
12 Reviews
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Beautifully Done Sequel
7 November 2007
QT does it again! This movie is much more awesome than anything else he has done, which just means he's getting better and better with time. The first film is the questions, and this one is the answers. We learn her real name and learn about her as a person. You also get acquainted with Elle Driver, played by Daryl Hannah and her evil character blew me away because I remember her as that sweet mermaid from Splash. The entire cast was great, and the cinematography was beautifully done, because it wasn't as cartoonish as the last one and focused less on gory violence and more on dialogue, Tarantino's best talent. My personal favorite part is the Superman speech from Bill. All in all, a great film and I never get sick of them.
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Sex and the City (1998–2004)
Not Very Funny or Very Interesting
7 November 2007
I know that this show gave a lot of liberation to women in the late '90s and early 2000s, but come on! You have a whiner, a buzz kill, and an over-analyzer. This show really made women look bad. I cannot STAND Carrie's analyzing every little thing on this show and that's what really killed it for me. Also, Charlotte's whining about her nonexistent predicaments made my ears hurt and Miranda's cynicism was a complete buzz kill. I mean, can't she just be happy? Samantha was the only cool one on the show and the only one worth watching. There was also a good episode when Nathan Lane was on the show, but that was the only one worth watching--the rest of them were pretty much the same. The humor was drier than a bucket of sand, and not very interesting plot line. All in all, not a very good show and I'm glad it's over.
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Awesome Classic Film
15 July 2007
I am a fan of Quentin Tarantino, and I must say that this film really impressed me much more than expected. I didn't expect it to be as fantastic as it is. Like all of the Tarantino flicks, it does not go in chronological order, so it did throw me off at first glance, but it was full of action and it really was about redemption and justice over betrayal. It was like a Greek drama, where the emotions and action was pure and exaggerated rather than realistic, which made it even better. Also, Uma Thurman fit the role of The Bride like a glove; there really isn't anybody else who could have played the Bride as well as she did. Uma absolutely rocks in this film and in the second one as well. And if you didn't notice, Sonny Chiba, who played Hattori Hanzo, was from several samurai shows from the '70s. The cast was excellent, the dialogue was awesome and the cinematography was gorgeous. This is Quentin's best yet. Shame on anybody who calls this film overrated or terrible.
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Three Amigos! (1986)
My Little Buttercup...has the sweetest smile...
17 February 2007
This is the greatest comedy that I have ever seen. All three of the Amigos were on SNL, so the comedy is very physical--it's full of sight gags, but my favorite part is when they are singing "My Little Buttercup" in the cantina. Another SNL cast member in this movie is Phil Hartman--he's in the office with that guy who fires them. This film is hilarious and its lines are easy to remember and easy to retell. There are some dirty jokes like the woman at El Guapo's asking Carmen "do you know what foreplay is?"; "neither does El Guapo", but small kids won't get it anyway. If you like old school Saturday Night Live, you'll love this movie. It is like one big SNL skit.
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A Hilarious Film--You don't have to be a kid to enjoy it.
2 February 2007
I personally love this movie especially for its hilarious yet wholesome humor that everybody can enjoy, as well as its awesome computer graphics--Nickelodeon really outdid themselves with this film's animation. The characters work really well together, and each have their own story, but my personal favorite was Martin Short as that fruitcake snot-ball Prime Minister Ooblar as well as Capt. Pickard (Patrick Stewart) as the King. I've never seen Patrick Stewart in a comedy film before this. I did find Cindy as the obnoxious twit a little irritating (but she was supposed to be). I loved this movie, and I'm not a child, I'm in my 20s. All in all, this movie is highly underrated.
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American Idol (2002– )
Why does everybody like this show?
23 January 2007
Why does everybody like to watch this show so much? It is the stupidest, meanest show I have ever seen. I guess people like to watch it to watch others suck, but that just shows how cruel people can be. On top of that, Simon is a rude, stuck-up jackass who has it in his head that he can tell people they have no talent. Who the hell does this guy think he is? I'd like to see him get up and sing before he says ANYTHING to anybody about their singing, and I sincerely wish that somebody would get up and tell Simon "bite me." I don't why or how this show got to be so popular, and I really wish the show would just go away because I'm tired of it. It needs to go off the air soon. I don't know what is worse: the show, or the fact that everybody seems to like it.
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Mind of Mencia (2005–2008)
This Man is a Riot!
28 December 2006
The first time I watched this show, over dinner, I was laughing so hard I almost choked. This guy is a scream! I would like to think of him as the Hispanic Mel Brooks, because he makes fun of everybody and everything, though mostly he makes fun of the stupidity of the world around us. And you have to realize that he does have a point. He totally kicked the Chappelle Show out of its place in my book. Many people want to get on to him because his stuff is "politically incorrect" and "offensive" but what good comedian isn't? Yes there are people who are offended by what he says, but those people are just too conservative for their own good. As he says, if you ain't laughing, you ain't living. Totally enjoyed the show and will definitely get his new DVD.
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Cool Show, But Needs Better-Known Celebs
3 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the first episode of the Celebrity Paranormal Project where they go into the Waverly Hills tuberculosis clinic, and I thought it was pretty interesting. Gary Busey seemed very enthusiastic about this kind of thing, and Donna, the blonde actress, was scared out of her mind when she saw "the man in the lab coat", but then if I had seen that in real life, that would freak me out too. Hal Sparks says at the end that "haunted" is a vague word because it sounds like something wants to pick a fight, but that's not always the case. The ghosts in WAverly Hills are just stuck and scared. The second episode was very freaky, where they go into the Warson Asylum looking for the spirit of a schizophrenic woman. The things that you see are bizarre. With a thermal monitor, you see this blue-green image of a petite woman show up and disappear. It does have the pretentiousness of any other reality show, and does have very C-list celebrities that I have never heard of. Maybe they could get the stars of old school horror movies (like Halloween, The Omen, etc) to be in it. All in all, if you're into that paranormal kind of stuff, this is the show for you. It's pretty cool.
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The Notebook (2004)
Mushy and Sappy and Has a Predictable Plot
2 September 2006
At first I thought this film was going to be a good romance story but really it is overly sappy--lays on the sugar really really thick. to the point I wanted to puke. The plot line is the predictable boy-meets-girl, who end up getting split up by some outside force they can't control. Rachel McAdams (red eye) and Ryan Gosling (Remember the Titans), both talented actors, both seemed to cringe throughout the whole film because they had to play very immature teenagers. This movie was not suited for their talent. The chemistry between Rachel and Ryan is believable--it's just the plot line of the film--you know exactly what will happen. It does have a good sex scene, though, I give it that, but honestly, this is not the best film i've seen.
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Great Romantic Comedy
2 September 2006
This is a good movie for anybody who likes Jack Nicholson because he is a riot in this film as the playboy old enough to be these women's grandpa. He meets his newest girlfriend's Marin's mom Erica, who is pretty uptight and slightly neurotic and can be hard on herself. The story really picks up when Erica starts dating the doctor played by Keanu Reeves, who kind of kills his part in the film because he is so vacant. He is nowhere near as funny as Jack. Another part that kind of messes up the film for me is when Erica's sister Zoe goes off on a tangent about the dating scene. However, Jack and Diane really stole the show and have great chemistry together. All in all, it's a great comedy.
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Casanova (2005)
Funny, Sexy Comedy
2 September 2006
This is one of Heath Ledger's greatest films that I've seen. The story is not a historical film--it's a romantic comedy about Giacamo Casanova, the world's leading ladies' man, and the woman who does the unthinkable--she refuses him!! That woman, Francesca, is a feminist who writes books and is engaged to Paprizzio, a man she has never seen before. Add in that her brother pines for the blonde girl across the street, who only has eyes for Heath. And then there is Jeremy Irons as a very funny yet very mean priest hunting him down and this is one topsy-turvy film that blends comedy and soap opera. And there is the fact that the main characters are all pretending to be somebody they're not. Heath Ledger is excellent because he is so smooth and gentlemanly and yet incredibly cool and sexy at the same time (in the movie he is actually wearing shades). This movie is not at all dirty; it is hilarious and sweet and sexy all at the same time.
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Waiting... (I) (2005)
Hilarious Movie
23 August 2006
I found this film incredibly funny the split second I watched it. My dad found it great too. (He also works in a restaurant). It is incredibly realistic about the job of a restaurant employee especially the cooks. The movie touched on everything restaurant workers have to deal with, from stupid busboys to mean customers to lousy tips to the manager that is overzealous and has absolutely no life. The characters are awesome and easy to relate to. Like Dean, who finds out his classmate has a Bachelor's degree and he doesn't know what he wants to do. There is Mitch, the new guy, who keeps getting interrupted, then cusses out everybody later, and my personal favorite Naomi. She comes in screaming and cussing at everybody, set off that she has to work and once you see her, you'll realize that everybody has worked with somebody just like her. This is a great movie to watch after you've had a really tough day at work.
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