
4 Reviews
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All the Incels need to chill
8 December 2020
Bruh. SO many of the reviews are just "wahhh all women are lying TRASH!! >:(" Y'all are obviously missing the point. The point is that this is REAL. I don't know why people are saying she's a liar when she isn't. She's very upfront about what she wants because that's genuinely what she thought. But then things escalated. That's how it works sometimes. Just because we think we want something doesn't mean it'll work out that way. And people get caught up. And by the time she was too far in she realized it was too late and he was in love. That doesn't make her a liar, it makes her human. Summer could've handled it better. Hanson could've also handled it better. He knew her intentions going in, but he got caught up. Just like the rest of us. It happens. There's no villain here, just human beings. If you're just gonna watch this movie and cry about how all women are evil because you're a pathetic excuse of a human, then please exit. This movie is heartbreaking, but also a good lesson. It may not be for everyone and that's ok, but no need to blame an entire gender for something a fictional character did (even though she didn't? Still confused where the "she's a liar" thing came in...). Watch this if you've ever gotten carried away with love, and hopefully you see the beauty :)
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Alex got what he deserved.
19 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I think I missed the point of the film because the entire time I didn't feel bad for him. I get the whole "stripping him of choice" is bad but at the same time I really didn't feel bad for him being tortured at any he got what he deserved in my opinion. I just have zero sympathy for someone who goes out and actively assaults women every night. Oh well, I still enjoyed the film but I guess I didn't get the message as clear because the whole time I was rooting for literally anyone who hurt this piece of garbage man. The actor did a great job tho.
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Just Friends (I) (2005)
"Mall People they come and go...small people they just don't know..."
23 September 2020
I gave this film a 10/10 purely for Anna Faris' performance. This is her best role she has ever played and she steals the show even though she is only in it for probably max 20-25 minutes. The rest of the cast is great and the movie is super enjoyable/funny. But I gotta give it to Anna for making this film so rewatchable for me. My mom and I would watch this every Xmas (and throughout the year) so it has a lot of meaning to me. We love singing "forgivenesssss, it's more than sayin sorrryyyy." She is just so great, I can't get over it! Thank you Anna Faris for blessing us with this role!
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I don't get why this is a classic....
11 May 2020
This is a sad excuse for a film adaptation of an AMAZING book. Don't get me wrong, I know that the book will almost always be better than the movie, but this was garbage. It's so boring. I can enjoy older films that move at a slower pace, but this was EXCRUCIATING. This film is over 2 hours long, yet it feels like about only 15-30 min (30 being generous) of plot played out. It truly blows my mind that it felt super rushed, yet I kept checking the run time to see when the atrocity was over. I actually was falling asleep during it and had to stop it midway to take a nap. When I started it again I figured I was about 10-15 minutes into the movie because not much had happened.....turns out I was about 40 minutes in. So basically the first hour absolutely NOTHING happens and it is a big waste of your time. I remember being absolutely captivated by the book just within the first chapter, so it's not the original story's fault. I will say that the acting is really good, even the children did a good job which can be hard to come by, but that's about all this film has going for it. Honestly I just don't think this is a book made for film. Do yourself a favor and just stick to reading the book because this film ain't it.
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