
20 Reviews
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The Game (1997)
The Game
26 June 2021
The movie suffers a bit from being too confusing and the ending isn't as satisfying as it should be but I still think the game is a highly underrated suspenseful thriller that has some of the best twists and turns I have ever seen in a film. The first time I saw it I was on the edge of my seat the entire time and even though I have seen the film several times now its still as engaging and intriguing as it was the first time. Michael Douglas gives a fantastic performance and the supporting cast especially Sean Penn are great as well. David Fincher is one of my favourite filmmakers and the game is easily his most underrated hidden gem.
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Cruella (2021)
2 June 2021
My expectations for Cruella where not very high so I was honestly shocked at how great the movie was. Emma Stone and Emma Thompson are both phenomenal and I loved every second of their performances. The script is funny and charming and the movie managed to make me love one of most hated Disney villains of all time, They tell the backstory of Cruella perfectly and the opening sequence sucked me in right away. The costume design and cinematography are spectacular and I loved the darker tone of the movie. The LGBT representation was great to see and I instantly fell in love with the character of Artie. The soundtrack was fantastic, every song fit the scene they where used in and the music was perfect. I think the movie was a bit to long and some scenes felt a bit out of place but other than that I loved this movie.
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Beautiful thing
23 May 2021
This was my very first time watching this movie and I absolutely adored it. I don't normally enjoy LGBT films that much because they seem to always have a sad ending so it was so refreshing and wonderful to see how this film ended. The characters in this film are so engaging and likable you truly feel for them and want to see them happy. The acting is so believable and the two lead actors have such great chemistry on screen. The script and writing is just wonderful and you can tell everyone involved with this film wanted it to be great. Beautiful thing touched my heart and I would highly recommend you watch it.
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Those who wish me dead
23 May 2021
Those who wish me dead is a pretty solid action thriller with some great performances and some truly great sequences. Angelina Jolie is the stand out of the film delivering a powerful and believable performance and her chemistry with Finn Little who played the boy was outstanding. I haven't seen Finn Little in anything before but he was fantastic and I loved him every second he was on screen. The movie starts of a little slow and the ending feels a bit rushed but the film overall is good and entertaining. This film is worth a watch especially if you love the genre.
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Jojo Rabbit (2019)
JoJo Rabbit
10 May 2021
JoJo Rabbit is an absolutely outstanding film with great humour and tons of heart. The cast is perfection with everyone giving stand out performances and I adored Roman Griffin Davis as JoJo. The tonal shifts in this film can be a bit jarring at times but that was honestly my only issue with the film everything else was perfect for me. I laughed, I cried and I was completely charmed by JoJo Rabbit and its the kind of unique and refreshing film I wish we got more often. The films visual style that just screams Waititi is amazing and he clearly put a lot of passion into this film and it shows. The shoe scene is remarkably heartbreaking and emotional and took me my complete surprise. I simply adore this film and I would highly recommend that everyone watch it.
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The curse of the black pearl
9 May 2021
The very first Pirates of the Caribbean film remains the best one. The curse of the black pearl has everything you could possible want in an adventure film and holds up extremely well. Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom are fantastic and Kiera Knightley and Geoffrey Rush deliver very solid performances as well. The action sequences are brilliantly shot and the cinematography is phenomenal. The dialogue is terrific with so many quotable and memorable lines. I love the costumes and makeup in this film and the visual effects are gorgeous. I think the film is longer than it needs to be and a couple of things in the third act didn't quite work for me but overall adventure films don't get much better than this.
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Dark Waters (2019)
Dark Waters
9 May 2021
Dark Waters is a really compelling and moving film that both shocked and surprised me. I was engrossed the entire runtime and Mark Ruffalo delivers a very solid performance along with Anne Hathaway. The cinematography was fantastic and the writing was brilliant. Films based on true events are either a hit or miss for me and Dark waters was a definite win, it feels respectful and true to the real events. I would highly recommend watching this film.
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Raya and the last dragon
9 May 2021
One of the best Disney animated films in a long time. Raya and the last dragon is a gorgeously animated family adventure with great characters, fantastic action sequences and heartfelt moments. The voice cast is outstanding and I don't understand all the hate for Awkwafina I thought she was terrific. The humous is wonderful, I laughed many times throughout the film and I loved the writing. The message of trust and forgiveness in this film comes across beautifully without feeling heavy handed and I loved the relationship between the characters. Its not every day you get action sequences like this in Disney film and it was really refreshing seeing gorgeously shot action in animated form. By the end of the film I was crying like a baby. This is just a beautiful film.
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Zootopia (2016)
9 May 2021
Zootopia is one of the best animated films to come out in the past decade. Its funny, charming, thought provoking, heartwarming and delightful. The animation is spectacular and the voice acting is stop notch. I absolutely adore the characters, Nick and Judy might be the best Disney duo of all time and I love Jason Bateman and Jennifer Goodwin. It was really refreshing to see a crime mystery storyline in a Disney film and its done well, I was genuinely invested in the mystery and the twist villain actually worked for me here because I didn't see it coming. The film is hilarious with genuinely funny jokes and funny character interactions. The films take on prejudice and stereotypes is brilliant and it delivers the message of accepting people for who they are extremely well without feeling heavy handed. I really think Zootopia is a film for all aged and there isn't much I don't love about the film.
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Sorry to bother you
9 May 2021
This film definitely wont be for everyone but I really enjoyed it. The story is so creative and interesting and I loved the films cool visual style. Lakeith Stanfield is great in the lead role and Tessa Thompson is a stand out as well. This film is so refreshing and odd and I cant think of anything else to compare it too and I like that a lot. There are some genuinely hilarious moments in this film and I found myself laughing out loud several times. I had some issues with the pacing, the film felt longer than it actually was and I found the overall message of the film to be very heavy handed at times but overall I thought this was a very enjoyable film.
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Groundhog Day (1993)
Groundhog Day
9 May 2021
Groundhog day is without question one of the best time loop films of all time, Its funny, charming, heartwarming and delightful. Bill Murray is fantastic in the lead role bringing a certain charm that makes it impossible not to like his kind of unlikable character. Andie MacDowell is delightful as love interest Rita and her chemistry with Murray is excellent. This is one of the funniest films I have ever seen and I always laugh no matter how many times I have seen the film before. The writing is just terrific and director Harold Ramis does a fantastic job at giving the film a realistic feel despite its silly and unrealistic plot. My main issue with the film is that a couple of things don't hold up so well and on my most recent rewatch I found myself cringing a few times but for the most part this is a wonderful film.
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Moonstruck (1987)
8 May 2021
Moonstruck is an extremely well made film and its one of my moms favourites so it has a special place in my heart for that reason. Cher is absolutely dazzling in this role and Nicholas Cage delivers one of the best performances of his career. I love that the characters are the focus in this film and every actor portrays their character convincingly. Cher and Gage have amazing chemistry on screen and its hard not to fall for their relationship. The humour is pretty strong and I always find myself laughing throughout the film. Director Norman Jawison does a great job at making the film engaging and charming and Moonstruck is easily his best piece of work. I do have issues with the film, the overall plot feels a bit thin and lacking and I always feel a bit bored by the time the third act comes around. I don't think the film deserved an Oscar but overall I really enjoy it and the music is great.
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Notting Hill (1999)
Notting Hill
8 May 2021
I still remember watching this film for the first time and being genuinely surprised at how good it was. Notting Hill is probably one of the best written romantic comedies of all time, The dialogue is excellent and I've found myself quoting several lines from the film in my daily life. Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts are terrific and their on screen chemistry is undeniable. The romance in this film feels genuine and believable and there is something so organic about how the relationship develops throughout the film. The soundtrack is phenomenal and I always sing along to the songs that pop up in the film. I also adore the British charm this film has and I love the book store setting. Notting Hill is one of the best romantic comedies ever made and most of my issues with the film are nit-picks.
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Miss Congeniality
8 May 2021
Miss Congeniality is a funny and charming comedy with a pretty entertaining concept. I adore Sandra Bullock as an actress and she is great in this role though I did sometimes feel like she was portraying two different characters instead of the same one pretending to be someone else. William Shatner is hilarious and steals every scene he is in. The film definitely has some plot holes and weird moments but overall I think its a very enjoyable and harmless film that offers plenty of laughs and entertainment especially if your in the right mode.
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Tenet (2020)
8 May 2021
I love Christopher Nolan but I will admit Tenet is definitely one of his weaker films. The visual effects are phenomenal and the film is shot to perfection. I loved all the performances, John David Washington gives an incredible performance and Robert Pattinson truly is one of the most underrated actors in Hollywood. The third act is full of glorious action and its very hard not to be entertaining even though you have absolutely no idea what it going on. The plot is nearly impossible to understand and the film feels unnecessary confusing. Its hard for me to enjoy films that I cant understand which kind of ruined my enjoyment of Tenet and I liked the film a lot more the second time around where I was able to understand it a little bit better. Tenet is full of great acting and gorgeous action sequences making it a film worth watching for sure but Its far from Christopher Nolan's best work.
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Scott Pilgrim vs the words
8 May 2021
Edgar Wright is one of my favourite directors and Scott Pilgrim vs the world is in my opinion his best film. I cant believe this film was a box office flop because I was sold the second I first saw the trailer the year it came out and the experience of seeing this in theatres is something I will always cherish. This is without question one of the most unique, creative and refreshing films to ever come out of the past decade, there are simply no other films to compare it too. The cast is perfect, Michael Cera shines as Scott Pilgrim and I don't think anyone else could have done this role justice. I love the visuals effects in this film, the slow motion shots are amazing and I adore the video game style. The soundtrack is phenomenal and I love the video game sound effects that pop up every now and again. The film is hilarious and I always laugh no matter how many times I see it. There is something so genuinely delightful and entertaining about Scott Pilgrim vs the words and it really is one of my favourite films.
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Get Out (I) (2017)
Get out
7 May 2021
Get Out is Jordan Peele's directorial debut and wow what a debut it is. Get out is a smart and engaging horror thriller that futures some truly shocking and suspenseful moments and is brilliantly shot from start to finish. The entire cast is perfection and Daniel Kaluuya gives one hell of a performance. Not only is this a brilliant and thought provoking horror film its also a pretty decent comedy with some genuinely hilarious moments throughout the film. The third act is phenomenal offering some of the best edge of your seat sequences I have ever seen in a horror film. Get out is special and a must watch.
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127 Hours (2010)
127 Hours
7 May 2021
I did not have the stomach for this film, Director Danny Boyle has no problem showing us the brutal gore and torture real life Aron Ralston went through and the arm cutting scene is just horrifically shocking. James Franco is phenomenal and definitely brings a lot of passion to the role. The film does have some great suspenseful and engaging moments but overall I was either bored or horrified watching this and It isn't something I would want to watch again though it is definitely a very well made film.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
Without Remorse
7 May 2021
Based on the novel by Tom Clancy, this retro and fairly predictable action thriller does absolutely nothing special but overall gets the job done. The action sequences definitely make the film worth a watch, the fight choreography is crisp and brutal and shot extremely well. The cast is pretty decent but Michael B Jordan delivers a phenomenal and believable performance as John Kelly and is without a doubt the stand out of the film. A lot of things in this film missed the mark for me, I found all the twists extremely predictable and some of the dialogue falls extremely flat. Every other character except Kelly feels underdeveloped and forgettable, I did like the friendship between Kelly and Greer and Turner-Smith was definitely my second favourite actor in the film though that mostly had to do with her great chemistry with Jordan. Overall without remorse is nothing special and misses the mark a couple of times but because of a terrific performance from Jordan and some extremely well shot action scenes I would say its definitely worth a watch.
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One of the best films of the year
7 May 2021
The Mitchells vs the Machines completely took me by surprise I went into it not expecting much and by the end of the film I was crying my eyes out. A film about a dysfunctional family going on a road trip doesn't sound all the unique but this film also includes robots taking over the world, its almost like a mix between the Incredibles and the Terminator and man its amazing. I absolutely loved the quirky and vibrant animation style it was really refreshing to see something so different from what a usual animated film looks like. The family storyline hit me right in the feels, I loved the relationship between Katie and her dad, and it was extremely satisfying seeing them reconnect again throughout the film. The film is hilarious I laughed out loud so many times and there where only a few jokes that didn't land for me. The picture perfect neighbours voiced by Chrissy Teagan and John Legend where easily among the best part of the film for me and I loved the two robots who befriend the family as well. The voice cast is terrific, Abbi Jacobson does a great job at voicing teenager Katie but Danny McBride was the stand out of me he gave such a believable and hilarious performance as dad Rick and I hope he does more similar roles in the future. The villain voiced brilliantly by Olivia Colman is on the forgettable side and feels like a very typical villain character but I did understand her motivations and she was quite funny and entertaining at times. The third act goes on a bit to long for my liking but I still really enjoyed it and it was wonderful seeing the family work together to take down the Robots. As much as I laughed watching this film I was also crying several times throughout it, the home videos of Katie and her Dad where tear jerking moments and the ending where Katie goes off to film school and the family share a beautiful goodbye left me with tears streaming down my face. I honestly think this is a film the whole family can enjoy, there is something here for everyone and the Mitchells vs the Machines is without a doubt one of the best films of the year so far.
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