
55 Reviews
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Mystic, secretive ... such an experience
15 January 2024
I stumbled upon this movie per review of a similar movie called "Under the Silver Lake". I really enjoyed that movie, and it was so unique that i was thrilled there might be something similar. Now after watching it, I can say that Mulholland Dr. Was even better. It comes with the unique mystic atmosphere that only a 90s/early 2000s movie can offer. I don't want to give away anything about the movie's content itself. I can recommend it solely for the strange but intriguing atmosphere and the joy it brings to let oneself fall into it. The actors were perfectly chosen, without them the movie would not be what it is now - just watch it and find out for yourself. :)
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Connect (2022)
Didn't captivate me
11 January 2024
While the story sounds extremely intriguing, something about the execution of this show didn't work out for me. After a couple episodes, it was sometimes a drag to keep watching. It's not a bad show at all, but it definitely did not leave me longing for more. It's good quality but of the recent K-Dramas I've watched, this one is certainly the weakest.

That's all I wanted to say, but I have to stretch it out a little more since the required characters are not filled yet. I am glad this show was made, as it has quite a few nice touches and unique elements. I do not regret watching it, neither would I easily recommend it.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
Center is gender politics, but there is also fun
9 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I rented that movie on sale with no expectations. There certainly were a lot of gender politics involved - better said it was the center of the movie. But other than that there also were some pretty funny moments. The part that makes me not regret watching this movie is when Ken (Gosling) enters the real world and learns that men are supposed to be in power there, yet he cannot get any kind of job to safe his life. It was hilarious. I imagine it will also be very funny to kids because there is no need to understand the message behind it. It is good comedy on its own. I watched the movie simply to have fun, as I guess many do. Conclusion: Even though there is a lot going on, I enjoyed the movie overall because of some very hilarious moments.
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
Good horror flick, nothing outstanding
28 December 2023
I was really excited for this movie as it was quite hyped up. As soon as the movie was on discount, I grabbed it. The premise is pretty cool, it's sort of refreshing. Apart from that, the movie is your usual horror flick. It's a decent one, but not shockingly good or groundbreaking. You turn it off, think "cool", and it's gone. No longer in mind.

If you search for a horror movie for people who're not used to watching scary movies, this will be a very good choice. In my view, it's not that good of a choice for horror movie fans - at least if you want something special, the cherry on your sundae.
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Death's Game (2023– )
Fine entertainment
25 December 2023
After having watched the first 4 episodes (which is all that is available atm), I can say that the show is quite unique in its story and has great production value. I really enjoy following the protagonist through his different new lives. I started out not caring too much about the characters. It unfolds as the show progresses - still, the characters don't really grow on me. But part of the beauty of the show is that this doesn't really matter too much as we get snippets of many different characters, which beautifully translate into a bigger picture. So far, I'd say that it isn't a "deep" show yet. Some moral clichés get filled to a foreseeable degree, other situations surprise. What I can say for certain is that the show draws me in and is definitely fun to watch so far.
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See for Me (2021)
Great premise, disappointing execution
25 December 2023
The premise of a blind woman using an app in order to see is absolutely great for a thrilling movie, in my eyes. Just knowing this element about the movie, I was so excited to dive in and explore what's going to happen. After the introduction of the basics and this app, the movie fell flat. It doesn't have much to offer. The hide and seek kind of scenario is not gripping - it's dull. No suspense is build. It's entirely skippable. It feels like the movie gives you a promise that it isn't able to keep at all. "Take this gold nugget, you won't be disappointed." Then you hold it into the light and notice it is nothing but a piece of mud. This is what the movie feels like.
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The Worst of Evil (2023– )
I rarely give 10/10
22 December 2023
This show just has everything. Usually I feel like the strict teacher who almost never gives out the full 10 stars because there is always something that could be better and more deserving of a perfect score. This k-drama is the "something better". All my theories of what will happen next were either not right at all or lacking at best. The production, acting, writing, everything - it's A+. The show captivated me, and I recommended it to many people already. To me, this felt like something new. I can't really compare it to a similar series because no good match comes to mind. I really enjoyed this show plenty. Thanks for creating this masterpiece.
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Evilive (2023– )
Has its moments, but is a downer
19 December 2023
The show has a high quality production, no doubt. Story-wise, it has a bit of a Breaking Bad feeling to it. What I'm rating here is the overall feel I've had while watching it - my personal watching experience. Even while the story was progressing, I kept waiting for the knack; the development that I was hoping for. There certainly is lots of development, but to me it often felt like I missed the process itself, and the results were just there. It's hard to describe. It's all there and fairly understandable. Besides that, the show is extremely dark - to the point where it's hard to continue the next episode. I don't mind dark atmosphere, but there could've been a breather here and there, for me personally.

Still, the show is very high quality. And the 5/10 stars might just reflect that it is a banger for some and not for others.
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The Killing Vote (2023– )
Had me on the edge of my seat
16 December 2023
The show is absolutely glorious. I wanted to wait until I have watched the full 12 episodes before i write a review. You know, it can go very bad even if the first couple episodes were great. This is not the case here. The show had me glued to the screen episode after episode. The story unfolded as more angles and details are introduced - but in a well thought out manner, unlike many American shows at the moment. The performance of Kwon Kim was outstanding to me. Very memorable. There is little for me left to be desired in the series. Recent shows like this and The Vigilante are more than one step ahead of recent American tv series. The quality here is on another level.
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The Outsider (2020)
7 December 2023
The story is so nice. It's simple but effective. They did a very nice job to adapt the story to a visual adventure. If you can get yourself to start the series without knowing anything about the plot, it is probably most rewarding to watch. I had to do my research upfront because I bought it and it wasn't too cheap - but even though I knew a little about the plot in advance, the experience was stunning. Some scenes were very unexpected and got me real good (not in a jump scare way). The atmosphere unfolds as the episodes go by.

One thing that I did not like was that later on some episodes seemed somewhat stretchy to me. The first episodes completely needed those 55min long episodes; but as the series progressed, there were a few draggy moments.

Nevertheless, it is a clear recommendation. No way around that.
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Vigilante (2023– )
Enjoyable - unlike Marvel
26 November 2023
I discovered this series on Disney+, without having heard anything about it. I don't really like any of the Marvel series I have watched. This one has a different approach. I don't know exactly what it is, but it doesn't burn out after introducing the general character of the (anti-)hero. The presentation of the protagonist's every day live is really enjoyable, and not too generic or boring/dramatic. At the time I write this, there are only 6 episodes or so - so I can only speak for them. It might dry out in the next episodes, it might not. Time will tell. Until then, I definitely recommend it to those who are interested in the vigilante type of story.
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Renfield (2023)
Such a fun movie
26 November 2023
I haven't heard anything about the movie. It was on sale on Amazon, so I gave it a shot. It is so funny and well produced. The two Nicolases have great chemistry and make it a joy to watch. It's one of the few movies that manage to successfully combine comedy and gory fights. The last one I can think of that managed to pull this combination of was Tucker and Dale vs Evil. This movie has re-watch potential which is rare for me to say.

Doesn't matter if you're a Nic Cage fan or not, for he doesn't play the main character here. Besides all of that, there are subtle jokes for the gourmets and a great use of music to complement some scenes.
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Summer of Sam (1999)
Great use of music
24 November 2023
One element that absolutely shined in this movie was the great use of music. Good tracks at unusual times really worked out here. Besides that there are some wild and unique scenes that i have not seen like that in any other movie I can think of right now.

Also, as many other reviewers have mentioned, the movie is pretty heavy on the dialogue. It's oftentimes not the most intriguing dialogue which makes it easy to get out of the feeling for the movie and turn it of or at least to pause it for some time. It really is a bit soapy. The movie comes with a thick 90s atmosphere - so it's up to you whether you like the 90s movie atmosphere or not.
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John Q (2002)
One of those movies.
13 November 2023
After a long time, I've rewatched this movie yesterday. I didn't remember much of it by I did remember that it's a movie that went under my skin the last time I watched it - and it still does.

Sure there are "illogical" things, such as the hospital only having to deal with one incoming emergency, not many urgent cases in the hospital, John not being shot by a sniper as soon as he approaches the door etc. But why measure this movie under the metric of pure logic when this doesn't take away anything of the heartfelt core of the movie. The experience is intense, captivating and can be a real tear-jerker.

To me, this movie is what so many other good movies lack: A captivating, atmospheric experience.
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Just a superficial review
1 November 2023
I'm just a guy who enjoys movies. There is probably a lot to unpack in this movie, and I'm usually there for it, but this movie is so chaotic and in lack of a base that it didn't invite me to look for more. It is like a fever dream that won't stop. I was hoping for a rescue boat that makes things clearer and provides a base to stand on, but it hardly arrived.

I think if something is intriguing, then it's a natural reaction to want to unpack more of what's in the box. If I have to force myself to unfold things, it feels like annoying work and I don't want to do it. That being said, I'm sure there is an audience for this kind of movie. But as someone who doesn't even like exit games that are too far out there, this movie is not for me or people similar to me in this regard.
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Infinity Pool (2023)
Meh, fever-dreamish
31 October 2023
It started off promising and I thought I would enjoy this pretty much. It turned into one of those movies that try to do something new and trick the viewer again and again; ends up being annoying and almost unwatchable. It's a weird mess and this is where my review would end wouldn't there be the imdb character limit.

I am not against trying new things in movies, but once it becomes the greater focus of the movie to do unusual things in order to stand out, it just doesn't work. I know the temptation to really go overboard once I'm indulged in a project and think I'm doing something really incredible - then after some time off of that project, I realize that is has gotten out of hand and has become trashy/unenjoyable. This is what I imagine happens in lots of "out of the box" movies.
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Deadstream (2022)
Great fun
30 October 2023
This movie was so good. Of course, the low budget is sometimes noticed in the customs - but only at a few given shots. It really doesn't take much away from the overall experience. The actor perfectly embodies the typical Youtube persona, which makes the reactions etc. Believable.

During the movie, we get to know more about the character's history and his situation, which is enjoyable as a side thing. The plot is simple but the act-out makes it intriguing and fun to watch. I can't remember watching a similar movie, so I can't help with comparisons here. If you want to criticize the movie, I'm sure you will find plenty. If you just want to enjoy the movie, I think you will not regret it.
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Trippy and interesting
19 October 2023
I've watched this movie without knowing much about it. I still don't really know what to think of it but I somehow enjoyed it. A lot of things going on, and you just have to take on the passenger seat and see where the journey goes. The movie has a dreamlike quality to it - things just happen with a loose connection but it's follow-able. I like how strong counter perspectives to the protagonist's thoughts are expressed through side characters. This makes it hard to predict what is going to happen and which "side" is right with their world view. Again, it is highly trippy and not your usual mystery thriller. Enjoy the watch!
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In the twilight
2 August 2023
This movie has parts that are really good and captivating. At other times, it feels like watching Twilight-esque villains. It keeps switching between being intriguing and surprising and following the classical teen movie formula - but many times I thought it was pretty clear how the plot develops when actually they tricked me pretty good, and I completely took the bait. The surprising elements really work out in this movie. All together, I feel like the movie misses the mark though. Too often I had the feeling of watching a kids/teen movie, even though I clearly expected an adult movie since it is 18+.
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Scream VI (2023)
Good watch but needs limits (spoiler!)
13 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The atmosphere at the opening was all I was hoping for, it didn't disappoint. What actually did disappoint were the three killers. Throughout the movie I was, as I usually do, trying to figure out who the killer might be. I tried to logic my way around, and at the scene with the ladder I thought that it might be two killers again, but that would be too lame considering it was just like that in the sequel. I played with the thought that it might be more than two only briefly because it seemed out of proportion, downright ridiculous. And it was to me. I enjoyed the movie overall, but the three killers really took some wind out of the sails. I mean, there is no limit anymore to who might be the next killer. Maybe it's Sam's new boyfriend, maybe it's his whole family. Maybe everyone in their friend group is actually a killer as well. I don't like it. There got to be some ceiling in what to expect could happen, some limits. Otherwise, I lose interest in trying to figure out who the killer might be.
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What a snore-fest
21 June 2023
The movie is probably as boring as my review will be since the required characters are further extended to a full 600 word minimum.

I usually really enjoy the Bond-franchise for it's atmospheric and captivating experience. This movie is none of the above. It seemed forced, and the agenda of putting an end to Craig's Bond was constantly present. Bond didn't feel like the same person anymore; decisions and feelings were utterly out of character. The scenery was beautiful but the rest left a lot to be desired. I agree to other reviewers that this movie was not for the usual Bond-audience. It felt like watching the last game of a professional athlete and being disappointed because there was no magic, no wonder.
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You: The Death of Jonathan Moore (2023)
Season 4, Episode 10
What a comeback
9 March 2023
The first half of the season didn't catch me that much. I thought about whether I've grown out of the show. But the second half was pretty refreshing; the season finale is nothing short of a blast. I like the darkness of it. The notion of Joe integrating his shadow. It feels like the ending is not trying to please anybody. It is stone cold as it should be. Most of the cast of the first half of the season is gone which makes it almost feel like a new season, without all the murder mystery vibe that I personally wasn't a fan of. It was like the heart of You was beating again and made the whole thing come back to life. I was actually engaged with the characters again, which created tension, rage, and all the emotions that attracted me to You in the first place. It really was an experience as it was in season one. Great comeback. Enjoy your night!
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
Bizarre and captivating (+psychological digression)
6 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After watching this movie for the second time, it is still as bizarre as it is captivating. It leaves me with an uncanny feeling after watching. First time I didn't know what to expect; second time I knew, but it left the same imprint it did the first time. The unknown is neither evil nor good. It's emotionless, which is even more terrifying because it doesn't seem to follow comprehensible logic. Digression: I couldn't help but see it in a psychological light. The unknown is our unconscious that doesn't speak the same language as our conscious. Things are stripped off their moral meaning, for only the conscious attaches judgment to things. The husband at the beginning was a symptom that broke through the barrier to the conscious (because the protagonist is a woman, it was her unconscious male counterpart, the Animus (Jung)). This experience let her to dive into the unknown area (the unconscious) and explore it in order to find out what it has to communicate. On her journey she gets to understand that if she would ignore it, the entire world is at stake. This world is, needless to say, her psychological world. In the movie, the unknown area is widening progressively. This is the unconscious inflation that will suck her in in her entirety if she keeps ignoring it and live solely in the external/material world. At the end, she came back from her journey, but she wasn't the same person anymore. Something in her had changed. She brought something with her, from within.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
Promising start but progressively lacks substance
5 March 2023
The beginning was rich. Filthy thick atmosphere; tension to cut with a knife. After some time, the feeling couldn't hold up anymore. I wanted to really indulge in this - and it certainly has its moments throughout the entire movie - but I kept losing interest. I was waiting for a potential turnaround, but that didn't happen for me. The performances were definitely there. I would even say they almost carried the movie. The black and white stylistic worked great in this one. It successfully managed to create a tense atmosphere; I felt a certain tightness, a grip around my neck. The small screen did the same. Enjoy your night!
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27 February 2023
After watching this again in 2023, I can easily say that this movie has lost none of its charm. It's such a wild ride of beauty and adventure. Re-watching this after many years felt like re-reading a good book: it feels like someone added new material to it. There are hidden "adult jokes"; there is the option to see lots of symbolism and meaning in it; the experience is different in many ways because of all the life experience I've made along the way, and therefore things are relatable on other levels than before when I watched it the first time. Also, as another reviewer said, it's refreshing that the story is not mainly about romance. Enjoy your night!
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