35 Reviews
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It's Just Funny, Very.
6 November 2021
I think the overall message of this film's existence is a little conflicting. But Surprisingly The Wayans Brothers are both distinct from eachother, and delights the audience with charm, and hilarity. Just know what your getting into before you see it, it's dumb comedy operating at so-so capacity.
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A dumb monster movie.
30 October 2021
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I feel like after watching this movie I'm comfortable saying this, "I Think the reason why people hate on this movie, is because the internet tells you to". It literally has the same amount of character development as a film like "Alien", admittedly without the personality. It's a selfaware monster movie, that never trys to be more than that, Dumb which it should be. I mean there's a half Rat and Bat Monster that eats typically dull Stephen King Archetypes. I do think the film evokes paranoia of jobs of that field work, and brings it down to a gruesome creature feature, it works on that level. Through all the expectations the film doesn't try to warrant, it's still a lot of fun, and it's respectively well filmed. I don't know why people would say it's truly awful, unless of course they just don't like those kind of films, then whatever.
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Silver Bullet (1985)
A Semi Spooky Tale.
30 October 2021
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It's paced oddly, and Character development goes out the door. But I Watched this film for Werewolf action plus thrills, and I would say I got that. But still there are some missed opportunities with it.
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Black Death (2010)
Another Versatile Film From Director "Christopher Smith".
24 October 2021
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A Movie More Concerend with once on a character's Mind, rather than show casing big action sequences, they are in there but kept to a minimum. Mostly a dark gloomy film, that at times is hard to makeout exactly what each character's purpose is in the film, it's still enlivened by the time in which it's set in.
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Creep (I) (2004)
It's what you want to see out of a Survival movie taking place at Night.
24 October 2021
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Looking Back at "Christopher Smith's Other films in his Filmography, this film is far more dark and Disturbing than the rest. It's a well made Isolated Horror film, with some good scares and ideas used to the Film's atmospheric benefits. But be warned it might not be for those with a weak stomach. Also side note all Performances are good, seems this Director is very versatile with Production and assembling a talented cast.
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A very well made film, with a thought provoking ending.
24 October 2021
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It almost leans towards being a little Hokey with some of the scares. But "Scott Derickson" has made a contemplative exercise in Faith and belief, that contextually determines if you go along with the ride or not. Far more scary than just your average jump fess, it's Morally Ambiguous and patiently frightening.
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It's mildly Scary.
24 October 2021
The Biggest Issue with the film is the ending. Up until then the movie did provide me with a few grounded chills, but all that build up just leads to something that goes way to over the top.
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Horns (2013)
Tonally and Joyfully Mean Spirited.
19 October 2021
A Murder Mystery that is a bit predictable. But there is a lot to enjoy about the film. The way it reveals its story is thought provoking, while mainly entertaining above all. Even if the dialogue and the layout of the film feels a little underwhelming, the journey is what I remember the most.
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True Grit (2010)
It's well made, but flawed.
4 October 2021
Honestly I couldn't understand "Jeff Bridges" for most of the run time, kindove made it hard to care about the personal relationship he forms with "Hailiee Steinfeld". Also what is the Films message, I guess it could be a few things but the film doesn't really seem to settle for one. It's a disappointment because the film is so well made, I found myself mostly admiring the direction rather than the characters.
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My eyes were glued to the screen.
4 October 2021
An Intense Drama of Self Control and Human spirit.
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Brad's Status (2017)
A good Character Piece worth your time.
2 October 2021
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Ben Stiller gives a Depiction of an Every day man whose curiosity, and Nhilism triumphs over his own objectives in life. The Film Provides those elements with sincerity, and also an unfiltered sense of detachment to personal growth. It's so easy to get swept up into another person's life, that it compromises your own moral objective due to obsession. A feeling that anybody can really experience. The film takes no judgment amongst its characters, and provides a darkly funny moral to the expansion of individuality. Who are we without having people in our life to share things with. Can anyone really be successful in their midlife portion of existence. It seems the film is more interested in whats on a person's mind no matter how selfish we are. It's only really a matter of how you have that effect on others you care about, while also thriving to escape society's basic instinct of what personal growth is supposed to be. The film communicates its never too late to change, even if you are who you have been for a long time.
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Vertigo (1958)
An impressive technical achievement, not much else.
1 October 2021
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It's kindove boring. "James Stewart" carrys the film, but for a while your not entirely sure what the film is about. Even by the end my patience drawed thin, as the answers we get are more deserving in a cinematic perspective, rather than a truly engaging character piece. Also something Hitchcock typically does in his films is have an underlying sense of Drama, and then the hollowness gets filled with an encapsulated mystery so that the film is balanced. There isn't much to the film, and the mystery element tedars back and fourth between one too many ideas.
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Scream (1996)
Somehow the movie is boring.
1 October 2021
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It's so up its own ass, but with very little character development. Not to mention a boring second act that could put you to sleep. I feel as if this movie is really only remembered for its twist, and iconic imagery. Not really for its characters.
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Metropolis (1927)
So boring. Where is the action and mystery.
25 September 2021
It's just too old. Maybe in 2022 if they reboot it, it will be much better. Here's hoping. Silent films are for Dinosaurs, no dialogue come on. Where is LGBT, I mean even back in the 20's those people existed. It hasn't aged too well, none of it looks convincing, I could direct a better film.
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The best in the series!
25 September 2021
This is what filmmaking is all about. The Action is good, it's an exciting next chapter in the series. I like most of the other films, and this one has it all. Ignore the bad reviews, this movie is worth your money.
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Boyhood (I) (2014)
The Novelty Wears off quickly.
25 September 2021
It's really just a clip show put together, where is the action, and character development. One of the most overrated films of all time.
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Mac and Me (1988)
It's actually growing on me.
25 September 2021
It was a good story, I actually felt genuine emotion for the characters. The only thing I didn't like about it was the Mc Donald's Sequence, it wasn't Necessary to be in the movie. Don't listen to the hate, it's worth watching if u want to see a goooooood sci-fi movie.
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
This Movie Offended Me. Okay this is 2021 get with the program.
25 September 2021
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Needlessly violent, and gross. Making this film Non Linear just distanced me, so boring. I need LGBT in the film, to make it good. Nothing about it is Modern, just 90's crap that needs to die. One of the worst movies ever made! And I like some of Tarantino's films.
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Interstellar (2014)
I felt like the movie was talking down to me.
25 September 2021
Nothing Makes sense, where is the adventure? It's so incoherent that Nolan Gives up halfway through. This is his worst film. Most of his films are already bad. Only good movie he ever did is "Dunkirk", that's it.
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It Ruins the whole saga.
25 September 2021
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Nothing makes sense, and tedious action grows weary in me. The Sith Lord is back! What a joke. J. J. Abrams has never made a good movie, that actually has something interesting to say about its characters. This is the worst offense ever.
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It Follows (2014)
Wow So Boring!
25 September 2021
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It goes nowhere. Once it reveals its bag of tricks, the only thing left for the movie to do is just have characters being stupid. Pretentious! Pretentious!
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Inception (2010)
Dumb Sci-Fi Movie.
25 September 2021
Christopher Nolan thinks a film having long running expository dialogue makes an intelligent film. Nothing Makes Sense here, and when it's explained it just grows so irritating. One Of The Worst Movies Of All Time!
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Impressive CGI not much else.
25 September 2021
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It's better than the Previous film, but lacks any kind of Substance. There is no Overarching philosophy that disects the characters, nor transcends its Genre. It's Just Apes doing Ridiculous stuff, who would ever like this.
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I'm still thinking about the film, which is a good sign.
23 September 2021
Every story isn't quite intricately woven in to tell an overarching story, there are some misteps. Also a bit of the film is a little confusing with its message, but I appreciate the Calibur of acting on display.
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Death Proof (2007)
It's a whole lot of nothing.
23 September 2021
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What is the point of the film, to explore the concept that women can be just as dangerous as men, maybe. The issue with this film is that no character is interesting, or funny. Given it being a Tarantino film, his movies take pride in having sharp, entertaining, profound dialogue there is none of that here. If it's meant to be dumb, it isn't funny enough. If it's meant to boost female empowerment, this film doesn't utilize its tools very well to warrant a strong message about characters.
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