
12 Reviews
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Atlantic Rim (2013 Video)
6 October 2021
There is not much to say about this movie other than that it's terrible.
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2012: Ice Age (2011 Video)
Don't you see it's a poor copy?
6 October 2021
This movie is a cheap copy,nothing else and nothing more. Even the poster looks like it's been ripped out of the day after tomorrow, a way better movie The budget was probably 4 dollars and used gum, the acting is terrible, if you want to watch a good movie watch the day after tomorrow.
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An end to an era
6 October 2021
We say goodbye to the best Bond of all time .... Not just because of the development of techinka, not just because the film industry has evolved. Undoubtedly, each Bond was an epoch-maker. For me, Daniel Craig was the best so far. They put the crown on his head with this film, well deservedly. I don't look for bugs, even if I did. By the way, the film evokes a lot of older Bond films, which are not even mentioned by critical candidates who are ignorant of their age. It's a huge mistake to rate a movie if you don't know what it means to have a glass on a table, a death factory built on an abandoned island, or a vodka-martini shaking without mixing. The film pays homage to its predecessors. In almost every frame. It is not true that it is meaninglessly long, it is not true that it is not written perfectly, it is not true that the story is at the expense of action. Everything is in place, everything happens that needs to happen ..... It all ends, what needs to end. And have an actor on his feet who will take on the role of 007 after all this. The end can be handled by everyone as best they can. There is a huge thank you to everyone here. Have a good trip Mr Bond!
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Brightburn (2019)
A breath of fresh air
9 August 2021
I kind of missed out on this movie at first but i simply don't get the hate. Is it that the movie has a bad ending? That the "good guys" lost? Good. This movie has the balls to actually make the villian win, which is why i love it. It is also a break from the generic superhero formula. No redemption. No happy endings. I really hope the sequel will continue on this.
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The closest thing we will ever get to a "perfect movie"
26 July 2021
One of the best movies ever made, and possibly the best superhero movie. Heath ledgers acting is top notch, the story is compelling, the effects and action are great. There aren't many flaws, and while yes it's not the most realistic movie, it's a superhero movie after all, what do you expect?
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2019 effects, 1983 story
26 July 2021
I LOVE the action scenes, and the scenes with godzilla and other kaijus, the effects are phenomenal, but the plot is passable at most. It takes about an hour for us to see the monsters, this movie has the same problems as the 2014 movie, except that had better over all story, don't get me wrong this movie is still awesome, but there is room for improvement. The only character that's actually interesting is Watanabe's character, but that's all. I think that's about it. It's essentially the 1980s movie with modern effects, it's fun but it's not a masterpiece. If you're looking for a movie where monsters fight and less screentime for the humans i would suggest Godzilla vs hong or skull island.
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Looks like a fan made movie
25 July 2021
Wtf is this??? They somehow made the effects worse despite this movie coming out 14 years after the last one...How? This is 2017. The effects look like it's from 1970. The plot is all over the place, apparently this movie is supposed to be a prequel? Nobody cares about that. I'm really hoping the new movie makes up for it.
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Should be called "Talking: The show"
23 July 2021
All characters do is talk...endless exposition, which 95% of doesn't even affect jimmy or mike in any ways. There are literally 5 minute shots of characters just walking. I watched the whole show. We know that mike and saul are going to survive which removes all stakes from the show. I'm a huge fan of breaking bad, my main problem is how insanely slow it is, only the final season was rewatchable but it also had no events until the second half of it.
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AVH: Alien vs. Hunter (2007 Video)
This is NOT part of the alien franchise
5 July 2021
This is one of the worst movies i ever saw. The CGI is just terrible, even by asylum standards. This movie was made to cash on with the succsess of "alien vs predator" and it's sequels. Many newcomers maybe confuse it or think that it's a part of the alien/predator franchise. It is not, do not watch the movie unless you hate yourself.
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The prime example of what to NOT do when directing a movie
1 July 2021
Everything is just wrong with this movie, almost all characters except robin and ivy feel like a miscast, bane is turned into a mindless zombie (which entirely butchers the purpose of him being the smartest enemy batman has) Mr freeze is turned into a complete joke, the effects are terrible even for the time, but at least this movie teached DC and Shumancher what NOT to do.
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Chop Kick Panda (2011 Video)
The animation is good but it's a cheap knockoff.
1 July 2021
Honestly, this is one of those rare rip offs that have good animation and (mostly) decent acting. My main problem is that it's basically a copy, nothing original is only made for a cash grab.
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1 July 2021
This is one of the worst horror movies ever, literally everything from it besides the actors suck.
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