
5 Reviews
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Not Band of Brothers or The Pacific But Still Worth Watching
17 February 2024
First off, I see a lot of low ratings coming from, I am guessing, Brits that are upset by the lack of respect given to the RAF in this production. They are not wrong. Basically the only RAF presence is depicted as jerks. Apologies to the Brits. From watching a lot of British TV and movies I know they get annoyed by our arrogant idea that we single-handedly won the war, or basically our arrogance in general. This production is definitely waving the American flag.

If you can put that and the questionable choices of accents used by some of the actors aside, the story is very compelling. I have watched the first 5 episodes that have aired and have found myself literally at the edge of my seat during some of the air combat scenes. My only suggestion is to not get too attached to the characters. If you were a fan of Game of Thrones you know what I mean. It is sometimes hard to keep track of who is who and hard to tell who is talking during air combat scenes because they are wearing masks. If you put on closed captioning, it help.

All in all, I find this entertaining and recommend you give it a try. I look forward to watching it each week. It is slow moving and builds from week to week. Don't give up if you are not instantly drawn in by the first episode. I have read it is also not historically accurate. There is an article somewhere that points out the fact from the fiction. This did not bother me because I wasn't looking for a documentary. I am a bit of a history nerd, however, so I also like knowing the facts the story is based on. Since the characters are based on real people, don't Google them if you don't want spoilers. I made that mistake with one of them. Lesson learned. Didn't Google anyone else after that.

Once again, sorry Brits for the diminished role of the RAF in this production. The RAF deserves more respect than what it got here. I know there are several British actors portraying Americans in the cast (more than actual Americans, I think), but this is definitely an all-American, baseball and apple pie, flag waving production and the focus is on an American squadron's role in World War II. So, if you choose to watch, you will know what to expect.
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Presence of Love (2022 TV Movie)
14 February 2024
Don't get me wrong, I love watching the cookie-cutter movies that Hallmark typically puts out. They have their rotation of female and male leads that are inserted into basically the same plot. Locations and storylines are tweaked just enough so that you are not watching the same exact movie. And I am okay with that. I just saw the lead actress in another Hallmark movie, so I know she is on rotation. This movie was different. The storyline and characters had more depth than usual, and the acting was great. The actors made their characters either very likable or at least relatable. I really felt drawn to these characters. I cried in a few spots.

I think filming on location in Cornwall was a brilliant decision. I loved watching Poldark during its run, and I remember Aidan Turner saying in an interview that the scenic shots of Cornwall were almost like a character in the series. I think the scenic shots used in this movie definitely helped to convey the lead female character's inner turmoil.

I have seen several people commenting on the number of coats the character brought on her 2 week trip, saying this made the movie unbelievable. I do agree there is no way she could have packed all of those coats plus clothes into that one suitcase. I need packing lessons from her because I pack 3 suitcases worth of clothes for a weekend trip. I feel sorry for them, though. They let this silly detail ruin a beautiful movie. But to each their own.

I hope reading review will make you decide to give the movie a chance. I think it will be worth your time.
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Texas Rising (2015)
Texas Travesty
4 February 2024
As a new resident to the state of Texas, I thought I would check out this mini-series I love period dramas and the cast was filled with actors who are usually very good. I don't know if the actors were directed to give the worst performance of their careers or if it just turned out that way, but it didn't take me very long to figure out that there was no way that I was going to get through another episode, let alone 9 more. The only reason and made it through the whole first episode is because I got on here to see if anyone else thought it was as awful as I did. As a former, life-long resident of Louisiana, Gator Davis Beauregard was the last straw. I also have to agree about the lack of accuracy depicting the location. I live about an hour away from the Alamo, and even with the drought we've been having, it is not like the desert shown. The people who made this mini-series must really hate Texas because they made everyone look like idiots.
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Patsy & Loretta (2019 TV Movie)
Surprisingly Enjoyable
8 June 2022
First off, although I do like Patsy Cline's music, I am not a fan of Loretta Lynn. No offense to her. I'm just not into CW music, especially old school stuff like that. So, I was not really inclined to watch this. Secondly, I am not usually into Lifetime movies. Not gonna lie. I only watched this movie because Kyle Schmid was in it. I am so glad I did. I really enjoyed the story of their friendship. I was even brought to tears at the end. I thought the actors did a great job portraying their real-life counterparts. I especially liked the performance Megan Hilty gave as Patsy Cline.
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The Offer (2022)
I'm going to be sad when this is done!
4 June 2022
I am loving this show! Cast is superb. Everything about this show is great. Can't wait to watch it each week. I don't know how The Godfather ever got made. Lol. I'm just glad it did. I'm equally glad that this series got made.
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