41 Reviews
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i am simply at a loss for words
16 October 2022
This movie has made me lose all happiness in my life i have no words about this movie just dont watch it you dont need it in your life like actually ever, i would rather do ANYTHING else in life than watch this movie. Someone needs to sit tom six down and have the longest talk about his mental health ever after making these movies. What was he thinking I have no other words for this movie other than just dont watch it dont its not worth the suffering, obviously its fake and not real but oh my gosh is it so horrible. I now have to go bleach my eyes out. Just be careful watching this movie and probably skip this one, you are not missing out on anything i promise.
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All of Us Are Dead (2022– )
all of us are dead - 5/10
16 October 2022
No spoilers - all of us are dead

well theres not much to say about it, the title pretty much explains it. End the end most of them do die or have something traumatic happen to them. I do think that this was waayy too long for what it was, most episodes seem super drawn out and it could have been half of the duration it actually was. I also dont think that it is fair that some people turned into like super zombies and were irresistible, that seemed super unfair because sometimes they would die but then other times they would turn into a super zombie. Excited to hear that season two is coming out soon, but not excited for what it will entail. Nervous that it is going to be too long and too drawn out.

Would recommend and would watch season two but probably not season one again.
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would rate 0/10 if i could
16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Some spoilers! - The Human Centipede

it was pretty stupid and made me mad to watch, i did end up skipping through most of it towards the end because it was going to be self explanatory. The girls were just so unbelievably stupid and it made me mad to watch. So many questions were unanswered throughout this, why were two very young girls alone on "vacation" in europe, what about their friend they were talking to in the hotel room, why did nobody else know that they were there, why was there a "club" in the middle of no where, why did only the first guy get a thing around his mouth but the other two girls did not, why did they not start pulling the hand things off with their teeth, it just made me mad how many chances the girls had to escape and they did not take it? Whenever she ran off and hid into the room why did she not break the window to begin with? He obviously did not want to kill them he just wanted to sew them together so she could have ran away and gotten help? She just sat there acting stupid whenever she knew he was going to break in anyways, why did the police men NOT HELP THEM IMMEDIATELY? WHY DID HE NOT CALL FOR BACKUP? Just stupid and pretty bad, but what else would you expect from a 2009 movie in 2022.

Would not recommend and would not watch again.
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Grey's Anatomy (2005– )
Grey's Anatomy - 10/10
26 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of spoilers !! - Grey's Anatomy.

I have enjoyed this show for years and years, its always been a great thing to pass my time with. A lot of people tend to hate on it because its so long but i find it more enjoyable because of how long it is. Season 6 episode 1 was heartbreaking, i didnt even see it coming and george was by far my favourite character, losing him was sad but im glad that season 6 episode 24 made up for it, it was definitely by far the best episode ever. It was so thrilling and exciting and new, i actually felt myself gasping the whole episode. I was on my seat the entire time and it kept me guessing. Another episode that was truly amazing was season 8 episode 24, i loved the plane crash episode it was the very best. The death of loved characters like mark and lexie were brilliant and arizona losing her leg. Just drama after drama and ugh i loved it.

My favourite characters by far are george rip <3, cristina, mere, DENNY :((((, bokhee <3, addi, alex only because of his amazing character development, zola the baby, bailey the baby, sofia the baby. My favourite couples ever were <3 <3 <3 <3 IZZIE AND DENNY <3 <3 <3 <3 mere and george rip <3 izzie and george, callie and george, theres hardly anything that i really dislike about greys anatomy besides the kids. I hate how all of the kids act it drives me crazy, they annoy me just so so so so much. Another thing i hate whenever a patient is dying and there is nothing they can do about it and the parent is like this is all of your fault you caused this to them. And espescially whenever the doctors are trying the best they can and the kids are like "i know youre trying your best, but your best is bad" like kids do not even understand the concept of medicine and what it takes to do surgery why do they talk like that.

Characters i hate are OWEN. I despise owen he is so entitled and annoying and he thinks he deserves everything. I also hated burke so much, i understand what cristina did to him was awful and he was angry but just leaving her forever was so ugh. The only moment that i loved with burke was whenever cristina told him she was Jewish and the next episode he was reading an introduction to Judaism book. I also hate stephanie ( jacksons ex girlfriend ) because of how annoying she is after jackson breaks up aprils wedding and then goes off with her, jo ( alexs ex girlfriend ) because of how pushy she was with alexs dad, teddy ( owens ex army girlfriend ) she was so so so so flirty with owen after she knew that he was dating cristina, ERICA ( callies ex girlfriend ) just because ugh i hated her voice and her face and how she acted like she was better than all the other surgeons, rebecca ( alexs ex girlfriend ) i hated her because she was just so annoying everytime she was on screen, catherine ( jacksons mom ) HATE HATE HATE HATE how she always involves herself in jacksons life just because hes an avery, leah ( arizonas ex girlfriend ) whenever she filed the report against callie because arizona went back with her that just made me mald i was so annoyed at her. The whole covid storyline is so LONG AND ANNOYING AND BORING. Mere has almost died like 10 different times now, drowning, bombing, plane crash, shooting, covid, like if you are going to die just get it over with... I also hate that izzie left the hospital :( i understand she wanted to start a new life and all after the cancer and lvad wire and the wedding and alex but ugh i miss her so much :((((

anyways i think that greys anatomy is the literal perfect show with so much drama but its not too much to get overwhelmed and lost. Its a little bit gorey sometimes but its all fake in the end so it makes up for it being a bit scary. Its a lovely show and i wish that people wouldnt turn away from it just because of how long it is. Admittingly i have kind of liked it less ever since Shonda left :( but still amazing and lovely.
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Countdown (III) (2019)
Countdown - 3/10
20 July 2022
Some spoilers - Countdown

okay, it was okay but just so mediocre and boring. I get very scared very easily so it was pretty good but the ending was a bit boring and cliff hangery. I had fun watching it though

Would not recommend and would not watch again!
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Coraline (2009)
Coraline - 10/10
20 July 2022
No spoilers! - Coraline

This has been my favourite film ever since i was younger, it has the greatest amount of thrill and horror and comedy all in one movie. Its a great kiddy horror movie and its also amazing for a family movie night. Its definitely so breath taking and the stop motion animation is beyond amazing.

Would recommend and would watch again!
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Orange Is the New Black (2013–2019)
Orange Is the New Black - 8/10
1 July 2022
No spoilers! - Orange Is the New Black

Well I rewatched this like a year ago at least two times and it was good i think it just got burnt out. It should have stopped at like season 5 and it would have been perfect. But overall great show, i love binging things and this was perfect.

Would recommend and would watch again!
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Love and Leashes - 3/10
1 July 2022
No spoilers! - Love and Leashes

it was okay, it was very innocent but seemed identical to 50 shades of gray except better in every way. I loved the comic of it and i remember watching it and thinking it was familiar. I liked it a lot and there was just a few moments of second hand embarrassment but happy ending cute story cute characters.

Would not recommend but would watch again!
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Fear Street: 1994 - 1/10
28 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of spoilers! - Fear Street: 1994

This movie was so stupid and impossibly bad, it seemed like five different movies made into one. It had like ten different plots and I honestly did not understand any of it, it was not scary or interesting at all. The best part of the movie was the beginning of the mall part, after that it all just went down hill and confused me. I understand that there are fear street 2 and 3 that explain it all but I'm sure those are going to have their other ten different plots and just confuse everyone even more.

Ever since the beginning of this movie, it was always going downhill. It makes it seem like Shadyside is the most awful worst terrible place to live and its home DIRECTLY RIGHT NEXT TO Sunnyvale which was the "best place to live, wealthiest, healthiest" I just don't understand, if nothing bad ever happened in Sunnyvale why couldn't they just move to Sunnyvale? Whenever Kate was babysitting the two little girls and then the skull mask killer broke in and started smelling the shirt with blood on it for like 10 minutes, why did Kate just give the two little girls away to another person ? Like I don't think that's allowed, you cant just give kids away to someone else while they are in YOUR care. And where was everyone's parents ? Why did nobody's parents care about all of their kids running around by themselves whenever there were murderers on the loose ? And on the bus scene right before the crash, why did the bus driver just not care that they were opening the emergency door, jumping and yelling around, like that would be a bit distracting, no ?

Why was it always night, and how did the kids ALWAYS manage to get away with things ? Like they are just kids in the end, if visiting hours were over then why was the hospital still open ? Why were there no lights in the hospital ? Whos Beddy and what relationship do they have with the kids ? How come Beddy breaks the rules and lets the kids see Sam even though visiting hours were over. And whenever Deena was getting angry at Sam about peter breaking into her house and Sam was like "peter has been here the whole time" but i thought visiting hours were closed ???? So how is peter visiting ??? Also whenever Sam was being so rude to Deena and was like "you will end up JUST like your dad, worthless, loser, i am better than you because i moved" and right whenever peter dies Deena is like come on Sam we have to save you, like didn't she just explain that she hated you ?

I did not understand the part in the school where they all were cleaning themselves off of blood and whenever Deena's brother whos name i forgot was cleaning up, and Kate was like "can you check under my shirt for me and under my pants" I don't understand how this was relevant at all because it just had a weird sexual scene for no reason, Deena's brother was like 10 and Kate was like 16, and how would blood even have gotten in her pants on her legs or under her shirt near her chest? It made absolutely NO sense at all because Deena's brother didnt check under his shirt or pants? The only person who had a right to check was Sam because she got hurt on her shoulder. I just did not understand that part at all and whenever Sam and Deena just started making out for no reason ???? Like there are literal killers coming after Sam and her boyfriend was just murdered in front of her but they decide to make out right then and there ? And whenever they put her blood into this tiny little bucket and somehow made lines from ALL around the school, how did a tiny drop of blood make ALL of that blood, and wouldn't the killers want fresh blood and not diluted blood ?

At the end whenever they were at that shop with the pills and they were killing Sam, then just KILLED OFF THE OTHER CHARACTERS ? That makes no sense, why kill them at the end after everyone got attached to them ? And the EpiPen's that Deena used to "revive Sam" made no sense because EpiPen's don't just bring someone back to life, it gives them adrenaline but it can not just revive you from being drowned to death, and why did they not turn Sam over ??? She had water in her lungs and whenever she woke up and choked all of her spit and saliva got into her eyes and in her nose. Over like 30 people died in this movie, and if they just let Sam die, that one have been 1. After everyone was "over" and they were back at home... they were just fine, like after seeing their friends stabbed in the head and their friends head literally sliced open into pieces, they were just okay and like awweee. I love you Sam I know you moved away and said you hated me and I hated you for getting with someone else who was not me but I'm glad that you're okay. And it doesn't show the parents statement or emotions ?

I just don't understand why there were so many plots and people left out of this movie about kids, with no parents i guess ? I forget his name but the brother of Deena is always like "dad is going to kill you" but we never see dad literally not even once. The only parents i have seen in this movie were Sam's mom. I just don't understand anything and it was all over the place. It did not captivate me at all. The kids were stupid and reckless and did not care about themselves or each other.
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My Neighbor Totoro - 10/10
25 June 2022
No spoilers! - My Neighbor Totoro

I loved this omgosh it was one of the most adorable Miyazaki films, i loved it so much. This was my first time watching it so i had no idea what to expect but i fell in love with all of the characters immediately and it was one of the best films i have ever seen. Ponyo still being my top favourite by Miyazaki. Anyways it is a great family movie and it is adorable and has a sweet and happy ending.

Would recommend and would watch again!
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Sierra Burgess Is a Loser - 1/10
24 June 2022
No spoilers! - Sierra Burgess Is a Loser.

Catfishing is bad. Do NOT romanticize it. Sierra is a horrible awful person and did not deserve all she got, #Veronica is better.

Would not recommend and would not watch again!
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It (I) (2017)
It - 1/10
24 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of spoilers! - It

See to bottom for tldr

I have so much to say about this film, i saw it recently came out on Netflix and i was excited to watch it with my boyfriend but it was bad, poorly acted, poorly written and overall just horrible. I couldn't understand any of the characters emotions, feelings, thoughts, i couldn't get into their shoes and try to feel how they were feeling because it just didn't bring me in.

They all had the exact same like stereotypical young teenage boy personality and it was so off-putting, and for Beverly she was just the only girl for the boys to "fall in love with" i also don't like her love choices, she flirts with ben but then kisses Stan ? I just don't understand at all, there's no background knowledge or story or anything, i knew nothing about this movie whenever i first watched it and i still know nothing now after finishing it.

Why does henry hate them all so much ? Just because they are kids, and the age gaps in it is crazy.. henry and his group look like 17-20 while the "losers club" look 10-12... what did a bunch of little kids do that is so horrible that you have to cut them, chase them around, threaten them, spit on them, throw rocks at them, feed them raw meat, etc. I just.. there was NO character development at all so if you are hoping for a fun horror with lots of great acting this is not the way to go.

Not to mention how stupid all of the characters are, they were all idiotic and careless and made every single mistake that you could make. They kept repeating these mistakes over and over and over and it was like they were being stupid ON PURPOSE. It just did not appeal to me. Whenever pennywise attacked them in the house the first time and broke whatever that little germ guys name is, they were like "lets get the hell out of here guys" but proceeded to just SIT THERE AND DO NOTHING ??? If the door was right there why did they not leave i just don't understand ?

Whenever mike was loading his gun and he let all of the bullets fall down... how stupid why would you place the bullets right on the edge of the well ? And why did EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER GO DOWN THE WELL BUT ONE WHO HAS TROUBLE SHOOTING THE GUN ???? Why didn't like a few people stay up with weapons and a few people go down.. they literally were saying not to split up and then immediately split up. And like every single horror film ever, they hear a noise and walk towards it.. i am just saying that is the most unrealistic thing ever like if you saw a red balloon floating why would you ever go up to it ?

As for the ending.. i did not understand it at all, they stabbed, shot, etc. Pennywise many many times and it did nothing he was just fine and just left off to the well but why at the ending whenever they stabbed him and he fell down the well, NOW they think it is over ? And i still don't understand why they think that it is their job to take care of this awful clown demon who lives in the bottom of a well ? And it almost never seemed like they were in any danger at all, they were always saved by mere coincidences like ben opening up the garage door or mike pulling ben out of the way so he only got scratched or some other kid pushing a gun into penny-wise mouth instead of him biting on the kid. Like if i were a 10-12 year old child in that scenario i would not be able to think quick on my feet like that, i don't think any child would have the mental capacity and intelligence to think of these things.

Overall it was bad, not a good watch, wasn't scary, boring and was just way too long. Don't try to cram all of a book into a 2 hour movie, would've been better if it were like a one season show, maybe season two was pennywise coming back and they were adults and their fulfilled their promise to always come back if It came back. If you are looking for a good horror film then don't bother with this one because its just merely okay for background noise.

Tldr; it is too fast paced, it is not well written, its boring and was not scary at all, not worth the watch

Would not recommend and would not watch again!
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Ponyo (2008)
Ponyo - 10/10
23 June 2022
No spoilers! - Ponyo

i watched this for the first time with my boyfriend and it was amazing :) i can not express how much i loved it, it was so encaptivating and ugh i just could not look away and all of the animation, the background, the lovable characters, the sound track it was all just perfectly executed.

Would recommend and would watch again!
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Never Have I Ever (2020–2023)
Never Have I Ever - 9/10
23 June 2022
No spoilers! - Never Have I Ever

I watched this a while ago and i absolutely loved it. And i am super excited for season 3 soon to come in august. At some points there were a bit stereotypical moments or second hand embarrassment and i wanted to turn it off but it is definitely a great watch.

Would recommend and would watch again!
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On My Block (2018–2021)
On My Block - 5/10
23 June 2022
No spoilers! - On My Block

not good but not bad, its kind of just right in the middle, it is a great show to pass the time by if you just want something to play in the background. I liked it personally but i dont think its for everyone, it is definitely a bit weird at some times but i liked the story and i think it was okay..

Would recommend, but would not watch again! ( would watch again if a new season came along, but i think that would burn me out )
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Twilight (I) (2008)
Twilight - 10/10
23 June 2022
No spoilers! - Twilight

i dont even need to say anything about this movie.. it is just so perfect in every way, definitely for a specific audience but oh my gosh it is so perfect.

Would recommend and would watch again!
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Tall Girl 2 (2022)
Tall Girl 2 - 1/10
23 June 2022
No spoilers! - Tall Girl 2

well just like the first one, this one was god awful as well. Please stop making movies if you are going to make a horrible one, there are so many bad scenes in this where it is just poorly acted. In one scene someone was holding a phone and then in the next scene they were holding just a phone case without a phone. It was so obvious and could have been clearly fixed within two minutes. I mean doesnt someone have to watch over films for them to get approved ? Dont MULTIPLE people have too ??? I just dont understand how this got approved with how bad it is..

Would not recommend and would not watch again!
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Tall Girl (2019)
Tall Girl - 0/10
23 June 2022
No spoilers! - Tall Girl

it just is not true lol, being tall does not make every single person in school hate you. They might tease with the "hows the weather up there" comments but i dont think that BEING TALL RUINS YOUR LIFE ? If you were born that way i think you should embrace it. The recommended height for modeling for women in the US is 5'10" and the mc is 6'0" ? What is the big deal about being tall ? I just dont understand why she thinks that being tall is the worst thing in the entire world. Also all of the 7-10/10 ratings say like "dont listen to the bad reviews" but.. if this was a good movie it would have a better overall score than 4/10..

Would not recommend and would not watch again!
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Hilda (2018–2023)
Hilda - 9/10
23 June 2022
No spoilers! - Hilda

although a bit too childish for me, i loved it still. I remember watching it back in 2018 and it was amazing. I think i am a bit too old to enjoy it now but i still remember watching it before and i liked it a lot.

Would recommend, but would not watch again!
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Good Girls (2018–2021)
Good Girls - 7/10
23 June 2022
No spoilers! - Good Girls

all of the bad ratings are just reading too much into it, i think its great and although not very practical it is still all the same. It is a pretty good watch, i binged it twice in like a week and so it kept me busy. I think it was great.

Would recommend, but would not watch again!
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Big Mouth (2017–2025)
Big Mouth - 4/10
23 June 2022
No spoilers! - Big Mouth

its just so relatable i could not stop watching it, i liked most episodes and seasons and although sometimes it was a bit sexist, racist, misogynistic, i still liked it all the same.

Would recommend, but would not watch again!
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Titanic (1997)
Titanic - 11/10
23 June 2022
No spoilers! - Titanic

definitely one of my favourite films ever. Its so beautifully made and i love it so much!

Would recommend and would watch again!
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13 Reasons Why (2017–2020)
13 Reasons Why - 1/10
23 June 2022
No spoilers! - 13 Reasons Why

I use to like it i guess whenever i was younger but i just cant stand it now, it bothers me and its annoying and i like watching or hearing about this show anymore. It should have ended at season two and you are telling me there are four seasons of this ???? It is just an obvious drawn out way to make money and i just can not stand it. And Ani ? Should not have ever been a character

Would not recommend and would not watch again!
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Bonding (2018–2021)
Bonding - 4/10
23 June 2022
No spoilers! - Bonding

it is definitely just a quick watch, the episodes are short and funny and weird but strangely i just could not stop watching. Although how much i hated the main character could not be described, i mean at some points it seemed like he had no self awareness that there were people around him. He was lazy all of the time and did not care for anyone, not himself not his friends or anybody around him. Although i might just be reading into it too much he just annoyed me. Pretty good watch though.

Would recommend, but would not watch again!
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Santa Clarita Diet (2017–2019)
Santa Clarita Diet - 10/10
23 June 2022
No spoilers! - Santa Clarita Diet

this show is like a guilty pleasure, i use to put it down and say that i was not going to watch it because it was overrated and netflix definitely cancelled it but i honestly love it so much. Its so addicting and i have seen all of it well over three times now and i just cant help but love it. Its so addicting and the comedy is really funny. I loved the story and it was original and told a story :) a great comedy show if you want to watch something.

Would recommend and would watch again!
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