
11 Reviews
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Artemis Fowl (2020)
Perfectly acceptable 'Disney Fare' - Fine light Sunday afternoon lazy one-eyed viewing for parents with a nice 'Why not read the book' afterwards, to boot.
28 June 2020
Having read the books, I can empathise with those who feel for the poor comparison.

However, as a Disney title, it's absolutely fine, containing the usual key ingredients to keep children hooked, curious and entertained.

The ironic bonus is, that children reading the book after the film, will find far more to be entertained at, delightfully!

It's a typical Hollywood compromise that isn't really deserving of the vitriol contained within the reviews.
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The Congress (2013)
Nope. Has merit(s) but simply not engaging, ultimately.
21 April 2020
When it goes into animation, it rapidly loses any semblance of coherence.
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Kings (2017)
Polarizing, obviously, but I thought it was very well done, and entertaining as well
18 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Others will tell you the story of the story; I'll just tell you that it had me within 20 minutes - from the love that shines from the very first morning children wake-up scene to the ending face of horror.

I had no awareness of what I was watching - no pre conceptions - and yes, there is an element of 'European' to the story line - it doesn't connect all the dots for you, it doesn't try to guide you anywhere for anything - it just presents its' self to you and it is, in my opinion, left to you to make of it what-you-will - super-critically, that might have been done a little better, or smoother, perhaps overall - but it doesn't detract as the topic is fractured to start with.

This is one of those films that *actually* causes a response in you - the constant background build-up of children stress and noise makes you realize you're holding your breath waiting for the moment to pass - if you can separate the experience from reality, you're a far more disconnected person than i - and that is part of the realisation that you're watching something interesting.

The facet of the riots and the actual footage and trial coverage is well done and balanced - it's always on in the background of peoples rooms - saying the same thing, over and over; but it's not the reason for the film nor the focus; this is not a political shinty-stick norm really, an attempt at morale crusading - it's a slice of life at a particular time, and involving disparate characters that are all in the same chapter of the event - the ending was perfectly timed; where else could it go? Just on, and on, and on? - it has to stop somewhere, just not at the station that says 'Here is a nice and neat all tied-up with string and a bow ribbon ending' I like that, because it's true. Not a studio led must-have happy ending.

I was captivated by Halle - Daniel Craig's character barely got away with its' self and could have had a touch more to it which would have helped with understandings and sympathies greatly; but it's OK without - it's the film that is the story here, not the lead characters.

The three youngsters were brilliant and will, I am sure, go far, if they haven't already - both new to me - the dissident young lady and Halle's eldest child and self described "friend"; whose future was an under current from the get-go.

Watch this with no expectations and judge it accordingly. If you choose to criticise (any) film for what it doesn't do, then you must self-question what it was you thought its objective was. This film is entertainment, and observation, from a certain vantage.

It doesn't try to be anything more than it is - and the sum of its parts are worthy of a 7 without question.
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Dark Crimes (2016)
Distinctly in the vein of the other' Euro TV Shows - the tunnel et al
28 May 2018
I liked it. It is always a joy to see Jim Carrey acting - not just hamming it up even though he's brilliant at that too; I thought his performance was very good. I enjoyed the pace, and the attention to detail in the cinematography - almost Kubrik-esque with the scene setting of what at first glance appear nothing but simple shots.

Yet again I learn that to trust critics is to risk ignorance; I understand all the words, and some of the sentiment, but nowhere do I see many people appearing to 'get it' - guess that make me a weird snowflake.

Watch it and you decide. There are no promises in this life and none of us are getting out alive, so why not?
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The D Train (2015)
Less than the sum of it's parts...
3 September 2015
...Which is odd, to say the least.

If you love film, you'll find something to take from this. If it's just simple entertainment you seek, best look elsewhere.

It's a puzzler - read some of the polarising reviews - in a way, it reminded me of Jim Carrey in 'The Cable Guy'; you don't get what you expect, and that can be a shock to some, and a boon to others.

Interestingly, and unexpectedly, I now think more of Jack Black - mayhap he just hasn't had the right vehicle to stretch his talents fully in, yet.

It's never going to make the pantheon, but it does have some things of merit; not least of which is the ability to make you cringe whilst not looking away. The how-can-it-possibly-be-resolved expectation is uncomfortably high.

I liked it; the discomfort, as it dawns on you, is tremendous and it walks its' line well - not subtle, but hey - I imagine the studio execs having a nightmare trying to decide how to market this. Whether it dawns on you, or slaps you in the face, will depend...

Once you've watched it, just think on that for a minute - because that vapid 'Tries to get reunion together' rubbish just doesn't cover it, does it?

Loved the soundtrack - especially the INXS lyricism - and some of the lines were priceless. (Lawnchairs)

I liked it. I feel the ending was rushed a little, but then, how else to cover bases?
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Frequencies (2013)
29 June 2015
...Captivated me from the roll of the apple; and kept me to the end.

Some hyperbole and some guff on these reviews - a '1' being spectacularly unwarranted (Witness that particular reviewers '10s'...Big Hero 6, Batman etc)

This is 'one of those' - a delightful multi-faceted gem that should be enjoyed.

Christians review "Most Intelligent Philosophical Sci-Fi I Have Seen This Millennium" says it all, so I'm not repeating it ;)

Of particular note is the cast; no one (to me at least) famous, that is to say, no one that came with any expectations - but all captivating and a joy to behold.
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4 January 2015
Ignore the negativity about the comparison to the book. If you want a book review, go to Amazon.

As a film it does what it does magnificently; thru and thru, from extreme to sublime via ridiculous - but as many point out, if you witnessed any clubbing in LA in the '80s, or any of 'the scene', then this movie holds an unpleasant mirror up to those views.

RDJ is simply brilliant. McC & Gertz fantastic. Spader, preparatively oily.

10/10 for this one folks. Anything less is discussing the % of the cut, to be honest.

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Not bad - not brilliant, but not bad
22 September 2014
Well, there was a surprise - I read all the negative reviews on here and decided to watch it anyway - and I'm not sorry I did; I *would* be sorry if I had spent money and time in a cinema for it - but as an at home watch it managed to keep my attention well and be surprisingly, genuinely, tense in some parts - The story is indeed dated; but sufficient to allow the basic premise of the film to maintain a certain level of cold war sang-froid, whilst avoiding the truly old geography lead clichés.

It's watchable - and if you're a Brosnan fan, he delivers as usual. Just have your expectation filters set solidly to level 6 and you'll be good to go.
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Utter, utter, tripe.
22 July 2013
Even God wouldn't forgive this.

An absolute triumph of nothing over nothing.

Don't waste your time; watch Drive again instead.

I can only surmise that KST was desperate and RG was on contract or felt that he owed Refn a film; there is absolutely *nothing* in this waste of celluloid that is worthy of almost anyone.

The soundtrack is pretty vacant as well; all in all, simply terrible.

In fact, the last film this terrible was Boxing Helena.

That should tell you all you need to know.

RG will get away with it - KST may not be so lucky.

Future Refn films will be treated with suspicion.
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16 September 2012 every way.

Script, acting, fight scenes, set design - accents - you name it, it's absolutely terrible.

Not worth your time. Or theirs.

More interestingly, a review here on IMDb has to be ten lines in length, or it cannot be posted - but there genuinely isn't ten lines of criticism worth leveling at this film.

In part, that is one of the problems the film has as well - *it could have been done in less than ten lines* - there aren't many films brave enough or strong enough to carry off the 'four protagonists in one room for the entire film' scenario - and this one shouldn't have attempted it.
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The Darkling (2000 TV Movie)
18 March 2002
Comments pretty much cover it - although it did 'catch' me and keep me to the end, I wasn't impressed with the ending - it lacked focus really - sort of lost it in the last quarter to be fair - but, and this is the point, it had enough to catch my attention in the beginning. Shame it lost it at the end though.

If you pay for it, you will not receive value for money. If it's on TV it might be worth a background watch.
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