
39 Reviews
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Better than expected
22 May 2024
Didn't have a high bar after hearing that the box office was weak out of the blocks but we went anyway. I will say one thing right away, what made it work for us was the guy was a stunt guy by trade compared to these other characters they come up with that jump off buildings with little or no training. The story was pretty good and some of the nuggets they gave you that came back later in the movie for the most part weren't telegraphed. There were really a few lol monuments too which hit the market. Overall it was a fun movie and I would recommend it to anyone who like us were worried about going out to see it.
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Resident Alien: Homecoming (2024)
Season 3, Episode 8
So disaapointed .....
5 May 2024
I was so looking forward to the finale and in the beginning it was going in the right direction and then I am not sure what happened. The entire last half of the episode were full of plot holes. Every seance literately had a plot hole. It felt like they got a bigger budget than they were planning on so they spent the money on effects. If we like the show turned into a syfi movie. Like so many comedies , and I consider this a comedy 1st that is I am sure why most people watch it it seemed to fall in love with it own writing and felt like every scene had to be some personal revelation. But really without going into detail and spoilers the last 20 minutes was just out of control.
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Argylle (2024)
The longer it went the worse it got....
18 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Coming out of the blocks it seemed pretty good. Sam Rockwell was the best part of the movie and really carried it at times. But sadly as the movies went on it started to slide and at the end of the movie it was a down right free fall. I am starting to really dislike CGI and when it is done wrong i almost despise it, which is what happens with the movie. Do these directors actually think it looks good, but like many movies this on everything just looks fake. The last nail in the coffin was Ms. Howard's performance. I mean did anyone really buy at the end she was ever a spy. She looked out of shape and when the real fighting kicked in she look slow or as assisted by CGI. I have heard actors training for a year to get ready for a part. I am guessing Ms. Howard missed that part of the training. So in the end it hung onto a 6 rating, which is still ok.
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Upload (2020– )
This show is slowly sliding into unwatchable
10 November 2023
We are at the episode 4 of season 3 and me and my wife often now just look at each other in confusion. The story almost has no plot anymore. They just bounce from scene to scene with what seems like what special effect do we want to insert now or things they think are cool because it is the future you know and that is what it is like in the future, except that get really lazy when in the same scene, everything else looks like it is from 2020ish . Most of the scene do not future the plot, or I guess if you don't really have a plot, then you don't have that problem I guess. The only reason we keep watching it is because we know we only have a few episodes left until the end of the season and the way things work now on these streaming services the next season will come out in 2025 and by then we would have left this show far behind. This Upload ended up with a bad virus.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Has it moments but not enough of them
29 October 2023
The movie had it moments , at times the story picked up and would move in the right direction and then it would kind of get sidetracked. The acting for the most part was average at best. It took too long to really let everyone know what was going on. If it would have introduced that earlier and developed it the movie would have been much better in this viewers opinion. In the end I gave it a 6 which in my book means it is watchable. I was kind of on the fence until the last 20 minutes or so wondering how it was going to wrap up. Unfortunately , the ending let me down and was a little like , well ok i guess so. But it kind of went in a direction that didn't seem to fit the entire movie. The ending just didn't fit the story in regards to the major plot.
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The Creator (2023)
This type of movie is hard to be great
20 October 2023
I have always found that futurist movies are always hard to make and have them be really good. I gave it a 6 but if you could give 1/2 stars. Would have put it at 6.5. The issue I have is really what all movies with this genre is all of the plot holes and there are lots of them. I won't go into them because don't want to be a spoiler. Another is this is a story is an old one and have been told 100's of times which is another challenge the movie faces. With all that working against it, the movie is still watchable. The CGI is good and seamless at times. One thing they could have done better is develop to story in regards to the development of AI, which some compared it to Blade Runner which they did not. Making it more or a drama and less action might have helped. I did notice in the age of diversity , apparently only white people are in the service in the future (except of course for the lead actor) Hopefully the armed services can prevent that, everyone should have the right to defend their country.
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Vengeance (II) (2022)
Much better than expected was a nice surprise
1 July 2023
We have had this on our watch list for awhile but finally pulled the trigger. Like most new movies you are waiting for that time they want to educate you and it look like this was going to be one of those movies but it moves back and forth and in the end used that to their advantage. This movie did something a lot don't which was make you think that something that occurred was something to develop the plot when it was in fact introduced from another plot line without the ability to draw a direct line until after. It was a slow start but once it got it footing the movie got better as it progressed. Had a few false conclusions but not any of the huge plot twists that some movies have. In the climax of the movie a lot of how the world works was a really good scene which I think most people will relate to. All in all a good watch and would recommend.
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Not sure where to start here
17 May 2023
I am really surprised at how many great reviews there are out here for the movie. I mean it wasn't a bad movie but it was not anywhere near the 1st two. It seems like they tried to mimic the DC comics which generally is more dark. This movie did not even come close to feeling like the first two which in of itself isn't a bad thing, but it was like couldn't decide what kind of movie they wanted so they split it down the middle. I guess I need to go back but another thing was all the swearing. I don't remember any swearing in the 1st 2 but it was predominate in 3. Also on of the more subtle things with the franchise was the sound track. They seemed to move away from that and why he had the recordings at all. I think like a lot of these kind of movies they rely on the CGI too much which this one did. The bad thing for me who was a big fan of the franchise I will not miss the fact that they will not be making #4 which is the rumor. Another thing, for me some of the characters are much better than others and they seemed like they wanted to evenly distribute the action between all of them which doesn't work for me either. They are called supporting roles for a reason. If they try to make spin off I will probably pass because I am sure none of them will be of the best characters.
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Not sure why but movie is fun to watch
8 April 2023
Right away, one thing I have said about the Wick movies is for whatever reason you can check you brain at the door. Not sure why but like other good action films to give it a pass on so many of the glaring weakness or far fetched things in the movie. But that is why they can be fun. Wick is basically a super hero without the fancy suits , well I guess one fancy suit, or magical abilities. I wonder what the official count is for the hit rate for bullets flying at him. I think is must be like a 0.1% hit rate. Maybe this is a prequel to star wars and all of the gunmen grow up to be storm troopers. Not to mention how many cars hit him. One weakness was the villain, most villains don't subcontract their work as much as he did but what do I know, maybe they do. All in all not a bad watch.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Started strong but lost it's steam at the end
8 April 2023
The first few episodes were well done. It is fun to have something that you can watch and wait to see the next episode. About half way through it kind of moved back to what most action movies and shows do. Overly elaborate plots that become harder to believe. One of the best things about shows like this if the writing is done right that can be fun to watch, and that was what it was like in the beginning. Towards the end it mostly felt like there were too many times where you would say, that ain't gonna happen, or he will never get away, but he did. Overall though it was worth watching. To be honest if it had 12 episodes and keep going in that direction it might slip a few more stars.
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Odd Thomas (2013)
It was hit or miss
19 March 2023
This was an interesting movie but at time it drifted to much. I think if they would have actually watered it down some and try to really get into some of the suspense of the story it could have been much better. There we times where it seems like the gravity of the entire situation were lost on people. Was like hey tomorrow gonna suck but let's not worry too much. I am not sure there has been a real good paranormal movie in some time. At times we well done and let you in on what might be happening, which is always good for this kind of stuff, but the action portion of the movie was lacking like so many action films today. Overall is was worth watching, just wish it was better the opportunity was there.
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65 (2023)
Written at a 5th grade level
15 March 2023
After a little while I realized this felt more like it was targeting kids, but added some blood and guts for the adults. Had so many of the traditional movie stuff. I think to many movies today rely on special effects to tell a story. The only thing it lack was the family pet. I figured along the way they would hook up with some adoring creature. Today there seems to be a real lack of quality movie making anymore. I mean even the title of the movie is weak 65? Not sure how much it cost them to make it but at least they saved of casting. Most of the movie felt awkward and never really believed any of it.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
Half way through season 3 so far so good.
10 February 2023
This really is a good show. I mean like all shows it has its flaws and if you want to nit pick it you can. One thing that I think they do really well is most of the characters are flawed. There are no good guys and bad guys. Some of the "bad" guys do good thing just like the good guys do bad things. You find yourself rooting against who appears to be good and visa versa. The constant fighting can be a little too much but that it a part of the show. One nit picky thing is really where are all the cops in the show, but maybe that mirrors real life there anyway. Johnny is great, his lost in time thing is more funny than sad. It works well. I have not seen all of the movies but it is cool the way they fold in many of the characters from the movies if not just for a few episodes. All in all I give Cobra Kai 9 leg kicks out of 10.
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It was ok but flawed
1 February 2023
Not sure where to start. As some has mentioned on here for us it was basically a very poor mans Grand Torino (except he drives a chevy) Hank's character really isn't developed that well. They did do a good job with his marriage to his wife. You know he is a grouchy old white man but you really don't know why. Even at the end it only gives you a small glimpse. Some of the scene are just not believable and seem to swing from the previous. There is a huge difference between Grand Torino and Otto. The development between all the characters in both movies and their relationships are completely different. I must be getting old but so many movies now the plot is telegraphed by lazy writing. If you are a fan of woke stuff you might give it a few more starts. Checks a lot of the boxes. Evil corporations, white men that are either evil or buffoons. Interracial couples , of course trans stuff. Oh and appearently it snow in PA all year around. I am not sure what the time line is in the movie but it all must have happened in a month or two, even thought if it was there is a lot of stuff crammed into 2 months there.
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Ghosts: The Christmas Spirit, Part One (2022)
Season 2, Episode 9
Maybe the worst Chistmas Show ever
23 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
After I seen the entire hour show I can't but wonder. Why did they ever write a Xmas show. It feels like the Xmas part was actually just taking a back seat to the other plot lines of the episode. Writers meeting... ok this show is gonna be about a first gay kiss and also another plot of how a woman tried to get her fawning love interest to almost kill himself so she could hook up with a ghost. That screams Christmas to me!!! You know makes me wonder what is really going on in the writing room. You just leave the Christmas part out, but because they didn't almost seems like they are mocking it.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Limped to the end
2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Breaking Bad was one of my favorite shows so I had high hopes and this show started out ok but eventually slid into what I can describe as boring. They take way too much time developed tension or drama by camera angles and music. I guess they could have edited out an entire episode in the last season and it wouldn't have impacted the show at all. Watching people make coffee or do laundry from 12 different camera angles doesn't do it for me. The seance with Kim and Jessie was a waste. Jessie was barley in character. At the end it was just cheesy giving some characters cameos. The whole thing seemed forced. I will be hard pressed to give either of the spin offs a chance because I will bet that both shows will have a whole lot of watching people buy beer from a dozen camera angles and some sort of music that they thing sets the seance. So I don't think I will be calling on Saul any time soon or any of his friends.
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Sneaky Pete (2015–2019)
Made it through half the season 2 and stopped
23 September 2022
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It just got to be too much. The writers seem to fall in love with themselves and how they dream up some many of these cons but the big ones always ignore time lines. Their con needs to be pulled off and today or the who house of cards fall. Breaking a guy out of prison probably is going to take more than a day, even if you can make fake documents and talk to people that they don't know or have ever met. I guess it is a good thing people answer their phones sometimes. But there is always a catch, no ruse comes off 100% but just enough to get what they need, until the end then it does. Most the show is people running cons on other people. Many plot lines just drop off. The finale of the show should be all of them get killed by different people seeing they all would have people chasing them down. I mean for some I am sure it works for me it is sneaky bad.
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Sneaky Pete: The Longest Day (2017)
Season 1, Episode 10
It was ok maybe good but not great
24 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am gonna be hard on this because so many people seem to like it. The show started slow and is running down hill now. All along the season he has been just getting by from his cons. But now I guess we are to believe he can pull off a con like he did that was a magnitude harder and more complex in the last minute like he did. You get the feeling the writers might be padding themself on the back too much when they deliver the last scene. Introducing a large part of the con at then with virtually no lead up is just week. If everyone did that fans would be always scratching their heads wondering what happened. I called the finale to my wife a few episodes before that he would be the hero after pretty much being a low life loser conning everyone he comes in contact with. Just starting the season 2 but my guess is a huge mess that was created will just disappear. Like killing of a cop, The fact that they made it look like a hit doesn't make sense when the 1st bullet came from the passenger side which cause the car to crash. Hope they prove me wrong. I guess I will see.
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This movie had a chance ...
13 August 2022
The big thing was the writing was poor and it ruined to movie. If felt like it was taken from a book and a whole lot of stuff was let out or was pushed through. Lead actor was limited but you felt like there was a good movie there that wanted to get out. % stars might be too high but gave it 5 anyway.
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
Show is on a hard slide down
27 May 2022
This was one of the few new shows I likes. It wasn't great but it was entertaining. But maybe some people in the business can tell me my so many comedies turn into dramas. You tune into shows like this to leave to world behind and laugh a little. Now it just leaves me saying " I thought this was a comedy" Well it ain't one anymore, but so many comedies do this.
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It is hard to write a review for a Marvel Movie now
25 May 2022
As the title notes. In order to review a Marvel Movie you must 1st have to subtract out the standard buildings and cars being destroyed and other things flying through the air. I know these films are as good as printing money but watching this movie makes me think the whole film genre is getting stale. I mean how many fights can you have when they are just pushing some magical power against each other. Each time I see comic book movies now the bar slips lower and this is no different. Is it worth seeing , sure but the comic book films are now getting to the point where you need to start picking a choosing which ones you want to see. At some point they all just look like the same film.
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Chuck (2007–2012)
Use to be a really a fun show
21 May 2022
We loved this show when we started watching it. Had everything but now well into the 3rd season it seemed to abandon everything that made the show good. The division between spy and personal was hard and unforgiving. That was what made the show work. A hard core, professional spy vs a goofy citizen caught up in the world. Now anyone can be a spy, the ridged structure that made the show work is gone. Now it is becoming a love story which use to only be a small part of the show. Funny, me and my wife watched this when it was first on TV and for the first few seasons we were wondering why we stopped watching it. Well now we know. It is too bad but we are dropping the show at the end of the 3rd season. Again!
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Lost me after a few episodes
20 May 2022
At first I liked it. I know some people likes it because it showed the struggles of farmers but I grew up around and working on farms so maybe that is why if ended up losing me. After while it just seemed to be a self indulgent guy who thinks going to the store is prime time tv,doing other daily tasks or jumping into to large piece of machinery without training is a good idea. It reminded of the morning show radio guys who talk about their weekend and how the went to a family party and somehow thought that was interesting enough to tell the world.
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Get's better as it goes along... worth a watch
12 May 2022
I will admit it abandons reality a bunch of times during the movie but like many of these movies do, just how much and for how long, but if you can set that aside it is a pretty entertaining movie especially at the end. Pedro Pascal as Javi did a great job in support I though. I know if didn't do very well in the theaters but I would attribute some of that to the name of the movie and the terrible trailer. Neither tells you anything what to movie is about. But overall not bad.
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It was a good nothing more nothing less
1 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First not sure why this film did so poorly at the box office. Had a huge cast and the movies wasn't bad. Most of the film held up ok. There were parts were if felt like something was missing, but that happens all the time when movies are based on books. I think it capture the carnie culture well and you really got a feel for what it was like back then and how people would believe what they pulled. A good add at the end was showing how cruel he was to his father even thought your not sure what he did to maybe deserve it. A ll in all, it was worth the watch.
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