14 Reviews
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Atonement (2007)
Quite the sad tale
6 December 2022
James McAvoy and Keira Knightly are always a delight to watch. A tragic tale of a false accusation got me hooked, even the idea of how one redeems themselves or enact upon revenge intrigued me. The story takes two routes around this and both made me reflective on real life and the tragedies of war/allegations/love.

The unorthodox way of story telling wasn't too confusing and had me guessing what comes next. I was dissatisfied with the results but in a melancholy way, accepting but tragic.

Overall not too shabby of a story, apparently based on a book. Worth giving a watch if you like the actors and time period.
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Spiderhead (2022)
Decent idea but flimsy setting/premise
6 December 2022
Watching this film for Chris Hemworth and Miles Teller. Both perform fine in their roles of a scientist and guinea pig for the sake of a drug experiment. The so called "guinea pigs" are redirected Prisoners serving their sentence as drug cowboys. They also have a lot more freedom as opposed to a regular prison.

A lot of questions that arise from such a premise technically get answered near the end, however it just reflects on important characters as so bloody stupid. When a setting and experiment conduct exposes its flaws, I'm not impressed if the writers expected the audience to chalk it down to character incompetence.

Ultimately decent idea, dodgy execution but nothing too bad.
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Inoffensive and good
6 December 2022
I'm personally biased towards Madagascar as it was a film I grew up watching. Played some video games, loved the MOVE IT MOVE IT song and the penguins are my FAVOURITE. Especially their tv series imo.

Madagascar 3 has a typical movie formula which is fine and expected. The animation though not my favourite, still holds itself up. Interesting circus characters and direction for the gang to head in, nice way to tie up the trilogy. The voice cast still as iconic as they are, still works great after all these years

Its everything I expected from a Madagascar film, at this point I'm either watching it for comedy or its just great for the family.
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The King (I) (2019)
Zzz idk it was boring
6 December 2022
I don't want to be that guy but it was boring. Nicely shot, characters inoffensive, Robert Pattinson was a joy but for the most part I was just losing interest.

I wandered if it may be a bias I have against period pieces, however I loved me "The last duel". I'm also aware this some sort of adaptation or based on a story wether true or not idk? Maybe knowing more about its background may give me a better perspective with a second viewing. Until then it was all pale boring stares of a hot celebrity Timothy.

I may change my rating if I revisit this film (doubt, my list is too long). First impressions is its boring.
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Tis fckd up but we get there in the end.
6 December 2022
This film is not afraid to explore the dangers of religion in the hands of the unstable. Somewhat disconnected little stories and characters all coming together. Gloomy, dark n despair with a bit of hope at the end. Interesting to see Tom Holland and Sebastion in roles outside of Marvel, jarring but they do well. Robert Pattinson obviously killed it in his unhinged priest of a role. Its a good build up.

I mean sometimes the pacing feels as if its mucking around, the ending kind of made me more forgiving.

I love the way it all tied up together, the narrator left me with something to think about and I wouldn't mind watching it again/recommending it.
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Circle (II) (2015)
Cringe but a fairly interesting conclusion
6 December 2022
Interesting premise that touches on human nature when pitted against each other. How we value lives and all the social connotations that come with. I liked the set up and the amount of ideas they were able to touch on, even if it was surface level.

My issue is the pacing made some interactions seem off/cringe. For a good two thirds of the film I was throwing a fit over people's reasoning. So much time was wasted on trying to figure out who deserved to live as oppose to how they could figure out a way to save as much lives as possible. There was even a point where they should have been more accepting of their fate, and said their peace (some do). The whole time I wanted to volunteer myself even if that idea meant two more minutes of idiots arguing their "worth".

Overall it was a short flick at 1:30 and still nice to watch. There is the problem that the game was never explained, but who cares when the characters are bitching about who n who isn't gay, a porn star or has a family.
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Dumb Fun action film
29 November 2022
As someone who watched a black and white action figured kong to peter jacksons Kong climb a tower, I really enjoyed seeing the character return in his own habitat. Seeing the Island fleshed out with other creatures, knowing the tribals perspective and culture around Kong I enjoyed it. Action packed and dumb fun.

The human sections are very one dimensional but a good effort is made to make them tolerable, even reasonable in their own movie logic convictions. I can't say I connected with any character nor was I rooting for them to survive. Big stars, big talent wandering in their mediocrity till their next MCU payday.

As my title suggest, dumb fun action film. I'm excited what the future holds for this icon of a monster.
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Animated version is better.
29 November 2022
Its a fine show and darker take on the story.

I personally couldn't enjoy it knowing how far I have to suspend my disbelief, realistic takes on unrealistic situations rub me the wrong way. A human child could never out run these wolves. These animals co-exisiting in such a system seems unrealistic when "Man" is suppose to be the antagonist. Again its not a big deal as a cartoon, but live action is a bit much for me. The kid cries too much for my liking also.

I don't doubt there are others out there that can appreciate the bold take on the story, there is something here for different perspectives to salvage. Otherwise I recommend watching the animation instead.
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Tenet (2020)
A chaotic mess, I love it!
29 November 2022
I love the concept, I love the visuals and I love the way it all ties up in the end. Granted this movie will be difficult to enjoy if you try too hard to understand it, just take notice of what happens and see it through. A second watch through wouldn't hurt either. Moving, fighting and shooting in reverse is crazy, even to come up with the idea as Christopher Nolan pulls off.

Granted as I mentioned thinking too hard wod negate ones enjoyment. Not to mention the main character feels flat for me. Witty and competent, just flat in terms of natural charisma.

Overall a good watch if you got the time to pay attention.
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Godzilla (2014)
It a fine movie, better blockbuster
28 November 2022
Godzilla is an iconic character in which I could care less for, always felt like a power ranger villain to me. So this movie has shown me how awesome a titan like film could deliver excitement. Theres this specific scene in where I audibly got excited where Godzillas powers were displayed, epic epic epic.

A certain character however died too early for my liking, would of carried my interest instead of the flat Mc we got. The villainous monsters also looked boring to me, just as much as the human scenes. Its safe to say Godzilla is the best thing in a Godzilla film, hard to outshine.

Definitly a fun movie, I believe may even be better on the big screen. Big screen for big boys like Godzilla.
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28 November 2022
Wes Anderson movies have always automatically started at a 7/10 for me by default. I have admiration for symmetry and quirky characters executed in such a style. Its everything Wes excels in, it also fun that big time actors are always to be found running around this universe.

Fair warning (though it didn't affect the score besides not being higher) there ia a scene I felt uncomfortable with, I'd even say unnecessary. Two actual underaged children kiss, "french kiss", touch the others tit and mention another's "hard on". Its shot in the most flat and awkward manner so its hard to say its sexualising, more so displays how youngins explore sexuality. From an artsy perspective I understand the reasoning.

However from my own biased personal opinion I did not enjoy it, so much so I don't recommend this movie nor will I ever watch it again. Something about a grown man telling young kids to perform acts infront of camera, where children can't consent to such in real life, feels exploitive. Not to mention the sexually indecent culture around Hollywood.

In conclusion I will give praise for everything else about the show even rate it well. I don't recommend though. Not trying to have some sort of higher horse here, this movie is high praised so not much I say has impact. Its just my opinion.
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The Intern (I) (2015)
Its ok and heartwarming.
28 November 2022
Love me some Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway. A comedy/drama with those two that touch on 2 different generational perspectives is interesting to me.

However the movie ended abruptly for me. Their drama felt intriguing though fleeting and sometimes forced/cringe (like the masseuse). It also feels like a flawless character Ben walks into Jules life and somewhat fixes everything about her and her situations. I was hoping for a deeper dive and clash between the two different generations (also no pushback when Jules gets drunk and dunks on the boys)

Either all its inoffensive and a fine family movie for all. Roberts character "Ben" inspired me to always carry a hanker-chief which is a weird take away for me.
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Little Women (2019)
Its a fine drama.
28 November 2022
The reason I watched this film is my intrest in talented actresses such as Saoirse Ronan, Florence Pugh and Emma Watson perform and yes they do deliver. I definitely see this connecting and inspiring women (probably men too) of all sorts.

However drama and romance is not really my genre so take my review with a grain of salt. I also did not appreciate the back and forth style the way they executed the stories timelines. It was a nice surprise to see Saul Goodman make an appearance.

Its a good film in terms of casting and genre. Not my cup of tea though. At least I learned Amy has nice feet, the best in the family!

...reference to the film, I'm not personally into feet.
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Unknown (I) (2011)
Its a fine moderate movie
28 November 2022
I like the concept of situations forcing one to contemplate their identity, wether to believe in your own memories or what the world tells you. Liam Neeson navigating psychological thrilling situations is always fun for me, a biased perspective since "taken".

That being said it is a basic movie with a Jason Bourne twist. Side characters are fine but whom I felt little to no connection with. The action was also fine but context made me desire for more and not in a good way. I also wish we had a frame of reference deep dive for a certain groups "reach" to fully feel the stakes at play.

All in all good to watch for fun but not memorable like Michael Harris.
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