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I love this show so so much except for...
16 March 2024
I love every bit of this show, except for tiny one. Yeah time travel is an incredibly complex plot to cover and yes this show makes it seem like a child's play, therefore you should NOT except consistency in that case whatsoever, you'll understand me if you've watched 12 Monkeys or Dark. But this show isn't actually about time travel anyways. It's about friendship, love, family. It's about forming sincere bonds. It makes your heart melt in some scenes, makes you laugh out loud in some others. Not only do characters bond with each other but you as the viewer also bond with them. It can easily become anyone's comfort show. THAT is the reason I love it so so much.

But... Spoiler comes here, don't read if you haven't finished

I really couldn't bring myself liking their ultimate end. I understand that Cheong-ah comes from a wealthy family and she made up with her father in 1995 and that means her new future could change in a way. But I don't think they needed to become this forefront successful "business" family to be "better". For me their former family was also so sincere, lovely, and just as enough. They didn't have so much money before, but they had everything else. Did they really needed to be ultra rich and famous to be happier? In fact when I saw that they happened to become such big famous people as a family, I kind of dissociated with them. That is my only criticism and hence my rating. I wish we could see their new future condition in a more sincere setting rather then being exposed how they became high society. The writers really must have thought this is the most fulfilling ending: seeing them rich and having power. I couldn't disagree more. I would prefer to see them for example having their breakfast on a Sunday morning, in which I-chan's friends happen to be there, chatting and laughing together. But I don't know, maybe that's just me.
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Depends on what you expect from a zombie movie
24 December 2023
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Ok, some people expect from zombie movies to be full of chaos and action. If you're one of them, the "melodramatic" aspect in this movie will not appeal to you. In my case, I like it even more.

I love this. While it has A LOT of tense scenes, it's not FULL of just pure chaos. It's usually not easy to connect with this many characters in a movie just of 2 hours, but at the end, all of their demise really affected me. Not only the main character but so many characters I really felt for them, because the movie was able to add up to that moment very well.

It's realistic. In a catastrophe like this not many people can survive, and the last two remaining people were the daughter and wife of the strongest ones, for whom they had sacrificed themselves. Therefore it's realistic.

I absolutely love it. I choose it a thousand times more than those of shallow just zombie killing and running movies.

And when it comes to the actings... I mean, what can I say? From the youngest person to the oldest it was superb, and I think it's so apparent that it doesn't need any explanation whatsoever. The reason why I deducted one point is only because they gave us a single villain and he directly and indirectly killed almost all of the people in the train, including all of the main cast. It was kind of a lazy decision in that part I think, but it's still a great movie.
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Celebrity (2023)
This show ruined my life
14 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Jk. Of course it did not, but it definitely did not meet the expectations. I'm one of those who started this show because of that famous "taking off the shoes" scene that went viral. What a waste.

First of all, we all know the influencer world is full of hypocrites and mean and ill-mannered people and all that stuff.

And we all know those influencers can get cancelled all of a sudden and can regain their status all of a sudden as well.

It's just the pace. That is the thing that was so unrealistic. It happens, but it never happens LIKE that. Everything seems so easy in this show.

Seo Ari. Literally nothing is special about her. And I'm not saying a female lead should be bubbly or "clumsy" or easy-going to be interesting. But wouldn't you agree with me when I say Ari is soooooo boring. Her story was the only interesting one among all of those other characters', but Ari herself... Ugh.

That forced romance was also... how to say... SO forced😭 Yes.

In fact, the romance between Jun-kyung and Si-hyeon was much more interesting and real.

I only watch good kdrama. ONLY. This was one of my sins. I'm sorry.
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Barbie (I) (2023)
This Barbie is dissapointed.
1 August 2023
Yes. Day by day it becomes more obvious that now the movies are made just because of the income they generate and nothing else. Ok, Barbie itself was not a creative idea, I know. And actually I didn't expect to see something unseen something unique in the first place, all in all it's "Barbie".

But wouldn't you agree with me in that it could have been excelled better? It totally could have been. This movie has a huge budget. Then why such a mediocre story at best? I'm not saying it was a bad movie as well, but it was just "ok". Just that.

Nowadays movies have become nothing else but live-actions, sequels and prequels. Now it seems like the only thing matters is to have known faces in your movie and the promotions; and creating a story and excelling it good became the least important components of a movie. Unfortunately, Barbie does not fall short in these criterias.
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10 June 2023
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YES. I love so many things about this show. But why it had to be like that? What were you trying to do when you made Hyun-su lose his memory after everything was revolved and they were finally going to be happy without lies??????

I know what this is. After finally everything resolves, it was going to be a happy ending, but how come this kind of show can have happy ending? After all the things, did you really think it could have a happy ending for our lovely main characters? Of course the main character HAD to lose his memory therefore ruin all the relationship he had built with his wife. Because I think the writers thought they would fail if they gave our main characters a truly happy ending. They kind of made the "happy" ending by supposedly "reuiniting" them, but all I can say about the absolute ending is bittersweet. Definitely not happy, not entirely sad, just bittersweet.

Hey, I don't say you should feed us with happiness just because we need it. But you know what, maybe you should???? You made us suffer so much during the show, why not make us feel relieved at the end? Are you trying to be realistic? All in all, it's already an unreal story, why not an unreal happy ending?
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Big no no
1 May 2023
Consuming content getting harder and harder as time goes by. I remember starting this show when I was a baby. To be honest, for this movie I didn't have any expectations to begin with, I just watched it for nostalgia and because I'm already familiar with the story anyways.

I must say at first it was kind of "ok", I guess? But how they handled it at the end was, like, incredibly ABSURDLY rushed. I think they had a solid, good story but they just could not excel it right. I think it might be because they tried to squeeze such a long story in just 2 and a half hours. Or maybe, maybe, MAYBE they are just bad writers. I don't know, when I was watching it in 12 years old it was feeling like the best show ever.

Oh, by the way, what's up with that CGI? It was the most devastating thing my eyes had to witness in a long time. So thanks for that.
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I am sorry.
30 April 2023
I didn't want it to be this way as well. The most cliche of the cliche. Think about a story and think about what the upmost cliche things that could happen. Those things, literally, one by one, happen in this movie. Some scenes are unbelievably unbelievable in terms of HOW cliche they are. I prefer for example those incredibly low-budget poor quality shark movies. At least I know what I'm going to get when I'm watching them, I know it is not good it will never be good and I just enjoy how terribly bad they are. But while watching this, I hoped. Do you understand? I hoped for a better world, in which maybe things do not proceed this cliche, maybe things really will be interesting at one point. This movie stole my hopes, crunched them and tossed them into the bin. Did I deserve this? As a viewer, ask yourself, do you deserve to watch same scenes, same stories, same dialogues only shot with different pretty people, and presented to you as "new content"? This movie caused me an irreversible damage, a scar that will haunt me for a long time. I practicly lost my hope for creative content. I wish I never watched it. I give 2 stars only for the actings, which I genuinely liked.

Oh, I cried at the end btw.

That still doesn't change my ponit though.
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Made me realize a thing about me
18 July 2022
That I don't like movies that don't have a real solid story. I wanted to love this movie and actually had many reasons. The acting was very good, so was the cinematography. But this movie made me realize that these kinds of stories, where we only see bits of a person's life and their daily struggles, are not really my thing. I felt the same about Queen's Gambit. I actually find too many similiarities in terms of the concepts of these two works, but unfortunately I didn't like either of them very much. The acting and cinematography were also very good at Queen's Gambit, but for me, the most cruical component of a movie is its story. So I was disappointed when it ended, because it didn't feel like an "end" to me. At the end of the day, I felt like I didn't watch anything.
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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (2015–2019)
I love this show in terms of so many aspects, but...
24 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The songs, the actors and the comedy is just so good. Though it first seems like an ordinary cliche romcom, as you watch you see it's much more than that. The only thing I'm critical of is that the story and characters are so realistic and, at the same time, sooo unrealistic as well. It shows how destructive untreated mental illnesses can be and how that can turn you into a terrible person towards people around you. Although Rebecca is the protagonist, you do not root for her all the time, because the show shows her for what she is. But after all the terrible TERRIBLE things she does, she barely bears the consequences of her actions. People still seem like to lover her, no matter what she does or what she says. She hurt Greg and Nathaniel so many times, did soooo many bad things especially to Greg, but she still is the "love of his life". Still. She creepily stalked Josh for a very long time, and GOD, she literally tried to assassinate Nathaniel's girlfriend. And what happened when Nathaniel learnt? He just decided that he loves Rebecca so much that he needs to dump his girlfriend. No one actually judges her, and even if they do, one episode later they just forgive her so easily. Rebecca is toxic. I mean, SO toxic. But I can't remember a single time she lost a person because how inconsiderate she is, everyone is just already ready to forgive her for everything she does.

I like the ending, in a particular way. I liked that how she did not end with someone, but I hate that she was the one who turned all 3 men down. It's just so unrealistic. You may still love a person even after they do so many bad things, but you do not chase that person and literally beg them to choose you. It would be MUCH better if they confronted her about what she did to them and in this way she would understand she needs some time alone to focus on herself and healing.

But no. Everyone just has to be crazy for Rebecca.
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Arrow (2012–2020)
I started to watch this show when I was 14
28 May 2022
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In those times it was one of the best shows out there for me. It was one of my 2 favorites and I would say I would watch it no matter how bad it can be. Years passed and I started to not being able to stand it anymore. Now, 22 years-old, I'm looking back and recalling the show and realize how terribly bad it actually was. I really don't know what to mention. Most of the actings, ESPECIALLY Stephen Amell's acting is unbearable. Costumes look like they are borrowed from a child's birthday. Fighting scenes started to getting worse and worse each season. The story started to get horribly ridiculous. The only thing I can praise about this show is that the first two season's storyline were relatively better and actually watchable regardless of bad acting. In first 2 seasons the story was actually good, but of course they just "had to" screw up the rest. Without good acting, good filming and a good story, there is literally nothing left to like about a show. I give 3 only for the first 2 seasons.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Seems like recovered after a terrible season
28 May 2022
Let's be honest here. For a show like Stranger Things that has a budget of 30M $ per episode, being ok literally is not enough. When I watched the first season in 2016 it was one of the most interesting storyline I've ever watched. Season 2 was ok, I guess? Season 3... was just... cringe and disaster and all. When it comes to Season 4... It was definitely better than season 3, everything is better than season 3. It was also better than season 2 I think. But I never feel the tension and curiousity I felt when I watched first season... except for the last episode. The last episode was actually so eye-opening and answered so many questions. It was just what this show needed. I still feel like if they keep stretching the story after this season, it will be a disaster again. But it depends right now. We'll see.
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Mediocre at best
19 May 2022
It doesn't necessarily mean that it's good just because it's better than today's Turkish TV. I smirked a lot throughout the series, but I don't remember a single moment when I laughed out loud. I could have evaluated it differently if it was done by someone who has just entered the sector, but when you look at this cast and budget, it's normal for people to have some expectations. Unfortunately, it did not meet the expectations.
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The IT Crowd (2006–2013)
The only fault of this show was that it was too short
15 May 2022
Wonderful comedy. Because of the laugh track at first I thought this was one of the other cheap comedies with laugh tracks. I couldn't be more wrong..
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Hush (I) (2016)
It has some logic errors in itself, true.
11 April 2022
Beginning with a deaf person living literally in the middle of the forest all by herself. But the tension you feel when you watch the movie makes the logic errors worth it. Not a revolutionary but definitely a new way to approach horror, and I just loved it. SO much better than "A Quite Place".
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Midnight Mass (2021)
For sure not the best work of Flanagan
11 April 2022
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Yet it's not "that" bad either. Was sooo slow at times. So many filler monologues. It felt like they stretched a story that could fit in 4 or 5 episodes in total. I also didnt find the thrill factors as effective, neither did we learn about the "vampire" who sometimes could actually behave but sometimes turns into an monster in an instant. They had so many chances to explain, like SO many. Yet they decided to spend the time for explaning how a Magyar scientist was behaved as a lunatic while he was not, or how Sherrif felt in 9/11. In short it was not the worst thriller/mystery I've watched in my life, but it definitely became my least favorite work of Flanagan so far.
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Vivarium (2019)
I hate it when a movie ends with questions
25 March 2022
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Ok. We get it. They're some kinds of aliens and they capture a random unlucky couple who unfortunately happen to be in the retail store, and make them parent the alien kids. But why the hell are they doing this? It seems like they do this for generations and NEVER end up more than being a "real estate agent" for the rest of their lives. So why all the hassle and torment? From what they show us in the movie, there are always only one of them in the real word; when the next one shows up the elder one dies. So it's like a cycle for them. But, literally, WHY? The concept is good, but at the same time hard. That might be the reason why they screwed up at some point.
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Above so little average
20 March 2022
Obviously not the most brilliant comedy out there. Compared to sitcoms such as The Office and Community, this show is like a "joke" itself. Some scenes that are supposed to be funny are unbelivably unfunny. But I don't think it's completely trash. It's an easy watch, it's colorful and silly. Definitely not a must-watch, but it can be a good company playing in the background when you're dealing with home stuff.
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I think people think that this is purely a "whodunit".
19 February 2022
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While it's DEFINITELY not. This is the perfect parody of The Woman in the Window, a very VERY cliche example of whodunit thriller. The plot is almost exactly the same, and I must say that the name is hilarious, had a good laugh when I first read it. If you watch it according to the fact that this is a satire, you will get the core point of the show. If you treat it as a thriller, I'm sorry but it will seem so ridiculous, just as the The Woman in the Window :)
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
Totally unnecessary 2 whole seasons
17 January 2022
First season was good, it was based on an already popular book and it was definitely worth watching. I also can understand the motivation of season 2, with that they could close the Hannah Baker story for good. But isn't Hannah Baker is like the WHOLE story? After second season two more seasons are made just because of the clout and story has become anything but "13 Reasons Why". Didn't even watch the last season and I always feel the regret of watching third season. Such a shame what they did to this show.
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Dune (2021)
Literally zero depth
3 December 2021
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I really didn't like how they handled the story. To be honest I didn't read the books, but a bunch of people told me that the storyline is something alike Game of Thrones, but when I watched the movie I just felt like watching an empty sci-fi movie instead of a political thrill. Cinenamatography was insanely good, I MUST say that. It was almost like Villeneuve tried to prove that every other scene is the best picture in the entire world. Music and atmosphere were quite good too. But for me the most important component of a movie is its story; and I really REALLY excepted something better from Dune. It felt the things were happening just because. People who read the books may connect the dots but as a person who didn't read them, I couldn't connect with the storyline. And I dont know whether it's just me, but throughout the movie I felt like as if there was too much of the "visions of Zendaya". Zendaya just looks over her shoulder, and that's the whole scene for like at least 10 times. It really felt like it's done because of clout, not because it's really that abundant in the book.

Yet, the cinematography, actings and musics were all so great, so I think it's not fair to give less than 6 stars to this movie.
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Clickbait (2021)
Such a 10/7 show.
8 October 2021
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I find the rating excellent; not the most brilliant show in the entire history, but not trash as well. A little bit cliche but good for bingeing. Such a 10/7. And also, yet again we see that Dwight Schrute is ALWAYS right: the killer is never the person you most suspect or least suspect; it's always the person you medium suspect.
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Sully (2016)
12 September 2021
The story itself deserves 10 or even 100 stars if possible. It's not fiction guys, it's a completely real and amazing story, and Tom Hanks starring. What more do you want?
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Lady Bird (2017)
Exaggerated at its finest
10 September 2021
Cinematography is good, cast is good, actings are good, but there's literally nothing special. In fact, the story is soooooo dull, the ending is empty and meaningless. Such a 10/5 movie.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Good Ones (2021)
Season 8, Episode 1
Hilarious, in a different way.
30 August 2021
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Oh my god. This started and continued sooo fast that it was hilarious after a moment. It was like they wanted to get rid of the "race thing" as early as possible and therefore tried to fit in as much political correctnes as they could. Don't get me wrong, I can totally understand why and how a police show could include George Floyd protests in one of its episodes, but this was as if the script was written in literally 5 minutes and the episode shot in 10 minutes. It was absurdly hilarious that it was so quick and direct, hence I had lots of laughs anyway. LOL.
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Community (2009–2015)
Started realistic, became more and more cartoonish.
25 August 2021
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This started as a "realistic" community college sitcom, and slowly became more and more caricaturistic. Honestly, aside from cannot being able to ignore the absurdity, I was okay with that caricaturisim for the sake of the comedy. But the deal breaker for me is how this show treated Britta. She started as a powerful reasonable young woman who stands on her own feet, and all of a sudden she became the biggest dummy. And they even didn't bother to write an end for her like they did for all of the other group members, they even didn't include her in the final airport farewell scene.

She definitely didn't deserve to be the "worst".
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