
56 Reviews
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Civil War (2024)
Utter Junk
11 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Such a poor story with no explanation of what caused the civil war and. Basically focused on a young teen who just randomly appeared and proceeded to get in the way of everyone and get most of the press crew killed.

This could have been so good but it wasn't and was an utter car crash.. The gun scenes are pretty good and realistic but the poor acting and lack of storyline was a total let down

The film goes nowhere and you never understand the backstory which would connect you to the film or characters.. Its honestly one of the worst films I have had to endure after such a good trailor and press hype.
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Gran Turismo (2023)
Excellent Film
7 August 2023
I wasn't expecting much when I watched this tonight at a special cineworld screener.. Its a great film and an even better story.

It's a lengthy film but the time flys, it's quite a staggering story in reality given they all were Sim Drivers....

The acting isn't the best but the story itself is great and.the film moves along at a good pace with superb actions scenes. The cinema brings it alive with the noise of the cars, it just won't be the same watching it at home.. If youre going to see one fino this year in the cinema then I would say this is the one to go For. Enjoy and happy viewing....
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A journal of boredom
16 January 2022
A journal for Jordan , more like a journal of boredom.

Such a great trailor but the film was a total let down, it could have been so much better and just went nowhere..

A big fat 4/10 save your money and don't bother.
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Just amazing.
23 October 2021
What a film, the acting and song lyrics are just superb it hsd us all in tears 😢 it's rare a film from start to finish captivated us all but this . I just wish I had seen the Broadway show

. Go see this and love every minute.
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Pig (I) (2021)
Just horrible
27 August 2021
This has to be one of the worst films I Have ever seen in my life. Story was non existent and plot holes galore combined with a dismal ending.. Avoid it like the plague.
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Supernova (II) (2020)
Underwhelming and went nowhere
23 June 2021
A tear-jerking, touching take on the horrors of early-onset dementia

Is what it should have been!!!!!!

Instead it was just terrible, slow and a total anti-climax. Save you money and give this a swerve.
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Just terrible in every way
28 February 2021
After watching the trailor I was looking forward to this but oh boy. It was worse than I could possibly have imagined..

Terrible story , horrible sountrack and just all over the place
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Such a wonderful film that make you feel good
1 February 2020
This film was such a surprise for me. I wasn't expecting much the various emotions I went through during the film as quite something.. Especially the resturaunt scene.. Such a great film.

Go so it
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Overlord (2018)
From Dusk Till Dawn
9 November 2018
I had no expectation for this film at all but thought I would go see it purely based off the trailer.. What a great film.. Gory, bloody, brutal and totally mad.. Loved every minute
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The Predator (2018)
Just terrible in every way
30 September 2018
Having been a big fan of the original and even the 2nd and 3rd I was looking forward to this. How wrong could I be. The plot has so many holes it's like Swiss cheese and acting, characters and all but the effects are terrible.

The most laughable bit was when the bio scientist suddenly learnt how to pick a handcuff with a paper clip... Steer clear and wait for the TV or dvd instead
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Hereditary (2018)
Utter Dross
27 June 2018
Quite simply one of the worst films i have ever seen. The first hour was slow and then began getting better. However, the last 30 mins is an utter joke and left the audience in my cinema laughing out loud. If it wasnt for the fact that i was at the end of a row I would have left the cinema midway
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The Raid 2 (2014)
Top Class Sequel
27 June 2014
Having watched the first raid I was impressed but we sceptical that a follow-up could be as good. How wrong was I ? Yes it takes a bit of time to get going but the brutal fight scenes are some of the best I have ever watched. It must have taken so long to film ... Its a must see for any action / martial arts fan. . I really cant wait for the Blue Ray to come out and watch the directors voice over edition to hear how it was made. There are a number of scenes in the films which are pretty hard core, so please don't let you your kids or young teens watch it. Hammers, baseball bats ,balls and knifes are just some of the implements used in the blood bath of a film
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I had to look away
12 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen the original and the remake back in 2010 which i thought was a well made film. This time round the plot was different but had the same undertone of rape and violence. Yes the plot is pretty thin but the sheer brutality of the scenes endured by the girl kept me watching and almost willing the girl on to survive. The lead was played very well and I found myself having to look away at several points as I am sure any MAN watching this will, especially the balls in the vice scene... Good film overall and well made. Should they leave it here, well i would say yes as its now run its course. Go see it and cross your legs :)
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Good remake & worth a view.
29 March 2011
Well I seem to be one of the few UK viewers who has left a review on this so here goes. I have the original version of this and it for its time was very well made and disturbing to all that watch so I was not sure what to expect with this remake.

Its one of the few films i have seen that made me look away and wince a number of times and I am a horror fan. The rape scenes in it are not as harrowing as the original (thank god) however its well acted in my opinion and my wife and another female viewer could hardly watch as the Sarah Butler is abused in many ways. However getting her revenge was something all men would shudder at. Yes the way she exacts her revenge would not be possible for a girl her size however, the way in which she disposes of the clan of rapists is eye wateringly good.

The last guy to get polished off left me thinking he well deserved that ..

All in all a good remake, harrowing to watch still but a great effort. Shame it never really got mainstream release or coverage.
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What a great film - A guys point of view
21 October 2009
So I am sat on a plane on the way to Tokyo wondering how the hell do I kill 11 hours. I have seen most of the usual trash on the inflight movie as has my travelling partner (Another man). After scanning the many films we decide to watch My Sisters Keeper (As is has Diaz in it and she is hot) So the film starts and I think actually this isn't a bad film but I wasn't prepared for the waves of emotions that took over the next hour. The film is heart breaking and brilliantly acted. Two 38 year old men with tears rolling down their cheeks to the amusement of the British Airways cabin crew. The trolly dolly leans over and tells me . " Don't worry sir. Everyone cries at this film " One of the most touching films i have ever had the pleasure in watching and hey I am not to proud to say i cried... !!!!! As she came down the stairs in her ball gown that was it ........

Guys and girls do yourself a favour and go see this wonderful film
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This Is What The Punisher Is All About
6 March 2009
Having watched ALL the punisher movies this is by far the best. It has everything you want from a pure punisher movie. Bad guys galore guns scenes every 5 mins and action action action ,

This movie really delivers where the others failed to. Be warned though its NOT for those with a weak stomach. Some serious gore and gunshots show heads exploding and numerous realistic gun shot victims.

Frank Castle in this is superb and limits his vocals and acting and sticks to what he does best. Kicking butt....

Rent this without a doubt a good action flick but be carefull no minors or faint hearted should watch.
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Seven Pounds (2008)
Seven Pounds - Felt Like 7 Hours
23 December 2008
Received a preview copy of this film and was so muck looking forward to watching it. I think Will Smith is superb but this whole film left me totally under-whelmed. I wont go into the story as no doubt you will have seen enough of this but it took 100 Mins to get to the end whereby I still felt short changed. The acting yes as usual from Will is superb however .... The film just does not deliver enough punch to warrant the length.

Very boring to watch and totally let down. I would have to say that If I paid £8 to go into a cinema to watch this I would not be impressed. I thought the day time stood still was one of the worst i had seen this year but this is not far off

Lets home Gran Torino is better tomorrow
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Cloverfield (2008)
A Pile Of Poo
18 January 2008
Just got back from seeing this on the opening night.

I found the camera technique very annoying and it gave me a headache throughout. Not knowing what the thing is and not know what happened at

the end really spoiled it. There were some good moments but all in all i have to say a film like this just doesn't work when filmed as it was.

IT could have been superb as it was like Godzilla but with attitude.

Nobody cheered or clapped at the end which is rare for a new opening action movie in the states. I wouldn't bother going to see it to be honest.

Some good things though. Beth is hot in the film

and I like he little creature things that chased

them but all in all not impressed and the hype wasn't

lived up to
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I Want My Money Back
14 January 2008
On a flying work visit from London to NewYork i got the chance on Sunday to see this film I am am massive fan of the original films with Aliens I would say in my opinion being one of the best films i have ever seen. This i am afraid is not ! Not once during the film did i feel suspense as the director seemed to not want to hide the aliens and had the predator running around like some madman. Why the Predator saw fit to cover his tracks with this blue liquid that melts he evidence then proceed to skin alive one of the poor police officers and hang him on a tree in full view is beyond me. There were to be fair a couple of good moments but these were mostly met with laughter from the audience and not shock or fright. All in all the worst of all them and in my opinion a straight to DVD release.
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Difficult To Watch
8 January 2008
I am an avid film and especially a horror fan. I was recommend this and had no idea what the film would be about at all. I have to say that

seeing the young girl beinf systematically abused and tortured by her nut job aunt made me very uneasy and I actually found it difficult to watch in places "blowtorch Scene" All the characters are played very

well especially the Aunt who is totally off her head. My only concern with this would be watching it with my other half as i think woman may

find it difficult to sit through without feeling very uneasy. All in all I would recommend the film to people to watch althopugh I thought the ending was a bit of a let down but hey you cant win them all and she certainly didn't
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Transformers (2007)
Totally Awesome Effects
9 July 2007
Am working in NY for a while so jumped at the chance to watch transformers on July 4th. I really wasn't sure what to expect as I am getting pretty sick of CGI based stuff.

This film on the other hand was awesome. The 2hrs it ran for felt like 10 mins. The special effects are just jaw dropping and myself and the eager watchers all stood up at the end and gave it a massive round of applause. The acting and story are good but really in 35 yrs I have never seen special effects as good as this. The robots seemed so real and the chase scenes are amazing.

Hats of to Michael Bay because this is going to be HUGE when it comes over to the UK. Take your kids and enjoy every minute.
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Dreamgirls (2006)
A Mans Point Of View
3 May 2007
The sound of music, Evita, A Chorus Line god I hate these films. My wife insisted I spend some 'Quality' time with her on the sofa and slipped in DreamGirls. My 1st thoughts before it came on... I want to be down the pub..... However to my surprise within 10 mins of the film starting I was loving it. Jennifer Hudsons voice was awesome and totally blew Beyonce away deserving her Oscar win for this performance. Eddie Murphy & Jamie Fox also supply some slick performances especially Eddie as as James Thunder Early. The soundtrack in my opinion was superb and when turned up through the surround sound had my feet tapping 'I obviously didn't show the wife I was doing this'

7/10 for me and a great watch with some great songs though I told the wife is was a pile of rubbish of course.
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Its A Kids Film For God Sake
3 May 2007
Took my 2 and 6yr olds to the cinema to view this one and new what I was in for before I got there. I am staggered this film gets torn to pieces by numerous comments on this forum. It is after all a Kids film.

My 2 loved it and laughed all the way through. Regardless of how lame the story is and surprised I was to see a good actor like Robert Downey Jnr appearing in this kind of film. Tim Allen is perfect for the part of a dog though I do prefer him in old comedies. However it provided 90 mins of moan free time for my 2 who had a great time. Mind you my 2 yr old laughs at the Tweenies so there is no helping her really.

My opinion would be if you have nothing else worth watching and you have young children give it a go. Its better than them running riot round your house .
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The Hitcher (2007)
Totally Awful Remake
3 May 2007
There is 1 good thing in this film Sophie Bush. Having watched the original Hitcher with the legendary Rutger Hauer i always remember thinking how creepy the guy was. He was a natural and also pretty much unknown at the time. This remake however had nothing like the effect of the original. Yes maybe because I know whats going to happen even though there are some subtle differences but Sean Bean. I don't think an actor that well known fits this part. The other annoying thing is that no matter what happens to the kids in the film, Attacked, accused of murder blah blah they still continue to their ultimate destination. Any normal person would ring the police or turn around and go back... DOH !!!!

Don't bother in my opinion
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Like Pulling Teeth
15 January 2007
Well i know these reviews are just peoples opinions but i really do fail to see how anyone can rate this movie more than 2. In 35 yrs of watching films this had to be one of the worst films i have ever seen alongside Strictly Ballroom. Oh my god just painful. I watched all of it though gritted teeth as the pain grew worse and really wanted to turn it off but i never have done in my life so didn't want to break the mold. Do yourself a favour. Stick some matchsticks under your nails or take some laxatives tablets by the dozen. You will have a much better time.

Just one point to note the only funny bit in the film it ricky's 2 kids who made me smile instead of wanna cry. They were the rudest, crudest kids ever.
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