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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Don't listen to the haters
1 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was absolutely stunning. Yes, there's the amazing Alberta scenery, which is always cool. But the main story of the episode, is one of the most beautiful & most romantic stories I've ever seen.

If you're a homophobic idiot, you won't enjoy it. If you're a decent person though, you'll be astounded. This one involves the story of how a fellow named Bill, meets & falls in love with Frank. Yes, it's set in a post apocalyptic nightmare world, but the sheer beauty of the love they create, is truly stunning. Practical & pragmatic Bill, ends up with the romantic & compassionate Frank, and while Bill does chafe at times, he comes to embrace just how well they compliment each other.

It's an incredibly poignant episode, with some great action, and one of the most amazing romances I've seen on any screen, for ANY couple.

If you're not a homophobic jerk, watch this. And keep tissues handy.
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Just watched the first episode...
27 April 2022
It's good. Damn good. It doesn't talk down to the viewer. It is clearly made by people that value a strong story portrayed by excellent actors. Faraday is a sympathetic character and Chiwetel Ejiofor is as ever, absolutely AMAZING in his craft. As it's Kurtzman being one of the big brains behind this, the visual effects are all top shelf. Naomie Harris is awesome as "Justin Falls".

For anyone that watched the original David Bowie movie & liked it, this is so far, an excellent followup to that movie.

Don't listen to the haters spouting right wing bleating points. Their racism is showing & it's pretty blatant.

This is EXCELLENT sci fi, from a fan, to fans. The kind of show we need more of, not less.

Most shows nowadays, take me a few episodes to convince me to stick with it. I was hooked before I was half way through this one & I'm VERY much looking forward to the next episode!
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All over the map.
2 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's like the producers took a little bit of everything from all over super-hero fandom, threw it into a blender & hoped they'd get something worth watching.

This is just a smoothie of disappointment ultimately.

From the disjointed scenes, the video game references reeking of a cheap Mortal Combat knockoff, to the extremely offensive & tired trope of homophobic crap & queer-coded villains...

It was pretty damn horrible. How netflix thought this would be a good thing to put out there, boggles the mind.

Don't waste your time with this mess.
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Deadsight (2018)
Moderately tolerable.
25 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lots of generic zombie movie tropes. Wasn't impressed with the "Thin Blue Line" flag on the cop's coat (it is considered a hate symbol that was appropriated by white supremacists within 2 years of this movie's release). Loaded with bad decisions, and tactical choices that make zero sense. It's not the worst zombie movie I've seen, but it's not award-worthy either.

The way the cop handles her firearm... NOT realistic at all. By any stretch of the imagination.

If you want a cheesy zombie popcorn movie, this is tolerable. But don't hold your breath for anything remotely compelling.

Even the jump scares are predictable.
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Vagrant Queen (2020)
Cheesy & entertaining
29 March 2020
Yep, it's got some serious cheese factor going on with this show. The CGI is... Not high end. The costumes are a bit elaborate, yet very low budget. And it works. If you like stuff like Spaceballs, this will be up your alley.

It's definitely a niche show with the cheese, but the premise is promising and the characters interesting. This one has some cool potential.

Ignore the haters, give it a try. You may just find something that gives you a spark of nerd-joy.
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Teen Wolf (2011–2017)
lots of potential
6 June 2011
If you view this series as directly related to the 1985 movie, you WILL be disappointed. But if you view it as "loosely inspired by", and as a horror series where the drama is pretty significant, and the humour is more a side bit, and it's easy to see that this series has some impressive potential.

This is NOT your daddy's Teen Wolf.

If you're a fan of a solid story, fairly decent acting and visual/special effects that are not for those with a weak stomach, then this is well worth checking out. Give it a few episodes to see how well it goes. You might be pleasantly surprised.

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Being Human (2011–2014)
Yet Another Knockoff
17 January 2011
The actors are good. Make no mistake about it. However good actors still need a good script and a good director. This is where it falls apart in the first episode. Crap direction.

All they've done is change the names of the original series cast and changed the script a little here & there. The director tries to overcome the crappy directing, by including some decent fairly recent pop riffs. It's like trying to put a band-aid on a sucking chest wound. Too little, too late.

If the people behind this series want it to work, they have to take it in a direction that's UNIQUE, not a mere knockoff of the original British series. A GOOD director who can bring out the best in the actors, the scripts and the score, IS essential. Hopefully they'll improve. But I'm not about to hold my breath.
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F (2010)
Moderately formulaic
12 January 2011
The bad guys could have been nutbars, murderous ex students or zombies... They're THAT generic.

Worse, the premise of the bad guys ALWAYS being behind their victims... It's like none of the characters ever heard of "the second Raptor" (Jurassic Park reference for those unfamiliar... Which shouldn't be many by this point!).

The cops who show up, could have been extras from ANY horror movie. Somethings going wrong, what should we do first off, split up. Duh.

Definitely a gore-fest. VERY formulaic. It's too bad, as the actors could have done SO much better, if the director would have actually put some serious effort into storyline instead of the gore factor.

The ending was the only bit that came across as realistic. In a human sense, if not a movie ending sense.
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