
8 Reviews
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All I can say is...
7 October 2023
...I'm SO glad I watched this free on Peacock. I actually went into it knowing, based on reviews, that it would be bad. Look, I'm all about cheap horror flicks, but this was just cheap, period.

Bad costumes, bad cinematography, bad acting, bad script, bad CGI, bad plot, bad ending...the list goes on.

If you want to watch out of sheer curiosity, (like I did), you have my condolences, Just as some reviewers have stated they don't know why it only has a 2.9 rating, I don't know why it isn't less.

You'll find plenty of more specific reviews on here, but all I have to say is; I may not have wasted my money, but I sure as heck wasted my time!
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Scream VI (2023)
Come on guys, it's the 6th Scream Movie! #Chill
28 April 2023
I read the reviews after watching the 6th installment of the Scream franchise. Frankly, I think some people are being a bit harsh. Everyone knows it's going to be a somewhat campy slasher flick. I can't imagine someone going into this movie expecting an Oscar worthy film. Watch with realistic expectations, and you won't be disappointed.

I read one review that said people were just dumb that enjoyed it. No, this is a cult classic series that some people really enjoy, without basing their opinions on unrealistic expectations.. Movies I would compare this to (insane amount of "sequels") would be Sharknado and Final Destination. No one watches these movies because they are "good" per se. They go into movies such as those knowing it won't be winning any awards, and just enjoy it for what it is.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you are going to watch Scream VI knowing you're watching Scream VI, and not some Blockbuster hit, you are going to enjoy this movie. Sure, some of the acting isn't the best, and certain story lines could have been better, but this is kind of what we know and love from movies that keep going. If you're expecting an award~winning flick, then this may not be your cup of tea...
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Do not expect The Walking Dead...
16 August 2022
Ok, so final verdict. Tales of the Walking Dead is a bit campy and doesn't take itself too seriously, which makes the lackluster acting almost tolerable. The story itself turned out to be not too bad, albeit somewhat corny. Next week, it looks like it has the same undertones. Almost silly. If they do it well, it'll be something to watch, as long as you don't expect any real suspense like we've come to expect with its predecessors.

Conclusion? If you go into this with zero expectations and you do NOT compare it to TWD, it's a watchable show. I don't see it winning any awards, but I almost enjoyed how bad it was. This really is one you have to judge for yourself. Some people will love it, some will hate it, some will be right in between. But don't listen to other reviewers, try it yourself and form your own opinion.
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The Blacklist (2013–2023)
Can we get back to the title "Blacklist"?
18 May 2021
The only reason I am rating this with a 4, and not a 1 is because when this show first started, it was nothing short of EXCELLENT!

That's what it "was". The show started out with an "edge of your seat" suspense about a notorious criminal helping the task force find and capture the most heinous blacklisters. It was creepy and exciting, with the occasional hint of comedic material to lighten the mood.

Not anymore. The series has gone downhill ever since the introduction of Liz's "mother". It has strayed so far from the original plot, that I don't even see the relevance of the given title. The blacklist has nothing to do with the show anymore. It has become complacent in its writing, acting, and plot line. The FBI, who were previously hailed as heroes, bringing down the worst of the worst, with the help of a genius criminal mastermind, have become driveling idiots, who pine over an ex-agent who has committed several illegal acts, including cold-blooded murder, in the name of exacting revenge on the man she has a personal vendetta against. They continually chase their tails in a failed attempt to catch her, and any evidence of getting close to her is thwarted by their personal feelings for her, which is unprofessional at best.

And this whole feud between Red and Liz has become so monotonous. Sure, maybe it was cute in the first episode, but it has been dragged out for SO long. So long, that I don't even care anymore who he is, or who he used to be. I don't care who "wins", or who even dies at this point. Liz has become a child, throwing a huge temper tantrum over a woman she knew for a fraction of the time she knew and worked closely with Red. She loses all credibility as a smart FBI agent, believing the ruse her mother created trying to set up Red as the bad guy. Did she even get any credible proof that this was her mother in the first place??

I could go on, but frankly, I just don't care anymore. The Blacklist has gone from a show I couldn't wait to watch every week, to a show that I will finally watch just to free up space on my DVR, after I realize I have multiple episodes recorded. What was once a show that I would hush anyone who tried to talk while it was on, is now a show I have on in the background while I do chores. It's boring, slow, implausible, and frankly dumb. I keep watching to see if it gets better, but my patience is running extremely thin...
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Killer Dream Home (2020 TV Movie)
Well, at least the house was cool...
30 August 2020
Killer Dream Home

This was a typical Lifetime movie. Full of cheese, deliberate over-acting, and plastic surgery. Like I said, typical, which I've come to expect from this genre.

What bothered me the most is the actress, Morgan, who plays the "villain". Like I said, I'm used to gross over-acting that Lifetime movies are notoriously known for, but the actress playing this part was so over-dramatic, it was painful:

1. She looks about 20 years older (I may be exaggerating, but, hey, I can do it too), than the couple she's trying to manipulate by flirting with the husband. A totally unbelievable maneuver. 2. She is not attractive at all, and the fact that she walks around acting like she is just cements that fact. 3. She swings her shoulders and hips so hard through the whole movie, she doesn't need a different weapon to kill anyone.

To sum up, again, EVERYONE in this movie is over the top, and the plot is as predictable as it sounds. The house itself could act circles around all of them. The husband has been addressed plenty in other reviews, so I won't go into him too harshly. At least I could tolerate his goofiness. Morgan, on the other hand, was unbearable, and made me realize that there is such a thing as "over"-overacting, even if it's a Lifetime movie.
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Hollow Man (2000)
Don't Go into this expecting much...
16 August 2020
All I can really say is I'm glad I waited until this was free. I already wasted 2 hours on this. I don't want to waste any more writing how many things were wrong with this movie.

PS. I gave it a 4 because SFX were halfway decent.
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Omg, this was BAD
25 July 2020
Seriously, I'm having a hard time finding the right words. This was so boring, I was constantly looking at how much time was left in between yawns. I am a Lifetime Thriller Movie Fan, and this was DEFINITELY not one. Most Lifetime movie characters are dumb, I'll admit, but these ones took it to a whole nutha level. In hindsight, I should have just turned it off, but I kept thinking it would get better. I was very very wrong. The longer it went on, the worse it got. Unless you need something to put you to sleep, I'd steer clear of this one.
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Well, that's an hour and a half I'll never get back.
4 July 2020
Started off promising (for a Lifetime movie). You always knew who the "bad guy" was, and expected some big twist, but it never really happened. Like other reviews said, nothing was ever explained, although, by the end, you kind of stopped caring. I actually like cheesy Lifetime movies, but this cheese was moldy. (Ok, that's bad, but I had to do it!)
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