
44 Reviews
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12 February 2023
Netflix does it again, yet another comedy rom/com stinker. Seen so many of these types of films on netflix where straight away you see actors doing it for the money. Don't get me wrong occasionally Netflix gets it right and produces a good film but never in the comedy feel good rom/com type genre. This is another Netflix film that thinks this is what people want too see, and once again they get it completly wrong. No chemistry between the unbelievable characters who speak unbelievable dialogue in unbelievable situations. Who ever makes the decisions about what films too make at Netflix needs showing the door because time after time they get it spectacularly wrong.
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You People (2023)
Netflix does it again.
4 February 2023
Yet another comedy stinker from Netflix, i don't know how they do it.

I had high hopes this would be a slightly better than average comedy film (only slightly better because this is Netflix). Stars Jonah Hill, Julia Louis Dreyfus and Eddie Murphy so you kind of expect something ok but instead get something which to be honest is nothing more than annoying. Every character talks in that quick witted way that only happens in the movies, after a while it becomes slightly wearing as its so unrealistic but not as unrealist and really annoying all the white characters do that desparate trying not to sound racist but ending up sounding racist dialogue that has been done to death in so many comedies. Frankly this is embarrassing too watch.
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The Watcher (2022– )
Genuinely the worst ending ever.
22 January 2023
The first episode is rather like a very good conman, it draws you in and then takes away what is precious to you, in this case your time and believe me this really steals your time.

The performances in this are good but you really have too question how any actor could read the script and think this is anything else than awful. The first episode draws you in, its intriguing. The second and third make you scratch your head and start to ask questions, by the third and fourth you are screaming at the TV. By the fifth you know how stupid this is going to end and when the final episodes reaveal their beyond crazy conclusion you 100% know you have had your pants pulled down and your bottom spanked by a conman. Don't waste your time on this rubbish i absolutley promise you will regret it.
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Dead End (2022)
Dead End Dead Funny.
29 December 2022
Watched 4 episodes and am really enjoying it. The lives of a bank robber, a group of strangers (all with their own problems) sharing a car to Czechia become entangled after a car mix up. Throw in a Prostitute and a large amount of stolen cash and you get a great comedy drama. I tend to watch a lot of foreign tv just for a change of scenery, as i live in the UK and know how the Police and media etc operate and i find it hard to suspend my disbelief when watching uk based shows. Its easier with foreign tv especially when its a bit daft like this show. Dead End manages to be funny yet very dark in places. Every episode has twists and turns and ends on a cliff hanger.
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Single Street (2019)
26 September 2022
Not what i would normally watch but it was set in the Hague area of the Netherlands which i know slightly so stuck with it. It is ok, nothing too dramatic happens which is fine. I thought while watching this it would make a good 6 part comedy series, it would need plenty of re-writting and the various characters would need their stories expanded, not sure the actual point of some of them in the film especially the brother. Whilst not laugh out funny there is humor. The acting is fine. The story is somewhat unusual in some ways yet pretty predictable in others. If you just want something pretty undramatic this is a ok watch.
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Rogue Agent (2022)
20 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
All you need to know is this is a true story, yes it seems amazing that anyone could be sucked into the web of lies the perpetrator wove but its true and people lost vast amounts of money and decades of their lives to this evil monster. The story is compelling and well acted but the most important thing to remember is he could well be reading this, you might even know him, he is out there. Due to the joke that is known as the British justice system he is free and has been since 2009. I suppose this is a spoiler but people need to know they must be aware.
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Clark (2022)
Horrifically enjoyable romp.
17 July 2022
I think this show does a good job of showing Clark's exploits through Clark's deluded eyes where he sees himself as a lovable rogue whilst also showing the real truth that he was a nasty piece of work who exploited and bullied all around him, ruined many lives and probably eneded a few as well. The final episode shows him as he truly was with one scene of bullying leading to a extremely violent attack on a innocent person. Like most con men he had the ability to charm hence the Stockholm syndrome label but he was far from charming in reality as a journalist tells him in the final scene he used and exploited people for hs own needs and then dumped them like he dumped his children. This is why this show is so good, it is funny, sad and horrific in parts yet manages to capture the truth without making Clark seem anything else than deluded.
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Fake nonsense.
3 July 2022
Before you waste anytime watching this fake nonsense ask yourself a question, if they had found anything would you not of heard about it? Yet another reason to cancel my Netflix subscription.
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3 July 2022
Unbelievable, Unfunny, Unwatchable, Unsubscribe from Netflix if they keep serving up Turkeys like this one. Kevin Hart is Kevin Hart, nothing wrong with that as many actors play the same role in every film but they manage to choose better films. No idea what Woody is doing in this other than the Netflix cash.
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Dirty Lines (2022)
A good laugh.
5 June 2022
This funny Dutch show captures the madness and crazy excesses of the 1980's entrepreneurs, sex chat lines and the beginning of the Rave scene. Every charachter is leading a secret double life in some way whether it a job they are embarrassed about, an affair, or their sexuality. It gets more interesting with every episode and has many laughh out loud moments. Hope there is a second series.
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Metal Lords (2022)
Same same but different.
10 April 2022
First of all this is set in a American high school so like everyother Film/tv show set in a American Hight School it has to have certain elements such as bullying from the Jocks (those fellows who play on the sports team), unpopularity, teen anghst about virginity, parents etc all this is there but this film sort of feels different. It has some funny moments and deals in a small way with mental health issues. All three of the main actors put in a good performane but especially Isis Hainsworth as the extremely sweary Scottish Bas player who suffers from mental health issues. The story features a battle of the bands contest so you can guess what happens as it follows a much done before storyline which would be my one criticism. Over all a good watch.
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The Curse (2022– )
Absolutely excellent
7 February 2022
Just watched all 6 episodes in one go, absolutely excellent. The characters are all quirky in their own individual way, the story moves at a cracking pace and is very funny. Looks like there will be a second series and i can not wait.
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Sick of It (2018–2020)
Really good
30 January 2022
Didn't expect much from this but it excellent. So much better than your average sitcom. Surprised there is not a 3rd series. A lot of the stuff Karl say is what i think as well.
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Gangs of London (2020– )
Just does not work
30 January 2022
Lots of men dressed in black in a unrecognisable London, it just doesn't work. The son who is looking for the killer of his father just does not have the believability or menace to ring true. The whole thing just does not work, too many characters who seem to have no place or reason for being in this, the whole thing feels as if its on episode 20 and you need to have seen the other 19 to have any clue what is going on.
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The Gentlemen (2019)
11 January 2022
Guy Ritchie back at his lock Stock best, thoroughly entertaining film from start to finish. Worth watching for Hugh Grant as you have never seen or heard before.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Brilliant satire on our times.
24 December 2021
Quite brilliant satire on media, social media, politics and the general dumbness of humanity. All star cast that all play their characters brilliantly. The sad thing is it feels very real and echo's the times we live in unfortunately.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
slow moving
17 December 2021
Very slow moving with conversations that turn into full blown speeches. Not quite sure what it was actually all about and the ending is silly. There are enough little bits in each episode to keep you interested but the final 2 episodes really jump the shark.
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Two (2021)
Good idea badly done.
12 December 2021
This is one of those films where they have come up with a idea but then struggle to come up with a why? Two people unknown to each other wake up naked sewn together at the abdomen, in a room neither of them have been in before. Its a good idea but what follows makes little sense, the way the characters act to being there and the reason they are there makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
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The Outlaws (2021– )
good but plot holes.
23 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Enjoyable romp but some strange plot holes, not least the character who admits she was responsible for killing a policeman, the others reaction which was nothing didn't ring true but the fact she was doing community service for endangering the lives of 2 policeman yet seemed regretful that she had killed didn't make sense.
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Red Notice (2021)
19 November 2021
Total bunkum which i don't normally mind to much but this is awful. The makers are more concerned with multiple product placement scenes than making any kind of coherent film.
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Narcos: Mexico (2018–2021)
Excellent series.
19 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just finished Series 3 of Narcos Mexico and once again they have produced a cracker of a TV show. Narcos Columbia was a benchmark for cartel based shows and Narcos Mexico carried on the great tradition.

Political corruption, the pressure Journalists are under to show the truth when under threat of death, the murky world of American law enforcement and the bloody battles and wars the cartels are involved in are all captured brilliantly. Also a sub plot involving a corrupt troubled Mexican Police Officer and his search for a serial killer that turns out to be serial killers is very well done. All in all this is edge of your seat all consuming television at it absolute best.
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Squid Game (2021– )
3 November 2021
What i really liked about this is its completely different to all the other formulaic shows, i watch a lot of tv and even if i am watching something i am really enjoying i often feel i have seen it before. This is completely unique. Totally absorbing on the edge of your seat television.
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You (2018–2024)
Enjoyable Baloney
2 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched the first series and whilst i enjoyed it there are one or two questions that need answering.

1, Why did Beck never notice Joe outside her house or walking past her on the street or when he was in the same Bar?

2. Why did Benji not try to escape from a easy to break out of glass box?

3. How did Joe over hear becks and friends conversations even when in a noisy bar?

4. Why did no one try to find Benji after all that time?

Like i said i enjoyed it but its so silly.
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Ganglands (2021– )
Enjoyable nonsense
30 October 2021
Men dressed in black with heavy artillery and all the latest gadgets, carrying out heists, robbing drug dealers, multiple shoot outs, massacres and double crossing. In a strange land where cctv doesn't seem to exist and the police don't really investigate anything much. Watch so many of these things especially on Netflix, i do wonder why no one says this has all been done before and is extremely unrealistic. Saying that i kind of enjoy them.
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Excellent war film.
22 October 2021
A Dutch Girl, a Dutch man who fights for the Germans and a English Glider pilot cross paths as the find their selves in a terrible situation. The battle scenes are up there with Saving Private Ryan but what i really liked was the way it brought home the dilemmas of war. Nothing is black and white they all had to make choices without really knowing if they were the right ones.
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