main character, is calm in the rhythm but intense and heavy in the meaning. What increases the tension of the movie. Different stories are told, but all of them are well connected in the subjective and methaphorical meaning and are related subtly with the Peru's dictatorship. The movie show a heavy stories mixed with Peru's ancient culture by the eyes of the country's way of shooting a movie. A different perspective and way of develop a plot.
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A different form of art tho present a history
23 November 2019
Millenium Mambo presents a different perspective of showing a history: fragmented-throw scenes with closed plans. Therefore, be involved with the plot is essencial to comprehend, if that can be said, or to create your interpretation of the scenes. So, this different type of movie will not please spectators that don't like to be always active, thinking about every moment, without a linearity or a well-traced script. But, it is a different form of expressing a history, more similar to how we, in real life, observe the life of other people. In this way, it is a well-constructed aesthetic that is worth be lived.
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