
6 Reviews
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The Batman (2022)
Good, but not up to par with Christopher Nolan
4 March 2023
This rendition of Batman was good, especially the main villain portrayal, but it just couldn't live up to Batman Begins. Christian Bale's version of Batman was without a doubt the cream of the crop. Many times I just found myself bored. Too many scenes were long and drawn out.

This felt more like a mystery film rather than the expected action flic. The action component, when it happened, however, was very well done.

Overall this was a good standalone movie, but when compared to other versions of the caped crusader, I feel myself asking, "Was another reboot really necessary?"

That's just opinion.
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Another film that never should have been.
7 June 2022
Wow. What a disappointment. A lot of badly done flashbacks to the original trilogy, the action sequences were underwhelming (picture a slowed-down version of the first movie with the same sound effects thrown in to make it feel "cool"), and the storyline didn't make a lot of sense in places.

This was simply an awful movie considering the content it's based on! It is an obvious money-grab and should never have been made.
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Apex (2021)
Truly awful
7 June 2022
This was garbage editing and effects, the writing was horrendous, and the acting was sub-par at best. Willis phoned in his role. Neal McDonough tried, but he really couldn't do much when surrounded by mediocrity. I can't believe they were able to cast both Willis and McDonough considering how low-budget this felt. It just kept getting worse as the movie dragged on.

Did I mention the writing was really, really bad?

Don't let curiosity get the better of you. This really is one of those movies you'll regret wasting your time on!
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Great, till the last 1/2 hour!
21 October 2010
What happened to the ending on this? Did they run out of money to pay writers so they just made it up on the spot?? This began as an interesting movie, captured me, and held my interest fully throughout until about the last 30 minutes. Until that point, there were great performances and the story was intriguing. After that, it kinda flopped. Can't easily explain without revealing details, but I'd say there were scenes missing that should have been there, and the ending just cut off. Lots of unanswered questions, no justice, and a main character that seems to have been a side story, having no real purpose to the movie.

If the ending would have been better, I probably would have given it 9/10! Unfortunately, they dropped the ball on this one.
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Cloverfield (2008)
A "Godzilla meets Blair Witch" waste of time
15 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I was really interested in this film when I first watched previews on TV, but I was bitterly disappointed when I actually seen the movie.

It is a combination of the Godzilla monster in New York and the "Blair Witch Project" camera work. The first **20 minutes** are of a silly party where we "meet" the characters thought their on-camera "best wishes" to their friend who's moving away. This was painfully boring and didn't really tell us much. (Think of watching home videos of people you don't know.) The whole movie has a short running time (about 1 hour 12 minutes without the credits), offers no history, and doesn't answer any questions at all. Many scenes are extremely dark ... and I wouldn't get your hopes up about the monster. Without going into too much detail, you mainly see the effects of it rather than the monster itself.

I highly recommend NOT wasting your time with this movie.
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Flywheel (2003)
Lacking production value, but an enjoyable story!
13 October 2010
This is a movie for Christians by Christians. While it could be used as an outreach tool, my personal opinion is that it is geared more toward being an enjoyable film for those already saved.

Now... was it good? Depends on the standard you rate it at. It's not very well shot, some scenes could use better transitions, some dialogue feels forced, and the sound needs work (the background noise when going from indoors to outdoors is noticeable like on any home movie camera). So don't, whatever you do, try to compare this to today's big-budget Hollywood productions!

HOWEVER, all that said, the storyline is great, and story is what makes a great film! For a low budget movie, I think they did a wonderful job. It evokes real feelings of anger, sadness, joy. You forget about the production value once you get into it and look to the characters and story. You'll be asking yourself, "How's it going to end?" There were a couple shake-ups I didn't see coming which made it quite interesting.

I hope we see many more movies like this being produced. With time and experience, and with the viewing public's support, I believe the quality of such films will improve. And the more improvements, the more appeal to a wider viewing audience.
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