9 Reviews
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Ambulance (2022)
What on the earth do people see in the director
29 January 2024
Not knowing much about this film besides that it was an action film and there were some good reviews about it and so after about 15 minutes of watching the film, couldn't put my finger on where this film was going, the way the camera was moving, the cringe dialogue and which direction the film was going in, this gut feeling telling me that this was going to be bad, then I saw the directors name.

Seriously though I know people have their favourite directors and all that, but I cannot understand for the life of me what people see in this guys films.

I dragged it to about 40 minutes and just about had enough so turned it off. What a disappointing film. For those who enjoyed it, I salute you.
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Don't know why they wasted minutes on this film.
13 October 2023
Fan of the original film and so thought I would see what they could bring to the story hoping for a good twist or something to get me interested in the film.

The first 10 minute of the film tells you everything you need to know how bad the rest of the film will be.

It has been done by amateurs and so you can't I suppose fault them for following the typical route of many film/horror film done that comes out now following the trend.

Besides the cast, everything else was just bad and boring. Would love to know how the cast managed to film this without thinking what they were doing there.

It sounds terrible to say, but this shouldn't have been made and it's an absolute waste of time and shouldn't exist.
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Cirkus (2022)
26 July 2023
I understand it is difficult to please everyone but there's a fine line between entertaining the audience and being plain stupid.

I tried so hard to enjoy this film mainly because it sounded like a fun film but the first 5 minutes just was full of cringe with the dolls used as babies instead of real babies (at least try or find a way).

They tried to make it a comedy but you know when some are not meant to be actors, there's also a saying that not everyone is meant to try be a comedian.

Yes this film does have the odd comedy moments by the side characters but I think the stupidity of the main characters acting and dialogue puts you off in enjoying the film that is supposed to entertain.

The writers and directors need to take time off and go find themselves then making films like this that could start civil wars.
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The Unholy (2021)
Why do they make horror films like this?
31 May 2021
The idea was there, but there is no horror. Instead there was too much talking, explaining and the wait for something to happen. It could have been so much more but failed. Some will enjoy the slow pace and build up but if you are looking for the scare or horror, then this isn't the place.
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The Banishing (2020)
Not a horror, its a drama
24 May 2021
I tried to get into it, but just couldn't. Its a slow burner with no end product and just because it says horror on the package doesn't make it so.

Its a drama trying to be a horror and its not for everyone.
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Not haha funny, but a sweet and a warm film
16 May 2021
Its not a funny haha film that you would watch with your mates, but its one of them films where you can watch that puts a smile on your face where you are not expecting something big to happen.

Its not a bad film and Owen Wilson is as he is and does his best, it could have been a little shorter, so overall like the film.
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Puts you off
10 May 2021
The film sounds interesting and a lot of reviews makes you want to watch it, some horror films don't need a good plot or even a plot at all but what bothered was the way it was filmed. Everyone seemed like they were in your face, it was either the camera was too close to the actors or they came too close to the camera and maybe that's what they were going for but it just felt like the speed of the movement was meant for tv shows. Otherwise, film is watchable but might put some off.
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Tom and Jerry (II) (2021)
2021 and yet they still find a way to break the heart.
2 March 2021
Like many, a massive fan of the original Tom and Jerry and when the news came that there was making a Tom and Jerry movie, was very happy. Other reviews will tell you in details of what went wrong, but what I cannot understand is, it is 2021 and yet they still can't get it right. Maybe as viewers we nitpick and are spoilt for choice but you would think the filmmaking world would know that if the film is called Tom and Jerry then it should maybe be about Tom and Jerry. Would love to know if the people involved in making this actually laughed and enjoyed making this film. Very disappointed.
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Tribhanga (2021)
A nice film with a small message
22 January 2021
At first, watched the film to pass the time and the first 10-15 minutes didn't look promising. However, slowly got into the film and enjoyed it. Some complaints on some of the other reviews and yes it might not be for everyone, but overall better than most films that comes out nowadays and it has a sort of message in the film about time and the importance of family, so can recommend to watch.
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