
18 Reviews
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Civil War (2024)
Awesome movie!
21 April 2024
I went in without watching the full trailer, I find it annoying when trailers tell the full story of the movie so I approach with caution. I watched few clips and thought this would be a fun movie. I was expecting something like the purge but the movie delivered so much more. Not only the look of the movie is amazing, some beautiful shots but the realism of it is very eerie. Overall a great movie, definitely a success story. If you wanted a actioned packed fast paced movie where things blow up every 5 minutes this isn't for you. If you are looking for an interesting point of view on a country torn by civil war this is for you.
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Thought provoking and strange
9 February 2024
Fact of the matter is 3/4 of this movie is a 10/10 absolute heart breaking exploration of grief and loneliness in a way I haven't yet seen or perhaps I cannot recall a similar movie that explored it in this way. As for the ending, I would have preferred a different ending to this movie but I guess if you take a movie into such a dark place, it is hard to conclude it anyways. I would have preferred it if it was concluded in a more realistic way but that's a small portion of the movie. It's a slow burner that's amazingly acted and emotionally charged. Won't be for everyone, ofcourse. I for one thought it was amazing and it definitely brought me back to some grief of my own.
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Very disappointing
22 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What in the world did I just watch. Basically a very flat story with a montage of scenes that kind of belong to a story but that story in itself isn't gripping or deep enough for you to even care. Main characters are not in any way likeable, I don't care. Oh sorry, there is one character I did care about... the robot. Yes. The story should have been this -> the robot helps the main character and in doing so becomes a fighter again but to protect the girl who gave him the flowers. Other soldiers arrive and the main character and the robot have to escape. Thus their adventure begins, maybe they bump into another character in a bar fight who then leads them to another and so on. Where is the god damn robot???? Why give him such emotional opening if you just take him away. He is the only character with soul. The girl who gave him flowers could have been killed and he wants vengeance and so on. Ok this films looks very nice. The Creator looked awesome with lesser budget and the story was much better. This movie is very disappointing.
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Dark (2017–2020)
30 October 2023
This show is a lm absolute masterpiece of a tv show. I was glued to the tv, the actors are amazing, the story is complicated but addictive, it's constantly evolving. I find it hard to compliment this show without giving any spoilers so all I can say that you should just put it on, don't watch the trailer, don't read anything about it. Just allow it to grip you. Apart from amazing acting and beautifully written story we also get treated with beautifully shot and presented visuals. Music is also on point. I wish I could go back in time and watch it for the first time again. Luckily this has a great rewatch value. I could happily watch it again few times over.
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Scream VI (2023)
Let it die.
30 October 2023
I haven't seen scream 4 and 5, to be honest I didn't even know they existed. Regardless I dont think I'm missing anything important. It's stab stab run run and then reveal. It can be an easy and effective formula if done right. But this is bad. Constant silly choices by characters make it unbearable. Ofcourse blocking a door with a set of drawers is standard, but if this doesn't help why not use other furniture like the bed. Or when you knock out the killer who is waving a knife at you why not also stamp on his head? Or maybe hit him again, and again? No. Let's just run away until he recovers and chases us again. Jesus Christ on ice it's ridiculous. This could have been fun but it's too cringy to be fun.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Everything I wanted and more.
16 January 2023
Reviewing episode 1 only, I hope the season follows suit because it began so well and I am completely gripped. As a big fan of the games which I played multiple times I did have high expectations and was a little bit scared of getting another mediocre Hollywood brain mash. Fortunately this isn't the case. The show isn't an exact copy of the game but how could it be? It wouldn't be exciting if we saw Ellie and Joel finding ladders like in the game would it. It has to be a continuous story. Regardless, I'm blown away and can't wait to see more. I am especially loving the use of light in the scenes of the first episode, it perfectly manifests that dusty run down city and sets the atmosphere very well. To conclude I'm a little bit obsessed so far.
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15 January 2023
One you have to be in a mood for, luckily I was and thus found it to be beautiful but heartbreaking. Overall the movie had a very eerie atmosphere which I tend to like and the mix between comedy and dreary atmosphere was rewarding. Characters were extremely well performed by the main actors but it would be silly not to mention other actors, they were all very good. It's one of those movies that will leave you a little bit empty at the end. Some would consider this a criticism, I personally think it's brave writing. We always seek happy endings because they leave us with that full belly satisfaction but unfortunately life isn't that. Life is much more nuanced and grey. There were some things I wanted out of this movie that didn't manifest but overall it was a worthy experience.
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Black Adam (2022)
What a mess.
2 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Super powered anti hero awakens after 5000 years of slumber, speaks fluent English, walks through walls for no reason where he could use doors, speaks in very questionable lines and within 30 minutes becomes entangled in a heroic plan to save a random boy he met briefly. Where action scenes are pretty good, full of explosions and superpowers the rest of this film is a total mess. The plot develops very quickly without allowing the main character to catch up so the whole thing is rushed and very cheesy. This could have easily been done so much better and smoother. I guess they wanted the anti hero to become a hero very quickly so they rushed through the plot and re-wrote his true nature as they pleased. It's a mess. Watch it for a silly movie night but considering I rewatched Zach Snyder's 4 hour justice league cut last night I can assure you this is a badly written action packed mess.
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Awesome and binge worthy!
29 October 2022
I noticed there is quite a lot of Netflix series that get very cringe-wokey so I always approach with caution. This isn't that, this turned out to be an awesome binge watch. I haven't read the books so after I finished the season I did have a little wiki read and I know they changed things around. Doesn't annoy me because I haven't read the trilogy. So from a perspective of someone who never heard of this series I loved it. Very brutal and the British vibe gives it that gritty edge that American productions always lack.. All that aside I did think the characters were well developed for a fantasy series of this type. Once I watched the first episode I couldn't stop. Can't wait for the second series!
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Best horror movie I ever watched.
19 October 2022
This movie blew me away from start to finish. The attention to detail is outstanding, linguistically and visually. Camera work is amazing. However, the most amazing thing about this movie is the that constant feeling of dread. It feels like you are watching something you shouldn't be watching. There is this eerie feeling that had me fixed on the screen. As a debut movie Eggers delivers a true masterpiece and his follow up work doesn't disappoint. I will be following his career carefully, I wanna see more by Eggers asap. I don't want to add any spoilers so I will end with saying that I understand this might not be a movie for everyone, we all have different tastes of what horror movies we like. For me this is the essential horror film. It's art at its finest.
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The Last of Us: Part II (2020 Video Game)
10 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Outstanding game. I am not sure why people don't like the story. I found it amazing from start to finish. Great follow up to the first one and just as gripping. As a sequel I think it takes a darker turn and I love it for that. There are things in the first game Joel did that were morally questionable and this games follows up on those choices that surely had to have consequences. It's tragic. Heart destroying. I never played a game that leaves you empty at the end. This one did and I thought it was a brave move. Playing as Abbie at first was frustrating but it resolves itself nicely and at the end I found her to be Ellie's mirror character. I hope they make a third one. Yes I didn't want Joel to end up like he did. But I didn't write this story and even though it was a very questionable move I think it pays off beautifully. The world of The Last of Us isn't a world full of happiness and this game gives us a wake up call to this fact. I hope there is a third one coming.
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24 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I can't express how much I love this movie. It's funny, sad, happy, dramatic, action packed and ridiculous all in one. Cast is awesome, acting is awesome, pacing is great, Once the movie was finished I was ready to watch it again. It definitely healed the wound left by the matrix 4.

Also, the bagel. It's the little things. I hope sci fi and fantasy writers are watching closely because this is how you make a movie that's fresh and interesting. After losing all hope in a good sci fi this brought it back. I would recommend watching this without watching the trailer. Because that's how good the movie is. You don't need to know anything. Just enjoy :)
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Painful pacing and dialogue. Such a disappointment!
24 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mind if they take some liberties in changing the story, I understand completely what rights they have and to which parts of the lore. That's fine. It's doable and you can add some new stuff as long as it fits. However, they don't. It feels like I'm watching xena the warrior princess. The dialogue is just nonsensical, it tries to be very deep without actually being in any way interesting. Galadriel is painful. She is just so painful. Surely not the fault of the actress, it's the script. Elves don't seem magical at all. The whole thing lacks that atmosphere we all wanted from this. Sense of adventure, magic and mystery. But it just isn't here. The pacing is so bad as well. It's episode 5 and nothing happened. The whole show so far could have been compressed into one episode and maybe it would keep me interested. At this point I don't even know why I'm watching it. After this season is over it will be immediately forgotten. Oh also, harfoots - why are they so cruel to their tribe? Seriously. Maybe they are the true enemy of this season. Now, that would be a twist:
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Eerie and wonderful
20 August 2022
Although slow paced the movie flew by fast. I found it gripping and well acted. Very tense in parts and surprisingly didn't climax the way I was expecting. Great watch!
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Midnight Diner (2009–2014)
Addicted within minutes!
16 January 2022
What a great tv show this is. After browsing for hours looking for something new and original I came across this and I cannot happier. Can't think of anything else to say but just watch it.
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Fun movie but has flaws
15 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Without any hard spoilers I think the first half of this film is awesome, really enjoyed the build up. However, the second half gets too many things crammed into it so it doesn't keep up with the atmosphere. Overall, much better than the previous movies which were abysmal. Nice refresh of the franchise. It could have been better ofcourse but let's not forget this is a resident evil movie not silence of the lambs.
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Very disappointing
25 December 2021
If you take everything that was iconic about the matrix and remove it from the movie, you will end up with matrix 4. It's nearly as if it was a fan made attempt. Everything is lesser, the quirky meta narrative is just a waste of time and the humour in the movie is a mockery of the franchise. What a waste.
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Loved it from start to finish!
8 May 2021
Great show from start to finish. Characters are well developed and the story doesn't let the action scenes overshadow it. Acting is good, nothing that stood out as bad. Opinions are subjective of course but any rating below average is just reactionary nonsense.
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