
48 Reviews
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Harrow (2018–2021)
blew it
20 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Like many of those who enjoyed 'Forever', we wanted to like this show. But the hidden story turned out to be a case of self-defense that any sane man would have turned over to the police and been cleared. The second season went from bad to worse as Harrow is too dumb to get the police involved and they kill off the one, single likable character on the series. That was enough for us. How do you make a man so observant and intelligent and yet have him be a complete dummy? The writers should go back to soap operas and Harrow should get a job parking cars.
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SEAL Team (2017–2024)
Going downhill
24 November 2019
Started out pretty strong. Not as good as 'The Brave' which only got one season, but still worth watching. However, now in its 3rd season, David needs to turn over some of the air time to the TEAM. His one man, brooding, short-tempered, I know everything and listen to nobody, is becoming a major bore. The title is Seal Team, not the David Melodrama show. It's still a good looking production and has good action sequences... though I can't imagine every shot being a kill shot (no one checks the sentries as they proceed on their mission, and that would be a fatal mistake, knowing one guy playing dead could take out have the team or at least raise the alarm. Hopefully, David will get over himself and return to being 'in charge' without being such an unlikable character. Humor and control should be his goal.
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Pennyworth (2019–2022)
too crass to enjoy
19 August 2019
Had hopes for this show. The pilot was gritty but action filled. The pace was fast and furious. But the second episode was plodding, dark, filled with soft-core sex and the language was straight out of today's Hollywood. The F word is so overused it might have been written by a rapper. And the use of a name from the past to represent a powerful, deadly, blood-lusting character? It was just too much to swallow. I put up with the language and sex in a show like the Shield, because the characters were real and engaging. This one is dark, without humor or purpose, with villains that aren't fun or interesting. Yes, it's a Batman universe, but the crassness is beyond watching.
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Peppermint (2018)
Sharpshooter would be better
12 December 2018
Much like her tv series 'Alias', Jen takes a beating and goes on ticking... and ticking... and ticking. Hollywood has been trying to make women into men for the last 30 years, but even men don't handle a beating like her -- with the exception of Tom Cruise. Why not make a movie like Shooter, when your lead is a woman? Why can't she use her brain instead of her brawn? I wanted to like this Death Wish remake, but you didn't see Charles Bronson going fisticuffs every two or three minutes. Maybe it's just me and my wife, but it would be nice to see a smart woman using her brain to outwit the dimwitted bad guys. I had hoped for Shooter and got Jen Wick instead. Too bad.
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action only film
7 December 2018
Always trying to save the entire world, always in a chase scene, always has a mole trying to implicate him as a bad guy, always in every scene... geez, Tom, don't you know what made Ghost Protocol the best ever MI show? It was the characters... some of them not being you. It was the interaction, the fun, the humor. This was like one lone beer commercial, running over and over for 2 1/2 hours. Enough already! No human could endure the beatings; no helicopter, boat, car or bike can maneuver or handle as much stress and traffic as the ones in this show. It would have been laughable in many places it the show wasn't trying to come across as reality. I don't like to be critical of a series I enjoy, but it might do Tom and the others involved in the next show to remember how intricate the series was, back when they were only dealing with one tyrant or one serious threat. Saving the entire world is getting boring.
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Who's your audience?
29 October 2018
Like most westerns being turned out the past decade, the writers and directors seem to think dirty men, dirty women, and dirty language is all the viewer wants to see. The last real hit Western - True Grit, and others of mention... Quigley down under, Butch Cassidy and Sundance and all of the John Wayne westerns, had one thing in common. That was a wide audience appeal, not a handful of viewers who think the men in the west talked like people in Hollywood. With a bit more humor and a whole lot less bad language, this could have been an entertaining show. But I wouldn't want my family to see this bunch of foul-mouthed characters. Am I a prude? Maybe, but I've loved Westerns since Randolph Scott and Audie Murphy were kids. They didn't have to use bad language - the writers back then knew how to write a story a whole family could watch together.
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Both sides should applaud this movie
14 October 2018
This isn't a show promoting or denouncing abortion, so stop posting reviews if you haven't actually seen it. This is a show about a butcher pretending to be a doctor, yet was protected by a society that didn't want to get involved in an abortion debate. After reviewing the case and checking the facts about this man, it is obvious he cared nothing about the health or care of his patients. He had no conscience about using out-of-date medicine - or the use of untrained personnel and unclean surgical instruments - while maintaining a pig-sty environment for his hapless subjects. His being brought to trial was about blatant murders, not about abortions. Both sides of the isle should utter a sigh of relief that justice was served. Being a small budget film, the actors did a good job, but I gave it only an 8 as the script could have been more fleshed out.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Who manages the ratings?
20 September 2018
So 8.3 rating? After getting past the posts by writers and sponsors and people working on the show, how come the great many who give this 1-5 stars doesn't bring down the rating? Clancy was first and foremost a patriot. If I was entrusted with his legacy I'd sue for this kind of tripe and PC'ism. Those are things he fought and wrote against. Really wanted to like this, but I believe there are no patriots allowed in Hollywood, due to the fact the liberal bias of the media would destroy anyone supporting true American values. Funny how the writers are so quick to forgive our enemies and make them out to be victims, yet won't allow stories to be told that depict our own.
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Logan (2017)
X-man or X-rated
27 August 2018
So the professor, literate, classy, cultured ... uses the F word like Hollywood stars or rap singers. Wolverine... OK, but he used to have a sense of humor and actually be partially human. We enjoyed Wolverine in his first movie... and he was tolerable in the second. But this? I can only wonder if all of the high ratings were submitted by people contemplating suicide. Dark, brooding, ugly, vulgar... Glad we didn't pay to see it. Glad we didn't pay to rent it. Glad we had something else to watch so we didn't ruin our afternoon of popcorn and a movie.
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Condor (2018–2020)
too bad
13 July 2018
Liked the quality and the high-end actors, but: Doesn't anyone make a series without a lot of trash thrown in (I mean how many times do you think we want to see some guy's naked butt?) And does every series have psycho women? And why can't we enjoy a character because they have honor or scruples... Oh, I remember, this is made in Hollywood where those two qualities don't exist. As a senior citizen I guess I'm out of touch, but NCIS, Mentalist, Castle... we didn't have to watch people humping in bed (well, maybe simulated a little, but nothing graphic). There have been a number of series we (my wife and I) would have watched, except for four language, excessive gore, or naked bodies. Too bad.
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The Medallion (2003)
not that bad
24 October 2017
If they had used anyone but Lee Evans this would have been much better.

Jackie usually overdoes his scenes but Lee Evans made a shambles out of every scene he was it. Seems as if he and the director thought they were doing Saturday Night Live instead of making a movie.

The kid is cute and -- despite the age difference, the romance was OK. The story is silly, but it's Jackie Chan.

There are some funny situations, but Lee ruined many of those with his extreme over-acting.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Jr High acting
25 September 2017
I saw the reviews and thought they had pretty well summed up this terrible representation of the Star Trek series'.

Then I saw the overall rating was 7.0 and I said ... huh?

Obviously, anyone earning a paycheck on this bomb must have rated it sky-high, but giving it more than a 2 (yes, there were one or two pretty pictures)is being much too generous.

I knew going in there would be no real male lead, but no men at all? And I knew Michelle Lee could act, but even she delivered her lines as if bored to death.

With so many bad new series coming to TV, full of trash and PC'ism, I had hopes they wouldn't sabotage Star Trek as well.

Anyway, I entered my rating to offset one of the cast of this misbegotten mess.
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Wonder Woman (2017)
PC'ism was disrespectful
6 June 2017
Captain America was better for two reasons -- his patriotism and the lack of any naked men being on display. While we enjoyed most of the WW movie, it is irksome to see Hollywood screwing with the feature to make their liberal points. Point one: Does every movie have to feature a naked man? Is this on the Gay agenda, or -- due to the director being female -- is she a pervert? Yes, we see that all of the teenage boys and beer-drinking crowd laugh at the scene, it seems most embarrassing to the actor and those of us who still have a shred of decency. Point two: The Native American Indian blames the white man for the loss of his country. The Onondaga Nation, a part of the Iroquois Confederacy, unilaterally declared war on Germany, citing ill-treatment of tribal members who were stranded in Berlin at the beginning of hostilities. The Oneida Nation, another member of the Iroquois Confederacy, also declared war on Germany. Over ten thousand Native Americans went to war to help America save the world. When WWII came along, the Native Americans joined by the ten's of thousands to help save the rest of the world a second time. What a great line it would have been if the Native American said something like: America is my country too!
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A real letdown
9 February 2017
Sorely disappointed by this Cruise vehicle. Story might have been OK with better writing – I mean, few men can get away with using the term 'Bitch Slap' unless it is in jest. For a woman? Ridiculous does not begin to cover it. A woman should never try and show more testosterone than the male lead … especially when he is feared and revered throughout the armed forces. Then there's the endless bad guys who are everywhere and know everything – and only a lowly female sergeant is there for help. Maybe the rest of the heroine's subordinates were men who hated her guts. Tom had the same persona as in the original, but that's where the similarity ends. Like too many movies and sequels, the movie relies on action instead of characters. I don't foresee a third Jack Reacher movie
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A Disappointment
13 October 2016
Like so many continuing series, they always have the split between the characters -- like superman fighting himself, of the pathetic Batman vs Superman. Writers can't seem to continue a winning combination. The first Avengers movie was a 10! The characters did have inner fighting, but they were always going the same direction. Civil war gave us endless battles and shaky-camera action until I was forced to use the fast-forward just to sit through it. Chemistry of characters, fun and humorous interaction, with a common goal -- that's what these super heroes should be giving us. Instead, there's no trust -- And I mean, when has Captain America not been trustworthy? And when has Iron man become to dense to listen to reason? I'm glad I didn't fork over the money to see this at the movie. I'm wishing now I hadn't bought the DVD, but had rented it instead.
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A reason to hate the Academy Awards
22 March 2016
The political correctness of the academy awards has ruined the whole reason for having them. When a dull, less than inspiring work by Michael Caine takes the Best Supporting Actor from the best ever work of an actor like Michael Duncan Clarke, one can only shake their head in disgust. Clarke gave his all in this show and it was his one real chance to win an award. But the PC crowd who voted nixed any chance because this show actually had a spiritual side to it. With Caine, the PC'ers could promote abortion, and that was their logic. As for the show, I gave it 9 stars, because I felt too many people would never be able to see it with the R rated language. The characters were all great, the show moving and never boring considering its length. Shame on the movie industry for stealing the Oscar from Clarke, a man who has since passed and will never have another chance to win recognition.
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Noah (2014)
Sad it's so Bad.
29 July 2014
I have to wonder why this wasn't titled: Stupid Noel's Rainy Day Adventure. After all, it has very little in common with anything written in the Bible.

As I see it, having someone promote this as a Biblical work is like the Pope telling people they can't use contraceptives -- If you don't know anything about playing the game, you shouldn't be the one making the rules.

Noah, by the end of picture proves he is the dumbest man on the face of the planet.

Aside from the content, there was little to bond the viewer to any of the cast. Emma Watson is about the only one a person can find any empathy for and the idea of a stowaway...? One who stays hidden until the dove returns? Well, that isn't a spoiler, because the movie already smelled like week old fish.
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Sherlock: His Last Vow (2014)
Season 3, Episode 3
Please, no Moriarty!
27 July 2014
While not as good as the first set, this is worthwhile, but much slower paced. A little too much with 'Sherlock getting in touch with his feelings'. That said, I certainly hope the final scene of the 'Last Vow' is not a preview of what is to come.

While this is without question the best Sherlock characterization (and Watson)ever put on film, Moriarty is unquestionably the worst persona ever. His girlish giggles and teenage ranting are nothing like the sophisticated and wry Moriarty in the Sherlock stories, nor in any other film. He is simply too much of a taunting, squealing prankster to be credible.
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Almost Human (2013–2014)
Would have gotten better!
16 July 2014
Just like Firefly, Dresden and Moonlight, the powers that be ignored the possibilities and canceled this show. As viewers we should have some way of boycotting idiots that leave endless hours of trash, crass language and sleaze to flood the airways, yet cancel shows that show promise and originality. No, the sub-characters weren't fleshed out, and at least one was too crazy to be believable, but over time, they could have made this a fun series. Funny, how when the producers have a rotten show they happen to support, they will try different time slots or add new characters and push it for another season. But this show was axed without a second chance.
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Shoot the camera man!
24 April 2014
My wife and I really enjoyed the first Captain America and looked forward to this after reading some reviews. After watching the movie I have to ask: "What movie did you people see?" The camera work must have been done by a three-year-old. People were moving at warp speed during fight scenes, but you could only see an extreme close-up of about one square foot at a time. Shouldn't you see the whole picture instead of checking the actors for nose and ear hair? And what happened to the human factor? It's like they put together a ten minute script and then called 'Action!'. The fight scenes were too many and too exaggerated -- plus there are only about a dozen good people in the entire show. It's like Washington DC...everybody's a bad guy wanting to rule the world. I still enjoyed most of Steve and Natasha's exchanges and there was at least two emotional moments in the movie that were good...but they didn't save the story for us.
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Remember the projected audience
26 August 2013
I grew up with these shows...Doris Day, Debbie Reynolds, Sandra Dee... And, no, they didn't earn kudos from critics. As John Wayne was to the Western, these ladies were to the romantic comedy. My wife and daughter love this movie -- not for the fact this girl got herself in 'trouble', but for the three lovable guys who want to rescue her from the shame (remember the time period) of having a baby out of wedlock. The people who are knocking this movie are probably not on Social Security and probably enjoy the trashy R rated movies or crass television shows that pass themselves off as Romantic comedies. This was a time when morality was embraced, not made fun of. If you enjoy the old fashion era, this won't disappoint.
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Better than expected
14 August 2013
Having read many of the early reviews my wife and I had fairly low expectations for this. We had bought the hype on Wolverine 2 and were very disappointed. That said, we thought the acting was better this go around and the humor was more than welcome, it was refreshing. Not so much for the wit involved, but it added a sense of actual kids (in spite of the age of the actors). Alex was much better this time...and it helped that she didn't have to do as much sword play. She was very weak in the first Percy Jackson. Maybe it had to do with dying her hair. Any way, my wife and I are retired, but we enjoy adventure and clean entertainment. This show filled the bill.
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The Wolverine (2013)
Waste of money!
30 July 2013
Two is probably one star too many, but that's for the effort Hugh Jackman put into a weak, disjointed, ludicrous plot. The camera work on the fight scenes were obviously an effort by the director to promote the efforts of a normal 3-year-old...although either of my girls were better at that age than whomever they let do the filming. Be nice if film makers would stop having their idiot camera men run down the street, jump over objects and crawl over broken glass when they were filming action scenes. They totally suck. As for the plot, everyone is trying to kill the girl Wolverine decides to protect. However, any one could have killed her at any time during the drug out, unbelievable fights...which Wolverine seems unable to win. Good thing they didn't use X-Men in the title. They would certainly be facing a lawsuit by every other respectable X-Man.
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The Host (2013)
Why not follow the book?
3 April 2013
My wife looked forward to this movie since we learned it was going to be made. She worried it would be hard to put the story on the screen, but so was much of Twilight.

I told her the reviews looked iffy, but we went all the same. I admit our expectations were not high to start with...but alas, they were still too high.

With a movie that moves as if it were in slow-motion, why didn't the film maker stick to the book? The book had characters, chemistry, emotion, humor -- the movie lacked all of those.

We had seen the same thing in Twilight, where instead of having characters interact, the script writers went off the bend and threw something at the audience that added nothing to the show.

As for me, I expected very little of this because of its premise. I've never been a fan of two minds in a single body. But worse was my wife's disappointment. There are so few good romantic movies out there, ones without vulgarity, crass humor or overt sex. I had hoped this would be one she could enjoy. Sorry, but they blew it.
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dull to tedious
22 March 2013
Two more sequels to this? Good luck keeping the audience awake. Why? Well, let's start with stretching a single story into 3 movies 7-9 hours long. If you embark on such a mission to milk a cash cow, you should first hire some writers to flesh out likely characters, add some humor, perhaps include a romance, so the story isn't razor thin. After watching our hobbit on Sherlock the BBC telling of Sherlock Holmes, I felt he was an excellent choice. Too bad they didn't bring along Sherlock to give him some character. And the dwarf men are mostly disgusting barbarians with only two or three even being tolerable. Where is the fun in this movie? Where are the characters you want to root for? Even the visit to the elf village was dull and without any real story. I'm glad I didn't pay to see this movie. I was able to fast-forward the repetitious fight scenes -- again, a bunch of old, overweight dwarfs defeat hoards of warriors ( warriors that could notwhip Barbi!). It would have been a relief to have killed off a couple of the worst dwarf characters, even the wizard himself, or the hobbit...who would have noticed? They weren't the least little bit real to me and my wife anyway.
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