
2 Reviews
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A well made, well remembered production of a timeless classic
2 May 2002
Of all the productions of Little Lord Fauntleroy that I have seen, this 1976 BBC version was the most memorable and pleasant to look at. I saw it on American TV (PBS, I think) in the late 1970s.

It was shot on tape, so has that "immediate" look that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. In this case, it worked very well, and it's in part the video appearance that sets it apart from the many filmed productions that have been made of this well known story over the years. This BBC production had a bright, attractive appearance and possessed a nice overall balance in all aspects.

It was well cast, well acted, and well directed. More's the pity that It hasn't been aired in the U.S. since the '70s, so far as I know. I would certainly like to see it again; however, it is not available commercially -- and don't hold your breath waiting for any of the networks, cable or otherwise, to re-air it! If you live in one of the Media's favored places, like Australia, for instance, and do get a chance to view it, I highly recommend it.

Dave R
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Saw it only once, but it's really good.
11 May 2001
Some years ago, HBO or one of the other pay movie channels was running rarely seen independent films on a fairly regular basis. They had a higher opinion of their viewers then. Anyway, that's where I saw Ladybug, Ladybug, but I saw it only once. I wish I had taped it. It's an extremely well done film in all regards, and I liked the fact that it was filmed in black & white, which added a kind of stark atmosphere, especially in the bright sunlight. To tell the truth, I barely remember the story now, so I've enjoyed reading the other comments from those who have seen it. What I do recall is the favorable impression this little film left me with, and the way I felt after seeing it. I'd love to see it again, and other little-seen films of this and earlier eras, but there is so much garbage being churned out by the film industry today, there's no room on the airwaves, cable, or in the DVD/VHS production studios for good things like Ladybug, Ladybug. More's the pity, there are so many great films that could be shown, it's everyone's loss!
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