
3 Reviews
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Jaws (1975)
An All Time Classic
26 July 2016
As much as Jaws is recognized as a "classic," I still believe it is somewhat under-appreciated. Yes, it was of course a blockbuster and probably changed movies forever. But it is also so much more than simply an action movie or a horror movie. Jaws is an outstanding drama with well realized characters and great dialog, largely delivered by one of the all time best trio of performances ever together on film. Richard Dreyfuss gives us a comical and interesting scientist; Roy Schieder, a relatable protagonist, and Robert Shaw should have been nominated for an Oscar for his brilliant work. (Schieder too for that matter, he often gets overlooked due to Shaw's show stopping characterization. This is not a movie about a shark attacking people. It is a movie about three diverse personalities dealing with the shark. An all time classic.
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The Triangle (2016)
Mysterious, creepy "documentary" - intriguing and fun
17 July 2016
I'll admit "The Triangle" may not be for everyone. But if you like something a little different - and if you keep an open mind - it can be a darn good time. The film is a faux-documentary and as such, it might move a little slowly for some people's tastes. On the other hand, you just might find it a bit fascinating.

The "documentary" takes place way out in the desert, as the filmmakers visit the remote compound of an odd cult. That might be interesting enough on its own, what with the quirky personalities and unusual lifestyle of the cult members. Except the film crew starts to sense there may be even weirder stuff happening beyond the compound borders... no spoilers.

Sure, the film is not an action packed bonanza; it definitely has the feel of a real documentary. But here's the thing: it's all done so well - it all feels so authentic - that I for one found myself easily drawn into the proceedings. When strange happenings gradually begin to creep into the story, it's easy to find yourself already pretty well invested.

The filmmakers - the real ones - know what they're doing. (These guys wrote and produced the excellent "Paper Dolls," later renamed "The Sighting," which was their skillful cross between a psychological thriller and a monster movie.) With "The Triangle," they've gathered an impressive number of actors, including themselves, each giving equally impressive performances as cult members and film crew. The acting is so naturalistic and the documentary-style production so convincing, that I suspect there was a rather loose screenplay, which in turn allowed for skillful improvisation on all fronts.

The final result is a pretty engaging experience, one that is already intriguing and mysterious before turning downright creepy. To name some of the film's apparent inspirations is in no way an insult. The filmmakers do their own thing with their own material and they do it well. Allusions to other work are subtle or perhaps even coincidental. But for those who like reviews via comparison: start by blending Burning Man with Jonestown, mix in a little Blair Witch and even add a dash of a certain Spielberg classic. Familiar ingredients yes, but an original recipe, all served up in skillful fashion. And I for one found that it really sticks to the ribs.
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Lonesome Dove (1989)
This is one of the greatest films of all time.
18 August 2002
If you enjoy being touched and entertained by a movie, and yet you refuse to see this one because you "don't like westerns", then you are doing yourself the biggest disservice I can imagine. I GUARANTEE this film is not what you expect! I GUARANTEE you will be moved and affected by this powerful film. Hey, *I* have historically not enjoyed westerns, but this is quite possibly my all time favorite movie.

I almost want to say this is not a "western" - just an superb realistic adventure which happens to take place in the "west." It is an incredible story about real people living through a very true and difficult era of our country. (The late 1800's American West.)

The characters are REAL and HUMAN, often flawed and heroic at once. There is not a single moment in the film that feels forced or overly dramatized. The characters never do anything against their nature for dramatic effect.

"Lonesome Dove" is about people; about life; about love, faith, and perseverance in hard times. It succeeds in demonstrating these things through human drama, realistic adventure, and touching humor.

Just read the rest of the reviews about Lonesome Dove!

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