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Wake up call on dream ads - they're really doing this
24 February 2024
Overall it was a slow building story of a basic person who is the subject of severe cancel culture propagated by the push of a way to be "safe" from him in your dreams using a new device that has sponsored ads.

The movie itself wasn't bad a little uncomfortable and I think it was supposed to make you really feel how helpless the entire situation is. But for the many that didn't understand the ending, I got it because I've been reading articles about them pushing ads into dreams and apparently they've figured out how to do it. Scary really but what's the best way to sell people stuff? Make them scared to not have it. The movie depicts this very very well.
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Entirely not Godzilla
16 January 2024
I wish people who tried to add to an established cannon storyline would actually WATCH the history before writing something. This is entirely not Godzilla. They might throw his name around and show a few short scenes but completely off from any established storyline. I get it, make a new series don't throw a name on something just because it's popular then destroy it with lack of knowledge.

That being said, the graphics are good.

That's the only good thing I can say. The writing is horrible and confusing. The characters are whiny and dramatic. There's more personal drama than actual monsters. And to be clear, they're titans not kaiju which are actual monsters from the Godzilla storyline.

They went entirely Land of the Lost with it. I have no idea why they tagged Godzilla onto this. Not only does it have absolutely nothing to do with Godzilla but that's not where him or Kong or any kaiju come from.

Oh, and you can turn the word "legacy" into a drinking game. They like to throw around that word a lot but then keep flashing back to remind you it's government owned and no family's "legacy" because that's not how government projects works.

Just awful show and so disappointing. Coming from someone who has Godzilla kanji tattoo's so might be bias but even looking at it from a show perspective, it's really bad. So disappointed.
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Was really a promotion for the show Friends
20 December 2023
So many great things could have happened with this movie. Nothing did. Just an endless series of build-ups, where you think you're going to get a story line but then it just goes on to the next buildup without any follow through. Horrible writing.

The only thing that actually made any sense was that this movie was a promotion for the show Friends. It seems to have taken up a lot of the story for one girl in the movie and is the only thing that had any conclusion. In fact, the movie revolves quite a bit around her wanting to watch the show and is the note the movie ends on. I guess the writers were trying to make a point but they failed miserably. Just total nonsense that felt written by an AI that has no understanding of how stories are supposed to work or personality differences between character dialog (except for Ethan Hawk's script it was the only one not interchangeable between characters).

Just an awful waste of 2 1/2 hours with mild entertainment value and you walk away with the theme song for Friends stuck in your head.
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One of the best Godzilla movies to date!
1 December 2023
Everything that involves a classic, Japanese Godzilla movie, tied together with square enix effects and.modern day writing. The story takes you back to the roots of Godzilla, and even gives you glimpses into how he develops into the Godzilla you see later.

For those that know the history of Japan's development of Godzilla, there's a lot of subtle jabs at world war 2, government cover up, and American impact on their society at the end of the war. Just a nice amusing side note for those interested.

Absolutely loved this movie. I haven't been this excited to watch it again immediately after since Godzilla 2000. Just amazing! I can't wait to see what they do next in developing the real Godzilla story!
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Upload (2020– )
Fun, light hearted, and little kicks at corporate control
17 November 2023
It's not a show to get seriously in depth with and eyes glued to the tv. It's fun, the characters are emotionally appealing, and overall there's a relatable story line that makes me chuckle because of it's throws into things we see daily dealing with a corporate society.

I really want to see where this goes because they're fighting a no win system. Something that's going to allow everyone to enjoy life (and after life) not just the 1%'rs.

It's got a depth to the show that you have to understand beyond face value for the humor, but the writing keeps it flowing. I really enjoy the actors they have introduced I would like to see more from them. I'd like to see a season that ties it together and gives some conclusion to a true concept of human rights over corporate ownership.

Ironic to be produced by amazon, really. Hence the 10 stars.
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Severance (2022– )
13 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I what started off a show to throw on the background has me biting my nails and yelling at the TV when I realized season 2 wasn't out yet. The writing is very well done and the characters really draw you in emotionally and mentally. The concept alone seems rather benign at first until you start to realize the depth in which it can be - and is - exploited. The reality of taking away the inspirations of daily life be it family, pain, loved ones, is a lot more darker than you realize at first and in the end you're really hoping for redemption for the characters. Christopher Walken was a great addition but outstanding acting with everyone involved. Just a fantastic show that I can't wait for the new season.
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UFO (2021)
It's rehash of the same vague info
17 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not really impressed. They started to touch on experiences but never got into the physical evidence found by doctors, removing pieces of unidentified materials from people that give off frequencies or move. This is also highly documented. Instead, they would rather pass it off as trauma.

I noticed they cut out George Knapp after he was talking about the mufon work, making it sound like he said they were disorganized and didn't have strict guidelines to be accredited. The rest of that interview he went on to explain how they DID do things to ensure they were getting accurate information, not people who were drinking or had a history of fandom. I was a mufon investigator from 2009-2011 and it was very strict. Any signs of not being sober and truthful and out it went, including doing background research on the people who claimed experiences.

Another failed mini documentary series that gives people absolutely no information but it is balanced in counter arguments on both sides, which is a plus. Pretty shocked they used Tom Delonge's history as a musician to debunk him he put everything he ever made into his research and gave up the rich and famous life to pursue this. They never once mentioned this. Pretty much a lot of half truths with some big name drops.
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They went old school
26 August 2023
A lot of mixed reviews I've seen but basically here's a non spoiler rundown.

They went back to the beginning and made it classic, which I love. They brought in some characters that really didn't get any play in the other movies including female roles which was a nice "this isn't just for boys" touch I appreciated. Girls like giant mechs too!

There was a decent storyline. It went comic book so as much as you can expect from a kids oriented but also for adults story. Pretty family friendly overall which is a plus to watch with your kid and introduce them to the things you loved their age. Has a good drop at the end to build up to the next movies.

Overall pretty well done. You have to go into it realizing it's comic book based and a prequel independent of the other movies. It's a stand alone series.
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Futurama: The Impossible Stream (2023)
Season 11, Episode 1
Classic Futurama with a lot of inside jokes
25 July 2023
If you're watched futurama since the beginning of time, you'll get it. They've been booted, rebooted, had movie deals cancelled then picked up by someone else.. and yeah they poke fun of their history but that's not the point behind the episode.

That being said.. they kept everything spot on. Character voices, no weird changes to drawings, personalities stayed. I was disappointed that the prior final episode wasn't really addressed much but really it wouldn't keep the normal futurama feel.

I loved the modern day jokes and the way they mocked themselves and their history.

Absolutely loved this more than their movies.
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B horror masterpiece
15 July 2023
Where five nights at Freddie's comes alive, this is one epic movie for cult horror fans. It's got a mixture of humor with that B horror feel and a truly wtf ending, it's one of the better movies I've seen in a long time truly encompassing a cult classic. If you love evil dead 2 I definitely say give this a shot. It's just a cheesy movie at its finest with moments where you're just like wow... I really wasn't surprised it has such a low rating it takes a certain kind of mind set to enjoy horror movies in this genre. Bad choices, not bad acting but definitely over exaggerated, and really gory scenes that leave you entertained.
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Apostasy (2017)
Super depressing - welcome to living as a JW
29 June 2023
I get that it's depressing. It is. It's horrible how many kids have died over lies from a cult. There's so much more than is touched on here, but it's an incredible movie that really makes you know what it feels like growing up as a Jehovah's Witness. It's horrible and you think you're doing what you need to do to live forever and not be horribly destroyed by god. Which is impounded into your thinking every day, all day and night. So common sense is gone, self care, self worth.. they control every thought, decision, and step in your life.

This should really show people how much of a doomsday cult it really is that so many are unaware, willing to sacrifice their children to please 7 old men in New York City who run the cult.
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I hope more realize what a cult this group is
28 June 2023
I've become so immersed in documentaries on cults since leaving the jehovahs witnesses as an adult - something I had been raised in and knew nothing else - to really try to come to terms with how brainwashed I was. The abuse was so horrific but normalized. I have people tell me what "wonderful" people they are but they have no idea the evils of within the organization, the corruption, the greed, the abuse, the demoralization of yourself as an individual.

Years of therapy to try and learn how to overcome the things I've been through. I lost my mother to the cult, who died without ever knowing her grandchildren because she was forbidden to speaking to someone who left.

I am so thankful for everyone who speaks out so that more families will stay together and less children will be subjected to sexual, emotional, and physical abuse that is turned a blind eye by the leaders... or even go as far as shunning you for speaking out of being abused and hidden from authorities. You don't know it isn't okay until you get older and realize how much this organization is a cult with very evil intentions on its followers.
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Scream VI (2023)
What was that???
24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've watched every movie in the Scream franchise and this was by far the most fluffy thing they've ever produced.

It started off pretty typical scream but then it was like someone decided you know what? No one dies. They can get stabbed in the kidneys, lungs, liver.. repeatedly.. and walk away. I mean it's one thing if you want to hold off killing what have become main characters, but it's something else to have them repeatedly stabbed and then walk away with a half made ace bandaged and no blood - after being stabbed in the back and stomach with a foot long blade.

Never mind that the enter protagonist has been done before and was kinda predictable.

Really sad this is where the franchise has ended up.
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About what I expect from Disney
20 May 2023
Disney has absolutely diluted the MCU so no surprise this movie follows the same trend. Clearly it was directed by someone who was confused if this was Star Wars or Marvel, and the writers were all AI and had no character concept. Typical Disney dribble.

That being said, I didn't expect much so the CGI heavy visuals were enjoyable. The plot was predictable and the fact that supervillains were so...breakable.. is just a joke.

Overall it's a way to amuse yourself for 2 hours. But when you're watching Disney, don't expect more. Everything they touch is fluffy, soul-less, mind wasting, time passing amusement. It's sad they have control over Marvel.
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Earthstorm (2022– )
It is not staying truth.. why??
14 April 2023
I made it almost through the first episode when they boldly stated Kentucky NEVER gets tornadoes. As someone who has lived there and has family and friends there, tornadoes are VERY common. Severe tornadoes such as the one in eastern Ky they are talking about is completely NORMAL. Saying there's never tornadoes there and implying this was a rare instance is a total fabrication to hype up a political agenda. Super disappointing that they didn't stick with facts. Lost all interest that anything is the truth. Fabricated documentary. Should have talked about the one in Tennessee a few years prior. They are much less prone to tornadoes than Kentucky.
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Finally DC is waking up to how to make a good comic book movie!
6 August 2021
Long time marvel fan I lost it when disney acquired them.. love them DC shows but the movies just meh. Disappointing. Margot Robbie saves Harley both the prior movies. But this one...DC realized why Deadpool and Joker did so well. Because the comic book kids are all grown up now and we don't want some cheesy Disney mush! This was fantastic. The cameos are epic wish they had more screen time (especially Nathan Fillion). Right off this is how a DC movie should be. Only reason a 9 instead of a 10 is they tried too hard to be quirky sometimes. Overall.. GREAT JOB DC!
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Probably the worst "horror" movie I've ever seen
14 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the first one - not an avid Steven King reader but this is a classic. First off, Pennywise feeds odd fears. Apparently it was stuck in clown mode because everyone kept getting the same version of pennywise and it didn't adapt to each person's fears like they do in everything else It related. The adults look nothing like the kids. I mean seriously they weren't even trying. There's a music scene in there that gave me Deadpool flashbacks that actually was an editing accident but they were too rushed to fix it. There were so many stupid jokes that it outnumbered their very poorly executed jump scares 10-1. The movie was so predictable that I could say what was going to happen right before it did. Why and how did a child go missing in a fun house for that long - getting trapped inside a glass box in a mirror maze - and no one noticed he was gone?? How are these guys not in prison they literally left a trail of bodies, including one of them putting a pickaxes in someone's head, then puking, and then fled the scene. They left a guy buried in the bottom of a well?? And fled the scene were a kid was murdered?? And then went home. Yeaaahh no. And since when is pennywise a frikkin alien?? Why did the tub they burned everything in not burn up? I mean seriously leather or wood the thing is gonna go up. And did this girl just walk into someone's house, go into the bathroom and just start ripping baseboards out? Not even quietly. And then left it. Why did the kids have completely different personalities than they did in the first? And why did they start off talking about the part they don't remember AFTER pennywise but suddenly we are having flash backs before then and it has nothing to do with their conversation? Okay so this guy slit his wrists because the memories hit him and he went mad. It's the reason they all stayed, because if not they would all end up dead the same way...but yet later they read some letter saying he did it because he wasn't strong enough to go back and knew they would fail if he was alive and didn't go. But wait doesn't everyone have amnesia about that summer? Which one is it? Omg I could keep going. The only saving grace is pennywise had a fantastic performance, but it was incredibly overwhelmingly stupid. They tried to cover how stupid the movie is with generic one like comedy. Which completely suffocates the horror movie feel. I can't believe they released this garbage. I can't believe they tried to pass those adult actors off as grown up versions of the kids. I can't believe they spent half that movie in conversation that contradicts itself consistently. "We have to stick together or we fail" "everyone split up and find their artifact" "I can't wait there's no time" (while everyone is right there in the house). Or how about at some point it turned into evil dead and a zombie was driving a psychopath around on a murder spree against the main characters with absolutely no explanation as to why. Just horrible. If you're reading this and haven't seen it, don't waste your money. I'm sure it will be streaming soon enough it's just a pile of poop. Even my 11 year old hated it. He said the theater smelled because the movie was so much poop you could smell it. It was that bad. Only reason it's not a 1 is for the inside joke about Steven King not being able to write a good ending. Even tho they beat that one into the ground too.
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Good Omens (2019– )
Tennant's Best Yet...
10 September 2019
I've read the book a few times when it first came out and I have to say this was a a wonderful tribute to Terry Pratchett. As in all adaptations there were changes from book to script, but it held the true nature of the story. I have to say the Doctor Who Easter Eggs were a nice touch for the Whovians. David Tennant is brilliant ;) The show is well executed, keeping its whimsically dark feel throughout the series. Loved it, and recommend it for anyone who is a Terry Pratchett, Doctor Who and/or Douglas Adams fan.
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Legion (2017–2019)
Simply amazing
10 September 2019
Probably one of the best shows I've ever watched. It feels psychedelic mixed with X-men in surreal visualizations. Season 1 is phenomenal, and where season 2 lacks 3 redeems. It strays from the Xavier backstory for those of us who follow X-men canon, but I feel the ending, for what they needed it to do, was done beautifully. If you're in doubt, watch the first episode and see how you feel...
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Inhumans (2017)
To get it you have to watch SHIELD
10 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the show was supposed to make you feel for the "villain" as all of the backwards thinking from those who possess the "gift" and hold it basically at ransom over everyone else. (Daisy's mother has the same setup on earth) This is explained in a lot more detail in Agents of SHIELD, so it made sense to me. However, talking to friends of mine who haven't watched AoS they thought it made no sense. Basing the premise of a show off of another that a lot of people haven't watched is pretty much a ticket to failure. Personally, I enjoyed it.
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Made Iron Man 3 entertaining
26 August 2018
This movie by far was BORING with absolutely predictable story line, dull lifeless characters, a lot of drama with little storyline. They assume you have the feels for these characters who you've barely seen on screen, is nothing like the comics, and therefore who you care nothing about. Not really sure why it's "and wasp" was it because of the subtext of a love story? Who knows. It had a few moments of amusement but then you realize how absolutely dumb the comedy was because they repeat the same premise of that joke over and over and over again in the movie. I have insomnia and this movie put me to sleep. Yet another example of the future of MCU as Disney dulls it down. Waste of time and money I will not be watching if and when they make another one.
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Someone read the FMA Brotherhood Cliff Notes and added a Disney soundtrack.
18 July 2018
Let's just start with the bad wigs. Or bad acting. Or bad writing. Lust should be beautiful, dark and deadly. The actress left a lot to be desired in aesthetics. Someone decent special effects. Winry seems Iike a drunk Kardashian not an overzealous teenage girl obsessed with her work and secretly in love with Ed. Very overdramatic. Now adding in that I've seen both series and read the manga, the stories have to be rushed because of time restraints. Not sure why they changed things here and there, maybe for a more dramatic effect and to tie in plot as much as possible. They wasted a lot of time trying to be cute. Why? It's a dark, sad story teaching them to be strong. The music sounds like it's from a Disney movie. FMA is not a happy, cute or funny story. It's like they tried to make the entire thing light hearted. For anyone who knows the series that's just not a smart idea. Honestly, for anyone, don't waste your time. It's like Brotherhood Cliff Notes made on a very low budget with a Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack. Watch the anime series. Definitely worth the extra time. The movie is just plain awful.
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How It Ends (2018)
The end of ... nothing?
18 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It started off with a good idea for a plot, good build up with little adrenaline kicks of "what is this" and of course Mad Max influenced what people would be like if something like this hit. However, the build up is all for nothing. It would have been more an ending if they just drove off the cliff. The end isn't how it ends..
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Class (I) (2016)
Don't compare to Doctor Who
17 July 2018
This show is completely different. It's sci fi teenage horror ish all in one. It's bloodier and has sex scenes inappropriate for children. It is, however, entertaining if you go into it thinking of it has an alien sci fi series. I think it's quite creative in its invasion ideas. The writing, yeah it's teenage based thinking. I enjoyed it for what it was.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
Lucifer needs saving!
5 June 2018
With the cliffhanger end of season 3 we are going crazy! Of course the show was dropped ahead of its time like so many we eagerly await another network or streaming service to pick it up. Join us and post #savelucifer on your social media account!
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