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really liked it
14 May 2024
Sure it's low budget, unknown actors, tries to get lots of context into the story, relies on cheap but effective visuals and is'nt up its own backside.

Simple, straightforward, not making points about stuff that's got nothing to do with anything.

Reminds me of a 1950's movie where you watch and munch the popcorn and have an enjoyable tale told well that keeps up the pace and interest till the end of the show. The acting was good, just playing their parts.

I got really bored with planet of the apes,dune and other mega long, shiny, squillion dollar movies as they repeat the same story and the semi ok stars dominate...I want movies like this.... Honest film making!
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what happened?
4 January 2024
From the start with a Dune style intro that drifts off into something someone cant be bothered to finish into a polished sci fi world that makes little sense, things don't add up, there's something wrong, missing, disconnect little cute houses in a dustbowl poverty style with a funny horse and designer dungarees.. someone certainly spent money on thee sets but you kinda need a competent story? I was lost, frustrated and confused by this tall tale that is no tale. Comedy bad guys? Passion free writing with a probable drug psychosis thinking that this is the best thing ever written in the whole of history, whoever signed this expensive mess off needs a firing squad.
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Napoleon (2023)
just seen it
3 December 2023
MMMMMM, not good!

Phoenix is miscast in this movie, he stays in the ashes and there's very little fire in the performance, bored and lost, was he drunk??

The story is hard to follow and I got pretty lost with the diving about like a multiverse movie where nothing is constant.

The character is like some nasty child who has ADHD and is sexually incompetent. Weird characterisation of one of the greatest military comanders ever??

Josephine is a confident feminist type who manipulates the messed up child into rampant sex sessions for her own fun.

It's hard to follow this stuff as the point of it seems to be the point it's making...Napoleon was a sad, messed up loser. He also gets off on killing like John Wayne Gacey the clown killer who looked like the Joker.

The music from Pride and Predujice very is weird and sits real bad with this kinda abuse based love story that thrives on war, brings a memory of that ,and its a strange thing to use in this film, it's like a pound shop dollar store film that can't be bothered to be proud of itself.

It's difficult to find much with this clever dick, smarty pants alternative version of the story that is passionless and appears written under the influence of some heavy narcotic or just after a death in the family....$200m wasted? Yup.
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RRR (2022)
what a watch
11 April 2023
Blown away by this one.

Great acting, good story, CGI used very well for great effect, fun, funny, sad, political, very nationalist, relatable, rip roaring rollercoaster.

At 3 hours, the time flew away and I wanted more, more,more.

This makes the likes of Marvel and Disney look tired, lazy, boring,unable to innovate and just kinda sad.

It's a superhero movie based on real people who act like real people caught up in a crazy world trying to do the right thing with only trust, determination and a vision of what is good.

Supporting actors are superb with wild sets, clothes, situations and it all comes together in an amazing manner.

This is impressive stuff.
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The Gold (2023–2024)
starts well
28 February 2023
Starts well, episode 1 was fun, what is the BBC getting up to, I thought, making watchable tv with a coherent story thats entertaining, I thought,

then it started, like a drug addict with an itch they cant stop sctratching and picking at, the dreaded BBC social and gender and implied racial commentry with some obscure other oppressions related hints?? WTF I thought, is there no escape from the BBC obsession over pretended class and race conciousness, oblique Thatcher greed comments freemasonry and male corruption...oh then theres some other story about a robbery done by violent, dangerous crims who care not for Marx's theories of proletarian alienation from das Kapital. Licence fee? You can kiss my a........
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good movie
21 February 2023
It's not very often that you get a 'modern' movie with such a light touch, it reminded me of some from the 50's or 60's. Great direction and writing that just tells this real life story without embelishments, bells and whistles, it dosen't dwell too just tells the story in a quirky, funny, poignant way with a great lead, wonderful direct supporting and supporting actors who work very well and ain't trying to prove anything...a light touch to some very dramatic, political and horrible things that the Vietnam war became. I'm impressed that it let the watcher make up their minds without being crass signposted or told where to go.
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The Ark (2023– )
could be good...but
13 February 2023
This seemed like it could be brilliant, low budget, unknown actors, fun script, the director and crew having fun making it, a good dose of silliness and lets push and make something that people will love.

How wrong I was, it's like there was almost zero spirit from the mono view writers, directors and laclustre cast, a weird amalgum of really bonkers accents, a belief that humans are natural nasty to each other with a bubbling hatred just below the surface that could get violent. Snarky, snarky snarks acting real wooden, it's like they chose actors based on nothing to do with acting capabilities but on some other unknown factors. Such a wasted opportunity for a fun sci fi adventure, what happened here? Why don't they want to have fun any more?? It makes me want to cry, I love sci fi !!
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really good movie
13 February 2023
What an good war movie, kept me engaged from start to finish with its very human story of real folks in the middle of a nasty nasty war.

Very good acting from all the cast, they just got on with it, without ant silly stuff,exellent job.

Not sure about some of the criticism regarding lack of diversity in the movie, as I understand it in 1940 there was probably one chinese takeaway in Oslo, a few errant Swedes and the occasional Finlander hanging out in Norway, the lack of african americans and mexicans is a bit of a long shot in terms of trying to claim that there was malice and predujice in the making of this film.
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You People (2023)
a modern Sidney Poitier meets the in laws...
2 February 2023
What a brilliant remake of 'guess whose coming to dinner,' for the 21st century.

Eddie Murphy is fantastic as the devout Muslim patriach who has control over his family when his daughter (without a dowry or cash offering from the suitor) wants to marry a Jew.

These two worlds collide as they argue about Islam's justifications for slavery of non muslims and Jews owning slave plantations in Louisiana whilst cleverly contrasting it with the Holocaust and the white tears than came from Bergen Belsen and Dachau in the 1940's whilst the survivors ran to Los Angeles with pockets full of jewels (geddit?) and gold where they took over the banking, business and building industries much to the economic decline of every other racial group in California.

A must watch movie for anyone interested in social justice and apartheid.
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Devotion (II) (2022)
suprise good movie
21 January 2023
A great true tale of the difficulties of training to be a naval flyer with all the complexities of competitive other flyers and working out team playing...not many can achieve this, about 4 from 100 .

This is a good movie about two pilots who work well together and build a deep trust as wingmen for each other.

A human story covering difficult times and war.

I was pleased that the race cards were only lightly used as character, compassion and moral compass of individuals counts for much more than these blunt or even blind instruments.

A solid, at times fun and thoughtful film about brave men doing brave and important things.
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Nanny (2022)
where to start?
11 January 2023
I only watched an hour of this movie before I gave it up.

Something very disjointed about the writing, it's certainly not a horror movie, I'm not actually sure what it's trying to be apart from a well filmed boring snoozefest.

Movies at one time were written for the screen with a plot, a story that pulls you in, things that are intrepid, a certain wonder and a proudness of their product. This effort has little of this and appears to be some self indulgent thing that has sadly wasted the time of the audience, crew and actors involved.

I'm shocked that this won a prize. Advice; give people with talent a chance next time, there are many young film makers who would bite your arm off for the opportunity...please, please give them a chance rather than the mickey mouse amateurs who made this junk.
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Andor (2022– )
this is good!
7 January 2023
What has happened over at Disney? 15 or 20 years of Star Wars total trash and then this!

Employing people who are psychotic or drunk dosen't work with storytelling as we have come to appreciate from Walt Disney and the crap they vomit up

this team weave a story that you can follow, understand, appreciate... very good acting, believable, exciting, gritty, real and sci fi sets with space ships...what is there not to like?

Mabye its too little too late as the marathon of terrible Star Wars stuff has created a cynicism that is big like the apple...and who wants to vacation in that pigsty of an open prison....ever again?
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Corsage (2022)
a dissapointing effort
30 December 2022
I was so looking forward to seeing this take on Sissi.

Not something that I would watch again, a one trick pony.

Vicky Krieps is a wonderful actor, her previous work attests to this and she works with the material well, passionate and believable. The rest of the cast are just great and hats off to them for being the bright points in this story.

The sets were good and the dressing was really cool it was well done cinematography with some pretty scenes, grim scenes and a good characterisation of the times.

I'm sure the Empress had some tough times but this is relentless in misery, it could have been writ by some certain Duchess? Very few light bits to make the screenplay move and the monikers used were wildly predictable. I get the impression that the people behind this pony have little experience of the human condition and are more interested in their own aims than the complexity and contradictions of dealing with adversity.

It's good that another 4 productions have been made this year, this may come out as number 5 due to its narrow obsessions.
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a couple who have dealt with hell and worse
29 December 2022
One of the most genuine couples that I have ever had the good fortune to come across, they come over like genuine, honest, likeable and fair folks,making this true documentary must have been difficult for them in opening up about their trauma, ptsd, body image, food hygiene issues and previous brushes with death from the family that we dare not name for fear of retribution.

After the brutal mysoginist murder of his mother, Diana, Harry was sidelined by his cheating, bigamous father in favour of Willy. There were rumours that Charles sent an SAS team to Paris to do the evil deed. Roll on a few years and the family turn on innocent Meghan with regard to her blackness and her relations being freed slaves from Louisiana an issue that makes Chas an Camillea angry as they are professional extreme racialists who support extreme right wing and transphobic ideas that are regularly published in the Daily Mail in the UK. The secret bigotry is out thanks the the courage of Meghan and Harry, may the world be blessed and they become rewarded, a couple in the shadow of Nelson Mandela and even christ himself, thank you both for your glory!
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very enjoyable
23 December 2022
A really good production with a slow burn and an into the unknown feel about it.

Great cast who all come out strong, Guy Pierce is good,good, good with a teriffic supporting set of actors who make this a joy to watch.

The storyline works well and is believable in its many aspects with turns, suprises and duplicity abounding all around. I watched all the episodes at once as I was pretty gripped by the tale and wanted to see where it went next, was not dissapointed.

Only criticism I have is that it's all very clean, with many of the sets like a John Lewis catalogue from 1955 to1963, most houses at this time were a mish mash of pre,post war and make do and mend. Similar the clothes, the set dressers got carried away with this one and have little understanding of the social contexts of early 1960s uk which was coming out of a mini ice age. Other spy dramas let the sets be scruffy, worn, mixed fashion and mis matched clothes...which is how the world is in reality.
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The Empress (2022– )
enchanting and watchable
15 October 2022
From the opening scenes I was pulled into this remarkable period drama about Sisi the adored Empress who met a tragic end sending tears of sadness across the world. One of my favourite 'Royal' stories of all.

The sumptuous sets, period authentic clothes, haircuts, realities mixed with terrific acting by an accomplished cast with, dare I say it? A script and story that can be followed with an implicit understanding. A real treat in these days of muddled, muffled, anodyne and sadly boring film and series production values. Netflix and Amazon should pay close attention...the Germans are coming!

I just binge watched this and loved every minute of the experience, well done to Sommerhaus Filmproduktion and the great folks who worked on this.
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Grant (2020)
A real insight into one of America's most devoted military and political leaders
7 October 2022
What a joy to watch. The documentary / acted out scenes were top grade in all elements. I've never quite understood Grant and his big significances. This effort tells the story without being frightened to be honest about the complexities, difficulties and troubles that abounded not just for Grant but for the fledgeling nation of the USA in the early mid 1800's. The civil war needed Grant as a fine, able and intelligent commander who could battle a very clever capable enemy. This take on his life shows these hard times and how he rose to the occasion in making sure that victory came, a very skilled man.
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It tries hard
7 October 2022
I wanted this to work well, in the vain of The eyes of Tammy Faye....which sets a high mark to follow in this religious cynic genre.

It tries very hard indeed to make the grade but sadly its not quite in the league of champions.

The story is good, well put together with a fun storyline and a great cast of very good actors although Sterling does at times look a little red eye Jedi worst for wear in the eye department after his exposure to his preferred poison of choice! That's the comes together like a bunch of stoners trying to do the Marines combat course. The other troublesome element is the humour where it overtries and pushes the gags where they won't go. Humour needs to be incidental not contrived and arrogant.

I wish the people who made this well for the future as the potential is there to see, their next enterprise will hit all the buttons...jus chill on da weed kids an get disciplined!
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a fun movie for a rainy afternoon
7 October 2022
Just watched this at my local cinema on a rainy, October afternoon. Got the ice cream and sat down. I loved every minute of this movie and didn't want it to end. The time flew by.

Leslie Manville as the lead is just wonderful, she pulls you in in a believable, nice and relatable manner...she is an impressive actor who oozes style, class and panache...I just adored her in this. The supporting cast compliment in a seam free style and come across as a professional crew who really enjoyed being a part of this fun film. It's confident and light and proud of itself whilst recognising that the audience are there to be entertained and they ain't stupid. Really reccomended for a wet afternoon.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
great shooting, clothes, scenery and the script like a damp squib
5 October 2022
It may be the off screen shenanigans and rumpy pumpy sessions between the director, Olivia and the lead actor Harry that mar this movie. The rest of the cast, alleged very,very upset reactions, with the marathon bonking sessions in Olivia's trailer that they could hear all night long and the constant pawing between a very aroused Harry and the really responsive director on set created a very difficult and weird atmosphere around the making of this movie.

Despite all this Pugh and Pine offer us a well acted movie on their part and a shining example of dedicated professionalism in terrible circumstances even with the director being distracted by her younger pop star paramour and his marathon athletic bedtime performances that seem to have taken most of her waking (and sleeping attention) to the detriment of the final finished product.

Next time....get a professional director who dosent engage in sex obsessed adventures with the staff? Script and direction really do matter when making a movie!
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20 September 2022
What a triumph of a movie.

Entertainment, fun, pathos, laughs, surreal elements and a kookie unique story that suprises with every turn of the script.

This movie dosen't take itself too seriously, its aim is to entertain with a brilliant cast who outshine in bringing it alive, with keeping your attention as you ain't quite sure where things are going to in this rollercoaster ride of kinda everything all at once.

They've managed to create a great balance and thought deeply about what they are doing, bringing in their own enjoyment, cynicism, fun and double edged meanings to things, very impressive stuff that sadly makes much of the current Hollywood offerings seem banal and dry in comparison.
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5 September 2022
Writing; mabye one of the best screenplays I have ever seen, as Lenny Henry stated quite a few times 'we are writing this now,' and he's right, the writing is incredible and deep, thanks Lenny, for your massive efforts!

Costumes; despite what some naysayers say the costumes were out of this world and better than game of question!

Acting; Gladriel deserves an oscar, Lenny Henry brings exquisite panache with an experience that shines and the supporting cast excel in this jamboree of acting talent

story; the wonderfully crafted story easily outshines Tolkien with its witty and enchanting take on middle earth, be ready for a wild roller coaster ride!

2 episodes in and I know I'm going to love the rest forever.

Up to number 5 now and I still can't follow the story,the prosthetics are terrible ..crazy elf ears, bad noses and silly costumes. Lenny is funny with his Irish Cornishish accent as he rules the traveller community in their weird travels with their strange families. The lead character acts like a stone statue and fights with a plastic sword, I could go on but this is only good for comedy from now on, what were the producers thinking about during production? Its laughable at best and at worst a terrible waste of money given to very well paid ignorant incompetents.
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a genuine biopic
26 July 2022
Robert is brilliant, his acting superb and the screenplay both funny, serious and inspiring with a really special supporting cast, watch it and enjoy.
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very good
23 July 2022
When a leading childrens' doctor tells big big untruths about the chemical castration of get the hint that there's something really bad happening, a brilliant documentary.
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In Cold Blood (1967)
a seat gripper
30 June 2022
Very impressive movie, a story about bad told in human terms...the horror, the stupidness, the sadness...Truman wrote something incredible, n wonder it broke him.
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