
87 Reviews
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The 40 Year Old Virgin
6 June 2024
Creative, funny and lighthearted.

This movie shows that dirty movies can still be funny, a lot of the time these sort of movies are overly sexual and perverted but this one has a balance. It has creative and funny jokes but also a bit of Andy's personal life. His childish behavior, hobbies, persona and the fact that he's a virgin. The movie shows that relationships don't necessarily need sex, if you want a strong relationship you need to get to know the person and develop a connection between one another. The acting in this movie is also spot on especially from Steve Carrel, it's realistic and really elevates the movie. Overall a great comedy.
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Crazy, Stupid, Love.
30 May 2024
A uniquely fresh and new comedy.

Throughout this movie the bond between actors glues this movie together and makes it feel and look so genuine. Another key aspect of the movie is the contrast between the characters, how two completely different personalities became best friends. The plot is also great with many humorous and emotional scenes, but on the other hand plot twists that nobody could've ever guessed. The movie shows how once you love someone so dearly, no matter how hard you try to move on you'll always remember and love the fond memories and moments you shared together. Overall a refreshing movie.
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Dan in Real Life (I) (2007)
Dan in Real Life
29 May 2024
A movie about moving on.

The rough out the movie Dan is held to his past, he remembers his wife and the fond memories they had but in the end you've got to move on. This movie captures that perfectly. It captures the struggles and difficulties but the sweet and beautiful ending that makes it all worthwhile. It also shows the bond between family, how no matter what you stick together, the movie shows how important family is, and how forgiveness is essential to continue onwards in life. Steve Carell is the highlight of this movie, his acting is so real and genuine, without him this movie wouldn't be the same. Overall a great film.
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The way way back
27 May 2024
A genuine film with real problems.

This films shows all aspects of people's everyday life, the highs the lows, the joyful moments and the hurtful, unfair moments that both shape you to become your own person. The movie shows having people around you that you trust, that treat you equally and make you feel light and happy. The movie does a really good job in showing how manipulative, abusive and controlling people can be. On the other hand it shows that people can just absorb the negativity drowning themselves in it creating an imbalance in their soul. Overall a great movie, plot, acting and symbolism.
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The Perfection
21 May 2024
Had some really unique moments and ideas.

The movie was a pleasure to watch, it had a well thought plot with various twists all in the span of one and a half hours. The acting was decent however sometimes just felt like a bit too much, overly dramatic and unrealistic. The main unique aspect of the movie was the rewinds, one you view without context and the second gains depth and detail creating an interesting experience and helps fully bloom the movie. However at times the movie starts to lack depth and stability creating bits of boredom which really dragged this movie down. Overall a decent film, worth watching.
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Lost In Translation
20 May 2024
A pure film.

Throughout the film there is a sense of realism, every aspect is just on point, the cultural and language barriers and the different cultures. The actors don't seem like they're in our world, they seem immersed and connected with that world, that reality. The two main characters have this connection and seem really pure on camera which really makes this movie stand out. Another element is the vivid and fluid scenery which creates a dynamic atmosphere which carries this movie to what it's known for today. In my eyes the movie is about losing connections with others when you lose the sense of being there, communication doesn't work well through a phone and fax machine. It's also about how completely two different people can still create a unique bond and find something interesting and common within each other. Overall a great idea, film and story.
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Shallow Grave (1994)
Shallow Grave
18 May 2024
A movie filled with suspense.

The movie was made of highs and lows. Throughout the movie a certain music theme plays which creates this engaging suspense which I found to be a major part of the movie. The acting is pretty realistic and creates a lively feel to the movie, another aspect that adds onto the realism was the dialogue. However there were moments which were just a bit naive, a lot of the problems in the plot could easily be solved in the real world. The ending at first seems over dramatic but afterwards the story ties together and unravels a greatly needed plot twist. Overall a good classic film.
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La vita davanti a sé
16 May 2024
A pure film.

This is a fine film with many emotional moments and connections between characters that make it stand out. However it's a shame that there wasn't more time dedicated on how Momo and Rosa developed their bond , instead the main highlight was Momo's dealer job. I also feel like they could've made the scenes more touching and long. I really like how the movie highlighted the boys emotions, what he feels and thinks. Another aspect of the film is how Momo moved away from Althea street life and started making strong bonds with people who he could trust. The lion throughout the film was also a nice touch, showing how Momo coped and comforted his reality. Overall a solid film.
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Bones and All (2022)
Bones And All
15 May 2024
Good start rushed ending.

The movie had all the key elements but didn't use them correctly. The concept was unique and shown in a realistic way, however I find it strange that they never go caught for their deeds. The acting was on point, you good feel the tension and connection between characters as if they're actually immersed in the story. However some scenes were just irrelevant to the story and it's a shame that the ending didn't really show their possibility to thrive in a normal lifestyle. Overall a solid film with highs and lows, however still manages to engage the audience. Worth watching.
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The Pod Generation
13 May 2024
Started off strong but slowly got worse.

This movies concept and presentation really does have potential however a lot of it is left behind. The movie does a good job in questioning if we need natures way or do artificial things do the job. It conveys how eventually no matter how advanced technology is in the end humans need nature. We thrive in nature and it helps calm our minds forgetting about our worries and concerns. The movie shows a utopian world where human work is futilely by the work of robots, humans do the important and robots do the rest. Overall a film that could've easily been higher quality.
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Dream Scenario
12 May 2024
A creative and twisted idea.

It's not often to see unique films nowadays. They're often more for the mainstream public, but when you do watch such an innovative film it's a breath of fresh air. You can't predict what's next, the plot remains a mystery and only the ending ties everything together. The film keeps you intrigued with its unclear storyline and its strange scenarios. The acting is realistic and shows the awkward, lack of confident and boring professor. It conveys how many want to rapidly gain fame and influence in society but also the daunting and difficult nature of fame and the consequences that come along with it. Overall a great concept.
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Juno (2007)
7 May 2024
A genuine film.

The script and acting of this movie is probably one of the more accurate representations I've seen in a while for high school styled movies. It shows the friendships made in high school, the relationships and the judgement. Juno is sort of the person who doesn't mind being judged, she's strong, she stands tall and doesn't care what people think of her. The movie shows how we sometimes lack acceptance and respect towards others even when it's caused by a natural thing like pregnancy. I also really like how real the conversation and bonds between the character are in this movie. Overall a movie that deserves to be watched.
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Date Night (2010)
Date Night
6 May 2024
Makes you laugh.

This is a light and enjoyable film, not much to the plot or story but sometimes you don't need a deep symbolic film, sometimes it's good to just watch an easy film. The humor of this movie is on point, throughout the whole film there are various genuinely funny moments which really make anyone laugh. The acting is realistic and shows the average American family, the kids, the responsibility and how sometimes we forget to take a break, slow it down and just live the moment. The film also manages to produce diversity making unique and engaging problems and solutions in the movie. Overall a quality comedy film.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
The Fall Guy
4 May 2024
One of the best movies I've seen in a cinema in years. The first half an hour of the movie is pretty sluggish and dull, nothing special nothing new. However afterwards it gains momentum and builds this random but engaging storyline which really ties the movie together and makes it feel thoughtful and atmospheric. It's also cool to see a movie shot in Sydney since not many films are filmed there. Although the movie doesn't have a deep creative plot it produced superb action shots and balanced between dialogue story building scenes and action. I also like that they filmed production in the film similar to "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood". Overall worth watching.
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Ready or Not (I) (2019)
Ready or not
30 April 2024
Generic and rushed.

The whole movie in my eyes makes me feel like it was rushed at one point or another. The idea wasn't new or unique and everything seemed a bit off. The acting was average with no one scene standing out from the crowd. However there were a few twists that did save the film, the personality twists and protagonist antagonist twist. This is just a movie made to suite majority, made not to stand out but rather to gain audience and revenue which in my eyes just isn't worth watching. Overall a bland, vulgar and dull film with no factor to attract attention or audience, better off watching other films with similar plots.
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Hide and Seek (2005)
Hide and Seek
29 April 2024
Too similar to other movies like the shining.

The movie had some great unused potential and could've really been a classic film. The acting wasn't too bad but the way the film was bloomed really let it down, it was too extended and similar to other movies of the same genre. Although the movie did have some really unique and memorable twists and scenes most other factors were average. I really enjoyed the scene when everything is unraveled, revealed, truthful, it was really fluid and genuine free from unnecessary drama. The movie shows how jealousy and envy can take over one's mind, controlling them and leading them into a downwards spiral chipping at their soul and character.
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Little Miss Sunshine
26 April 2024
A balanced film.

This film has elements of humour, drama and melancholy which creates this unusual atmosphere which is unique for this movie and this movie only. The movie manages to show the problems families get into sometimes, how hard it can be to manage a family and truly feel one with it. The movie shows family connections and relationships really well, it shows how not everyone is perfect and can't be perfect which in the reality for all of us. The movie has some hilarious scenes which are some of the funniest moments in film that I've ever seen. Overall a charming film great to watch with company.
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Poor Things (2023)
Poor things
25 April 2024
A strange film.

I don't mean strange in a negative way, it's just you don't see these types of movies in cinemas often. This is one of the few art house films that made it mainstream and I can see why. The idea is creative and unique and shown beautifully on camera, with unique camera shots and engaging music. The acting in this film is just superb, I've never seen anyone play such a role with such realism and emotion. Another great aspect of the film is the costume and setting design, they look like they are right from a fantasy tale. This film shows how much society impacts your soul and what a pure person would look like, curios, adventurous, courageous and ambitious. Although it's shown in a strange way this movies still one of the best in recent years.
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Coraline (2009)
23 April 2024
One of the most unique movies.

I've liked this movie ever since I was little, it was intimidating to watch at times but that's what made it special, what gave it its engulfing feel and engaging story. This movie really goes to show that adding the element of horror to a kids film can really elevate the experience and make it more interesting for older people. The design, music and animation is superb and something movies lack nowadays, now movies are perfect but this movie has imperfections which is what makes it so natural. It shows how you can't just judge of appearance, people can be deceitful and manipulative just to get their own way. Overall one of my favourite films.
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Poltergeist III
19 April 2024
Although I hadn't watched the previous films it was obvious that they were milking the story, coming up with pointless scenarios and plots which just made the movie boring to watch. Although the start wasn't too bad towards the end it just spiraled down into a vague and vulgar film not worth watching. It's sad to see such potential being wasted and such an idea being used and recycled until the only thing left is that sense of unthoughtful and pointless content. The costumes were pretty accurate to the time and some of the scenes for example the introduction were captivating, engaging and intriguing. Overall an average film.
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Fight Club (1999)
Fight Club
17 April 2024
One of the greatest plot twists in cinematography.

This film is superb from start to finish, the acting, the storyline, filming and action is just overwhelmingly great. The film develops slow and steady and evolves into this intimidating and engulfing story. Everything is murky, confusing and unclear but in the end the knot ties together and forms one of the greatest moments in film. The movie shows how one's brain can change themself into something more, into something that you could only dream of. A life filled with danger, crime, adrenaline and a boundless opportunity. It shows how one's brain will literally do anything for its own good, even splitting itself apart or making another part of one's ego. Tyler represents the narrator's rebellious side, the ego that wants more, has had enough of this capitalistic approach to life, the "single use" experiences and emotions. The narrator is the more docile and calm ego that still knows and sees the boundaries, his hesitant side. The movie conveys how modern lifestyles desensitised and make us numb towards a the simple things in life like the adrenaline in winning a fight in this case, it shows how our human instincts are being forgotten and in exchange our mental state worsens continuously . Overall a film that everyone should watch.
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Beautiful Boy (I) (2018)
Beautiful Boy
16 April 2024
A powerful film.

This film captures the miserable reality of drug addictions, the relapses, the difficulties and the transition into inhumanity. However something unique about this film is how it conveys multiple perspectives, the first person perspective but also the view of the people around them. How they feel and guilt trap themselves trying anything and everything to help their loved ones out of the misery and controlling behaviour of drug addictions. The acting throughout the movie is realistic and feels like a real situation, it's not too over exaggerated, it's feels genuine. Overall a film worth watching.
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Society of the snow
15 April 2024
A vivid film.

This film is full of motion, atmosphere and dynamics. Each scene has a purpose and meaning which triggers some sort of emotion, from start to finish the movie is engaging and thoughtful. The cinematography aspect of this film is genius, they capture quick sharp and powerful moments which really elevate and enhance this movie to a new level. This film is based off of a true story, a grim, tragic, unlucky and isolated experience which needed death, sacrifice and immorality to overcome. This movie really shows you how lucky you are, you don't need to starve for days, eat human flesh or travel weeks to live onwards, sometimes we forget how easy it is. Overall one of my favourite movies and definitely my favourite based on a true story film.
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Parasyte: The Grey (2024– )
9 April 2024
Filled with action and cliffhangers.

It's not often I watch these sort of gore fest action show. This show was engaging from start to finish, it's common for shows to have lows and highs but this is a stable high show that exceeded my expectations. The designs of the characters and their surroundings is unique and plays a role throughout the show. Everything in the show is intertwined and in the end the plot is naturally engaging without any over the top elements. However there's nothing to really analyse, there's no deeper meaning and overall it's more of a time crunch than a movie you learn something from.
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Carnage (2011)
25 March 2024
A rough start but gets better as you watch.

I watched this movie in Russian which would probably ruin the experience quite a bit since the movie relies on dialogue. The first half is a bit weak and boring but I think that shows how socialising works. At the start you need ordinary small talk to get to the depth of who you're communicating with. On the other hand the second half is an intriguing and very raw bit of acting which feels realistic and genuine. I think the movie purposefully does this to shows that once you get to know someone your conversations become more enjoyable and engaging. Overall a solid movie however I'll recommend to watch in English.
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