
4 Reviews
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The Grand Tour (2016–2024)
It's like MEGA BUDGET Top Gear.
18 November 2016
Imagine what would happen if the famous three were told by Amazon to do what they want and spend as much as you like - because clearly that's what happened here and the end result is AWESOME!

Everything is Hollywood in scale and execution. From the writing to the action set pieces, it almost has a slight Michael Bay feel to it.

All three presenters are on top form but Clarkson is clearly still the star.

'So is it basically just like Top Gear?'I hear you say. And the answer is 'yes', but imagine Top Gear better than it's ever been. The only negative is no Stig. There is Stig-like replacement but it's just not the same.

Otherwise, this show is off to an AMAZING start. Highly recommended.
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You can't recapture 'lighting in a bottle'
11 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Okay,let's begin,

Is Ghostbusters a good film? No. Is Ghostbusters a bad film? Kind of. The first 40 minutes or so I considered to be pretty strong, especially the opening 10 minutes which had me wondering if this was actually going to be good!? So the 'first act' I really enjoyed. Not all the characters pop, but those that do really shine. Chris Helmsworth and Kate McKinnon Im looking at you.

Sadly, its all down hill from there. There's more horrible cameos than I care to mention and some terrible cringe moments especially when it comes to music choice for the films soundtrack. DMX "Up in in here", the the terrible band in the concert scene and the butchering of the original theme tune would leave me wincing in my seat.

I reckon this film will have a fairly average take when it opens in the US this weekend and then disappear in to the bad remake/reboot garbage pile.

Ghostbusters 2? I don't think we'll need to worry about this happening.
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Ill Manors (2012)
Brutally realistic in its execution, but the story doesn't hold together so well
6 June 2012
This film came to my attention very late, less than a week ago even. But i watched the trailer, was very impressed and took myself off to the cinema this afternoon with much excitement and enthusiasm. So did it fulfil my expectations? Yes and no. Yes, it's an unflinching and very realistic look at the drug trade in London. The drug of interest in this film - cocaine. But lets face it, cocaine is a massive problem everywhere now, i know it is in my town. But at least that is something most of us can relate to and keep at a distance - most of us have the choice not to take drugs or be involved in the dealing of drugs and the violence that comes with it. The characters in this story are the poor unfortunates that were forced in to this way of life in order to survive. The subject of foster care and the results of poor foster care resonate with several characters in this film.

So in those respects this film is a masterclass - as is the acting and ben drews direction is fantastic.

But then there's the script. There is a story laid out with an inter wining theme - but no real protagonist of antagonist is ever properly established as the plot switches too often to establish the key characters and their overall goal.

This is one of the best debut films i have ever seen, but its writing is severely flawed in my opinion. However, Im sure whatever Mr Drew delivers next will be a masterclass if this is the film-making talent he is showing this early on.
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The Avengers (2012)
Very fun, but overall - just more 'fluff'
23 May 2012
So i finally got to see this earlier today after weeks of hearing about how great it is and how its breaking box office records... blah blah blah. I watched the trailer (several times) and thought it looked like 'fun', then it opened and people were saying how much of a 'great film' it actually is - so my interest started to grow from 'will watch it at some point' to 'i need to see what the fuss is about' - and thats what i did this morning.

All the characters work out great, especially the sparring relationship between Thor and The Hulk, as well the bickering between Captain America and Iron Man.

Direction wise... meh... by the numbers with a budget this big and the resources available with that sort of money. However it's the films script that really shines. So tightly written there's no throw-away dialogue.

I think what people have gotten so excited about is the 'eye candy' over anything else and this film is beautiful to look at - but looks fade very quickly and this will soon be added to the pile of CGI heavy films that look kinda dated and hammy compared to the 'next big thing' Overall. Nice to look and a great script, but lacks the weight and enduring impact it should have. I understand Iron Man 3 comes out next year and that will no doubt eclipse the memory of this. Like i said in the title. It's just more 'fluff'.

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