
19 Reviews
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The English (2022)
Could have been a masterpiece.....
13 November 2022
...if the show was cut to 3, or maybe 4 episodes. Most of the story was unique, and the acting was great, but the pacing was terrible. The well done action scenes were too few, compared to the many sleepy conversations. Most of the stylized cinematography was original and beautiful, but often annoying, for example: the sun blazing directly into the lens, or the night scenes being too dark, and interior scenes with a bright window in the background making the actor hard to see in shadow. Minor complaints, but when frequently reoccurring, these type of things do take me out of the story.

The English is definitely worth watching for fans of the Western genre, as it's really original looking, often entertaining, and has some unusual plot points. But I won't watch it again; it's just too time consuming. Too bad, there's some great stuff in there.
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Reminiscence (2021)
Predictive Programming for Pre-Pod People
3 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is a dystopia flick? Life there looks pretty good to me. Supposedly it's so hot in the daytime that most people only come out at night, but Hugh is repeatedly seen out in the daytime dressed in long pants and shirt with an undershirt; that's overdressed in Miami anytime! And he doesn't even break a sweat, Ha! Hugh and Rebecca are repeatedly seen outside in the daytime enjoying a morning on a rooftop, an open motorboat ride, etc... Hugh is seen riding in an almost empty bullet train. If you don't like crowds, this future looks great! Reminiscence is beautifully shot, the cast is fine, and the story is pretty good. I really like this movie, I've watched the 4K a few times, and I'll watch it some more. There's some flaws in the story, which are easily overlooked. But one anomaly in this story is a clue to a deeper meaning. In this case there is a contradiction between the main characters comfort in the sunshine, and the masses seeking escape from reality in pods, where they can dream their lives away. Somehow the majority of people were convinced the obviously fine climate is terrible, and they're better off in a pod...Why? I think the people were fooled, much as the masses are easily fooled today into believing lies. So, what's my point?

The brain machine interface has been a reality for some time now, though not to the degree shown in Reminiscence, (with a holographic display of the person's thoughts), two way communication between brain and machine exists. Getting everyone bio-chipped, brain linked, and plugged into a virtual reality is the transhumanist agenda, and the dream of the ruling elite for complete control of the masses. This agenda has been repeatedly portrayed in sci-fi for many decades now, predictively programming people slowly but surely, so when the opportunity arrives, people will happily accept their mind machine interface. Sad to say, we are getting closer to this becoming reality every day.
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Pure Symbolism and Metaphors
14 June 2021
I think the viewer needs to use their imagination, and have some knowledge of the past and current corporate exploitation of Native American Reservation lands, to appreciate the deeper meanings of this film. For example; look closely at those rocks, because they're looking back at you. This flick is really filled with great symbolic commentary, showing the result of the perverse members of the ruling class, on the minds and lives of their victims. If my statements piqued your interest, this film may be for you, if not, I don't recommend it; Valley of the Gods really is for a select few.
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Goya's Ghosts (2006)
Could Goya's Ghosts have been a success?...
19 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
...Probably not. Was Goya's Ghosts suppressed, and doomed to flop? I say yes. Why? Remember, it was released in November, 2006.

1. Most popular critics pander to their audience, and they're not likely to recommend a film that takes an obvious swipe at the majority of Americans that supported Bush II in his disastrous crusade across Afghanistan, and then into Iraq, leading to the karma of a crumbling economy, at the end of his reign.

2. The CIA most certainly saw their kidnapping and torture of terror suspects represented in the story as the Catholic Inquisition.

3. The Catholic Church was definitely offended by the way it was portrayed, especially considering the ongoing scandal of sex abuse by the clergy.

4. The historical facts of the atrocities perpetrated on the Spanish people by Napoleon's "liberating" armies is undoubtedly something France would prefer to forget.

5. The producer's of Goya's Ghosts deliberately failed to support this flick. I check out all the new releases, and I don't recall hearing anything about this film. It was a total flop financially. I only discovered it streaming for free on Amazon Prime years ago, where all good flops go to be revived, and I've watched it a few times since. I love Goya's Ghosts so much, I bought the bluray, which is only available as an overpriced made on demand BD-r. I hope Goya's Ghosts gets the respect it deserves in the future, with a retrospective disc release with special features explaining this great film's demise. They say time heals all wounds, maybe then.
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Nomadland (2020)
A wake-up slap in the face to the Disneyfied mind
26 March 2021
Is Nomadland a shift in consciousness of the Hollywood elite, after a year of the "austerity" of empty theatres? Or is this flick just another blip of the Academy Awards to show the suffering masses "we care"? Only time will tell if we'll see more of these doses of reality, instead of the usual portrayals of the average American living in mansions stuffed with every sort of over the top luxury. I hope the popularity of Nomadland starts a trend towards realistic social commentary films, but part of me thinks this movie is predictive programming as a warning to all us Boomers who think we'll be able to relax in our retirement. Is Nomadland slow and depressing? Yes; and guess what? It's supposed to be.
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The One (I) (2021)
Is a person just a line of code in their DNA?...
23 March 2021
...Of course not; humans are the sum of their experiences - mental, physical, and spiritual. These are the ingredients that make each personality unique. And it is the personality that is most important in a relationship. I was along for the ride for this show, my wife being a fan of the book, and it's author. I found it the usual plodding TV series, and she was very disappointed, saying it's nothing like the book, especially the ending. So why take a great book and change it completely except for the DNA matching plot point? IMO this show is transhumanist propaganda designed to instill the idea that a person is only their DNA; a concept that is as flawed as their idea that a person can become immortal by being stored in a computer. Ha !
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Reign: The Conqueror (1997–2000)
A surrealistic historical fantasy...
15 March 2021 which the art dominates the story. Imagine if Salvador Dali drew a comic book, ha! I bought this series on dvd when it came out, being a Peter Chung fan, and loved the art, but not the story. IMO the writers tried to cram too much ancient Greek philosophy/geometry into the story, distracting from Alexander. Also the very long intro disrupts the flow between episodes. Despite these flaws, I find it a fantastic and fascinating experience. But after rewatching the series, I decided next time I'll turn the sound down, and listen to Joe Satriani while watching, ha! The artwork really is amazing, like a cross between Dali, El Greco, and the great French sci-fi fantasy comics of the 60's and 70's, like Druillet and Moebius, with costumes from Marvel's comic The Inhumans. A very imaginative, creative, and I think unique anime. Worth checking out if you can find it.
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I Care a Lot (2020)
This movie was made to inspire hatred...
23 February 2021
, but I kept on watching, so it gets 3 stars. IMO a 1 star movie is so bad I turn it off. The producers of this flick knew exactly what they were doing - that is manipulating the viewers into hating all the characters and wishing they would be killed. None of the events in this movie are plausible, which leads to frustration. Just look at all the frustrated 1 star reviews. I think the producers of I Care Alot consider this result a success, they've made people feel something, even if it is negative.
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Good mystery....
22 February 2021
..., but they should've resolved this story sooner, and ended it at 10 episodes. There's no way I'm following these despicable characters into another season. Too bad, it was a really interesting show that moved faster than most.
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Bliss (I) (2021)
Terry Gilliam style flick, but with some mind tricks ...
10 February 2021
...So I'm taking a few stars off, because I noticed the writers attempting to slip some ideology past my firewall. Not quite as good as Gilliam, but if you like his movies, you'll probably like this. Worth watching just for Salma Hayek, wow!
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#11 in Quentin Tarantino's Official Top 11 of 2011
30 January 2021
I agree with Quentin. And what makes a movie great? For myself, if I can remember everything about a movie, and I want to watch it again; it's a great movie. I'm late to this flick having recently discovered it streaming free on Amazon Prime. Glad I did. And for the ultimate compliment, I even bought the blu-ray. The critics really screwed the public out of a great time at the movies. I'm hoping other new viewers will rate this 10 stars to give this version of The Three Musketeers the rating it deserves.
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Gong Li in a Very Entertaining Fantasy
4 January 2021
I bought the Monkey King 2 blu-ray just to see Gong Li. I have quite a collection of her films, and she is fantastically beautiful in this. But the whole movie is fantastic, with plenty of laughs, drama, and excitement. How can people not like this movie? Highly recommended if you like fantasy flicks, and definitely worth a watch for fans of Gong Li !
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Great Chinese Gangster Flick
4 January 2021
This is one of the best gangster movies I've ever seen. It's streaming on Amazon and I've watched it twice, and I'll watch it again. I'll buy it. Complex, beautiful, horrific, and unforgettable. Everything about The Wasted Times is great. This film deserves far more interest and a much higher rating.
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The Glorias (2020)
A Very Interesting and Imaginative Tribute
4 December 2020
I scroll through the IMDb birthday list everyday to see what's new with my faves, and discovered this flick on Julianne Moore's b-day yesterday. A 2020 film streaming for free on Amazon Prime, directed by the great Julie Taymor; watching was a no brainer. I was a young man during the 70s, so I vividly remember the era, and as an older person, I can easily relate to the plot device of Gloria interacting with her younger selves. The ending brought tears to my eyes. I'll never forget it. 10+
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IMO A Lost Classic
23 August 2020
I never heard of this film, and I'm a fan of the stars and director. I found it by my daily routine of scrolling through the imdb birthday list, and seeing what's streamable by my favs on I've found a lot of great lost movies that way. The Tiger's Tail is a classic in that it defies description like many movies from the olden days; it's a mix of drama, comedy, suspense, and classic for me in the sense it's very memorable and rewatchable. I will be adding it to my collection. Too bad this movie got lost. Only 18 reviews with 3 rated 1star at the time of this writing. One star?! Come on! What a shame. If you're a fan of Boorman, or any of these actors, do yourself a favor and watch this flick.
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If you liked this....
8 March 2020
Worth a watch for Mads fans, he definitely saves the show, and makes this film memorable, which is more than can be said for the many completely forgettable films made these days. If you know the book on which this film is based, it's easy to follow, but the plot is slow, disjointed, and leaves too much to the imagination of the viewer. For a really great interpretation of this legend, I highly recommend you see the 1999 HBO Western, The Jack Bull, starring John Cusack.
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CIA involvement in Contra cocaine trafficking
8 March 2020
A mystery shouldn't be too easy to follow. I found this film's plot enjoyably convoluted, but I remember the Reagan era scandals upon which this story is based. I think it would help viewers to be familiar with the still controversial Iran-Contra affair, and the CIA's involvement in Contra cocaine trafficking. And I think the many 1 star reviews may be politically motivated, in an effort to turn potential viewers away from an eye opening experience. The Last Thing He Wanted wraps up very real political scandals in a very interesting and memorable story.
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Memorable and Rewatchable
8 February 2020
Voice from the Stone is one of those films that can't be described without giving away the ending. Mentioning the other films that share its theme would ruin the twist. So I'll simply give this film my ultimate compliment, it's vividly memorable, better on the second viewing, and when the blu ray comes down in price, I will add it to my collection.
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Midsommar (2019)
Pagan Occult Ritual Film
7 February 2020
Midsommar must have offended someone because this film is under attack by an unusually high number of 1 star reviews. Yes it's slow, and predictable, but I found it very well done and interesting. If you enjoy occult films, it's worth at least a watch.
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