
247 Reviews
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The Good Wife (2009–2016)
4 June 2024
Years ago when this first aired, I couldnt be bothered to commit to a weekly show that would go on for years. But I've recently binged Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, The (brilliant)West Wing and now this.

Personally despite being watchable, it doesnt have the quick-fire humour of TWW, and is all the poorer for it.

However there are some good storyline and good acting. Diane and Eli hold it all together. I'm wondering if the actress playing Alevia has succumbed to Botox, as her emotion range is zero - her face barely moves. Kalinda also is too permanently severe - would a slip of a young woman really have an outward tough job I don't think so. No problem with Will, and his exit will be missed.

As usual (and sadly) we have to endure some extremely unlikeable kids. The two teenagers create havoc, have no manners, and are as thick as planks, yet all the parents say (Peter and Alicia) is "its OK its not your fault". They needed bawling out and disciplined. Yet tv and film parents are always portrayed giving a softly softly approach - wrong !
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The West Wing (1999–2006)
27 April 2024
I didn't watch this 25 years ago when it first aired, so I've pretty much binged watch this now.

I congratulate Aaron Sorkin for creating and writing a TV series unlike any other. However, maybe a great number of Americans understood much of the dialogue, and all the initials uttered as a short form for companies and government departments, but I expect us here in the UK haven't a clue what the characters are talking about !! I watched with sub titles, and still found it another language.

I enjoy the fast pace action, but it borders on the manic at times. In fact most of the dialogue is spoken while the characters are walking, and walking down endless corridors. I would love an aerial view of the "set", as I can't imagine (certainly not in my career life), of serious conversations happening on the go ! That's all they do in every episode is lots of walking with a few minutes in their office. I just imagine the director shouts "action" then suddenly 2 dozen extras start walking frantically in and around the main characters in and out of rooms so it does become samey every episode.. "Clearly not a lot was spent on sets, and wasn't the Oval Office and Bartletts bedroom used in the film The Americam president ?

Nevertheless it's compulsive viewing, and a treat to see Rob Lowe and the others looking so gloriously young. !
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Monster (2017)
Watching paint dry
22 April 2024
The cast of characters were unattractive - in more ways than one. Two detectives who were so inept they would have trouble finding their own front door, and the whole story could have been done and dusted in less than 4 episodes. A really convoluted plot line, and we were treated to naked women running along a frozen seashore, later followed by two naked old men doing a bit of Sumo wrestling on the front seats of a car !

There was very little dialogue to learn, as there was much looking into the distance, lots of lingering pauses and all very depressing. If people actually live in that environment - where they venture into the forests alone, or sit gazing out to sea, with only one bar and one cafe, then little wonder suicide is rife in Scandinavia.

I do wonder with Scandi dramas why the colour pallette for dress is so restricted to neutrals and all shades of blue ! Never see a yellow sweater or a red dress, or purple or even pink blouse. Are these colours outlawed or are the Scandinavians really thst boring ?
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The Tailor (2023)
Where to start....
31 March 2024
Who thought that one long affair could be stretched out over 3 series ? I wanted to stop watching after half way through season 1 but like a car crash, you can't stop looking.

I was confused as to whether it was a Muslim or Christian series, but it was unimportant as it turned out.

I didn't warm to the actress playing Esvet. She had one expression which only changed with a few tears. A hint of a smile only happened in the last episode. The script also had her turning up when she shouldn't have - all the time, which was irritating to the story. Pueramy was a good character but throughout, there was lots of "filler" long pauses of "looks' with piano background playing., so I did a lot of fast forwarding.

The actor playing Mustafa was beyond excellent, but he underwent a seismic change in a short time. One minute needing to be spoon fed to wearing a tuxedo and having grow up conversations !

My favourite was Dimitri, the actor had the best part playing a manic with a range of emotions BUT he had the most wonderful wardrobe of spectacles and shaded sunglasses ! By the end I missed his perfect teeth and had serious glasses envy !
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Meet Me in New York (2022 TV Movie)
18 March 2024
Where do these movie companies get their actors from ? Because if those in this film are the best of those auditioned, then the movie industry is in dire straits. The "acting" was forced, and who meets their best friend in a coffee shop with squeals to tell them they need to see each other more ? The over-acting of the friend was cringe worthy, and she needs to have more acting lessons.

Then there is the precocious child who knows and demands everything. Once she came into the picture, we were in children's TV territory when a birthday party was mentioned and organised. At this point I'd had enough and switched off.
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Wedding of a Lifetime (2022 TV Movie)
Fast forwarded...... a lot
6 March 2024
Oh dear, where to start. Individually both leads are good, but the endless juvenile scenes that were supposed to be funny, were not. Banging incessantly on a front door, a dash through streets in sleepwear, slipping on oranges at the same time, is slapstick not fun ! There is much reporting about actors who are able to play a part or not, well Jonathan Bennett is openly gay, so it was a good stretch of imagination to see him in a heterosexual romantic role, as are a couple of other gay actors in the Hallmark stable. Then there was the usual staple of "interfering family", and add to the mix a maniacally intruding film crew, and I wonder what state of mind the scriptwriters are in when they come up with these story lines ! Glad I recorded it so I could fast forward all the dross.
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Reuse of props !!
3 March 2024
Er, if I'm not mistaken the big dome with the swivelly computer was used in another film - Eagle Eye with Shia Lebeouf . As soon as the opening sequence started I knew I'd seen it before, and that film isn't that old. Recycling at its best. Most of what's written in these reviews I have to agree with, so I won't repeat, but in particular the dialogue is a bit hackneyed, the scriptwriters were probably put under pressure due to Covid and the industry strikes. Saying all that, it's an ok watch, and seeing Cruise as his younger gorgeous self makes you aware how old hin and us are all getting !!! .
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Didn't keep me interested
10 February 2024
Like others on here I like Eckhart, but why has he suddenly decided to speak his lines with a low husky whisper ? As he spoke with authority in all his other films. The fight scenes were all a bit clichéd but worst of all was the oh so typical casting character of a stroppy woman who is the superior who knows nothing (so why is she in charge ?), always has to accompany on assignment, has always never been in the field , is never wanted by the hero, and always has to be sarcastic. Can't scriptwriters come up with anything more original ?.

The Bricklayer, was that a working title, because it didn't fit in with the story. (At least The Accountant with Ben Affleck as an accountant actually worked - and there was a young sarcastic female in that too !)

Worst film I've seen Eckhart perform in - he must have needed the money.
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Planning for Joy (2022 TV Movie)
6 February 2024
10 minutes in and I've had enough. The excruciatingly poor acting by actors who haven't yet mastered their craft, added with casting where there is no chemistry between the leads.

I can only imagine they must do brilliant auditions because how would they get work otherwise. The storyline is about a businesswoman - (more suited to a nursery school) which is a big stretch to the imagination. I am now only going to watch Reel One / Hallmark films that have more mature actors with decent scriptwriting - like Her Pen Pal which I've watched recently and is an excellent example of a good film when the right casting, storyline and scripting all come together.
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The Beauty of Love (2021 TV Movie)
LOST INTEREST 20 mins in.
1 February 2024
Oh dear, lavender is good for sleeping, but in the absence of it, then just watch the film. So slow to the point of who cares ? The character Jill was too gushing in her first appearance, - irritatingly so, and the actress playing her was ott in her delivery.

The two leads were not helped with the long, drawn out and inane script, and so cheesy in parts. The acting was wooden, you could almost hear the Director shout "action" as they slowly appeared walking around a corner. This story might have been suitable for an amateur drama group, but it was painful to sit through a 2 hour fil. With ads.
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The Blessing Bracelet (2023 TV Movie)
23 January 2024
First, Amanda's flat wig was a cross between Nicole Kidman and Veronica Lake, and looked old fashioned for 2024. The U. S have always been a bit behind in the fashion stakes, with some lead ladies looking like 1960s country singers.

The storyline was different, but whereas we know that Hallmark scriptwriters love lines that include "listen to your heart" and ""follow your heart" - (do people actually talk like that ? They do in Hallmarkland apparently), I found that the constant referrals to faith, God and community, a bit OTT. Maybe it's because here in the UK we don't "do" faith films we're just not that preachy. We go to whichever church our God dictates - if we go, but we're pretty much low key in our faith so yes, I do find this film a bit cheesy.

The two leads were well matched, and it was an OK watch. I've seen much worse.
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A Priceless Love (2022 TV Movie)
Written by a 12 year old
21 January 2024
I've only got as far as the first commercial break, and I'm wondering if I've strayed into children's tv. The storyline "could" have worked initially, but then descended into utter farce. Without giving any spoilers, the possibility of tracking an unknown person down without any information or documents within a couple of days (and without any frantic hurry) , would be impossible even for the FBI /Interpol/ MI5 all put together - but then, THIS is Hallmark !! The lead actress Erin, has clearly got experience in films, but it's obvious why she hasn't made the big time, likewise her male lead. The script is dire, particularly the lines uttered by her best friend, the bride. No-one (unless they do in America) has such pathetic conversations with their best mate. Some stranger bumps into her Maid of Honour, and she suggests bringing him to her wedding, like you do.

Definitely a Hallmark turkey.
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It Was Always You (2021 TV Movie)
21 January 2024
OK, so these are the type of films that Hallmark are good at. More mature actors who know their profession, have been well cast, and can deliver comedic lines with great timing.

We all have differing opinions, and others have described the film in detail, so I won't, but it's because of the calibre of all the actors that this works. Even the name "George" is made to sound dull - as does "Walter" in Sleepless in Seattle".

The storyline is good, and let's be honest, who wouldn't want to be the girlfriend of Tyler Hynes ?. Hallmark never pair up couples again, but it would be nice to see Tyler and Erin in a follow up to this. And if Erin wasn't available, can I put myself forward ..... please ????
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A Very Venice Romance (2023 TV Movie)
Stars for the Venetian location
20 January 2024
Yet another storyline of a "strong" woman aka trying to get the man to do what she wants - for her company. Lots on here have outlined the story very well, but for me the storyline was irrelevant as Venice is my favourite city, so I revelled in the film shots. I couldn't understand why Frances Barber had to play an American, why not just employ an American. She could have just played a Brit ! Who would have cared ? I didn't think the storyline was that great but the food aspect was good. Continuity alert ! ...... in the final scene there was no indication of any luggage in the taxi to the airport !
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Sand Dollar Cove (2021 TV Movie)
2 hours I wont get back....
19 January 2024
And that includes the ads. The first hour was just repeat scenes, different clothing - she wants to talk business, he just takes her somewhere. Yes they talk, but it's boring talk, like watching paint dry. From her CV this wasn't the lead female's first film, but her lack of acting skills or emotion, one would think it was.

Once upon a time you could always "lose" yourself in a Hallmark film, but in recent times there has been a downgrading of stories, the actors haven't always been of the highest calibre, and the over use of children (generally precocious and unaware that please and thank you are an essential in life), can be irritating.

This is a film that the viewer cares little of the outcome, sadly.
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The Song to My Heart (2022 TV Movie)
An easy watch
17 January 2024
A nice inoffensive storyline - without the fake snow, endless fairy lights and fake flowers, although the ditzy twee cake shop is used yet again - at least it wasn't a "bookstore"! (note to scriptwriters, what about antiques/music/hair salon/shoes/ , would make a nice change !).

The two leads were gently matched BUT if Sebastian is a real life singer, then he seriously needs to brush up on his skills, because on this TV performance his voice needed more work. Marty Cummins was a good addition to the cast and brought professionalism to the story. Otherwise the fabulous location added to the easy watch.
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The Winter Palace (2022 TV Movie)
14 January 2024
Story writers at GAC and Hallmark should not go anywhere near a "royal" storyline. They can't do it with any conviction- a made up place in Europe is always based on the UK and our RF. The characters, like in this movie, sound like they have trapped wind in the gut, and there is a Prince Henry and King William !! Oh please !

Then there us Danica (who is 50) acting like a giddy teenager. Neil has clearly been watching King Charles on the TV to replicate his accent - all terribly British. Sadly all the acting is hammy and I've seen better in amateur dramatic productions.

I just about got to the first commercial break before I'd had enough. I should have trusted my instinct and stayed away from anything with anything remotely royal in the title.
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The Professional Bridesmaid (2023 TV Movie)
Hard to keep awake
13 January 2024
Back in 2012 Brooke Burns appeared in Undercover Bridesmaid, a similar theme to this film, but the difference in both productions were as wide as the Mississippi. Forget this offering and watch the other- a million times more enjoyable - one being Burns can ACT !

I found it difficult to watch Hunter King without concentrating on her lips - in various scenes her lips were either "filled" or not, most disconcerting. And as for the male lead, it's only the beard that makes him look older than 16 !

This pairing was not made in Heaven, but the storyline could have worked with different actors. I did wonder why the Wedding Planner didn't organise the shower and the flowers, but who cares ? In the end I didn't.
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Romance Retreat (2019 TV Movie)
If you like watching paint dry
12 January 2024
Then this is for you.. There are some excellent Hallmark films with established actors from the stable - this isn't one of them. If yoga isn't your "bag" don't watch it, because it's almost like a beginners guide at slow speed and on repeat, the original storyline forgotten after 15 minutes in. And clearly little was spent on the set location. The character of the lead had no manners, who taps away on a laptop during a yoga lesson ??? Whoever wrote this stuff obviously thought it was the norm, and funny, er, it wasn't. Amanda S is a good actress, but in this she did her best with a rubbish storyline and a script of yoga gobbledygook.
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A Biltmore Christmas (2023 TV Movie)
27 December 2023
Along with A Timeless Christmas, and Journey through Christmas with Candace Beur, the time travel theme in this Hallmark film is a great piece of escapism. I loved it. Kriss and Beth were well matched, and the quality of acting goes up a notch when more mature actors are cast in leading roles. Some reviewers have complained about the "wooden" acting, well they clearly haven't watched those Hallmark films where younger actors need to go back to drama school as they haven't a clue !

If I have a criticism it would be that I so wanted to know the following journey of Lucy and Jack at the end. And the over the top Southern accent and over-acting of the second lead female was irritating.

Nevertheless the set decoration, the costumes, and overall 'feel' of the movie was one I shall watch again and again, and was definitely the best Christmas movie this year. More like this again please Hallmark.
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19 December 2023
Another reviewer (that I agreed with) asked what is going on at Hallmark ? I would ask the same. The quality of acting, storyline and scripting has been really dire in their recent offerings. Since lockdown actually - is their a connection ? The stories are lame with just a lot of piano playing background noise. This particular one has a storyline all over the place, and the acting was amateurish. I know actors need to get ecperience, but please bring back some of the old stalwarts who made Hallmark a joy to watch. Huge gaps in conversation were filled with a lot of ridiculous false laughing. The woman playing the part of the OTT potential buyer needs to go back to drama school.

No, this was a definite Christmas turkey.
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Zero for acting
29 November 2023
The actress playing Kayleigh over-acted so much it was cringe worthy. I often wonder if the stable of new actors used by the Hallmark studios are straight out of drama school - a) to give them experience and b) because they're cheap . As another has said Reel One Entertainment over does the musical background, and this is no exception.

The storyline is a staple for christmas output - leaving to get home / attend a meeting.... flights cancelled ...... meet a stranger ...... snowstorms ..... have to stay put... deadlines to meet and always by Christmas Eve. See, even I could put a suitable script together !!!

Often wondered why the Americans refer to "the holidays" (something we don't do in the UK) instead of Christmas.
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Where Are You, Christmas? (2023 TV Movie)
4 November 2023
Hallmark and the like are known for cheesiness, but this? Only fit for 10 year olds. I can only imagine the actors tried hard to keep a straight face when reciting the script. I love a good Christmas movie, even though us here in the UK never indulge in "heart" speak - as in 'having a good heart' or 'listen to your heart', in other words we don't do "cheese" much, but it's nice to watch a film without profanities or high speed chases.

However, the lead actress playing Addy, over acted so badly to the point where it was laughable, the amateurs in my drama group would have made a better and more professional job of it.
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13 October 2023
Sorry to all the other reviewers on here who ranged from scant praise to full on loving it, but I gave up after the first ad break. The female lead overacted to within an inch of her life, and my Border Terrier has more personality than the male lead. My local amateur drama group would have made a better production of it.

Now we get on to the fake snow. The set dressers need to take note of how real snow looks when its melting. Fake snow is a big problem with Hallmark (and ofshoot companies), it always looks 'fake'. Shoving a few crumpled sheets on the pavements up against the shop fronts is not the way to go - I mean, has anyone actually seen that ? In one film one of the actors actually caught their foot in the edge of the 'snow sheet' before kicking it aside !!! It wasn't even edited out.

I do enjoy Hallmark Christmas films, there are some excellent ones, but this sadly wasn't one of them.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
20 August 2023
I only wish I could have seen it !! I understand now why some of the characters have platinum hair so they could be seen in the gloom !. Am I alone in saying its virtually impossible to watch during daylight hours, so its a night time view with all the lights out, and even then its hard to distinguish who is who, especially in episode 6 where there is a cast change. Don't Directors care when they see the daily rushes that we want to see the action, not just hear it ???? At least GoT had a lot of outdoor action during daylight, but its to be seen whether I'll stay the pace. Sorry but vague candlelight with only the vague outline of cast members is not an enjoyable experience.
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