
8 Reviews
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I'm not one for Christian movies
1 June 2020
But this is one of two exceptions (The other being A Question of Faith). The acting is good in this movie. I also appreciated the short but sweet appearance of Queen Latifah (who I believe is underappreciated as an actress) and the overall joyful feeling that comes at the end. The only thing I'm not a fan of is the constant mention of Christianity, but hey, it doesn't ruin the movie.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
I LOVE this movie!
26 May 2020
Taxi Driver is one of the best movies I've ever seen. I'm rewatching it for the third time and I can never get tired of it. This is maybe Martin Scorsese's best movie, certainly one of his best. I love the slow portrayal of Travis's slip to insanity. I also like that they used an actual underage (at the time) girl for the part of Iris instead of just an adult that they try to make look like a teen. Taxi Driver is an edgy classic that should definitely be brought up whenever anyone is discussing iconic movies.
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Sin City (2005)
Very cartoonish looking
7 May 2020
I love the minimal use of color. The acting is good. The black and white really adds to the gritty tone. However, the fighting scenes look very cartoonish and unrealistic. Some of the practical effects look cheap as well. I'm giving it a 7/10 because the story is amazing, but it's a little rough aesthetically.
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The Bad Seed (2018 TV Movie)
One of the better Lifetime movies
17 April 2020
Lifetime is mostly known for their formulaic, made for TV movies, but something about this one is quite refreshing. Maybe it's because they're using known actors and a known director.

Pros: The acting (particularly the performances of McKenna Grace and Rob Lowe), the music, the direction, and the ending.

Cons: A couple of considerable plot holes (how does a little girl remove a wasp's nest and tape it onto someone's backseat without anyone noticing?) Some characters also feel incredibly dumbed down.

I give this film a 7/10.
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Good, but I like Volume 1 better
9 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I feel that alongside Death Proof and Hateful Eight, Kill Bill Volume 2 is one of Tarantino's weaker movies. It's a good watch, don't get me wrong, but it doesn't really hit me the way Volume 1 does. I'll talk about the positives. The acting is amazing, as is the dialogue, direction, and action scenes. My main negative is the scene where The Bride steps on Elle's eyeball after gouging it out. It was an extremely unnecessary shot to cut to. My second to main negative is the anti-climactic death of Bill. I would have preferred a sword fight over the "nerve poke" or whatever it was called. Other than those two, I recommend this movie big time.
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Siren (I) (2016)
After scrolling past all of the obviously paid for positive reviews,
9 April 2020
I've come to bring you all an HONEST review. This movie is a 5/10. The low budget cost the film a little suffering. Aside from Lily, Jonah, and Nyx, the acting ranges from mediocre at best to trash at worst. The writing itself barely made sense. I heard it was only shot in 18 days. That must explain the rushed final product. Overall, not bad, but needs loads of improvement.
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Terrible. So terrible, I'm not even going to give it ONE star!
24 March 2020
This has to be one of the only film trilogies I've seen where each film in it winds up becoming worse than the last. The acting is just terrible. The characters are one dimensional cliches. And don't get me started on that AWFUL CGI! It's like 90% of this movie's (small) budget went towards that and it didn't even look believable. It's like they got some amateur film student to do it for them. Maybe I'm going a little too hard on it considering the low budget, but the way it was written, this film was doomed from the start.
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Awful film
10 March 2020
This movie was terrible in EVERY sense of the word. The writing was crap. The acting was decent at best, but could have been a lot better. The camera work was very amateur. The set looked quite cheap. And don't get me started on that ending. It seems that the writer/director tried to go for one of those ambiguous endings. Well, they failed! MISERABLY! The concept itself was pretty decent, but it underdelivered big time. Bottom line: This film is an example of a good on paper concept that just didn't deliver what it promised.
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