
18 Reviews
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Players: Philadelphia (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
Bland, basic and boring
16 July 2022
Outside if organism blowing up on his family at the very end of the episode Philadelphia was a snoozefest. We had a generic, predictable story that this show has now fallen victim too for the past couple weeks. Unless you are a diehard fan of the LCS scene, you probably won't enjoy this episode. It's peak creative lazyness.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part VI (2022)
Season 1, Episode 6
An fitting ending to a poorly written series
22 June 2022
Debroah Chow and lucasfilm will succeed with fans that they've trained to have Lightsaber/nostalgia beer goggles on but this episode has all the writing issues as seen in the entire series.

From the first scene you are left with a, "how the eff did thag happen" thought that isnt even bothered to be answered.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part III (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Solid action, 0 stakes because bad writing
1 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First off I enjoyed seeing Vader this episode, but the plot of the show is Leia/Obi-wan being in a life or death situation being chased down by Vader/inquisitors.

Because this is a prequel to a new hope I already know Vader, Obi-wan and leia survive so I dont feel the story they are telling. Second, Vader letting Obi-wan go right after force controlling him from the spot makes 0 sense. Finally we now know Leia Organa is connected to Obi-wan, and so is her father. How would either survive and create a rebellion after being put heavily on the empire's radar here.
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Star Wars writers cant help themselves and we now have a new Jar Jar Binks
27 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I thought ewan mcgregor was solid but everything else was poor. The acting from the inquisitors were horrid, their writing even worse. And the writers couldnt help but keep the plot revolving around some skywalkee, with Leia being given the baby yoda role.

How they wrote her character was as annoying and frustrating as Jar Jar binks in ep 1.
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Moon Knight: Asylum (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Great acting, emotional but sets up an overloaded finale
27 April 2022
First things first. Yes Oscar Issac's performance is amazing and going back through Mark's memories were quite emotional.

Unfortunately this show is on a 6 episode runtime, and its a limited release series so no season 2, and this episode basically halted the plot.

There is so much left for the finale after this episode I fear the finale is set up to fail. We've hit a point with the show if you take away Issac's acting, I think this series would be unwatchable with how they handle the plot.
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Moon Knight: The Friendly Type (2022)
Season 1, Episode 3
Worst Trial since OJ
13 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So this episode was a huge misfire for me for a few reasons.

1. We ended episode 2 with Marc saying he needs to find the Tomb before Harrow but this episode begins with Harrow finding it. Killing my suspense early.

2. Were thrown into a pointless action scene right after with Marc, which again was cut up with another personality to save time/money.

3. Harrow's trial with the gods was just awful writing. It was he said/he said without discussing any facts like the scarib, Arthurs cult, Arthurs Tattoo, Arthurs staff and just overall ignorance/stupidity of all the gods.

4. Arthur leaving his digging site to confront marc why???? Just so we can an action scene with the suit i guess.

5. We really going to have an Egyptian god move the whole galaxy when we have apps for that, other people live in said galaxy, and protectors of earth would 100% notice and investigate it ASAP.

6. Bad CGI

I get Oscar Issac is acting is chops off but the plot here just doesnt make any good sense and the show is now at risk because of it.
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Moon Knight: Summon the Suit (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Oscar Issac's acting is great, story is not.
6 April 2022
Feels like over half the episode was just rehash of episode 1. Oscar is giving a top level performance but the writing for the show so far is incredibly weak in my opinion.
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Halo: Unbound (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Improvement on episode 1
31 March 2022
I really enjoyed the world building this episode has. Its not giving you the action but I understand whats happpening in the universe and the motivations all around much better. Felt like it went 1-2 scenes too long but overall solid.
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Moon Knight: The Goldfish Problem (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Great acting with Huge plotholes and iffy CGI held back the premiere
30 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First I have to say Oscar Issac's acting is incredible here, but thats about where the great begins and stops.

While I appreciate the fish out of water, sleepwalking/multipersonality angle it felt very jerky as a viewer. I feel like I never got a chance to truly understand what is going on. I also can't ignore large plotholes that make no logical sense for the character of Steven. If Steven was a sleep walker, wouldnt the first thing he'd do every time he wakes up is check the DATE AND TIME??? So for him to miss his date by 2 days and not know 2 days past just seemed ridiculous. Also the show's cgi was pretty not close to done.

The show obviously has potential but you can't go through a season with an incomplete story and make glaring errors like characters not knowing dates/time. Especially a character who feels the need to strap themselves into bed.
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The Batman (2022)
Perfect until the final act
4 March 2022
This was such a great detective batman movie that really brought the best out of a lot of characters. While I thought it was on its way to a 9 or 10 the final act, one Id call the 4th act, hit and we left that detective setting. Instead we got a very lazy action sequence that wasnt needed in the story that was told for most the movie.

Still very good but man there was a chance at something truly top level here.
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Great songs with a terrible story
3 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
West side story is a tale of 2 sides with lovers meeting in the middle, aka romeo and juliet. The move has some great song and dance performances and the acting is strong. But the story is a turd at its core... Maria sleeping with Tony after killing her brother (after knowing Tony 1-2 days) is just bad writing. I know this is an adaption to a broadway musical but I was left wondering why so much money and talent was used on a story that is weak/lazy. Movies like these are why average americans care less and less about the oscar awards.
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Uncharted (2022)
Uncharted needed to learn, less is more.
19 February 2022
Without going into too many spoilers, I am going to list a few positives of Uncharted and then briefly explain the mass amount of negatives. Also, I have never played or watched the games so Im 100% blind going in.


1. 2nd half the movie Tom Holland Nathan Drake becomes a good lead

2. The visual effects in the movie were good.

3. Action was good.

Now lets get into the bad.... For the first half the movie Holland's Drake is more like Peter Parker than the lead in a treasure hunt movie. Mark Wahlberg as sully is just Mark Wahlberg copy and pasting himself between movies. The movie runs the same gags like 3 times too many.... Between pickpocketing and backstabbing our heads were beaten over with the same things over and over again. Less is more! This also pertains to the villians... For a treasure hunt adventure we dont always need a villian, this is the perfect case of that. I would of rathered a main crew coming together in act 3 or act 2 than have non stop backstabs. Less is more...

If you like pointless, unrealistic action youll probably enjoy this movie but for me I saw a huge missed oppurtunity for a really great story.
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Solid, uneventual landing
18 February 2022
This episode was great because of Percy. I wish we could of gotten more visuals the previous few episodes or really dragged this out over one because it really was the most ingtriguing thing about the story.

In the end the finale enforces these characters are way too safe for there to be any stakes, which really brings the show down for me.
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The Legend of Vox Machina: Depths of Deceit (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
Lazy episode
18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The acid dungeon was just a bit of an eye roller to me. Its clearly a D&D small task but seeing grog swim through acid, even with pike healing, with little to no harm just takes me out of the show.

Dialogue was especially poor and they didnt give me a reason enough to care about vex and vax's relationship for me to react to the possession of vax.
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A solid showdown that didn't slam dunk
18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was your penultimate episode with all the action and what should of been high stakes.

Unfortunately the lack of character connection for me between vax, vex, and grog really made the experience bland. I would of put it up higher if we actually gotten the death for Keyleth instead of a fakeout. I hate fakeout deaths in battles like these, especially when 90% of the time the heros got their asses whipped.
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A finale that represents a mediocre show
9 February 2022
Title says it all.

Mando/grogu were the passable parts. Rest was really poor all around. Robert Rodriguez might kill his career with the book of boba fett failures.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
Boba should of stayed in the Sarlac pit
9 February 2022
This show was one of the worst things in star wars media, that is quickly becoming more bad than good, that is only bolstered by a middle season Boom from a couple of friends.

Bad story, bad action and only good parts were the prelude to mando season 3.
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Story has potential, dialogue holds it back.
29 January 2022
I am not someone who is familar with Crtical Role but have taken apart of D&D campaigns at times and watched D&D shows/podcasts.

Legend of Vox Machina opens with 3 episodes that right away can help you decide if the show is for you or not. The animation and fantasy story are pretty well done but the dialogue between characters is quite poor. I can see in a live environment the lewd jokes being made so often landing well, but in a show envirornment it misses a lot more than it hits and almost caused me go turn it off a few times.

The show isn't a top quality project, but it isn't trying to be. Its a passable time killer.
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