
20 Reviews
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Jetpiloter (1961)
Top Notch Danish Quality Drama!
6 September 2018
This is a great movie. From start to finish it manages to entertain its audience with action, great actors/actresses, witty punchlines, songs and a striking stylistic beauty! I mean every word. The decor is priceless and the timing of editing! no wonder since Anker Sørensen the director is also a master editor! And consider the fact that this movie premiered in Denmark in 1961, I repeat 1961!! Under the skin of everything in this movie lies the cold war, there is a very understated seriousness to this movie. One could discuss it is a very naive and lighthearted approach to that problem? But that aside still a great movie of its time! even ahead of its time in many aspects. Typical danish fun to watch, sweet to the tooth kind of deal.Worth your time!
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Oh No not another One!
6 June 2010
The hype of movies today, is what makes the cash! Reimagineing old stories like Star Trek and Batman and so on,, and here we've got Sherlock all new and shiny, violent and paced so that your old grandma would go into cardiac arrest! It is not creditable, it is not the time, it is a pocket which has nothing to do with the real deal! Why make all this sad drivel, plastic people, hollow, left of all that's called imagination. Pretending Holmes, that's what this movie is,, yawn!! I hate the editing, and the flashbacks! I like the actors, but none of them should have been cast in this total waste of time. There is craftsmanship involved, but not on the story or the script. Thin as ice in a summer afternoon! And who had the idea of putting some Marx Brothers humor in to it, not working. Not on me. And I could go on,, bad and sad soundtrack,, In fact I don't believe that this movie has ever seen a street in London, or Any kind of street, all hail cgi-land. This movie gets so much more than it deserves, 2 out of 10.
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The Good Doctors Orders, See This Movie!!
6 May 2010
I had high expectations for this one,, very high!! If I had a ladder and it would represent my expectations it would reach into the skies! I have always loved Terry, ever since I was 16 year old kid, going to the cinema to see 12 Monkeys! and then I got to know all the other work the good doctor Gilliam had made. and where to put this on the list of fave Gilliam work is nut that hard 3 or fourth after Brazil at the number one slot, then Time Bandits holds in at second! 12 Monkeys and Fisher King are pretty close! and then this marvelous adventure. An adventure unlike any other one have seen!! And people are screaming for original material, and one remake eats up the other. Michael Bay thinking wow it's been nearly 30 years ago since I was a spoiled little brat who could go to the cinema and see Elm Street Horror, now that must never happen again, so I will do a remake of that so we spoil all the fun for the kids. Here Comes Gilliam, sadly the man is not given enough work, but here he is with a movie that will lighten up your imagination. That will dare you to use your brain! If you have a hunger for that, I admit it demands Braincells, and a broad view on religion, and a broad view on life. Of Course Heath fans will watch this movie and think what they will! But us Gilliam fans will have some new stuff to discuss, some new worlds to conquer! What a Great Movie, Loved It Loved It Loved It!! 9/10 Hurra. David.
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Kick-Ass (2010)
No way José!!
4 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is one bad movie!! How can it be?! I don't like the main character, he is lame and not worth watching. I don't like his friends, they are so stupid and you won't believe how they even got the role! I don't like the so called mafia bad guy and his stupid and lame son. I don't like this movie at all. I had my doubts, should I go or shoulden't I. I regret to my bones that I did the go thing. One hour in to this movie I left the thearter, had I stayed 5 minuts more there would have been puke in the neck of the guy sitting in front of me!! And I diden't want that scenario! Because they were all enjoying themselves, have I gone mad! Actually Enjoying this drivel!! but hey, these are people who thought the Prince Of Persia trailer looked cool, where is this world going to end up, 20 years from now. This world is being divided up into us and them! the war is coming, and if not in our generation, I am 30, then the next. Some might think and say that I should loosen up, but no way José. First of all we gotta get this movie out of the 250 best movies of all time, seriously, It does not belong there!! The only redeeming thing about this movie is when you sack it, just leave it behind you. Then you feel free, and let the zombies eat that sh!t up. David!
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The Crazies (2010)
Your Romero Fix!!
2 May 2010
If you need your Romero Fix, then go see this movie. Me and a handful of movie buffs went to the cinema today to see this "Splatter Movie", and none of us, I think, went out completely sane. It was a hit, we all bought the premise, and we all knew that this was not going to be art like Von Trier or Scorcese, this is a genre that don't need to change. It is the delivery that counts. And a good cast delivers us a great fun ride with all of the before seen storyline, action, humor and gore. No surprises is it's only weakness! Few and easily forgiven faults. Don't go expecting to see the best movie ever, don't go for the effects, and don't go if you don't like horror.But if you can check on all of the above you should have a good time whether you watch it in the cinema or on video,, or DVD as it's called these days. David.
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The Descent (2005)
One, Two, Three, Four, Let's Have A Little Gore!!
3 February 2010
This movie is a classic example of how to make the real roller coaster ride. Neil Marshall has clearly done his homework. This movie is so inspired and so full of it's genre that it can nothing but hold and stand against the clichés it could very easily fall upon. But this one does not fall, not in my opinion. It slowly descents into darkness, you can almost hear Neil Marshall breathe, taking you with him into his story. And so it goes, we meet a group of young women, adventuresses, "love each day" kind of people. Each with their own story and reason to be where we find them in the beginning. Dare I say the name,, well here goes, the James Cameron pace sets the scene and mood. And the looks of the movie is outstanding, very professionally executed, and a cracker jack cast! Shauna is at times a bit forced to act, she is that pretty girl gone horror movie- I mean "look at me i've got blood in my hair and now i'm gonna swing it like in a commercial"-, but generally she too is watchable,, and sexy as hell! I enjoy showing this movie to people who knows nothing what so ever of it. I love to see their faces and go thru the horrors once again,, but is that not kinda the point!! So if you are one of those, I am with you, down there! 8 out of 10.
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Star Trek (2009)
2 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers ahead, what a sad drivel of a movie. Every fear I had for this movie has been for-filled and exceeds into pure destruction of this classic!

Chriss Pine, will you please, actionboy/prettyboy. Why on earth him and not Matt Damon! Matt himself approached J.J. to get the role! And still JJ politely schuns Damon by telling him his to old for the role!!

Spock! Noo, my Spock was never like that! I refuse to believe he was ever that stupid, he may have been young once, but I don't believe he ever was made captain of Enterprise! while in his teens!! And then making such poor decisions to maroon Private Kirk on an Ice Planet!! No and No and No!!

Women!? Zoe Saldana, I love strong Spacetravelling gunslinging women. Femmefatals of the universe! But Zoe can now think of a role much like this one,,

Gwen DeMarco:

"Fred, you had a part people loved. I mean, my TV Guide interview was six paragraphs about my BOOBS and how they fit into my suit. No one bothered to ask me what I do on the show."

Fred Kwan:

"You were... umm, wait..."

Gwen DeMarco:

"I repeated the computer, Fred."

the lines taken from Galaxy Quest! this is a worst case scenario. Bruckheimer and Bay wins! This is just as stupid! and why does it look like JJ was never able to get a job at Lucasfilm! why does this movie remind me so much of Star Wars and not Star Trek!! Gene Roddenberry must be tossing and turning in his grave!!

Rick Berman, Brannon Braga, Chris Black, Mike Sussman, Andre Bormanis and Manny Cotos versions of the Trek Universe is out the window. And the new guys are apparently Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, both known collaborators of Bay, making them an accomplish to the destruction of the Transformer Universe!! Sad!! in other words they are of a different school of movie-making! "And did we tell you the name of the game, boy? We call it Ride the Gravy Train." Money, and the more stupefied youth you can get to say "wow thats the wildest best movie ever!" then the money will be rolling in!! Nevermind the content as long as we've got Chris Pine and Zoe Saldana and a whole bunch of worthless action!!

This movie is a blunder bomb!! the script stinks, the acting stinks and JJ would have been better of stinking to the TV.
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Aliens (1986)
Let's Rock! Review Rewriten.
26 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
hm thought I would rewrite the review. zo here we go.

The credits appear, Aliens, the James Horner horns, the 2001 medley. Ray Lovejoy, Gale Ann Hurd, Dan'oBannon, JAMES CAMERON. We float into this film. Ellen the snow-white of the universe, our lucky star. How would you feel waking up with post traumatic stress, 57 years later. The memory of your social network, brutally killed by pure terror. How would you feel waking up not knowing anyone, not knowing your daughter, and not only that not knowing that she has long gone passed away. "Jean Luc Piccard", would have been good talking to about the family matters. But then Welcome To Ellen Ripleys life. Nicotine and coffee and bad dreams. BAD DREAMS, how could anyone but James Cameron do the dream sequence so scary! The slow motion is not out of sync, it fits the occasion, the hiss of Jonsy sparks the horror, and the music, heavy noisy horns and the slippery strings, the soundtrack is pure genius/terror, would leave every Bernard Herrmann sucker speechless "including yours truly", now the movie is rolling.

That's just the beginning, now comes the Cameron trade marks. Marines, large military cargo vessels, Robots. A whole lot of yelling. "AH A BUNCH OF BADASSES!", and "God damn it, that's not all!" "We're on an express elevator to hell; going down!" "Whoopee-fuckin'-do. Hey, I'm impressed." and so on. The script is by far the most aerodynamic to have come out of the last century. Line after line of perfect dialog, working class smack talk, working-class humor, this is some serious bad mouth ping pong. Quintin still has something to learn, (maybe Inglorious Bastards delivers, who knows).

Now lets recap a bit, we are in 1986! 1 9 8 6. Two years after the Return of the Jedi. CGI was an infant, a baby, only hours old, and James made this movie and its special effects timeless. To me movies today still looks up to Aliens, still pays respect to the pioneering work of pup-petering, editing, cinematography and a very important thing, namely Sound. Man the Spanish soaks of inspiration, take for instance Guillermo Del Toro! (Who is Mexican). The Dark Knight does not reach the magnificence of Aliens. Thou The Dark Knight tries really hard it is but a shadow in every aspect of Aliens. Reasons is clear, the delivery! Deliverance. Aliens Contra The Dark Knight, Aliens has a clear story, you never get lost, and Cameron looks you straight in the eye, the no bullshit technique. The Dark Knight on the other hand tries too hard, it is pretentious, and the result is a weak story, bad dialog, and the one carrying the movie is the Joker. Imagine Cameron only hitting the Alien Note. The Movie would fall apart! In Aliens the action is at the center of the story, in The Dark Knight the script falls upon it self and implodes due to an over long running time. Now Aliens too is a long movie, depending on which version you are watching. But that is of no importance, for if you buy the ticket you take the ride. And you feel the G-Force pulling and stretching your stomach, you feel the the thrill of going over the top, again "We're on an express elevator to hell; going down!" Conclusions, 10 out of 10, because it is the best action movie ever made. Dot Dot Dot.
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What a Joy.
25 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Hi again, so Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Woody Allen, I have always had a knack for Woody. And VCB is yet another branch of that tree. The movie is a joy from start to finish, and the reasons are as follows.

Scarlett Johansen, Javier Bardem, Penelope Cruz, Rebecca Hall and Woody! Well that kinda explains it, Scarlett for being so good and good looking. She is so believable in stepping the shoes of Cristina, A person who know not where she is going and mearly where she has been and definitely not where she is going to end up. But yet she is so sure of her self, she is adventures, curios and not afraid of what the world can do to people.

Javier Bardem, wow having just seen No Country For Old Men, has changed and has become this sexy male from Spain. A Lover Of Women! An Artist, and a man in control, except his women.

Penelope Cruz, I love her.

Rebecca Hall, well she is like Scarlett, but, Like two books even if they are the same you still would have two different books. The same words but a different package, if you can say that.

Then we have got the man himself, Woody Allen. The words I could find in my mind, can not be put on paper, not now. Some of them is, He has an eye for the good story. He is a master of not letting us know where the movie is going, he surprises us. Traveling in Woody Allens head. He is so adult, I would like to understand everything in this movie, and I think that I follow the point of the story. Make me smile! Recognize yourself in the different people you encounter in those 90 minutes of Woody in his ace! The supporting cast are all, let us swell a little, Great. The locations are just, Great. I would give it 9 but hey, I can not keep giving out such high grades, gotta figure out a way not to overpraise what I see. But what I have seen in this movie, I Recommend that you spend money on this film, I recommend that you see it, and then take it to you and then move on.
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Good, but not that good!, The Joker has the movie on his shoulders!
24 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Zo I thought I would ad another comment on this highly hyped movie. Cristopher Nolan returns as the dark knights director, and to start with he really did a good job,, but. And it's better than the first of Nolans versions of the Batman. And by far the best in nearly 20 years! But. There is a but, I think the movie as such is a tiny bit overrated, and if it had not been for the real joker to this film I would say it's quite an average Batman. bale is as usual great, but I fail to se him as the batman. Aaron Eckhart is too a bit overdone as the white knight of Gotham. And is it that hard to find a believable Rachel! Gery Oldman looks like a overgrown child in his bigbrothers homemade action flick. and there is not enough of Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine! And the story is a mess, and the action leaves a lot to be desired, not that I want a Bruckheimer thing, but. Zo why oh why am I giving this flick 8 out of 10. Yes you guessed it, HEATH LEDGER.

I in my deepest thought know that the betrayal of the loon The Joker has taken our Heath from us. He alone has this film on his shoulders, And what a performance! The hanging out of taxi part, is to me like an icon of insanity. And Heath enters the Psycho Hall Of Fame! With line after line of pure well written loonasy! I bet in 20 years, what will be remembered of this movie, the fantastic Batman or the Fantastic Joker, my money is on the latter one.
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Mutilbel Gunshot Victim Found Stranded In The 90's
23 January 2009
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Jean Pierre Jeunet! A self taught filmmaker! Debut Delicatessen, best debut ever. Then what, Jeunet had to make something new. He and his buddy Caro. Could they do it, was it possible to not disappoint. Yes it was. The City Of Lost Children is and will be top 3 of 90's. In my book that is. The Time of release. Most of us remember, -man it was the 90's. New and exciting, surprises at every corner. And I as a 16 year old, as young as the 90's, if you catch my drift, in my dawning as a movie lover. Spend most of my weekly petty cash and bought a ticket. Mostly because the paper I used to read said that this was a masterpiece! 6 out of 6 stars. Who in their right mind could resist such recommendations. That was the first time, the following weeks I did the same, one could say I spent all my cash on this film. Every week for as long as the movie featured the Copenhagen cinemas, I was there! could not get enough. Why is that? Answer, because it is a good movie, not for everyone, that is for sure, reading what some people have to say, mostly Americans, sorry, is in my mind just open wide stupidity! Because if you take your own time and use your mind, the story is not that confusing. Quite simple really. A mad scientist, his victims, the hero and his girl. The fight between good and evil. What more can one ask for. OK some might point out the fact that One and Miette are lovers! True explosives, but far from ethic and morally decadent. They are not having a sexual relationship, and love knows no boundaries. If decandece and sexual pervertedness is what you seek then watch a Larry Clark Movie or a Harmony Korine Movie. This movie and its makers knows the limit, in my book they know when to quit. Tideland also touches these issues, by Gilliam that is. No no no this is much more refined, and the story goes places and you gladly follow. Here and there you notice small mistakes, not big ones, depending on your view on small mistakes, but these are easily forgiven. For the point of the story never misses, once the bullet has been fired at you. This movie hit me with a machine gun. And now 13 years later I once again own this movie. And yet again WHAT A MOVIE! So much I had to write this. Love never rusts, and seeing this movie for the first time lit up a fire in me. The fire was that I believed in life, with people like Jeunet and Caro this world was on track. All war, hate and violence put aside, the world was a good place where stories like this were told and listened to and cared for. For again it is entertainment, created to light up your mind with fantasy. And to me it is good people doing such things, genuine good people. Here I speak of, off course, Jeunet ét Caro, but also Pearlman doing a good job at portraying a dumb man. A man with a mind of a 9 year old. The other cast Daniel Emilfork! Great actor for a great character! Highly memorable performances by Dominique Pinon. And let's not forget the children, all brilliant! Jean-Paul Gaultier is the wardrobe guy, and the real nice score by Angelo Badalamenti WHO could reject this. In my book you need very strong argumentation to make me even consider changing my mind. Periode. 9 out of 10.
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Great fun, if you have "An Acquired Taste".
16 December 2008
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Gilliam, Raimi, Jackson and Del Toro. Those four are brothers and partners in crime. The crime being making better movies than anyone else. One of those things these four has in common is a belief that the story is at the center of the action movie. This movie is packed with a very tight story, of course not perfect, but Guilormo does not think lightly of his audience, for he himself is a part of that same audience. He believes that we, the audience, have a brain that can be used and manipulated into having fun. The structure of the story reminds me of a factory of ideas, and like Jackson found a friend in Fran Walsh, equally Del Toro must have spent hours thinking of how to do this right. How not to disappoint. All of us with an acquired taste deserves better than the average Bruckheimer flick. Ideas that dares us to use our imagination, and look past flaws and look at the greater picture. And this story holds every element of adventure, drama, comedy and action and of course we have seen it all before, we have seen villains wanting power to bring back their ways, we have seen humorous anti-heroes fighting for the very existence of mankind, and so on and so forth. And yet this movie is another in the line of movies that does not take themselves too seriously and succeeds in us just having fun. And this movie is yet another chapter in the never ending story of good and evil, and I will never grow tired of watching evil getting smacked up by good. It's like when you meet a person you really like, you want to befriend them. You want to be there when things happen, you want that person to be real, not just some of that usual golf car raging havoc on the streets of new Orleans entertainment. Catch my drift, probably not. In other words, I had fun watching this, I was intrigued by the freshness of it all, and,, look hell-boy says it himself,,

Hellboy: -reading a CD's track listing- "Can't Smile Without You"? Abe Sapien: I know... Hellboy: Yep, I'm gonna need a beer, too!

just relax, and don't panic. It's just entertainment. D.
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Brazil (1985)
The Meaning of Life in Brazil.
26 November 2008
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The world in which we live in is a cruel and cynical place. That is an undisputed truth, Terry Gilliam knows that. Much of his work reflects that, at the bottom line everything is like a soup of vomit. Primeevil human behavior is like dislikeing everything, degrading everyone but one self. Take these elements and put them to the extreme and you get something like this movie. To have a good heart and a kind spirit is a rare engine to drive a man. But such things happen in this cruel and cynical world of ours. It is us or them. Jonathan Pryce plays this good man in this cruel world. A man who allows himself to dream of something else, a dream of being set free. Simple right? A natural need, but the question is the means to reach the goals of ones dreams. And a question of what makes a man content and happy of his moral standings in those matters. Sam Lowry never reaches his goal, not without significant sacrifices, his mind and his life. Good people are like islands some continue to prevail others sink, Archibald 'Harry' Tuttle prevails and finds happiness i helping others that is why he sinks, right. That is Terrys meaning of life in this movie, in my opinion that is. All Brazil the world needs is love, and love is the poison in which dreams are cast like this one. David.
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31 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, don't watch this film if you are weak at heart. this is one bad trip. And it only gets worse until an unsatisfying ending. What is the point of this story? DON'T DO DRUGS. Jared Leto plays a junkie, Jennifer Connoly plays a junkie. Ellen Burstyn plays a woman who becomes a junkie. Junkie Junkie Junkie. Fast Paced clips does not help either. It is like those girls who comes out of the TV in all those very modern scary movies. Well it's well made and well casted. And if you are a sucker for drug movies, this is the one. Well one of them, not the best not the worst, but it's there. 6 out of 10, sensation is by far the word I would use. Pain is the answer to this movie. Pain to be alive, how much more emo could you get.
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hmm what do I have to say,,
19 May 2008
I am no air controller. Have'ent got any idea of that business. But the set looks like scraps from old 60's movies. The music sounds like a keyboard, and is genuine not that good. The cast does not shine, it looks like amateur night at the theater. Including Kiefer. The plot circles around little green dots on a round screen, and a whole lot of talk.

Why should I care, there is no deeper investigation in human nature, just blah blah blah. Jack is a haunted man, but why, non of it was his fault, man take a bow and yawn. 2 out of 10. The 2 star goes to the mechanic!! Yes I am a Trekie.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Deja Q (1990)
Season 3, Episode 13
Have A Cigar! And Enjoy.
9 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Fun In Space, great fun. Q and humanity. Q is punished to become the thing he both dislikes and adores. It is an episode on the light comedy stuff. The main story is of no excellence, a Japan like space people are under the threat of being crushed by a lunar asteroid. But then our friend Q makes an entry, and the story takes a twist. Is he as he use to be or is what he says he is. Human. The rest is investigation into what he wants, likes and enlightenment comes to the one who seeks with a pure heart. Q then gets pursued by a space being that he has molested, and he seeks the security of Enterprise and Picard.

Also note the friendship between Q And Data, Data makes a lot of friends in this season. And yet again I am touched by the ending, tears are running,, but with laughter this time. 'lol).

The teleplay is genuine fun, and John de Lancie is great. But how can Riker always be that wrong. 8 out of 10 Yes, entertaining to the last. D.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Tin Man (1990)
Season 3, Episode 20
Heart Of Tin
9 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Tightly packed storyline. Little more time to explain it self, that is the only "But" I have on this episode. There are so many things to comment on, I don't know where to begin.

Yes the thing with this episode, and this season is there are so much action. Planets in danger, war with the Romulans. The Enterprise always in the sight of destruction. And this episode is no different. Enterprise picks up a passenger from the Hood. Tam Elbrun. A Telepath whom has been born with a Betazoid Defect. That makes him different. Speculation--> (In many ways, one could say his character is a symbol for the insane, troubled, sick, lonely, and addicted personalities back here on our planet. Drugs is the big unsaid word in this episode. Sexuality is another big word not said.) I Like when Picard greets Tam welcome. Tam reads his mind and tells Picard what he was thinking, what Picards next command would be. Then Picard does the usual command but a little altered so that Tam does not get to his rights, not just yet. That is Picard in a nutshell.

Cronenberg would feel right at home with this storyline. It is a bit grotesque. Well worth those 43 min. And what a touching ending. Another tear, clear as a pearl. 8 out of 10. D.
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Transformers (2007)
Action yawn.
3 September 2007
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Hi there, just saw this one. And I feel all right. Not that I have just seen Aliens or any other of the best movies of all time. And this is not a masterpiece! This is not the best movie of all time, maybe it is Michael Bay's best movie of all time. Now we are talking. Bay's credibility has climbed a lot over the last two movies, and there is one reason!!. Bay is not with Bruckheimer Anymore. We Thank God. We Thank DreamWorks!!. (I Don't Know what happened between the two (Bruckheimer and Bay that is)But it has made some of us very happy).

Back to the movie, Every boys dream. This movie has that, and it is great fun to travel back to boyhood. Yes, and it is fun to watch all that action too, but what about the story. Is that not a little of the assembly line, a clone of something that we have seen before. Of course it is. Remember what movie this is. It is Transformers. I have never played with those toys, maybe once but I think I broke it. Seen a cartoon once, but I have no memory of that. Anyway it is a medium experience, no more than that, so my verdict is 6.0 stars. D.
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Star Trek: The Next Generation: Lessons (1993)
Season 6, Episode 19
Zen in Space.
28 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I Like this episode. Thou it is on the romantic stuff. But I love everything with Piccard. And the fact that this a semi sequel makes it even better. (to The Inner Light). I see it as an ongoing story, it is a sort a story a captain should have plenty of. That is what makes him who he is. And that is challenged in this episode. Identity is the question in the face of love. Again make note of the use of music. It is refined, maybe strong words for what it is, but is it not just that. Also all the small stuff, the familiar stuff. The tea, the night watch, the different parts of the ship. 10 Forwards. The fact that they have a grand piano. Datas observations. Then the crises, things are in motion, and a resolution. Rhythm is key. And much Zen to produce this. Not always success, but from time to time something like this(I don't know this, pure speculation). Modern CGI would do a difference here and there, but where would we be then? 8 out of 10 yes. Again I cry, not for the loss of his love, but for the memory that is inside Piccard. The pain of the "unknown" loss, the spring of the music they played and he to her, gone. If that was to come pass the strength found in playing the flute becomes poison to him. Never again, But then the story unfolds and the loss is not that big. But The Captain found the way, and the way was to part. D.
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It Never Stops!!
28 August 2007
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Outstanding episode. Starts up average, but ends up in the higher end of what our brains can cope with. Piccard Is and will be my first and foremost hero. The things this man sees and feels. There are only few people I can credit for my given and taken wits. My mother a "unnamed musician" and mr. Piccard. This episode takes me to the place of comfort and something unsettling peaceful. Death. Look into the pit of this episode and see that. See also the life that once was, of them, what Piccard became the life he took and lived. A simple plot, but you know how it can be 'bout simple things, often the best. I too cry, this is an emotion piece, universal in every way. Well crafted, what this series can carry. And the time stands still, exactly in 43 min!!(I Know I said it was an average start, But that means nothing, not with Star trek!!) Well it's been a while since I've seen it, owned it once, but now that is lost in it's own time,(Will have it again). But I remember it. How it all unfolds. The acting of all these people acting out the story, the revelations, the importance of those revelations for every part in the story. But Piccard "(and us)" are the only witness. It is a profound experience for the man, the memory lingers on, but he is armed with his flute to take away the memories burning stain, And the desire to be a family man whither away as age sets the sun for Piccard, the man was young, now he is getting old. It's only speculation, I know. 10 out of 10, yes it is the best of Star Trek, But it is more than that this is something with a heart as big as an elephant. From writers to producers to the people who enact. The Best Is The Music!! D.
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