
16 Reviews
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Silent Hill (2006)
The best game to movie adaptation and a top horror movie
23 April 2006
Silent Hill is a fantastic movie and is unarguably the best game to movie conversion there is - I can't imagine a single fan of the game being disappointed and more importantly fans of the horror genre can finally see a movie that takes them to a nightmarish world that refuses to hold back. While the story is close to the one in the game, there are substantial differences as well - so with this the game and hopefully subsequent movies all have 'different' adaptations of story lines.

The only fault one could say the movie has is that one 'may' find the plot difficult to understand towards the climax but its important to note that a trademark of Silent Hill was always analysis and openness - nowadays movies are too happy to spell everything out for the audiences while in this series, one can finish seeing the movie and actually have to 'think' to decide what is occurring. However its much more easy to understand that the extremely complex plot of the original game yet still being faithful and so for fans - this is a must, and for non fans hopefully this will being you to a place we have enjoyed for so long and hope you will start enjoying :)
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One of the funniest comedies I've seen in a long time..
4 December 2005
I don't know what to say - this is simply a brilliant comedy - two guys, one Asian, another Indian - best friends decide they want to eat some white castle burgers and head out and end up in a crazy adventure on the way. It is that simple but best part is - the two characters are so instantly likable... every single scene is superbly funny and in the end you are just placed in a good mood... the sort of comedy you can see many many times. I hear there are at least two other movies coming out... life is good.

I expected just another rude teen movie - but its a wacky story of two guys in early to mid 20s that is more than a few cuts above the rest.. recommended with three thumbs up!
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Best horror I have ever seen from someone that loves the genre
9 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Let me just say - I love the horror genre to the extent that I see every single one that I can get my hands on regardless (except really low quality b-movie horrors which I could do without) and recently have become a big fan of Eastern horrors. Little did I know that a Korean horror would be the one that tops my list beating off heavyweights such as the Japanese Ringu (or the American Ring), or even quality US movies such as the Sixth Sense and The Others, and the widely acclaimed Hong Kong horror 'The Eye'.

Previously 'The Ring' had stood as my favourite horror but it seems to me that I prefer the beauty of 'The Tale of Two Sisters' any day - the story is extraordinary and rather open to interpretation thus allowing repeat viewings although chances are you'll want to watch this again and again just because the movie is so masterfully shot... the story is likely one of the best in the genre to date. The acting is top notch too from the entire cast and the scares when they come have the potential to rattle you like anything within the Ring - I did find myself glued to the screen at those points unable to take my eyes off.

Still I am glad it didn't come back to haunt me later that Sadako/Samara did from the Ring - after all such feelings are unpleasant and The Tale of Two Sisters leaves you with an uneasy feeling, but one that hopefully won't leave you without sleep but leave you satisfied that you have seen something quite special. But do remember.. if you don't understand the plot after the first viewing, a repeat viewing is more than advised.. I personally didn't have time for this since it was late so I flicked through scenes on the DVD, some numerous times until I had a good synopsis in my head and after looking on the net, seemed Ihad pretty much nailed it on the widely agreed interpretation. And the satisfaction from solving a puzzle like that is wonderful.

All in all - a masterfully crafted horror that is unlikely to produce the same 'level' remake (its been purchased by Dreamworks) simply because of the Korean content and everyone is advised to catch this in the theaters or on DVDs while they can... its one of the best you will get. Unfortunately due to the type of movie this is, there is no way to even talk about the story without spoilers so its best to do what I did - watch it without knowing a single thing except its 'a tale of two sisters'! And be prepared for something that is unlikely to be matched for some time.
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The Grudge (2004)
The best 'haunted house' movie in recent history...
8 November 2004
I think 'The Grudge' proves a number of things - firstly many audiences these days will not be scared by anything (if the Grudge doesn't pull it off there is pretty much nothing else that can and you 'have' to reach back to films such as the original Psycho etc) - a mix of conditioning and a dumbing of the general imaginations of people due to a number of factors is the cause. So one really can't blame a movie that is firing from all cylinders if yours are not.

I 'love' haunted house movies and this is the ultimate one - I asked someone whether they would like to visit this one and their response after the movie was that they would not only not like to visit it but they wouldn't even want to look in its direction. 'That' is a house that has left a mark. From start to end we are left with a barrage of atmosphere which is tangible with a mix of jumps which really are a staple these days in these types of movies. The director remade this movie from its original for the Western public and he integrated the 'jumpiness' of those movies with the classic Japanese horrors of Ringu (which it relies *very* heavily upon, in fact to such a degree and copying certain elements that one needs to remember if you think of this movie as 'better' than Ringu/The Ring, which came first and thus deserves some of the originality praise).

I think the movie was brilliant and deserves a rating in the 8s here rather than the late 5s but as I said, it has more to do with the public than the film. The storyline was not weak in my opinion - but in a movie of this length, there is little to be said except the 'event' that led to the 'curse' which then led to multiple deaths. I don't recall many of the old horrors having stellar stories either - perhaps the only criticism is that none of the characters were fleshed out very much including Sarah Michelle Gellar's character.

I would say my heart is still with Sadako/Samara and the Ring but Ill definitely have to watch the original Ju-on just for comparison sake. I've long given up on relying on others to determine a decent movie and this one (from a true horror fan) is brilliant stuff and will be one of my favourites for quite some time. I also benefited from an audience that was sucked up by the movie in the cinema... the guy next to me jumped out of the seat only a few minutes in, people were screaming and the end was met with a hushed almost nervous silence.

The movie was a huge success 'despite' the unimaginative public and that shows just how impressive it is - I have heard people laughed at certain scenes that one would consider far from amusing.. examples of either humour to hide nervousness or conditioning to all types of horrendous acts. You decide.
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Dogville (2003)
One of the bravest observations on the truth of humanity
3 November 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching Dogsville and felt like turning it off.. after all, what kind of movie could occur with no scenery? No doors.. it seemed like some sort of play/movie hybrid but after a shortwhile all those things faded away until I realized how much I would have missed if I had turned it off - it is now one of my favourite movies of all time.

Why? It is so brave to criticse humanity like this and admit just how 'dark' a race we truly are - not matter how much each of us profess to being 'good', we all know that most of us are anything but. Through this movie you see a woman who learns the cold harsh truth in a place where she expected to find the goodness that her faith told her existed. And then on not finding it, discovered that even within her lay a wrath that echoed the darkness that she herself wished did not feature so dominant in our race. And the biggest test of this is to observe your own emotions throughout this movie until what you feel at the end as perfect evidence...

I honestly believe those people that don't believe what this movie is expressing needs to take a cold hard look around them. And if they still don't believe, they are just like the people in this movie - unwilling to see the truth and coming up with excuses and reasons when nothing justifies the horrible world we live in.

A true masterpiece - one of the few pure pieces of art in cinema with amazing acting from Nicole Kidman especially, and the lack of a set causes you to be immersed in the characters like no other movie. And its 'them' and human nature that is the focus. Will leave you thinking and astounded (unless you don't like to think and can't watch a movie that isn't afraid to do something unique, in which case there a countless movies for 'you').
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The Village (2004)
A movie that should leave you thinking.. if you are capable of it
4 September 2004
The problem with many of Night's films are that they require that little bit extra from the viewers - it did not start with Sixth Sense's landmark twist, but with Unbreakable's interesting theories which did not seem fantastical considering. But people these days don't want to 'give' in the cinema to get an additional experience.. it should all be easy viewing and all 'take'

Now in The Village, we are left with a film with constant building tension, numerous twists altering the truth of the movie, wonderful acting but most important of all, asking *you* whether the life you lead is really the 'essence' of how it should be, or whether it was the villagers there that had it just right. People consider the movie a fantasy - but then all of Night's movies have been just that.. movies are about escapism after all.

I wonder if this movie will only be appreciated in years to come on looking back rather than the current 'jump galore' slashfest horror generation that can't seem to grasp the simple beauty of The Village.

I loved it and I think it is Night's best film, surpassing the Sixth Sense in its whole - go in with a thoughtful mind and enjoy a wonderful ride.
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Big Fish (2003)
A message from one artist to every other about immortality
5 March 2004
I have to say this movie is easily the most inspiring I have seen as an 'artist' - a writer and story teller, and it seems as if the movie while being wonderful as a simple 'movie' also sends an important message from Tim Burton to others about just how one's work really immortalises oneself.

The simple premise is that one's creations be it a simple piece of fiction, a piece of art or a music will take a part of the creator, and everytime someone looks, hears or reads it, the creator lives again through the work. So years after he is gone, how he felt, his emotions his personality and his creations exist once more.

And even beyond that there is the simple fact that the 'father' in the movie is a teller of 'Tall Stories' about his supposed life but the question lies - which one of us ever tells the complete truth? Our memories are hardly photographic and there is little doubt that when we think back on the times, they are always a little bit more polished, often the better times are more 'rosier' - not done conciously but just how the faded memories are interpreted. So really, which is the truth.. the one you tell everyone, or the one that really happened? Does it matter? The one you tell everyone is going to last much longer than the truth ever did as part of your memories and thus the listeners, and really which would you prefer? Life in its boring harsh reality, or a 'better' version with a rose tint and a bit of warm 'humanity' and 'fantasy'?

This movie is based around that whole premise, and is truly heart warming, tear jerking and very funny - a true fairy tale that only Tim Burton can create. And as always, there is much to think abd talk about once its over - at the start one tires of the old man's stories and how surely they must be fabricated, but I bet that everyone wishes that he would continue telling them at the end of the movie :)

I think this movie got a lukewarm welcome at the theatres because it is so 'unique' - there is nothing like this movie and people are not happy to embrace such things. But a guarantee is that when you finish watching it, at the very least you will have enjoyed the ride. At the most, you will take away something much more from you and maybe like me, some inspiration to be a story teller with the heart of the protagonist in the movie!

Superb acting by the cast of course - Ewan McGregor has somehow perfected a smile that could melt a damn snowman, his older version played by Albert Finney manages to make you listen to his every word no matter the fact you know that he could be making it all up, and of course Helena Bonham Carter and Steve Busemi play their roles to a tee. And how can anyone ever forget Danny DeVito?!

The cinematography is always a trademark of Tim Burtons - beautiful landscapes and visual feasts are in store. Nope, definitely one of my favourite films because it is such a personal one for me but even without that, it is worth every minute of your time.

When else will you ever see a movie with the disclaimer similar to 'Most of this probably didn't happen' by the narrator and you were still mesmerised? Only once and this it it! Enjoy and thanks Tim Burton and the cast and crew. *standing ovation*
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Much better than Reloaded and some great moments
5 November 2003
I think Revolutions does a lot for the series in terms of raising the series quality rather than lowering it further from Reloaded. The first was a landmark and a breathtaking movie, but the sequel was seen by most as far over the top in its action sequences. The third manages to land on the ground again with some absolutely spectacular moments and some interesting choices of characters and locales - the last in the series managing to be thought provoking. I also think that after Revolutions, people may like Reloaded a little more after seeing its importance and position in the middle of the trilogy.

Overall, a very good end to the trilogy and a great action flick. And you should go and see it, even if you hated Reloaded since the film makers do redeem themselves some what.
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A sublime scintillating experence like none other
14 October 2003
Kill Bill - Episode One... here was a movie that I had been looking forward to for such a long time. And what hype... I personally am a huge Tarentino fan... I was convinced by Reservoir Dogs and I was completely sold and enamoured by the truly excellent Pulp Fiction (and then later liked Jackie Brown but not anywhere near the level of the others), and now here is the fourth of his films, or at least the first part of it.

After watching it, I sat there thinking.. this movie has not let me down one bit and I simply cannot believe how it delivered exactly what it said on the poster - 'a roaring rampage of revenge'. If anyone comes out of the cinema and claims that all it was was about 'killing', firstly, they would have missed all the undertones and issues that were present (and displayed in a number of superb ways including anime) and secondly, next time read the poster before you go in!

From the sweet singing sound of the samurai blade being pulled out of the sheath by the master that crafted it, to the superb perfectly choreographed fights to the sensational dialogue, I can say that the only thing wrong with Kill Bill is that I know for a fact that when Episode 2 finishes, I will be dying for more. I am glad that Tarentino is likely to do an anime prelude because in all honesty, I can't get enough of these characters and this 'fantasy' scenario.

But the main thing is - it is not just some movie with lots of deaths that is just a good laugh to watch. It manages to supercede even Pulp Fiction in the simple fact that what is created on screen just makes you bite your tongue and love every second that the film drips out. Well Pulp Fiction managed to do that too, but mix that with a great andrenalin rush and theres Kill Bill. With classic salutes to so many genres from Westerns to classic 70s Martial Arts to so many other things, I get the feeling that this film will be *especially* special for those that really love the kung fu martial art movies of old (and yes I did grow up on films like 'Snake in the Shadow of the Monkey'!).

And then theres the anime - beautifully drawn, and haunting in its execution of the emotional issues. The music is superb and is a part and parcel of the fights to create a sensational experience. Ahh this can go on and on.. in truth, this film is simply a masterpiece and one I will be seeing countless times again. What can I say, just like the razor sharp Hattori Hanzo blade, the movie manages to inspire me and drive me and I could sit there for houts watching it with its monumental soundtrack.

Bah this is too much.. go watch it for heavens sake and see what the fuss is about. Simply one of the best films by one of the top film makers ever. 10/10.
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And people actually dislike this film? Thats the tragedy...
27 September 2003
I actually ended up seeing A.I quite a bit later than its screen release, when it came on one of the cable movie channels, simply because of some of the scathing reviews. And also why I will never ever see another movie again depending on reviews - I will make the decision myself to see it excluding such things. The movie is a true masterpiece and the fact that I was blubbering like a child at the end, wondering why I was 'leaking' so severely was interesting in itself.

The whole issue has to do with the fact that people feel that it was a Kubrick film that was Spielbergised. You know what - people should see the movie and forget this issue - enjoy the fairy tale and see it for what it is. Forget the whole 'oh Kubrick would have ended it 20 mins before the end' because while I did imagine for a moment that the film was about to end at that scene, the movie moved forwards. And I actually loved what Spielberg did for it. I would not want the heart ache of the Kubrickised ending, I want the more peaceful ending of Spielbergs. And more importantly, people need to stop overanalysing the 'realism' a film that is simply a fairy tale told with various issues in mind - of life, of what really is important within it and how the little robot boy who was in reality more human that most 'humans' themselves! How a mother and childs bond is something that simply can never be described, something that Spielberg drives in and Kubrick may actually have missed, and the biggest question of what life really is, and whether it needs to only be flesh and blood?

So many questions, it is profound yet told beautifully and the acting is superb. It is a combination of work of two of our greatest directors and people should be happy with it is as it is. I suspect people that are so cybical of it are those that go in neither willing to think or feel, but simply to experience - the typical popcorn movie goer. Unfortunately A.I manages to be ironic one last time by unintentionally pointing out via the film that those people that really enjoy this movie are likely more human than the A.I like 'robots' that will overanalyse and criticise it without attempting to 'feel'. The simple truth whether you like it or not.

Finally, I am glad I have another movie that I can add to my 'personality test' list. The first was 'The Blair Witch Project' in which I reasoned that if you did not have a personal dislike of horror movies AnD you saw it in decent conditions, especially audiowise and still disliked it, you were lacking in the rather important requisite for intelligence, a decent imagination. In A.I, I simply feel that if you do not like it, you are simply less human than you should be :)

Go see it, and find out which you are ;)
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Underworld (2003)
Easily the best pure vampire movie I have seen
19 September 2003
Before I went into see this movie, I was a little.. concerned, simply because of a couple of reviews I had seen. The trailers seemed like a dream because of the style and the content which I found really appealing. Come on, werewolves, vampires in a dark gothic setting battling it out.. if done well it could be a masterpiece.

It is a masterpiece I can tell you now - never does it bore, but the story does captivate you, continues to twist and in the end it would be very odd if you were not satisfied on the storyside. The cinematography is again superb, giving you classic slightly grey view of everything and even openly shows some cliched gothic backdrops to indicate that it is very much the world that you would have thought of.

The acting is more than adequate for something like this but the visual effects are great as well - it is not the Matrix and only shows the 'slow down' scene twice in the entire movie, yet the action is always interesting as you follow it all on screen.

At the end of the day, I felt I was there, in a world where vampires and lycans existed and where at each others throats for their own reasons. And if this movie managed to achieve that, and had me coming out of the movie going 'wow that was superb.. Ill be watching that again, I want the DVD and I hope desperately for a sequel' you know you have something special.
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The Ring (2002)
It simply gets under your skin.. like a true chiller
15 February 2003
Truth of the matter is, I am crazy about horrors and am pretty demanding when I watch one. Coming out of the Ring, I wondered whether they missed lots of opportunity to scare the audience further. But I later realised that would simply have not been a good idea considering the state that particular audience had been :)

The Ring is absolutely beautiful in its imagery and Blair Witch Project like in terms of using your own imagination against you. However unlike that particular film, this one gives the scares a much harder push so no matter what, chances are you you are going to be very tense throughout the film and actually be left with an uneasy feeling that you may not be completely aware of until later - a mark ofa true chiller.

Ive already ordered the Japanese version and well as the Japenese sequel and prequel - I am hooked, what can I say. However chances are, The Ring may be too much for you to handle. But if you love horrors and you want your ears little ringing at the end of the movie, watch this.
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Magnolia (1999)
A movie not afraid to rise to another level
28 June 2002
I write this just after watching Magnolia and I have to say - it is hard to put into words what I have experienced. I knew little about what this movie entailed except that it was about the intricacies about the lives of a group of people but I have *never* been so wrapped up in a 3 hour movie - to actually feel there swallowed up by what was happening in front of me.

This movie is the type that people come out of the cinema and talk about and realise that everyone had interpreted the movie differently - so much differently in fact that they could have in fact seen a completely different story. The aspects of the situations are something that every viewer will understand and they will touch everyone to a degree. It is almost capturing the essence of life, the pitfalls and the joys, the fact that happiness can only be realised after one understand sorrow and so on in a dream like story.

My point is that this is the sort of movie that really can 'cleanse' you - for me it has almost drained away all the worries from my head and its hard to put into words why. I suppose it is that when you see something with clarity, you are then much more at ease. This may seem all unclear but my advise to you is that this movie really is the best I have seen - the acting is magnificent, the direction is unbelievable and the depth of the story needs to be seen. And the movie is simple about life and 'us'. But captured like never before.

Please see this movie if you ever get the chance and give it all your time; at the very least you will come out with the idea that you definitely did not waste 3 hours of your time and at the most, you will feel that you truly have experienced something remarkable.
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Spider-Man (2002)
Best comic book hero movie yet released
23 June 2002
I have to say, I came out after seeing this movie and thinking 'wow'. Its not often that I come out for a movie and think that it was definitely worth seeing but this one was because it managed to capture a comic book character that would have been hard to display on the screen.

But to just see him swinging through the city, the special effects managing to capture his agile nature is breath taking. But the story is surprisingly well done managing the portraying the characters to a depth that is unusual for such a movie. At the end, you will have really managed to get a good understanding of Peter Parker, Mary Jane and even the Green Goblin. This first movie has at its core a romance and while I was dismayed at the amount of romantic scenes during the movie, I realised how important they were at the end for introducing the character of Spiderman.

The Green Goblin is a superb adversory for Spiderman but I wish there were more actions scenes if anything else although the ones that were displayed were unbelievable visually. But in maintaining a balance between action scenes, character depth and overall movie length, I am happy with what they chose. I am betting that the sequel will be more action packed now that the important character integration is done.

I previously enjoyed X-Men but I think it pales in comparison to Spiderman which displays great skill in making you believe the fantasy story and how it could fit into a world like ours. I just can't believe I will have to wait for the sequel, argh!

P.S I had always liked Spiderman but after watching this movie and seeing him in full splendor on the silver screen, I am now a *fan* and watching Superman/Batman/X-Men never did that for me. Go Spidey!
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The Others (2001)
Horror with a beautiful story
23 November 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe the number of comparisons here with Sixth Sense.. I regard that film as being brilliant for its story and its twist but on seeing this one, I never even thought about Sixth Sense until now. Just because they have a similar idea doesnt mean that it blackmarks this film one bit and the shock from this twist fat outstripped the one from the other film.

Simply put, this on first glance seems like a strandard horror tale told slowly and carefully and doesnt *seem* to have anything special about it until you see the point of it all at the end. While other users have posted spoilers, I have no intention of doing so but this is one of those films that shows how much it shines when you *think* back on what you saw through the film. Just like Sixth Sense, the twist raises the film to new heights. The acting and cinematics are brilliant as is the mood throughout the film and it gives a new *perspective* in horror films - a perspective not told many times before to my knowledge.

Heartily recommended as a benchmark for future horror films.
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One of the best films of this genre in recent memory
26 October 2001
I went into to see this movie with great expectations... and I have to tell you, I was not let down but I was *very* surprised. You see, it was not what I was expecting but what I got was more than satisfied. Im afraid this is one of those 'Blair Witch' films... you are either going to love it or hate it; there is no go between.

I myself absolutely love horrors and my top horror flicks include films like Blair Witch Project, The Exorcist and What Lies Beneath. The first relying completely on your own imagination wreaking havoc on you, the Exorcist is a masterpiece from the late 70s bringing you the most disturbing horror straight in your face and most recently, What Lies Beneath, which is a beautiful piece of silent and sudden shocks through out. As far as I can see, each is horror pure and simple but working in very different ways. And Jeepers Creepers belongs right there with them but introducing a new way of looking at it.

Another viewer made a perfect comment here talking about audience reactions.. you see, it seems audiences are reacting the same everywhere. They are jumping out of their seats in certain scenes, other times they are screaming at the pair on the screen for being so stupid and curious for their own good (the ultimate horror cliche.. will they ever learn.. that those kids!), gasping in sheer disgust at certain scenes etc etc.

Hold on.. isnt that what you get from horror films? And out of the three mentioned before, while each did its own thing, none achieved all of these together. But Jeepers Creepers manages to raise tension, has no problems laughing at itself and paying homage to everything horror films has brought before and introduces a horror 'villian' that will be hard to forget for some time. And the ending... well Ill leave that for you but I was certainly very pleased with it.

Simply put, if you honestly love horrors, you will love this - it pays tribute to all the best ones and seems to have the best of everything. Don't be put off by all the negative criticisms here... the critics loved it and they never love anything :), and it seems to have broken box office records too. Loved it!

Plus I can't get that song out of my head either.. argh!

'Jeepers, Creepers, where'd you get those peeeepers' 'Jeepers, Creepers, where'd you get those eyes?!'
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