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The Nanny: Here Comes the Brood (1993)
Season 1, Episode 5
Yes. She really got Brighton to spill his guts!
20 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Niles says to Mr. Sheffield right after C. C. said she had a marvellous time at the zoo with the children today. (Maxwell couldn't accompany them as he had a bad toothache and needed to see a dentist, so C. C. was Nanny for a day). It couldn't be further from the truth as their zoo trip was a disaster. Brighton threw up in C. C.'s helmet....and we found out later in C. C.'s purse as well.

Not too many spoilers but this is an episode that brings Fran & Gracie even closer together AND a line is drawn in the sand for C. C. regarding the children. Fran makes it clear that these are now her kids.

Fran tells C. C. "Yaw a lovely woman and I wish you well but if ya evuh hurt MY KIDS again....they'll be washing your blue blood off the walls. ...and I mean that in the nicest possible way!

Take that C. C.!

For me this was an excellent show!
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The Nanny: The Facts of Lice (1997)
Season 4, Episode 18
Fun Noir
10 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An excellent episode from Season 4. I don't want to spoil too much as my words couldn't do the episode justice.

Sylvia, a gym & food on its own is a funny premise.

The kids wind up with head lice. Many people will know this as Fran is trying to be discreet at the drug store but the gentleman behind the counter announces "lice shampoo for Fran Fine" over the PA system.

I love when one of the male customers looks at Fran in disgust when she's leaving the counter with the lice shampoo. Fran looks at him and says "I can't believe I'm getting attitude from someone with a Fleet enema". Funny stuff.

Val occasionally has moments of brilliance. She did at the drug store and was bang on about the bananas on Niles list.

Enough for now but much of the episode revolves around (no pun intended) Fran thinking Niles is plotting a murder.

Fran Drescher is one on the few women that can make a "brick wall" pants suit look great! Niles is brilliant, as usual, in this episode.
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Three's Company: Diamond Jack (1982)
Season 7, Episode 3
Jack The Fence
21 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Who knew an answering machine could cause so much trouble?

After the trio sets up a message for their new answering machine which has some funny moments, Jack is waiting for a call from a blind date Larry set up. Jack lets the call go to the answering machine and a lady leaves a message asking Jack to meet her at the Venice Roller Rink. Only it's a wrong number.

Off Jack goes to meet Rita at the roller rink. Jack thinks this is the blind date and Rita, who is a jewel thief, thinks Jack is a fence for her stolen diamonds. Rita is played by Tori Lysdahl, who you may remember from the episode "Mighy Mouth" in Season 4.

The comedic chaos begins. I won't spoil much more but...

Everyone knows John Ritter's prowess as a physical comedian. He puts on a terrific display on roller skates here. Obviously Jack can't skate. It priceless when Jack was trying to bring soft drinks to the table where Rita is sitting.

I nearly lost it when Jack asked Rita if she had enough "ice".

This episode is quite a bit of fun IMHO.
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Empty Nest: A Life in the Day (1989)
Season 1, Episode 22
A Life In 25 Minutes
6 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode would easily be in my top three favorites of the show. A really neat concept that is executed beautifully.

Dr. Weston is remembering the life of a single patient after his last visit to the office. I admit it. It took me a while to catch on to what was going on at Dr. Weston's hectic "day" at work.

The entire episode takes place in Dr. Weston's office. The only regular cast you see are Dr. Weston and Laverne. There is no b-plot in this show.

It's interesting to see a slightly younger Matthew Perry in this episode as one of the "patients".

If you haven't seen Empty Nest yet, I recommend starting with a different episode to see the rest of the cast. ...and of course their characters.

Highly recommended!
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Corner Gas: Dark Circles (2007)
Season 5, Episode 4
Crop Circles & A Black T-Shirt
21 February 2022
No spoilers for this one. A very funny show with lots of excellent comedy. This is probably not in anybody's top ten episode list but it's a sleeper. (Underrated to be sure).

Lots going on with B-plot & C-plot. You won't be bored with this episode. Extremely goofy fun.

Very highly recommended.
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Crossing Jordan: Perfect Storm (2003)
Season 2, Episode 12
Appropriate Title....
21 February 2022
An excellent episode. Acting is top notch here. Obviously and inspired director and good script.

This one should keep your attention throughout. A few unexpected things happen. Just about everything in show doesn't work out.

Real good episode. Highly recommended.
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Charlie's Angels: Angels in Paradise (1977)
Season 2, Episode 1
Are You Kidding Me?
21 February 2022
I was almost a teenager when this came out. I didn't see Season 1 of the series. (I did see it later). I remember seeing Farrah Fawcett on the cover of just about every other magazine at the grocery store. I remember the posters, etc....

At school some people I know were talking about Charlie's Angels and I listened in. I had nothing to contribute to the conversation I had seen nothing more than commercials on ABC. They said Farrah Fawcett left the show and there was no one who could replace Farrah.

I decided to tune in and my jaw nearly dropped to the floor when I saw Cheryl Ladd. The next day I remember quite a few of the guys had the same experience.

No spoilers as this was a very good episode.

Highly recommended.
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Three's Company: The Not-So-Great Imposter (1981)
Season 5, Episode 9
David Miller???
21 February 2022
A very solid episode from beginning to end with lots of laughs.

No spoilers here but the scene in the kitchen is hilarious. Felipe's reactions are priceless. Jack is in for quite a few surprises that evening.

Highly recommended.
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Three's Company: Roper's Niece (1977)
Season 1, Episode 3
I had a special errand to run.
18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Nice touching ending in this episode when Jack uses the $50 Roper gave to him to retrieve Janet's broach from the pawn shop.

This was my favourite episode from season one.

No synopsis but a couple of observations.

1. Throughout the episode there is someone in the audience with a bizarre laugh. Almost as if she/he inhaled helium. Sometimes the laughter comes at an in opportune time.

2. Karen was throwing herself at Jack back at the Roper's apartment and he was showing no interest. Finally Karen unties her dress and goes to Jack. (Jack says "you dropped something" and then picks up her dress). This, of course, is too much for Jack. Jack and Karen begin kissing. Roper comes into the room and yells at Jack. Jack jumps backwards and up on the chair behind him. He gives the dress back to Karen and mentions something about a 2nd fitting tomorrow and attempts his escape.

The "jump" on to the chair doesn't look easy. I can't try it today as my left knee is shot from two ACL tears. Even if I'm wrong and that wasn't that difficult, John Ritter was the best physical comedian of a generation.
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