
2 Reviews
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Strange to feel the need to defend this movie ...
1 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
** May contain spoilers ** I know it seems odd, coming to the defense of a movie that's already made more money than all of our families combined :-) But I have to say something because I'm mystified by the negative reviews. I thought Curse of the Black Pearl was brilliant, as legions of fans and critics agreed. Dead Man's Chest had its flaws, though I had a rollicking good time watching it. Regarding the third entry of this series, I'm happy to say that I heartily disagree with the naysayers who don't have the patience or attention span for the intricate storytelling and roller-coaster plot turns of At World's End. Generally, I've found that a caveat of all of three Pirates movies is, pay attention to details and you will be rewarded. This is part of the attraction, to me – imagine, blockbusters that give us something to think about, not just mindless action and explosions. At World's End is a rich film, plenty of drama, intrigue, comedy, surprises, some melancholy, a sweeping soundtrack and the usual top-notch effects and cinematography … and the ever-present guesswork on just exactly who is on whose side at any given moment. With Captain Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp has given us one of the most entertaining and appealing characters to emerge from Hollywood in years; and what a pleasure to see him once again sparring with Barbossa, played to perfection by the fabulous Geoffrey Rush (sorely missed in Dead Man's Chest). Bill Nighy is to be commended in his second turn at Davy Jones, bringing surprising depth and emotion to the character despite the hindrance of a costume that renders him virtually unrecognizable. Overall, I've seldom seen an entire cast of actors (from headliners to the smallest support part) not only putting their all into their work, but looking as if they're having the time of their life doing it. I've read more than one account of the camaraderie on the set; their enthusiasm for the saga shines through and it's irresistible.

Aye, it's a summer blockbuster that begs more from the audience than kicking back and idly chomping popcorn. So have a little patience, pay close attention to details, and revel in some good old fashioned yarn-spinning (and stay for the final scene at the end of the credits, it's lovely). At World's End pays homage to the classic seafarin' swashbucklin' epic while maintaining the unique quirkiness of the POTC franchise. Never mind the records being broken at the box office – the biggest miracle of all? Johnny Depp has brought Disney Productions and Keith Richards together. Funny ol' world, innit?
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Farm Life
18 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
** POSSIBLE SPOILERS ** I've had a problem with films in recent years, regarding graphic scenes. I'll admit I've never been a fan of graphic violence, and my tolerance for it can run hot and cold depending on other factors: what's going on in my own life at the moment, whether the violence is cartoony and so outrageous it can be laughable (e.g., some Tarentino), how much justification is involved, and so on. I'm not overly squeamish, but my level of tolerance is inconsistent. As a result, I've put a lot of recent films on my back burner of "I'll get around to those someday" – high caliber, perfectly fine, intelligent films that just happen to contain some scenes that I don't wish to put in my head at this particular juncture.

However, the one thing I always have trouble with is even the suggestion of cruelty or violence toward innocents, such as animals or children. I rented "Une hirondelle a fait le printemps" knowing very little about it, and unaware of the animal slaughter scenes it contains. I watched it all the way through, and I think it's a fine film in many ways – brilliant performances, gorgeous scenery, a rather silly but dismissible symbolism involving a hang glider, and best of all, that which European filmmakers do so well: a subtle, well-paced drama about everyday life and the human condition. When the film was over, I struggled with trying to reconcile my conflicting feelings, loving much of the film but detesting the scene with the pig, in particular. I did a little research and learned that the director, Christian Carion, is from a rural background, and that the scene was to be shot once, quickly, and that he would use whatever footage he got, regardless of Ms. Seigner's reaction. I don't believe Carion intended to be gratuitous in his choice to shoot this scene. I think he understands farm life for what it is, and certainly what he showed us is far more humane than the horrific practice of factory farming so prevalent in the United States. Also, there was a purpose to the scene, unlike the scene in "Patton" where a cow is actually killed on a bridge because it's in Patton's way. (I'll never watch that film again; what a ridiculous waste of a creature's life to provide completely unnecessary insight into the main character's psyche.) Carion, in his choice to film the slaughter, successfully depicted the hard reality of farm life for those who enter into food-animal production. Having said all that, my final decision is that although I understand where the director was coming from, this scene is ultimately too much; I regret to say that it ruins the film for me. I still admire the wonderful qualities of the film, but it's not one I'll ever want to watch again, even if I were to skip the objectionable scenes. No matter how much I justify it intellectually, I go back to what I said in the beginning; plain and simple, this is not an image I want in my head. It wasn't necessary, Carion could have gotten the idea across without submitting us to this. ("All Creatures Great and Small" comes to mind – a programme that succeeded in a realistic depiction of rural life without hitting us over the head with gory details.) Please understand that I don't believe farmers who raise animals for human consumption are evil. I've known farm families, having grown up in the Midwest, and they took good care of their livestock and made sure the creatures suffered as little as possible when it was time for slaughter. I'm vegetarian but I'm not a militant; I'm not against eating meat, I'm very much against factory farming. But I watch films to escape. Whereas I don't need everything sugar-coated, I do start to feel manipulated when filmmakers insist on showing us way more detail than necessary. As I sat watching "Une hirondelle a fait le printemps," I anticipated purchasing it and watching it repeatedly, until this scene came up. Unfortunately, it cast a depressing pall over an otherwise enriching movie experience. I know there are many reviewers here who love the film, and with good reason, there is plenty here to enjoy. I'm sorry to say that, for me, the bad outweighs the good.
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