
19 Reviews
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Darkroom (1981–1982)
Scary Fun for Kids
4 June 2022
I remember watching this with my family when I was a kid. Some episodes were scary "Catnip") and some were tense ("Guillotine"), but I enjoyed them all. Too bad it only ran for one season.
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United We Fan (2018)
Interesting and Enjoyable.
30 May 2022
Let me start by saying that Barney Rosenzweig is typical of the Old School Hollywood Ego. And he does NOT come off well in this. Not because of how he's portrayed by the filmmakers, but through his own words. (Personally I've had far too many encounters with his ilk.) At a time when it feels like one person can't do anything to change things for the better, this film is a small reminder that it IS possible.
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After (I) (2019)
Can I give this negative stars?
6 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
These movies aren't "sweet". Harden is toxic and she's ...kinda dumb. And it all just gets worse as the series goes on. Why are we selling this crud to kids? This is not what a healthy relationship looks like.
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Evil Dead II (1987)
Campy, Gory Fun
14 January 2022
My friends introduced me to this when we were college freshmen. I was a drama major, taking myself far too seriously, and they helped me loosen up. Ah, good times!

Anyway, lots of blood and gore, but like I said in the title, lots of fun.
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If you love the radio series/books/TV series, don't bother.
30 October 2021
As someone who grew up loving the original, this film was a huge disappointment for me. A great cast, but a terrible script. It's hard to believe that this film was years in the making. It looks like something slapped together by random penguins. Actually, that would have been fun. This is just a mess.
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Diagnosis Delicious (2016 TV Movie)
Harmless but dull.
18 May 2020
Self-absorbed, short-tempered, self-important chef has no patients-erm- patience for a busy cardiologist who's a little too busy saving lives to learn how to make chicken Cordon-Bleu. Watch it for Bess Armstrong and Jessica Tuck, who are always great.
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Ah yes, the smart, successful woman "put in her place".
5 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Other reviewers have already mentioned what a load of crud this film is, so I won't go into much detail. Suffice to say I'm sick to death of movies in which women who work hard and fulfill their dreams are seen as "snooty" and "above (their) station", and have to be brought down. One star for the stellar cast (who did what they could with a truly awful script) and for the cute dog.
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The Wish List (2010 TV Movie)
How Did They Get This Cast?
16 February 2020
Another example of a good cast and a terrible script. I really like Jennifer Esposito, and I'd watch Diane Venora read the phone book, but this tried my patience. Once again we have the stereotypical woman with a Type A personality who "needs to be taken down a few notches". Of course, she falls in love with a guy who himself is controlling, defensive, rude, and downright mean. Oh, and has stalker tendencies. Honestly, she's better off alone. (One caveat: As a tall woman married to a shorter man, I did appreciate the wedding scene. 😊)
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Instakiller (2018)
30 January 2020
Anyone else tired of spoiled brat teen characters and idiot parents who are patient with said teens to the point of nearly getting their entire family killed? I am!
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Cute, Fun, and Surprisingly Sweet
28 January 2020
Anna Faris basically elevates everything she's in. This is a movie for those times when you just want to laugh and be entertained. Turn off your brain and enjoy!
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Scary Movie 3 (2003)
Very Silly, Very Funny
22 January 2020
This is one of those movies you just sit back and enjoy. And be prepared to laugh, especially if you've seen the film's it's parodying. I watched it a few months after having seen "The Ring" on (gulp) VHS. That move scared the you-know-what out of me, and it was nice to be able to laugh at it later.
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Cairo Time (2009)
20 January 2020
Two of the best, but underrated, actors working today in a subtle, mature love story. The cast is wonderful, across the board, and the script is wonderful.
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Bride Wars (2009)
BTW, Emma's Fiancee is a D**k.
31 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Why are these two friends? Why would anyone date, let alone marry, either of them? How did this get greenlit? Why did this cast sign on for it? And, most importantly, WHY did I spend my valuable time watching this drek?!?!?!
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27 December 2019
Saw this on video a few months after it was released, and I wasn't crazy about it then. Watched (some of) it again recently, and it's worse than I remembered. Starting with the opening number, it's a pile of crud. None of the characters (except for Rupert Everett's and Philip Bosco's) have any depth or redeeming qualities. Dermot Mulroney's character expects his fiancee, who's nearly a decade younger than he is, to give up her entire life for him (and she DOES!!!!!!!). As for the main character? Well. It's a miracle she has ANY friends at all. Skip this one. Watch Rupert Everett in "An Ideal Husband", instead.
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On Strike for Christmas (2010 TV Movie)
Here's an Idea...
28 October 2019
Stop treating your grown kids like toddlers (cleaning up after them, doing everything for them), and stop trying to make everything perfect. I Like the cast, and the concept had potential, but the end result is just bad.
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Leap Year (2010)
Tripe (And I'm not talking about the recipe.)
20 August 2019
Every cliche in the book. Declan is a jerk, Anna is an idiot, and the whole thing is unwatchable. The scenery is pretty, but the film a waste of a good cast.
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Star Trek: Voyager: Learning Curve (1995)
Season 1, Episode 15
Not Meant to be a Season Finale
13 June 2019
It's OK. Yes, Tuvok is kind of a jerk at the beginning, but he's a Vulcan, and they're not exactly known for their social skills. And, yes, the crew members he's training don't want to be part of Starfleet, but they're in a position where they don't have much choice. They're part of a crew whose members have to rely on one another. Keeping a massive chip on their shoulders isn't going to help anyone. I wanted to slap the "leader". Granted, he's had awful things occur in his past, but his attitude could get others killed. Just shut up and get on with it, dude! Grow up! BTW, this was originally supposed to be a midseason episode, which is why it doesn't work as a season finale.
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Cold Case (2003–2010)
Dull, Predictable Drek.
4 June 2019
Very badly written, with lazy direction (practically every flashback scenes are heavily overlaid with loud period music and bad wigs), along with terrible performances. To be fair, it's hard to rise above the absolutely awful writing. But, especially as far as the guest casting goes, beauty all too often overshadows talent. Seriously, network casting directors, there ARE pretty people in Hollywood who can also act! Every character is a stereotype. It's hard to believe the show lasted as long as it did.
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3 May 2019
Every cliche known to humanity is in this script. The direction is by-the-book, the main character is unbearably obnoxious (and begging for a sexual harrassment lawsuit), and the action scenes are dull. I would almost rather be forced to watch "Beaches".
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