
3 Reviews
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Kick (2007)
I love this show!
13 July 2007
Colourful characters,interesting story lines and the BEAUTIFUL Zoe Ventoura. What a great way to spend an evening. Sometimes to many interconnecting story lines, but it is worth it to see the different people and how they interact. The different cultures are good to see in an Australian production instead of the waspish story lines often presented in this country. Zoe plays her character well. I am sure it hard to be written a role which involves being bossy loud and cute at the same time, but she pulls off this without the viewer turning off. There have been many great episodes. A particular favorite was the Karaoke show in the park; which could have been cringe-worthy, but was pulled off in style. My only wish is that the episodes were longer than half an hour, it is too short for me, just as I get right into it, it is over. Track down the series and watch it from the start.
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Serenity (2005)
Great Ride
30 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Serenity last night. I am a bit of a newbie to the Firefly universe having only seen three episodes thus far, introduced to the series through a promotional episode given away with Empire magazine here in Australia. I have realised what a shame Fireflry was canceled but the movie is great. It is usual practice now for movies to be hidden away until opening day and released to the public with huge marketing to get them in the doors before they read he reviews and realise that the film they have seen is no good. The makers of Serenity realised they had a good product and put it out to the people with early screenings and reviews as they knew it would be a word of moth film and build as it goes along. It was a brave move in these quick release, short run times. Judging by the full cinema on the second night here in Melbourne Australia the film will do well. Hopefully leading to future installments. The characters, dialog and interaction in this movie are fantastic. I found the plot and locations very interesting and it was good to go to a film where not all the major characters get out unharmed. I am sick of recent blockbusters where the main characters are invincible and you just watch them go from action sequence to action sequence without any conn-sequence. The action in the movie kept pulses racing, there were a lot of laughs. The tension on the screen certainly spilled over to the audience. There was a bit at the end when one character took on many reavers which seemed a little too far fetched for me, but all in all What a Ride!!!
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26 May 2002
I will start by saying where I stand on Star Wars Films. I still recall seeing Star Wars as a child with my parents and it blew me away. I have never collected the figures or read any of the books I love to watch the movies. There are many films I enjoy from the Shrek to Lord of the Rings have all been favorites of mine. My personal favorite Star Wars goes like this Empire, A New Hope, Jedi-didn't like the muppets much, and then Phantom Menace. Films in my home collection run from Gladiator to James Bond and the Mummy. I must say the Phantom Menace was watchable but not a great movie to me. Jar Jar drove me crazy with his slapstick, and my nephews and nieces that I thought would get a buzz from seeing Star Wars thought it just Ok. My wife fell asleep, though she enjoys watching the originals. I recently saw episode two. I loved it, so did my nieces, nephews and wife. The story kept moving along at a good pace. The settings were amazing. If romance was not your cup of tea it would soon move back to Obi's detective story and the last 45mins were a blast. The politics,my nieces and nephews did not seem to understand, but for me were the most interesting part of the story, how everyone was being manipulated. In the Phantom Menace there were some good surroundings but the characters didn't seem to interact with them in this film you could see the depth to the city and felt as part of the locations. I felt actually cold out there in the rain with Obi in part of the movie. The dialogue in the romance scenes was a little corny but I'm used to that from the Star Wars universe, I've also sprouted some pretty corny lines myself when young and in love. The sound and effects especially the sonic mines blew my mind.

What I'd love to see is a Lucas produced re-edit of the Phantom Menace with slightly less Jar Jar. I can hardly now wait for the next film and getting the box set of all the DVD's when they come out. This is now on top of my favorite Star Wars movies, equal to Empire and a New Hope I give it 10 out of ten and thank everyone involved for bringing fun and wonder back into the Star Wars universe.
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